Fairy Tail: Another Forbidden...


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We already read Cosmica and Constella's love stories. Now it's time to read their youngest sister's. This sto... More

*The Third Princess*
Celestia's Journey
Lamia Scale's Visit: Meeting Lyon
Red String of Fate
Triple Date
Blooming Love
7 Minutes in Heaven
Confessions: The Start of Another Forbidden Love
Secret Date
Caught: Finding Another Way
Forbidden part of the Royal Palace
Harsh Truth
Journey to the Hidden City
The Journal
Challenges (Part 1)
Challenges (Part 2)
Own Battles
Breaking The Boundaries (Part 1)
Breaking the Boundaries (Part 2)
Home is Where the Heart is

Finally Free to Love

85 14 1

I'm in the forest with almost everyone in Fairy Tail, preparing for the meteor shower. It's a lot less noisy today. I look around and see that a few certain members are not here

I turned towards Mirajane

"Mirajane" I call

"Yes master?" she smiles

"Where's Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Gajeel, Levy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Panther Lily, Lisanna, and Constella?" I ask

"I heard everyone have seperate plans today. I don't knoe when they'll be back. Constella and Lisanna was helping us earlier but they disappeared somewhere" Mirajane answers

"Well they better be here before the meteor shower starts" I sigh

"Aahhh!!!" someone yells

"What the" I run towards the source of the yell and see Droy...in a hole?!

"Why is there a crater here?!" I ask angrily

"This crater has Natsu written all over it" Macao comments

"Agreed" Freed nods

"Oh no. What should we do?" Wendy asks worriedly

"Step aside"--???

We turn around. Once I see who it is, I smile widely

Lyon hugs me as we fall. Instead of falling in the water. It lifts us up

"Huh? What's happening?" Lyon asks

"Water?" I say

The sky starts shimmering. And there appears father, the Celestial Spirit King

"FATHER!" I exclaim as we rise

We are safely brought back up the cliff and saw everyone. And Aquarius?

Constella and Cosmica tackles me for a hug and starts crying. And my best friend, Aquarius stands next to me

"You okay?" she asks

"Yeah. Thanks to to you" I nod

"Nice one Aquarius" Lucy smiles

Gray approaches me and pats me on the back

"Celestia" the Celestial Spirit King calls

"Father" Celestia, Cosmica, and Constella bows

"Father" Comet whispers to herself

"Comet. It is you. It's nice to see you again" the Celestial Spirit King says warmly "And you too Constella"

I stand closer to Celestia and put my arm around her shoulders

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused. I was supposed to be the first princess, the role model for other spirits, and my sisters" Comet cries

"It's alright. I forgive you. I was watching everything, I know" the king says

"Huh?" Constella looks at her in confusion

"Do you remember her?" Celestia asks

"Uhh, I don't think so, but she feels familiar" Constella says as she approach Comet

"Constella!" Comet exclaims as she steps closer to Constella

Constella is surprised at first, then eventually she comes closer to hug Comet, but she just passes through her

"Sorry. I wish I could hug you three, but unfortunately we just can't" Comet laughs bitterly

"But we could at least do this" I say as Constella, Cosmica, and I circle around Comet and wrap our arms over eachother's shoulders

"Thank you" Comet smiles, wipes her tears, and we separate from our hug

She takes the key from the stone and faces me and Lyon

"Here" she smiles at us and hands us her key

I hold the key on the top of my palm. I looked at it then at my father

"Father" I say as if to ask for his permission

"You did prove yourselves worthy didn't you? And besides, it wouldn't be fair if your sisters are the only ones who gets a happy ending" he smiles warmly

Cosmica and Constella giggles

"But I do have one condition for each of you"

"And what would that be?" I ask nervously

"For you Celestia. If you have a problem, like all this for example, I want you to tell me. I'm your father, I want to know your troubles. Be more open with me. Like your sister Cosmica. She tells me all her worries. Right Cosmica?"

"Right" Cosmica shows her closed eye smile

"So what do you say to my condition for you, daughter? Do you promise?"

"I promise" I smile

"Good. Now for you, human boy" father looks at Lyon

"Sir" Lyon stands straight

I giggle at his cuteness

"Promise me that you'll always love Celestia and don't you dare hurt her"

"I promise. No matter what, I'll always love her no matter what" Lyon smiles sweetly at me as he says this

"What do you think Cosmica?" father looks at Cosmica

"Well, they did jump off a cliff, proving they'll do anything for their love. We don't have much of a choice" Cosmica sighs as she crosses her arms

"You heard her. You have our blessings" father says

"YES!!" everyone behind us cheers

"Congratulations Cel " Aquarius smiles at me

"Thanks my trusty bestie" I smile back at her

The others hi fives and even hugs each other

Lyon and I share an affectionate hug

"Well what are you waiting for? Make it official" Comet smiles

Lyon and I nod and rise the key above our heads holding the key a hand each, facing the ocean


