Love that Kills

By BeverlyReneRichardso

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Love that Kills

34 0 0
By BeverlyReneRichardso

Chapter One

It was a warm night  in Corpus Kristi,Tx as Shanna lie in her bed in chills recapping the events of the night over and over in her mind. What was she thinking?What made her go to the delapidated cabin by the lake with Corey that night? Why had she told him that Joseph came on to her knowing his temper? No matter how hard she thought,nothing could change the events of the night.

  Earlier that week.....

  Shanna sat in her room,ipad in hand as she sat trying to study. The phone rang.One quick look at the caller id told her Corey was calling.

"Hello snookums!",Shanna said into the reciever.

"Hello yourself hun.So,tell me what are you doing right now?",Corey replied.

"Well,I'm lying on my bed with a pink teddy on,matching lace trimmed stilletos waiting on you to come through."she said enticingly.

"Aww,Shanna don't talk that way,you make me want to jump through the phone and straight on you.But,seriously what are youdoing?"responded Corey.

"I'm trying to study for the finals before graduation with no such luck".

"Well,toss those notes and books to the side hot stuff and let's roll!"Corey said.

Shanna didn't have to think twice about leaving with Corey.Corey was her new bad boy boyfriend relationship all of two months and she was already head over hills for him.Her friends tried to warn her of his bad boy ways,but to Shanna there was just something about that bad boy mentality.Not to mention his lean figure.Six feet three,intense blue eyes,sandy brown hair...enough said.

Shanna quickly showered,put on a bit of lip gloss and her tightest skinny jeans.

"Shanna where are you going on a Monday evening?You should be studying for your exams.I swear these days I don't know you anymore.And honey,those jeans are so tight that if you had cellulite you'd see every lump and bump",her mother said.

"Chill out mom,I'm eighteen now and can do as I please,wear what i please.As for studying,it's under wraps.Geesh!",she spat back.

"Whatever Shanna.What happened to my sweet angel girl that never disrespected her mother?"

"That girl died when you decided to leave dad".Shanna said

Her mother said nothing back.She knew it was a battle she could not beat.

  Fifteen minutes later......

"Corey,where are we going?"

"It's a surprise sugar lips"Corey replied.

Shanna trusted Corey with her whole heart,so she didn't worry.Although,Corey had been acting a bit strange lately.He'd always had a jealous streak that Shanna found cute.But,he had recently yelled at a guy at the mall because he thought he saw the guy staring at Shanna's butt.

A few minutes later,they pulled into the lot of a Hampton Inn

"You are going to stay an official night with me."Corey said.

"But,I have school tomorrow and finals the day after that,"Shanna protested.

"Be cool baby,be cool.I love you and missing school tomorrow won't hurt.I promise.Get on the phone and call Savannah and have her tell your mom you are staying with her tonight.Okay?"

Shanna was weak for Corey.One look in those intensely blue eyes,and he could almost covince her to murder.

"Okay,I'll call her,then mom",Shanna said.

"Good girl Shanna,good girl",Corey said feeling quite pleased.

That night was one of the best nights Shanna ever had.Corey devoured her from head to toe.He loved her with an almost animalistic passion.The clawing,the nibbling and biting.The pain was pure pleasure.They made love until the sun shown and then slowly drifted to sleep.

                 Chapter two

The following day,Shanna called her bestfriend Savannah.She was so smitten and the previous night so wonderful,she had to share the events.

"Savannah,I am so in love.When I'm with him,I feel as though I'm in a trance.And when we kiss and do other things,it feels as if we are one.I am him and he is me.As if we share eachothers thoughts",Shanna went on about Corey.

"I still don't know about him Shanna.He just seems so controllable.Not to mention the jealousy and temper.I just don't think he's right for you.And I have the nagging feeling that he is hiding something,something horrible.",replied Savannah.

This angered Shanna.She quickly hung up the phone from her convo with Savannah. What does she know?She's still a virgin.She's just jealous.

    Several minutes later.....

"Shanna,Corey's here to see you!!!!",yelled her mom.

Her mom was not at all pleased with Shanna's choice of Corey being her suitor,but she chalked it up as a phase and dealt with it.

Shanna greeted Corey with a huge smile.

"Hey beautiful,"Corey spoke.

"Hi yourself handsome,"said Shanna.

 One intense stare was all it took for Shanna to trott upstairs to her room with Corey quickly tailing behind her.

"Shanna you know what i love about you?Those full lips,those mistique green eyes and those soft curls in your red hair.You're smart,beautiful and head strong",Corey said.

