For Milady

harrypanther द्वारा

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AU Set during RTTE Season 5. Hiccup and Astrid are now boyfriend/girlfriend but not betrothed yet...and sudde... अधिक

ONE: No Regrets
TWO: Staying on the Edge
THREE: Surprises
FOUR: Betrothed
FIVE: Cast Off
SIX: Arrival
SEVEN: Mixed Reactions
EIGHT: The Invisible Rival
NINE: Friends and Allies
TEN: Changing of the Guard
ELEVEN: New Perspective
TWELVE: Losing no matter what
THIRTEEN: Think Three Times
FOURTEEN: Through the fires
FIFTEEN: Someone to rely on
SEVENTEEN: Consequences
EIGHTEEN: Reactions
NINETEEN: Old Friends
TWENTY: New Purpose
TWENTY TWO: The Greater Good
TWENTY FIVE: The Chief's Guest
TWENTY SIX: Betrayal
TWENTY EIGHT: The Wedding of Astrid Hofferson
THIRTY ONE: Reunions
THIRTY-TWO: Heading Home
THIRTY THREE: Repercussions
THIRTY FOUR: Riders of the Edge
THIRTY FIVE: Homecoming
THIRTY SIX: Enemy, my enemy
THIRTY-SEVEN: Accomplice
THIRTY-EIGHT: Ending and Beginning
FORTY: The Empty Chair
FORTY-ONE: The Return of the Heir
FORTY THREE: New Understandings
FORTY FOUR: Return to Vanaheim
FORTY-SIX: Wrecked
FORTY SEVEN: The Fifth Lens
FORTY-NINE: King and Princess
FIFTY: The Last Hurdle

TWENTY THREE: On Dragon Wings

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harrypanther द्वारा

TWENTY THREE: On dragon wings

Arriving back at Stippling, Astrid had needed to use all of her limited culinary skills to follow the recipe for the Eel Pox cure. All her instincts screamed at her to throw the ingredients in, boil it and dollop it out as quickly as possible...but the recipe was very precise. So making sure Stormfly was resting and that she had taken some water and a bite of yak jerky, she set to work in the village Plaza, keeping out of the tainted house where the old woman had died. The village was quiet and though she had checked on the Chief, he was delirious and had barely registered her words: she knew she was running out of time.

So quietly, she had tripled the measures and slowly brought the mixture to the boil, watching it simmer. Patience, she reminded herself. The mixture will cook at its own pace and trying to force it will ruin it. And I didn't go to all that effort to get all the ingredients to mess it up at the end. And all these people will surely die if I don't try...

When the mixture had simmered and reached the desired consistency-without congealing into a burnt mess-she doled it out into smaller flasks and then firmly fixed a mask over her nose and mouth. Pulling her hood up and making sure she was ready, she headed for the Chief's house.

It was dark and noisesome, the man and his wife huddled in a bed, both delirious while their children lay quiet and almost motionless in their cots. Astrid stared at them in shock, then swiftly set the fire and watched the flames rise, before she drew water and laid compresses on their scorching foreheads. Finally, she dribbled fluid over their cracked and parched lips and slowly and determinedly fed them then cure, washing it down with water she painstakingly dribbled down their throats. Making sure there were flasks of cold, fresh water laid by their beds, she gently pulled the door to and headed to the next house.

As dusk fell, she had been round most of the village but she persisted, even after dark, using a lantern and Stormfly as sources of light. But it was as the stars burned brilliant overhead and her breath came in clouds that she felt the world tilt and her vision swim. She staggered, her limbs numb with weariness as she felt a warble and the warmth of the dragon propping her up.

"S'okay, girl," she mumbled, blinking. "Almost done. Two more houses and then I can rest..."

Stormfly nudged her worriedly but she shook her head, the famous Astrid Hofferson stubbornness driving her to straighten up, even though her back was aching and unfamiliar pains were aching through her pelvis. She adjusted her mask, then headed into the next but last house, finding two older people lying cold and still in their cots, eyes staring and no longer candidates for the cure. A small child lay scarlet with rash and delirious and she spent a while sponging the little boy cool and feeding him water and the cure before she made her way to the last house, rapidly treating the family within. And then, finally, she made her way to the fire, gave herself a double dose of the cure and forced herself to wash, drink and eat more jerky before curling by the fire, surrounded by the protective wings of her dragon.


