Eddsworld X Thief! Child! Rea...

Per Digit_Eater

7.3K 233 927

Life isn't always fair, especially not to you. You've been abandoned on the streets and have lived there for... Més

Content warning
2: The first morning
3: a fun day shopping
4: school and interesting friends
5: the army and Isa's secrets
6: guns and a sleepover
7: army allies and a very drunk tom
8: a new bully and no friends
9: b-day and new bad habits
10: dodge ball and school shenanigans
11: at the red army
12: mistakes
13: bringing back what we lost
14: escaping?
15: punishment, training, gifts and an attack
16: rescue mission
17: ranking day
18: special things
19: rulling half the world
20: past and present
21: the end

1: New people

1.1K 21 252
Per Digit_Eater

///Things to know before the story starts\\\

Y/n= Your name

L/n= Last name

F/c= Fav colour

F/f= Fav food

Background story:

Your name is Y/n L/n and you are a really good thief. When you were four years old your parents abandoned you in the streets of England. You were quick to learn how to use your age as a shield to hide that you are a thief. Now at age ten you walk around the streets to find victims to rob of their items. Living on the streets for six years made you pretty stong and flexible. You prefered working at night because it's calmer on the streets around that tjme. You were following a man when some one started to rob YOUR victim with a gun. And you did not like that.



This guy really thought he could rob my victim!? That's a big no for me.

"Empty your pockets!" The man with the gun growled to the guy in the green hoodie.
The guy in the hoodie was fiddeling with his hoodie as he was pressed up against a wall.

"Don't'cha think it's a little rude to just come in and take MY money?" I asked.
"What is a little girly like you gonna do?" The man mocked me in a high tone.

I took a step forward. "H-hey step back... or else!" The man threatened. I took another step forward.
"Or else what!? you are gonna shoot me?" I said, laughing a bit as I took another step. I was standing right in front of the guy.

"Do it. I dare you," I challenged. The man aimed the gun at me, but he didn't shoot.
"Didn't think so," I chuckled and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. The man grunted in pain and droped the gun. I picked it up and aimed it at him.

"Get out of my sight or else... You're gonna have a BAD TIME." I said and the man ran as I shot a few warning shots at him. I turned around the to see the green hoodied dude walking to me.

"Thanks for saving me ki-" I cut him off with laughter.
"Hahaha, saving you?! Nope. I am the one taking your money," I said in a dark tone to let this guy know I'm not messing around. I aimed the gun at his head.

"Money. Now." I demanded and he gets his wallet out quickly. I snatched it from his hands and took a peek inside.
"Edd Gold, huh?" I said as I took two-hundred pounds from his wallet.

"Nice name..." I said while tossing the wallet back at him. I quickly took off to my 'home'. Aka a box with rats, old bread and a knife.

"Thank you...?" I heard say before I had ran far enough to not hear him.


What in the world just happened?! I got robbed by a little kid, what a strange experience...

I opened my wallet to see that the kid only took two-hundred of the four-hundred pounds I had.

I didn't see where the kid ran off to and I didn't want the possibly getting shit. I decided to walk home instead.

As I walked home I made sure to keep an eye out for any robbers out for my money.

When I did come home I saw the guys watching the children on TV.
"Hey, uhm, guys?" I asked as I walked up to the three.

"Whats wrong Edd?" Tom asked while pausing the TV to look at me.
"Wow, Edd, what happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost," Tord said.

"Well, so... I just got robbed," I said, preparing for the worst.
"What!" The guys exclaimes
"By who!?" Matt asked, his expression full of worry.

"I bet it was that old guy from the streets," Tord growed angrily.
"Edd, tell us who it was." Tom said in a demanding tone.

"Calm down guys... I got robbed by a kid... They were maybe ten or so," I admitted ashamed by the fact.
Tord and Tom burst out laughing after I said this.

"Wait wait wait... You got robbed by a ten year old!? Wow, and here I thought Matt was stupid," Tord laughed.
"Hey!" Matt exclaimed, obviously offended by the comment.

"In my defence, the kid had a friggin GUN and they weren't afraid to shoot. They almost shot another dude who tried to rob me," I said, putting my hands up in defence.

"Wow... Really?" Tom asked and I just nodded at this
"Kid sounds like they have guts," Tord said before getting up and walking to his room.

