His Mistress (Completed āœ”)

By im_aditi

40.9K 2.9K 814

#298 in fan fiction - 15 : 03 : 2018 She thinks he is the one who gonna destroy her life but actually he remo... More

Teaser ..
1. Never I Have EveršŸ˜©šŸ˜©
2. Drowning in passionā¤
3. His jealous - her helpless stateā™”
4. Ignorance
5. Ek rishta aise bhi
6. All I need is you..!!
10. True love never dies


3K 265 81
By im_aditi

Okay we had reached the last part of this story. Thanks guys for all your support and love you showed towards this ff. I really cant imagine that I started this story on 17th November 2017 and it's getting over today. Oh my god !! Almost 4 months travel with this story..

There might be typing mistakes as it's not proof read. Will edit once i find time.

So what's going to happen next ? I know many of them were not pleased by my last update but guys we have to make pragya to come breaking all her ties with which she feels she is connected !! And thanks for being patient and believing me even though i 😱😱you to the core.

I want to be
with you..
It is as simple
And as complicated
As that..

Pragya's pov

                             It's been a month after that incident happened in my life.  It was the last day I met Abhi and after that I didn't went back to that office. Karan started to work on his own and my life was getting back to normal. I agree that I love Abhi and still I do but I could not have him in my life beside me in my every stage. I am trying to forget everything that happened between me and him to make myself to believe that it's just a dream.

But how much I try to forget him , the more his memories haunts me. Karan tries his best to make me comfort but everything he is doing , makes me to think about him.

Why i should stuck like this inbetween ? When nothing was normal ; even in my worse , I had abhi with me who eased my pain.  But I have everything now , why i can't forget him.

I don't know what happened to him after I left from there. Just I wished to stay with him but I also know about karan who can go to any extent. His last look killed me and now i am just living like a women without soul.

Many times I tried to ask karan about abhi but whenever I takes the topic , he used to get mad at me and I have no other way to drop it. I have to say that he never talks about our past. When I asked I need time , he aparentky agreed with me. I could not forget abhi and I can never do it.. even after I die but to escape for few days i lied to him.

But my life became more complicated. The thing which I never expected turned my life upside down. When I tried to forget everything,  my whole world shatters when I sensed the most beautiful thing  but in the worst way .

" mam... you can come in...!!" My thoughts broke down as I looked at the lady who stood before me with a smile. I nodded my head in acceptance and started to move with her with distressed thoughts .

" Well we got the reports pragya !!" The doctor said and each passing seconds were like I am walking in fire. My heart starts to beat faster than usual days with a fear lingering throughout my body.

I don't want to hear those words from her. I already came here yesterday as my head was spinning for last two days . I feel really pale and weak for last week.

" And the results are positive pragya !!" My whole world stopped hearing those words which I didn't want to hear as it will collapse everyone's life once again.

"  You are pregnant pragya! ! Congrats.." she said as a tear escaped from my eyes. I want to shout aloud that I am pregnant at the same time I wanted to scream at my destiny. It's the most beautiful moment in every women's life as her life is being fulfilled when she carries a soul inside her. But I was cursed that I could not even be happy because I am carrying someone's child. What will karan think of me ? I swear he will kill me if he comes to know about it.


I was walking on the road lifelesely along the main road with no hopes left inside me. I am not alone now as I am carrying my baby inside me. Should I feel happy or guilty ? For betraying my husband !!

Before I decide something I should atleast inform abhi. Because he have equal responsibility for this child like me . I should meet him and will decide whether to inform karan or not.


" I want to meet Abhishek Mehra !!" I asked the receptionist as the whole offce had changed completly. I couldn't see the old staffs working there and everyone is new here . And everything had changed.

" Sorry mam ... sir is no more..." before she could complete I heard purab's voice from behind.

" Pragya di...." I turned and saw him standing there with a group of members.  He sighed them to leave and nears me.

" Pragya di.. you are fine right?  " he asked as I saw bulbul coming towards us.  I am seeing them after a week and I hoped he I fine.

" I want to meet Abhi! ! Where is he ...? " I asked not able to control my anxiety. Why I feel that he is not fine. I want to meet him as everything is not fine without him. How our destiny has planned for us !!

"  pragya di ..you can't meet him..!!"purab said without looking at me. He and bulbul exchanged glances and I could figure that something is wrong.