Comet and her key starts glowing and slowly turning to pieces of light or something

(A/N: Like koro sensei, but slower. Koro sensei😢)

Cosmica, Leo, and Aquarius begins floating upwards

"What's happening?" Aquarius asks

"I didn't know Loke could fly" Gray says

"Hey! Where are you guys going?!" Natsu yells

Before the others gets the chance to grab hold of them, they are already so high up, they float towards father's side, once they get near enough, they stop moving but still floating

The stars starts shining brightly and Celestial Spirits start appearing one after the other. Even Orion, Corvus and Hydrus are up there

"Huh?" we stare up at all the Celestial Spirits above us

"Where are we?"

"What's happening?"

"Why am I floating? I can't float!"

"Why are we here?"

"The Celestial Spirit King is here too!"

"And the first Celestial Spirit Princess too"

"Don't forget the Golden keys"

"The second princess Celestia too

"Oh that's right, they don't know you were a princess too" Gray says to Constella

The spirits murmurs to each other

"Attention all spirits!" Comet yells very loudly

"By wishing on my key. I declare the love of the second Celestial Spirit Princess, Princess Celestia, and her human lover, Lyon Vastia, UNFORBIDDEN!" Comet exclaims


"Princess Celestia is dating a human?"

"She's never one to break rules"

"Who is that announcing it to everyone anyway?'

"I never would've thought that she'd fall for a human"


'I knew they would react like this'

"What should we do with them?" Lucy asks worriedly

"Just stay out of it and let me handle everything" Comet says as she looks at all the spirits warmly

"You miss them huh?" Lyon asks

Comet nods

"This is the right time to grant your wish. Not only spirits, but humans too, will accept you two together. By breaking the boundaries of your love, the Celestial Spirit World's time will move similar to earth now" she tells us as she completely vanish

'That means. The time difference won't hassle the spirits anymore'

The light she turns into rise up and rains down on everyone

All the spirits looks at us again

'It's time. Thank you, Comet'

"Now. In front of all of you. I want to introduce my dear lover, Lyon Vastia" I say proudly



"Congrats Princess!!!"

Everyone claps and cheers for us

"Now you have the blessing of all Celestial Spirits" father smiles

I begin tearing up but Lyon wipes away the tears forming at the corner of my eyes

"You've been really emotional lately" Lyon laughs

"Who's fault do you think that is?!" I tell him

All the Celestial Spirits starts disappearing one by one

"Looks like our presence is no longer needed here" Aquarius says as he see the other spirits return back to the Celestial Spirit World

"Thank you everyone" Lyon and I yell, loud enough for them to hear

All the spirits waves at us as they disappear. Cosmica and Leo also start fading

"I guess we won't be able to watch the meteor shower with you guys" Leo says calmly

"But we will see you guys soon" Cosmi shows her usual closed eyes smile

Cosmi and Leo waves at us before disappearing. Leaving father remaining

"Stay safe and take care of yourself Constella"

"Yes father" Constella bows

"And don't forget your curfew Celestia, you still have your duties back at the Celestial Spirit World"

"I know father" I roll my eyes with a smile

"I'll open up a portal for you so you all could go back" father says and a portal appears a few feet away from me and Lyon

Father smiles before disappearing back to the Celestial Spirit World

"Congrats man" Gray high fives Lyon

"We're so happy for you" Wendy smiles

"Thanks for everything everyone" I smile at them


We celebrate our success for a moment until we know it's time to go

"Let's take the magic vehicle back" Lisanna suggests

"Yeah. Good idea" Levy nods

"Juvia agrees" Juvia smiles

"WHAAAT? PLEASE NO!" Natsu begs

"What's the matter salamander? Too weak?" Gajeel laughs

"Yeah you idiot" Gray smirks

"How dare you make fun of me" Natsu glares

"You guys never change" I laugh

"Come on Natsu"--Happy

"Just one last time"--Lucy


"Just get on" Erza glares

Everyone starts walking to the direction where a magic vehicle is parked

Lyon and I were left on the cliff

"I'm so glad it's all over and we could finally be together" Lyon hugs me

"I didn't like the fact that I got dirt on my dress and my shoes are muddy...but it was worth it" I smile at him and hug him back

He chuckles at me happily

"Let's go. I have something for you once we get back" I say as I take his hand and we walk towards the magic vehicle together, walking side by side, our hands intertwined

"Hold on tight everyone" Erza says and we nod

Once the magic vehicle starts moving, Natsu and his stupid motion sickness, accidentally falls on the paddle which makes the vehicle faster


"NATSU YOU IDIOT!" Gray and I yell

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