Hiccup was seething. He had flown on Toothless almost the length of the Archipelago with Heather and Windshear straining themselves to keep up. They had braved the worst storm he had ever flown through and when they finally reached the seastacks north of Berk, where the letter asked for a rendezvous, the others had acted as if he was expected to attend and merely treated his absence as a holiday of sorts, rather than the hardest life-choice he had been forced to make. And worse, there was an extra person present-because Camicazi was flying with Fishlegs and the twins, rather uncertain on her pretty bronze and green Nadder but irrepressible and smiling as if she was one of them. And her reasoning-that she was now betrothed to Snotlout so she was only protecting her assets-made him clench his fists and grind his teeth. Her affections and determination to marry Hiccup had switched so efficiently that he felt fury course through his veins that she had been so obdurate when he had desperately needed her to help him...but now, she expected his help to further her personal ambition...using a man she clearly had no true feelings for.

So he blanked her, his attentions pointedly directed only at Fishlegs and the twins. Heather followed his lead as they headed north, tracking Snotlout's path and meeting the remnants of the storm...and meeting an agitated and flaming Hookfang. Instantly, Hiccup had taken charge, soothing the dragon and allowing him to fly off and lead them after his Rider. Hiccup knew-as did all the others-that though Hookfang was wilful and naughty, he was very fond of his Rider and would protect him at all costs. So they had flown after the flaming Monstrous Nightmare, finding an isle of flying warrior women who dived through the clouds when they saw the Riders. After discussion and a little spying on the unfamiliar village, they had sent in Heather, Ruffnut and Camicazi to try to scout out the female-only village while the males settled on the cliffs and headed for the north of the island, waiting for them to locate his cousin.

Once they had made it to the northern cliffs, there had been nothing to do but wait...and though Hiccup had concentrated on petting Toothless and checking his friend was safe and recovering after the long flight. Grumpy and impatient, the Night Fury still eyed his friend carefully, because he could sense Hiccup's simmering anger. He had warbled and nudged him and Hiccup had rested his head against that of the dragon.

"It's okay, bud," he murmured. "I know they could have done this without me. I didn't need to come here to find him," he grumbled. Fishlegs stared at him.

"But he's your cousin..." he began and the auburn-haired Viking slowly turned to face him, an incredulous look on his face.

"And when has that ever made a difference?" Hiccup asked him, his tone sceptical. "Look, he may be my cousin but he gives me less respect than anyone. He treated me...well, like nothing when I was younger and I left him in charge, to step up as the Heir because I made the decision I had to...and the last thing he should do is run off in a huff because he hears something he doesn't like!"

"But you are our leader..." Fishlegs protested, his hand resting on Meatlug. Hiccup clenched his fists.

"Not any more," he said firmly. "I left, remember?"

"So who is in charge?" Fishlegs pressed. "I mean you have gone and Astrid is missing..."

"You, I suspect?" Hiccup suggested.

"Oh Thor," Fishlegs commented and sighed. "I mean I doubt the twins and Snot will take any orders from me..."

"They will from Heather," Hiccup smirked and folded his arms The husky boy scowled at his friend.

"They stayed with you?" he asked and Hiccup nodded, his eyes trailing onto the lanky shape of the male twin and the Zippleback.

"For some reason, they thought it was important I was helped to find Astrid-once I had recovered from being kept prisoner for a month, Fish!" Hiccup's tone was sarcastic and the husky boy stared.

"There's no need to be mean," he protested as the auburn-haired Viking stared at him in surprise.

"No need?" he echoed incredulously. "You really have no idea...except that I endured some horrible treatment when I was captured. That I would have died if not for Heather and Dagur. But we eventually caught up with the the Hunters and discovered...." He paused. "I will tell you all when Snot is back," Hiccup sighed and took a weary breath. "But just so you know-I was an island away from Astrid, just held off by a raging storm we had to brave to come back for Snot. And if any harm comes to her because I am here due to his idiocy and your inability to recall I quit...I will never forgive myself. I never asked for any of this-except the chance to be with Astrid. And you and everything else is conspiring to keep me from her."

There was a pregnant pause and a guilty look crashed right over Fishlegs's round face.

"Maybe it's just the Will of the Gods," Tuffnut suggested. "I mean, you probably upset them years ago by shooting down the Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death itself..." Hiccup stiffened and then glared at him.

"Thank you, Tuffnut," he growled in a tight voice.