"  Listen purab ...I know I shouldn't have left abruptly like that but it's not the time to talk about it.. I want to tell an important thing to abhi.. tell me where he is..." I asked trying to control my tears.

" di... try to control yourself .. " bulbul said holding my shoulders slightly , knowing that i am going  numb .

" di... you cant meet him even for once.. and if you talk with him too , he can't respond to your talks di...." purab said trying not to hurt me with his words.

" purab... what you are saying ? Why he will not respond...? What happened to him..? Purab... he is fine na..!!" I asked as I couldn't understand what he is trying to say.

" take me to him.. I beg you purab... take me to him..." I sobbed in his arms while they both tried to console me.


The car stopped infront of a mansion and I looked at the name plate "Mehra mansion". I stepped out from the car as purab opened the door for me.  It was far from the city and I guess , it's lonavala I guess.

" come di !!" Bulbul walks inside with me and I could see the lavish building with the fantastic interior.

" dadi...aliya! !" Purab called out as I realised I am in his home where his family is present. I felt awkward as how they gonna react after seeing me. Will they allow me to meet him..!!!

" kya hua purab..." a girl like bulbul asked as soon as she saw us in the living hall,  her lips curved to smile and an old lady accompanied her.

" She is pragya di! !" Bulbul introduced me and i saw old lady having tears in her eyes. She came towards me as I thought she gonna slap me but she kept her hand on my head. I looked at her in shock who hugged me.

"  I know eveything beta and you don't have to worry...!!" She said slightly patting my back and I felt an unknown comfort in her arms.

" Aliya.. take her to his room.. " dadi said and she brightly smiled at me.

" I am so happy to see you di! !" She said taking me upstairs.

I decided to meet him but how I gonna say!! And why purab said he will not respond to me.. is he still anger on me...!! Whatever I will meet him and let me decide other things later.

" This is his room di and look he is sleeping for long time.. you have to wake him as you only can do it..." I saw tears brimming in her eyes. Why is she so emotional.

I entered inside and the whole room was dark. As it's bright sunny day , i could not find even some light. It's completly dark so I switched on the lights.

The scenario infront of me shooked to the core . My heart ached seeing him lying in the bed lifelesely. Many tubes were connected to his body and a mchine monitoring him.

With shaking legs I took each step towards him With many thougts running inside my mind. I could not believe and he is just joking with me.

" ab...hi ..." I broke down seeing his face in which I had seen only his smile which heals all my pain. His head was totally bandaged and he lost his weight ..

I sat beside him and everything starts to get clear. What purab and aliya said striking her mind.

" Abhi... I could not see you like this.. you were with me and I left you when you need me.. it's all my fault.. I shouldn't have left you... please forgive me...and open your eyes..look your pragya is before you..with whom you want to spend your life.. I was scared to love you..but now i fear to lose you.. I swear i won't leave you..please open your eyes abhi... I realised my mistake.. I was in fear on that day that he might kill you..but it was the biggest mistake.. sorry ... get up.." my voice choked up as tears were rolling down my cheeks touching his fingers.

I wish he should say it's a dream but my how started to fade away . I just stared at jom with a hope that he will open his eyes. Will blink at me and assure that nothing happened to him.


" what happened to him purab...? Why he is in this situation...?." I asked as soon as I went down seeing everyone present in the hall.

He explained me whatever happened and I  never thought that karan could do something like this and Abhi ,  almost lost his life but thank god , purab and bulbul admitted him in the hospital at right time.

" di... he had severe  injury and because of that he slipped to coma.. that's why we shifted him here so that dadi and aliya could take care of him.. and me and bulbul will visit during weekends " he said while I just stood numb. He gave his life only for me , for my happiness!!!

My head started to spin as I couldn't take everything happening into my mind. Darkness started to surround me and I tried my hard to keep my eyes open but at last I miserably failed.


" di... you were pregnant?  " bulbul asked me as soon as I opened my eyes.I saw the whole his family beside me and I felt somewhat relaxed . It felt like he had left his family for me and  told everything to them and they were happy for me. Purab asked me to stay here as he could not take any risk in my life. Dadi too compelled me and I couldn't deny it. I had never seen this much love and it blinded my eyes. And after knowing abhi's condition , I wished to stay with him.