"Well, goodnight, I need my beauty sleep!" Matt chirped as he walked towards his room
"Well bye Tom, I'm gonna rest," I said, going to my room.

Today was quite eventful.

~Three weeks later~


I was running down the street with a big bag of food and chocolate.
"THIEF!" The store cleric yelled and people turned to look at me, trying to stop me.

This is why I despised stealing before it was dark. I looked behind me and see that the clerk wan't chasing me so I took a quick left, but end up bumping into a group of people, causing me to drop the bag.

"Ow," I heard a familiar voice grunt inpain.
I looked up to see four guys in hoodies standing there, one of them being that one dude... Edd.

"Sorry!" I said and quickly grab the bag and tried to run, but Edd stopped me from running.
"Hey I remember you! You are that kid who stole two-hundred pounds from me!" Edd exclaimed.

Shit, he remembered. I needed to run as fast as I could.

"That's her?" Red hoodie asked Edd as I thought for a moment
"Yes Tord, this is her," Edd said just as I pulled myself out of his grip and took off running.

"Hey! Come back here!" The guy in a blue hoodie yelled as I ran.
"Come and get me!" I yelled back as I made my way down the street. When I looked behind me I noticed red and blue hoodie chasing me.

Great, just what I needed. I ran back to my box/home and grabbed the gun I got three weeks ago and hide behind a large dumpster and waited.

"I think she went in here," I could hear Edd say.
I heard their footsteps come closer to me. Making sure the safety was off I loaded the gun.

"Be careful, I heard a gun load," I heard the red hooded man said.
"It'll be fine, she's just a kid what can she do?" I could hear the blue hooded man say.

"Tom, Tord is right. This girl beat a fully grown man with a gun. We need to be careful," Edd said as I watched them walk past me to my box.

"Put your hands in the air," I growled lowly and they turned around.
"What will you do? Shoot us?" The guy I assumed to be 'Tom' said and he took a step closer.

"Yes. So don't fuck with me!" I said and I shot the floor in front of him, causing him to back up.
"Oh shi-" "Hands in the air!" I cut him of. They all put their hands in the air.

"Now give me your money," I demanded. This gun was really useful, but I only had one bullet left.

The four guys gave me one-hundred all together.
"Is...is that all?... " I asked pointing at the bag the flat chinned dude was  holding.

"That is just a bag of cola," Edd said and I squinted my eyes
"Show me," I ordered and flat chin showed me.

I noticed that Tord and Tom were slowly moving away.
"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" I growled.

"Scatter!" Tom yelled and they all started running around, making me unable to aim at them all, so I focused on Edd.

I ran up to Edd and kicked him to the ground. I pointed the gun at his head.
"Guys! Help!" Edd exclaimed and the others stopped running

"Edd!" They exclaimed, eyes widening and all.
"Now listen to me. Give me all your stuff or else the green guy dies," I said.

"You wouldn't!" The Tord guy said as I grinned.
"Oh fuck yeah I would, not so little red riding hood," I saif and he growled at the nickname.

While I was looking at the three others I got kicked in the leg, causing me to pull the trigger, missing Edd by just a few inches. what a waste of my last bullet...

"Ow shit! What the hell?!" I hissed. But before I could react I got pushed to the ground, making me drop the gun. When I tried to pick up Tord picked it up before me and Tom held me to the ground. I start trashing around.

"That's enough! where are your parents!?" Tom growled. I flinched at the word parents and teared up a bit.
"...I-I... I have no parents..." I mumbled.

"What?" Tom asked, his grip loosening a bit.
"I HAVE NO PARENTS OK!? My so called 'parents' left me on the streets six years ago," I snapped, tears starting to stream down my face.

"Oh no, that's sad..." The flat chinned guy said.
"Why do you think I'm stealing? It's to survive," I said between sniffles.

"Matt, Tord go get the car," Edd said.
"Alright," Tord said as he walked away, the flat chinned guy, who probably was Matt, following.

"Uhm... Could you tell us what your name is?" Edd asked as I got let go of.
"My name is Y/n," I said
"That's a nice name," Edd said. I give him a weak smile.

"I-I'm sorry about mugging you and your friends," I said and he smiled a bit.
"It's alright," Edd said.

"Edd are we really going to be nice to someone who just tried to kill us?" Tom asked and I wiped my tears.
"Yes Tom, everyone deserves mercy and look at her she is just ten," Edd said.