"Aww,baby your making me blush!"a bashful Shanna said.

"So fill me in on your day."Corey said in a demanding fashion.

"Well,school was okay today.I spoke with the counselor about applying to UAB.My grades are through the roof.Oh yeah,that guy Joseph tried to hit on me.It was quite funny actually.He didn't know I had a boyfriend and attempted to whoo me by offering to pay for my lunch",she told Corey.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed.

"Shanna,tell me you didn't flirt back,tell me!"he hollered.

"Of course not",a flustered looking Shanna said.

"Good",he spoke.

Corey's reaction scared Shanna.He had gotten so close in her face as if he was going to hit her.The usual sexy gaze of his blue eyes turned into an icy glare.What is his deal?He knows I'm in highschool and other guys will flirt.Shanna brushed it off.Corey,obviously knowing he stepped outside his zone,apologized and left a stunned Shanna sitting at her desk.

That night Shanna sat in the den thinking about Corey's reaction and how it's really wasn't odd at all.Just last week,Corey got into a brawl with a guy at the pizza parlor for complimenting Shanna's shoes.To make it worse,the guy was gay! As a matter of fact,Corey got into it with every man he saw look at Shanna or even just simply say hi.

Just as quickly as the thought of breaking up entered Shanna's mind,the thought left.She thought of all the things she loved about him and started feeling silly at the meer thought of a break up.

Chapter three

Saturday night,Shanna had a hot date with Corey or so she thought.

"You want to make love in a forbidden place?"COrey questioned.


"The old delapidated cabin by the lake,it will be fun and intense",Corey spoke.

"I don't think it's a good idea.We shoulde just do it in the car at the old park.That would be just as thrilling,"Shanna said.

"Aw,come on Shanna,I promise you,it will be the nightof your life",Corey said.

The closer they got to the cabin the more awkward it became.Shanna had been reading up in one of the local papers about bodies being found in the area in the worse condition.A young woman was found naked and obviously raped with her throat ripped open.And a few days before her,a man was found with his intestines ripped out his stomach.But,sher loved Corey and felt safe with him.

They arrived to the cabin and Corey had his flashlight with him.It was just before nightfall,but Corey insisted they would need it.He said he wanted them to be there until the full moon rose.

As they entered the cabin,Shanna could sense that something wasn't right.

"Corey,i think we should leave."

"Not until you see the surprise i have for you sugar lips.Follow me".

As they walked down the hall,Shanna could hear muffled sounds coming from the bedroom.She turned to head back to the car,but Corey gripped her arm and yanked her along.

"I said not until you see the surprise!!!",Corey growled.

Suddenly,Shanna didn't think Corey was the man for her.She begin to panic.Corey pulled Shanna into the room and there was Joseph tied to a chair with duct tape on his mouth.

"Shanna no other man will have you or want you.My love for you is so deep I would kill for you",Corey said.

"Corey,you don't have to do this.I,I t.t.told you he didn't know i had a boyfriend,"Shanna stammered.

"Well,he should've done his homework,"said an enraged Corey.

"Before i kill him i want to torture him",he said.

He began beating Joseph to a bloody pulp with a whip.

"Now he's going to watch us make love",Corey said.

Shanna was frightened.Corey ripped her shirt off and gnawed her panties off from under her skirt.

"Corey please!Please don't !",she whimpered.

He ignored her pleas,pushed her down and forcefully thrust himself inside her.All the while Shanna cried and hoped for it to all be a hrrible nightmare.

Suddenly,Corey grew larger in all areas and furry. Corey was not Corey,but a wolf it appeared.He leapt off Shanna and pounced on Joseph. Ripping off his limbs and gnawing at his throat.

"This is for trying to get my girl!',he growled at then mangled body.

Shanna ran out of there as he was still tearing apart the body. She thanked her lucky stars that the keys were still in the car sand sped home.

 Her mother was asleep,so it was very easy for Shanna to get in the house without causing excitement. She quickly showered and hopped in the bed frightened.

"What will ido if,no when he comes for me?"she thought. Although it was hot Shanna had chills.

She whimpered herself to sleep,but sleep did not last.

Thirty minutes later......

A beastly Corey jumped through Shanna's window hegrabbed up Shanna and took her through the night.No one saw Corey or Shanna again.

Shanna's mother searched for her for months with no luck.But,if you go to the cabin by the lake on a full moon night,some say you can hear the muffled noises of a young man and the screams of a young girl;but you'll see no one.And as for Corey,he still lurks around searching for his next victim two states away. He really did love her til death.

The end

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