" Abhi... you know what ? This dadi na.. always compelling me to have milk once an hour which I hate to have it.. and aliya  , she is always being a detective behind me.." I was talking to him as i moved towards the Windows and opened the curtains to allow the sunlight to fall on him. His face glistened in the sunlight  and I can just admire him for my whole life.

" Abhi... open your eyes...you know I have to go for my regular checkup as its third month abhi.. you are coming with me..na..." my face filled with sadness seeing him pale.

It's been two months I had been trying to wake him but he is deep sleep. I steadied myself with a hope that he will become normal in few days. I am waiting for that day in my life.

" How long you gonna hurt me abhi .. I accepted my mistake na.. then why you are not forgiving me.. please wake up.. our baby needs you... you can fight with me how much you need but dont kill me with your silence.. me and our baby are waiting for you......." I lost myself  before him sliding near the bed..

It was the first time, I broke down infront of him. I used to bolt myself in the room whenever I feel to let out my sorrow. But I can't hold myself for a long time. I slide down the bed kneeling down beside the bed thinking about the ways to wake him.

My hand was slightly cuffed by the soft touch and I could feel the coldness in that touch. In a state of shock , I raised my head as my eyes witnessed him trying to console me.

" Aliya...Dadi...." I shouted rushing outside the room in a hurry and aliya came running towards me.

" bhabhi...kya hua?" She asked as my eyes shimmered with tears . I can't express to her and she rushed inside to see her bhai.

"  I will call the doctor.. you stay beside him.." she said and went to call purab .

I stepped inside and still he is struggling hard to open his eyes. I held his hand tightly close to my heart hoping him to get well soon.

A lone tear escaped from his eyes and I just wiped them off and gently kissed his forehead to assure him that I am with him. With heavy force finally he opened his eyes with a smile lingering across his lips. He tried to say something but I gestured him to keep quite.

" bhai.... " purab comes inside with bulbul and the doctor starts to check him. Bulbul stayed near me as dadi came along with aliya.

" He is completly fine!!! No need to worry!!" Doctor informed and everyone were happy. I silently prayed to the god ,  thanking him for giving my abhi back.

End of pov

Pragya gently sat beside abhi as everyone left thinking they both need some private time for each other. She was weeping silently without even having a look at him but he was still staring at her from the second , he opened his eyes. He saw her how much she had lost her weight and the dark circles around her eyes and wrinkles on her cheeks .

" pra ..gya ...! !" She is hearing his voice after three months of her loneliness. Still she feels a softness , a care and likes when she hears her name from him.

As she didn't responded , Abhi tried to sit but he couldn't as his whole body felt sore.
She noticed him struggling and gently helped him to sit beside her.  Her one soft touch vanished his tiredness totally . He felt as he had reborn few minutes before.

" How are you ...? " he asked sitting comfortable near her. He wishes to hold her hands like he used to but hesitated as what she might think of him. What if she runs of again .?

" Good..." she said with her lowered eyes and her hands were playing with the dupatta in nervousness. Still now she didn't thought about how she gonna say the truth to him but today he is normal and she have to inform him. What if he doesn't wants this child ?  The same only thought haunts her like a ghost.

" How many days I were sleeping like this..?"  he asked noticing the date from the digital clock on the table.

" Three months! !" She said looking at him figuring out his sadness on his face. He just closed his eyes trying to remember their last meet and all he could see is, she leaving from there with tears.

" How come you are here ? You must be .." he could not able to complete the sentence as he himself felt hatred hovering thinking about that karan.

' what I gonna say to him now ? Come on pragya.. the day has reached and you know one day you have to face it... tell the truth and accept whatever the consequence! '

" Yes I was supposed to be there but destiny once again pushed me towards you showing my life..." she said still with her lowered eyes . She didn't had gutts to look at him as her guilty feels killing her inside .

" I could not understand anything pragya! !" Abhi tried to remember if anything happened after that but could not even find a clue about it.

Pragya took his hand which was resting on his thighs and placed it on her slight bump tummy saying " A part of your's is growing inside me abhi...!!Yes you are going to become a caring father.. "

Shock is an understatement for abhi. He freezed for a minute to intake what she said before. His hands went shivered of taking a new responsibility . ' There was a silence around us ; the most beautiful silence I had even sensed. No words can be more beautiful than silence . I am going to become a father and she is carrying my baby.. how did I slept for a long time rather than caring for them..'