"Heh, thank you E- I mean mr. Edd, " I said with a small chuckle.
"You're welcome," Edd said and Tom let go of me.

~After two minutes o' waiting~

The others came back with their car and I grabbed my stuf and got in. We drove to a police station nearby to ask them about my parents.

At the police station a friendly woman asked me about my name and how long I've been living on the streets. I told her everything I know. The nice lady left the room and went to talk to Edd and his friend.

~Two hours of waiting later~

The lady returned with some bad news "I'm sorry to tell you dear, but Mr. and Mrs. L/n have died in a car accident a year ago... And we found no other living relatives... I'm sorry," She said.

I took a moment to think about this "Does that mean I have to go to an orphanage?" I asked
"No actualy... You've already been adopted," the woman said.

"What!? By who?" I asked. Then Edd walked in holding some papers.

"Y/n guess what!? We adopted you! It took a little while to convince Tom, but we did it!" Edd said with a grin. Now I felt bad for mugging him, he was so nice.

"Really!?" I asked and Edd nodded. He showed me the papers.
"uhm Edd... I'm not that good at reading... Six years on the streets remember?" I said.

"Oh... well I'll teach you!" Edd cheered.
"Miss, can she come home with us now?'' Edd asked the lady.

"Of course," She answered and I got up from the chair.
"Let's go Y/n," Edd said and we walked outside to the car were the others were waiting. I got in the car and we drove off to their house.

~At they guy's house~

We were standing in front of a big house and I looked at it in awe.
"Welcome to your new home, Y/n," Edd said with a smile.

"Woah, that's a really big house," I said pretty impressed.
"Yep and it's all ours," Matt said.

"Lets go in!" Edd chirped.
"Okay!" I said and Edd opened the door.

I was excited to have a new family.

~Timeskip to dinner~

"Dinner's ready!" Edd called out and I rushed to the kitchen to get food. Edd let out a chuckle at me and gave me a plate/bowl full of f/f.

I looked at the plate/bowl, amazed. "Is all of that for me???" I asked.
"Is it to much?" Edd asked
"No, its just... I've never gotten so much to eat on the streets," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh well, eat what you can eat and just leave the rest," Edd said.

Not ten seconds after that I can hear Tom yelling something at Tord and they come to the kitchen fighting. Matt just ignored it and sat next to me
"You'll get used to it," Matt whispers and I nodded in response.

I looked at my food again. I took a small bite, but after tasting the f/f I started wolfing it down like crazy. Edd looks at me and chuckled again.

"Wow, you were really hungry, weren't you?" Edd asked I nodded vigorously before looking at Tom and Tord who are still fighting.

"Here let's settle this for now Jehovah's Witness. Hey Y/n what is better guns or harpoons?" Tord asked.

"Why why you ask her that? She's only ten!" Edd scolded Tord
"And she almost shot all of us with a GUN," Tord said.
"Well... I like both... Though guns are easier to handle, faster, most of the time lighter and are more acurate, harpoons do more damage and are pretty badass... but I'll have to go with my favourite," I said.

"And what is that?" Tom asked.
"Jesus, chill! I like guns the most," I calmly stated.
"I TOLD YOU THEY WERE BETTER!" Tord exclaimed.

"Shut up commie!" Tom yelled at Tord and they started fighting again.

"So... Uhm... Where do I sleep?" I asked, being really tired.

"Oh... You can sleep in my room, if you want," Edd said and I mentaly facepalmed. They adopted a child but didn't think about where they would sleep... Smart guys, real smart. Welp, I'm too tired, so I'll just go with it.

"Ok! mama Edd" I said and Edd's face goes bright red. I heard a snicker from Tord.
"Sure... My child," Edd said (A/n: Edd turned in to goat mom omg) and I laughed a bit.

Edd showed me where his room was and put me in bed. "imma call you mama Edd from now on seeing as you adopted me," I tolf Edd in a sleepy voice. Edd just smiled.

"Sure thing sweety," Edd said and he looked at me before I fell asleep.


OMG she was so CUTE when she was sleeping and not trying to mug us. I looked at her and gave her a smal kiss on the forehead.

"Sleep well Y/n... This is gonna be crazy," I whispered before leaving the room.

Continua llegint

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