The Rainbow Razorwhip

By FeatheredDemon

16.8K 781 14

RainbowFlash is a rainbow Razorwhip dragon who is raised by a Death Song dragon. Once old enough, she sets ou... More

The Rainbow Egg
Golden Heart
Life On The Sea
The White Thunderdrum
In The Caves
Dragon Island
Auction Island
An Abandoned Shipwreck
A New Island
Life In The Pack
A New Dragon
The Girl
A Close Call
The Singetails
Caught In A Storm
Overcoming The Fear
Broken Wing
Return Flight
A New Home
A Dragon Root Arrow
Rescue Mission
Saved By Lightning

Shredstone Walls

574 27 0
By FeatheredDemon

RainbowFlash followed the three Razorwhips as they flew over the ocean. They were all aware of a Skrill flying a little way behind them, but they didn't think anything of it. They passed over a large shipwreck. "The island isn't far now" the dark Razorwhip leading them said. RainbowFlash nodded, she looked up to see DustyDesert glaring at her so she moved closer to GlowingOpal.

Finally RainbowFlash spotted an island with tall cliffs in the distance. As they approached the island they flew over a small cove with a few trees around it. The ground grew higher and turned to hills. At the top of the hills they came into a large forest. And on the other side of the forest were the cliffs. The Island's cliffs were formed by the strongest rocks in the Archipelago, a shiny grey rock called shredstone. The shredstone cliffs made a very lofty wall around the island that closed it off from the outside world. The only way in was the cove or the air.

The dark Razorwhip landed in between the trees and faced RainbowFlash. "Welcome to Shredstone Walls! This island is home to the Razorwhip species. As you can see, it is completely shielded from any danger, in fact no human has ever been here" the dark Razorwhip explained. "Well that's not entirely true, there was one human..." DustyDesert argued. "Yes, yes, but that's just a myth and she did no harm anyway, or so they say" the dark Razorwhip muttered. DustyDesert growled and the two dragons continued to argue, but RainbowFlash wasn't listening anymore, she was far too busy looking around at the island with a sparkle in her eye. "Anyway..." GlowingOpal butted in as she stepped between the two arguing Razorwhips. "Er, yes! Follow me" said the dark Razorwhip as he started walking through the trees.

After a while of walking they reached a waterfall falling from a large cliff into a pool at the bottom. Scattered around the pool were thousands of rocks, all different shapes and sizes and thick trees formed a border around the clearing. All around the waterfall were hundreds of Razorwhips. Their scales were either shiny grey or rusty bronze and they had light green or dark purple eyes. RainbowFlash stood there in utter amazement as she took it all in. "We need to see SilverScales and let him know we have returned" DustyDesert pointed out. "Yes I know, this way" the dark Razorwhip responded as he lead the others to a large rock by the pool. On the top of the rock lay a large grey Razorwhip who looked up as they approached. "Hello SilverScales. Me, GlowingOpal and DustyDesert have returned. And we brought someone with us" the dark Razorwhip said. "Very good, did the trip go well?" SilverScales asked. "Yes, very successful" GlowingOpal smiled. "And who are you?" SilverScales asked as his purple eyes rolled over RainbowFlash. "My name is RainbowFlash, I'm a rainbow Razorwhip" RainbowFlash announced proudly. "Yes, I can see that. You are a rare dragon indeed, a hybrid like you hasn't been seen in years. Now let me introduce myself, I am SilverScales the leader of this pack. This is GlowingOpal, she's a young Razorwhip, she just finished her basic training. This is DustyDesert, she's one of the older ones. And this is my second in charge, SmokeDrip" SilverScales introduced everyone. "A pleasure to meet you all" RainbowFlash said as she nodded a greeting to them. "So where did you find her?" SilverScales asked. "In a hunter cage on Auction Island" SmokeDrip explained. "Well, you may stay here as long as you wish" SilverScales said with a smile. "Thank you" RainbowFlash grinned. "SmokeDrip will show you the dens. You can stay with GlowingOpal" SilverScales said. "This way" SmokeDrip said as he spread his wings and leapt into the air.

RainbowFlash took to the air and followed SmokeDrip and GlowingOpal as they flew up alongside the waterfall. Once they were about a third of the way up, they turned right and flew to a small crack in the cliff. They all managed to squeeze through the gap and soon found themselves in a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was a cave which slit into many smaller tunnels. "These tunnels are our dens. Each Razorwhip shares their tunnel with some others" SmokeDrip said as he started walking down one of the tunnels. RainbowFlash smiled and followed SmokeDrip down the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel were about five Razorwhips. SmokeDrip turned into a small cave which belonged to GlowingOpal. "So you've already meet Opal, she will be your buddy and show you around in her free time. Have fun" SmokeDrip said as he spread his wings and glided down the tunnel. "Make yourself at home" GlowingOpal smiled. RainbowFlash smiled back and walked over to some of the other Razorwhips to say hi.

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