" I came here to meet you and inform but the reality shocked me to the core. I was beyond repair seeing you lifelesely . You were the reason for my happiness and made myself strong to bring you back to normal. " she said slightly caressing his cheek as she didn't had any reply from him. Fear started to engulf her yet she remained calm as his palm resting still on her tummy.

" I prayed to god that you should get back to normal atleast for our child. I was wrong abhi.. I thought by leaving you , everything will be cleared but things ended up like this. You will not hate me or our baby na..." she asked as her tears which she controlled sets off from her eyes.

Abhi hugged her tightly without replying her as she snuggled close to him. After months ; she is feeling his warmth in her arms. Nothing could be beautiful for her than this.

" How could you even think that I can hate my life..." He held her chin saying " you was my life and now , you and our baby are my life .." he said kissing her eyes wiping the tears .

She kissed him all over his face and both could not express what they feel inside . They felt like their soul returned back after a long time.

" You don't worry about that karan. I will teach him the best lesson which he will never forget !!: " said abhi.

" Before that I have to say something abhi..." she said with a pause.

" don't say again that you want to go back as I will not allow you or my baby to move away from me.." he said with a sigh.

" Its not about that as I will not leave even if you say.. I remember each and everything abhi.. that happened in my past years..." she said and abhi looked at her with a shock.

"  I want to tell everything as we can't start a relationship with a fake basement. I need you to know completly about me ..."said pragya.

" I know everything because of that only i openly said i love you...!! and you no need to say as bulbul told everything to me.. bulbul ? Did you informed her about this...? " he asked as he know how much bulbul was frightened about it.

" I didn't informed to anyone. I know bulbul care for me like her own sister and I don't want to create any awkward situation between us. And I also visited sarla ma last week..." said pragya with a smile.

" You had forgiven her..? " he asked seeing her expression changing. " There is nothing to forgive her abhi .. she is not wrong but the situation pushed her to do it. If it was someone in her place might have done the same ." Pragya said

" Now I realise how much I am lucky to have you in my life...!! Everyday the love for you increases ...." he said pulling her closer to him. He secured his arms softly around her waist as her back laid on his broad chest.

" Abhi.. shall we go somewhere?  Where you and me only exist !! I don't want you to take any revenge on karan nor to teach him any thing.. let's live our life for our baby and will give the most secured , loving life for him/ her...." Pragya asked with a puppy look as abhi kissed her nosetip.

" As you wish..." he said as she closed her eyes relaxing herself in his arms.


" Abhi .... Pragya... where did they went ? " Dadi asked entering inside the room after offering prayers to god. She could not find abhi nor pragya in their room.

" there is a note! !" Purab said taking it from the side table.

' hey guys .. dont worry ...we are safe...just moving to enjoy somedays of privacy..'

" But what's the need to leave without informing us...!!" Bulbul frowned but she is happy for her sister.


Few months after ...

In Manali......

           Abhi was checking his mails in his new renovated cabin when he saw pragya entering with a rage. He quietly sat there as nothing happening around him but he is noticing her every moves.

" How dare she ? How could she even near you and i think you are happy now a days with your Secretary! !" Pragya asked folding her arms as bulbul and purab entered.

" very bad jiju... you didnt even thought about my di! " bulbul said supporting her sister.

" haa haaa...Abhi.. you are forgetting that you are married.. you have a beautiful wife unlike me.." purab said murmuring the last two words silent .

" what ?" Bulbul snapped at him hearing the last words correctly.

" You are here to solve my problem...!" Pragya said .

" What's this guys .... Yes i am happy with my  Secretary because she is hot and knows each and everything about me.. not like your di who always know how to stick to me.. chipakali...!!" Abhi said adding petrol to her anger.

" Then go and marry her... don't even come near me..." she said as abhi smiled widely.

" why not..? I will marry her and will have lots of children!!" He said twisting his lips with smile.

" Go to hell..." suddenly she felt a kick and pouts at abhi sensing him near her. He wrapped his arms around her saying " look my Angel is in my side.. If you say something about me na .. then she will kick you like this... " he said as purab eyed bulbul to leave .

" pragya .. you are jealous on yourself.. I agree that I like you when you were my Secretary but that doesn't means I don't love you now because you are looking like fuggy.... I love you more and more..." he kissed her cheeks as she smiled hugging him bAck .

🌟The end 🌟

So that's how His Mistress became his life

Hope you liked the epilogue 

Thank you ..

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