"I mean, they must be pissed at you to keep messing with your life this much," Tuff continued obliviously. Fishlegs stared at the male twin and then at Hiccup, who was visibly seething.

"Thank you, Tuffnut," the one-legged Viking growled.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they never let you find Astrid..." Tuff blathered on.

"SHUT UP!" Fishlegs yelled, seeing Hiccup on the verge of exploding.

"Why?" Tuffnut looked genuinely astonished, as if he had no clue why everyone was upset. Fishlegs stared at him.

"Really? You realise that Snot wouldn't have gone if you hadn't spent two hours telling him every reason why Hiccup was a better Heir than he was?" he asked. Tuff shrugged.

"S'true," he mumbled nonchalantly. "But he needed to know it. A true leader can handle criticism and not allow it to undermine his self-confidence and vision..." There was a double slap as both the others face-palmed.

"Please tell me he isn't going to be going on about the qualities of a 'true leader' for the next week?" Hiccup groaned. Fishlegs sighed.

"I would-but we both know it wouldn't be true," he admitted. "I..."

And then the angry roars of dragons floated up to them-followed by a high pitched scream that they all recognised.

"Snotlout," Hiccup said, his face grim.

"He really does sound like a girl," Tuff commented as Windshear swooped down and landed, with Heather, Ruff and Cami on her back. Eyes widening, Hiccup saw two women flying in behind them, apparently with wings and wearing unfamiliar armour-though the central woman wore a ornamented headdress signifying she was the leader. The auburn-haired Viking looked to the raven-haired Berserker, his expression suddenly concerned.

"Heather-are we okay here?" he asked, his eyes trailing to the strangers. Heather nodded.

"We're fine," she assured him. "But that's more than I can say for..." Hiccup groaned.

"Let me guess," he said. "Snotlout?" The winged women walked forward and one-wearing the ornate headdress with light red hair pulled back into a high thick braid-nodded.

"Your friend has found himself in a Razorwhip nesting area," she said, her lightly accented voice not hostile. Tuff gave a smug look as his sister walked to his side.

"I think Old Snotty is a ways away from finding himself," he noted superiorly. "And does anyone truly find himself? Isn't knowing who you are a journey that never ends...with a beginning that never starts...?" There was a pause and everyone blinked in confusion. But Fishlegs was frowning.

"What's he doing in a Razorwhip nesting area?" he asked in a perplexed voice. "Doesn't he know how female Razorwhips respond to a male presence while they're nesting?"

"He does now," Tuff replied cheerfully and then jumped as Hookfang growled at him. His eyes widened in recollection. "Um...I'm sure he's fine! Really..." Hiccup sighed.

"Look-the way I see it, the only shot he has is for us-and when I say us, I mean you, Tuff and Fishlegs-will fly over the forest and distract all the female Razorwhips," he said, seeing Tuff suddenly jerk in shock.

"Then we can fly in and rescue Snotlout's boneheaded butt while they're distracted," Cami guessed. Tuff was backing up, shaking his head as Hookfag scooped the male twin onto his shoulders and launched.

"Wait! NO! I'm sure this wasn't the plan...." he protested as they accelerated into the air with the other riders close behind. Hiccup sighed, leaning over Toothless as they zoomed up.

"Easy, bud," he murmured. "We'll get back to them soon." And then he looked down into the forest and saw the silver shapes of the female Razorwhips flapping up, their aggressive growls sounding in the air. "Here they come!" he called to the others. "And remember-they're just defending their eggs so we don't need to fire on them!"

"Evasive manoeuvres-got it!" Fishlegs called as they dived down. But as they zigzagged through the trees, Heather voiced everyone's concern.

"There's acres of forest down there," she pointed out as she leaned low over Windshear's neck. "How are we going to find Snotlout down here?" Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Just listen for the high-pitched screams," he advised her. A shrill shriek echoed from below and Heather grinned.

"Like that?" she asked.

"Exactly like that," Ruff agreed, sitting behind her on the Razorwhip. Cami glanced over-and then forced her Nadder down, getting the dragon to fire at a purple-eyed female Razorwhip who was backing the stocky shape of Snotlout up towards a stand of trees. The young viking stared up at her and gave a shocked smile.

"Cami?" he gulped. "How did you find me?"

"They were right," she said cheekily. "You do scream like a girl!"

"Thanks..." he began ironically as another green-eyed Razorwhip lunged at him-only for her attack to be batted away by a flick of Windshear's tail. The young man looked up-to see Heather and Ruff nods at him as the Bog Burglar landed. But Snotlout was already running from two more enraged Razorwhips and the blonde sighed.

"Is he always this much trouble?" she asked to no one in general. Hiccup dived down on Toothless but a brace of furious Razowhips dived-bombed them and they veered back.

"Wow-they really don't like us-do they, bud?" he commented as he saw his cousin being closed on by the dragons.

"HURRY!" Snotlout wailed as Cami arrowed up and her dragon grabbed him by the shoulders, arching up with the angry Razowhips in hot pursuit. "Cami..." The Bog Burglar peered over her shoulder, concentrating fiercely. She wouldn't have admitted it to anyone, but this was far harder than she had ever dreamed-because the Riders made it look so effortless. Even with Fishlegs's extremely patient tutelage, she was still very amateur compared to the original team-and she felt a surge of envy every time she saw them swoop and soar and manoeuvre without even a hesitation. And the realisation was sobering that she was inadequate and not yet fit to be one of them. And that explained their hostility to her then...and now.

"I see them..." she shouted to the protesting Snotlout. But in her inexperience, they flanked her and almost snatched the Viking from her dragon's claws. For a long second, Hiccup stared as the dragons played tug-of-war with his cousin-and then Snotlout slipped free and dropped like a stone towards the ground below. But though they tried to intercede, the Night Fury and his rider were again driven back. Yet as the Razorwhips fought Cami's Nadder, a blast of flames drove them apart and the orange shape of Hookfang zoomed down, snatching his rider from an abrupt death on the rocky ground below.

"HOOKFANG!" Snotlout yelled in relief as Hiccup felt the tension in his chest ease slightly.

"Hey, man-I have to say-this is one cool dragon!" Tuff called as the Monsterous Nightmare flipped the stocky Rider onto his shoulders. "Did you know he can fly so fast it almost rips your face off?" Breathing hard in relief, Snotlout tightened his arms around the twin's middle.

"Yes, I was aware of that," he said sarcastically. Tuff shuffled awkwardly.

"Okay. you mind holding onto something else?" he asked dryly as Snotlout hastily moved his hands. "I don't want the Wingmaidens to know...think I'm taken..."

"Tuff...shut up," Snotlout said as they soared away, with the rest of the Riders in their wake, leaving the agitated Razorwhips to their precious nests.

The Wingmaidens insisted their guests-all of them-stayed for a feast and an affirmation of their friendship. Hiccup had stepped up to act as leader of the Dragon Riders-because the others were all looking to him. Atali, leader of the Wingmaidens, had been friendly and understanding and the two struck up a mutual respect-especially when he had explained his philosophy about dragons.

"Hiccup was the one to befriend Toothless," Heather explained. "He realised that dragons are amazing creatures that protect their friends."

"It's all about trust," Hiccup said and stared into Atali's eyes. "And you can trust us, Atali. We will not betray your location or your faith." She smiled and raised her cup to him, pacing back and forth by the fire as baby Razorwhips bounced back and forth.

"A toast-and greeting to our new friends from Dragon's Edge," Atali said serenely. She smiled. "You have taught us a lesson in tolerance-and acceptance. You will always be welcome here on the Island of Wingmaidens...every one of you...and now the nesting season is over, there is much work to do..." Snotlout sighed.

"And I have to apologise to you all," he said awkwardly. "I-I'm a muttonhead. I shouldn't have run off just because I was angry..." Eyes flicking up angrily. Hiccup nodded.

"Snotlout," he said levelly, "you are now the Heir to Berk-and you can't just run away in a huff when someone says something you don't like. I'm afraid part of the job of Heir-and leader of the Dragon Riders-is putting up with muttonheads who never think about what they are saying or doing, about the consequences of their actions on others and the fact that someone else is going to have to deal with the aftermath of their stupidity. And no matter how hurtful what they say, you can't allow your hurt and dismay to override your duty."

There was a sudden silence as every eye turned on the one-legged Viking and the cold intensity in his words.

"You mean us as muttonheads?" Tuff asked incredulously. Hiccup nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"All of you," he said tonelessly. "I had almost found Astrid when I had to come back because this muttonhead decided to run off. Now, I have no idea where she is and anything could have happened to her..."

"So you're not staying?" Cami asked, her tone thoughtful. Hiccup blanked her.

"And all because you couldn't act like an adult, Snotlout!" he continued.

"Hey! I was talking to you!" Cami snapped angrily and slowly, Hiccup swung his head round to inspect her. And she recoiled from his disdainful glare.

"And I wasn't listening," he told her coldly. "You aren't a dragon-rider, Cami. You need to learn more before you can fly on this sort of mission. And we can't have such inexperienced people playing at being Riders-because this has got a whole lot more dangerous." He turned and looked at Atali. "As our friend and ally, you need to hear this as well," he added.

"What is it?" Snotlout asked, a glance flicking over to Cami, who was looking shocked. If she imagined he was harbouring any sort of lingering civility for the woman who had ruthlessly ploughed forward with his unwanted engagement and forced him to lose his home, his birthright and his tribe to chase the woman he loved who had fled as a result of the ruthlessly enforced contract, she was mistaken. Hiccup rose and walked across the campsite and back, the little dragons still gambolling by his feet.

"Viggo's alive," he said.

There was a pause as eyes stared at him-and then the twins burst out laughing.

"That's a good one-and it isn't even Loki Day!" Ruff guffawed but Hiccup shook his head.

"I'm not pranking anyone," he said grimly. "He's alive-and allied with Krogan." There was a pause.

"Who?" Fishlegs asked. Hiccup sighed.

"The Masked Viking from the auction-the one who bought Toothless? The same guy who stun-darted Throk and took me to Sleipnir Island to hand over to Ryker?" There was a pause.

"I thought he was dead as well," Snotlout commented. "You certainly moped over killing him for days!" Shaking his head, Hiccup paced back and forth.

"I thought I had," he murmured, an edge to his voice. No matter the circumstances, the fact he had made the choice to loosen the rope holding his prosthesis on and let the man drop to his supposed death had haunted Hiccup. Viking he may be but the peaceful solution was always his default.

"Wait...if he's not dead and the Masked guy isn't dead-does that mean Ryker isn't dead?" Ruff asked and Hiccup grabbed his hair and paused, breathing hard.

"I don't know-but I haven't seen him yet-and he wasn't on the Hunters' Ship and he did go down with the Submaripper...but someone else was there," he said heavily. "Johann."

There was a pause and then Snotlout threw his arms in the air.

"I might have known that spineless blather mouth would play along and help them out if there was a profit in it for him..." he condemned but Hiccup shook his head.

"No," he said. "You've got it all wrong." He turned and looked at them seriously. "Johann is calling the shots. He's the man in charge."

The twins burst out laughing again and even Snotlout was smirking.

"Johann? Are you kidding me? Trader Johann? Trader 'Oh Master Hiccup, let me kiss your ass' Johann? That one?" Hiccup glared at Snotlout's scornful words and growled in his throat.

"Precisely that one," he snapped. "He's played us all for years. He knows about the DragonEye-which Viggo rescued from the volcano by the way-and they are looking for lenses to find something called the King of Dragons..."

"What-the DragonEye isn't dead either?" Ruff asked and groaned. "Why is nothing staying dead?"

"Wait-if I jumped off a cliff, does that mean I wouldn't stay dead either?" Tuff asked, getting up. Heather grabbed him and hauled him back onto his seat.

"Muttonhead!" she hissed. "None of them died in the first place! And if you jump off a cliff, you'll die and stay dead!" Ignoring his disappointed look, Hiccup turned to inspect his Riders.

"Krogan rides a Singetail," he warned them. "It's dangerous and ruthless-just as he is. He has assistants, fliers who also ride Singetails-but they are chained, not willing partners. When I knocked the fliers from their seats, the dragons fled-so maybe that is something you can exploit. Viggo remains his old dangerous self-and he has a DragonEye lens that Heather wore. I am hoping that Dagur's lens can give us a clue..."

"But what use is it if he has the DragonEye?" Fishlegs asked, voicing their concerns. Rubbing the back of his neck, Hiccup looked self-conscious.

"I have sort of built a DragonEye...I call it DragonEye 2...and it does work," he mumbled as the others stared.

"Of course he has!" Snotlout huffed. "Why not..." He yelped as Toothless swatted him on the back of the head with his tail.

"Snot-I have every suspicion that Johann, Krogan and the fliers have already been to the Edge...Gods only know what they have done...but they will have been looking for DragonEye lenses," Hiccup cut in. "But when I left, I removed them all and concealed them off the Edge. So Krogan and Viggo will be searching for lenses across the islands..." Fishlegs frowned.

"You want us to find them first?" he guessed. Hiccup nodded.

"But I need more," he said quietly. "You need to tell Dad...sorry, the Chief. He needs to know about Johann and the danger he poses-and he will believe you, Snotlout, because you're his new Heir. And if Heather and Cami are there, two other will make him take it seriously."

"But can you not tell the Chief yourself, Hiccup Haddock?" Atali asked him thoughtfully. He sighed.

"I am Outcast from Berk," he explained and she stared at him. "I am the Chief's son and was his Heir...but I was told I had a marriage contract already arranged when I was child when I asked my father to marry the girl I loved. She fled and I renounced the contract and my fiancée to go after her...and in doing so, I was Outcast and disowned. Snotlout here-my cousin-took over my role as Heir and my fiancée." Atali looked over at Camicazi and nodded.

"I see," she mused. "And I take it that these 'Fliers' are not friends of dragons?"

"They are Dragon Hunters-and we have been fighting Viggo and his people for the last year, trying to stop them and releasing dragons," Fishlegs explained.

"And letting them get their hands on 'the King of Dragons' would be a disaster," Hiccup said intensely. The Chief of the Wingmaidens stared at him-and then nodded.

"Then we will help you," she said determinedly. "Whatever you ask, whatever you need, we will be at your side. Because these dragons need our protection-it is our sworn duty. And allowing anyone the means to threaten these precious dragons would be a betrayal of centuries of service." Hiccup finally smiled.

"Thank you, Atali," he said genuinely. "I think we need to gather our allies. I suggest a conference-maybe on Defenders' Isle. Fishlegs and Heather will give you the directions and you can meet the Defenders and Dagur, Chief of the Berserkers. We need to watch and guard against Krogan and Viggo-and ensure that Johann no longer enjoys the free access he has used to infiltrate our homes. If you see any DragonEye lenses, conceal them or give them to the Defenders for safe keeping. Or...Fishlegs can get them to me via Terror Mail..."

There was a pause-and then Atali smiled.

"You may no longer be the Heir to your island but you are a cunning and decisive leader," she said calmly. "The Wingmaidens swear ourselves to your cause, Hiccup Haddock. Do not fear-we will do as you say-and come when you call."

Toothless warbled and the young rider smiled.

"Thanks," he said. "But now...I have to go. Astrid is still out there...and I have to find her. She's only got a few weeks left until she gives birth. And I can't let her down." He paused and looked seriously at the other Riders. "Heather, Fishlegs, Snot, twins...and Cami-please do as I ask. Heather-I know it's a lot to ask...but can you make sure Dad knows and Dagur attends the conference. I need you guys to keep the Fliers under control and beat them to the lenses. I trust you all-please don't let me down!"

"And he brings out the puppy eyes," Ruff muttered to her twin. "Damn-he knows no one can resist him when he does that."

"Certainly not me," Tuff hissed back, nodding.

"We won't fail you," Fishlegs promised.

"And Snot-Heather is in charge of the Riders in my absence," Hiccup told his cousin. There was a pause and the stocky Rider glared.

"WHAT? Oh, come on! I would be much better at..."

"Snotlout!" Hiccup snapped and his cousin sighed.

"Oh-kay...I guess I'm busy enough with Chief training and wooing the delectable Camicazi...right, Babe?" he said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

"Urk," she commented. "Are you sure you don't want to..." she asked Hiccup and was met by a ferocious glare. "Okay-it was just a thought. I guess..." But she glanced over at the smirking Snotlout and closed her eyes. She had spent almost all the time since Hiccup fled on Berk, trying to learn to fly and realising that marriage to Snotlout was going to be far more trying than an association with Hiccup. And honestly, she was starting to wonder if even getting an Heir was worth the price... But Atali stood forward and raised her glass to the auburn-haired Viking as he clambered into Toothless's saddle.

"Fly safe and find your friend, Hiccup Haddock!" she called. "Go with the Gods!"

But he was already in the air, arrowing up into the cold, moonlit sky and heading south as fast as he could, leaning low over Toothless's neck. The Night Fury crooned.

"Take us back, bud," Hiccup said. "And pray she's still safe."

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