Just Awake {Jeff the Killer R...

By kawaiipockychan

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He's a Killer, so what? Not like he could kill everyone. He still has a weakness, you know what I'm saying? Y... More

Just Awake {Jeff the Killer Romance}
I'm Awake - The 1st Chapter
He's Awake - The 2nd Chapter
They're Awake - The 3rd Chapter
Misunderstandings and Reunion - The 5th Chapter

Friends and Thoughts - The 4th Chapter

364 20 13
By kawaiipockychan

A/N: Am still working on the chapter at my other story 'It's An Instinct' still trying to find the inspiration xD anyways~ this is an unedited and no proofreading involved chapter, again. ^^"

\\---Just Awake---//
~'~_Friends and thoughts_-_The_4th_Chapter_~'~


Ben said. Don't tell me he doesn't have any friends too. That's just.. Sad. Wow, so this is what it feels like when you talk to someone the same as you. Not like it's hard, but it's complicated, you know. Because you've experienced the same things, but in a different way. Maybe his was a painful one. What am I even trying to point out here..

"Ben, we need to go. Classes are about to start." A random guy that I haven't seen before showed up out of nowhere. He had brown hair that covered part of his forehead and fair skin. He was wearing a white t- shirt and black pants with brown shoes.

"Whoops, didn't know you were there." I nervously said and went behind Jeff's back. He was tall, so I felt intimidated and he had a strong voice, I felt really scared. Besides, I didn't sense his presence, which was really rude of me.

"But Jack-" Ben was cut off by that, Ja- what? Whatever. Wonder what should I call him. He's really tall like Jeff. However, when Jeff is at a far distance between me. He looks kinda small, unlike this guy. Hn, let's call him the Phantom. (//shot.) I don't know why, but it sort of fits him.

"Quit your blabbing, let's go." Phantom seemed impatient. So Ben just gave me and Jeff a nervous look and went away with him.

But I thought he doesn't have friends? Oh, yeah. It was just another of my theory. Or maybe that guy was bullying him. Oh no, he might be in another bad situation and Ben is just too afraid to spit it out on us. Then again, it's just my theory or assumption.

Without noticing, Jeff was waving a hand at my face. I slumped my shoulders. "Woah, easy there." He put his hands up as a defense.

"Shut up. Let's go, classes are about to start. I can sense the tingling of the bells." I said as I grabbed his hand and headed to the classroom.

"That's what she said." Having a smug look on his face, I let go of his hand and stomp on his feet.

"Yeah, and that's what you get." I headed off without him, while he writhes in pain. Serves him right. Hmfp.


The bell rings with an annoying sound. LUNCH TIME HERE I COME!

Man, that lecture was such a pain. For the whole hour you have to have a straight posture! I mean, who does that now a days? Well yeah, it's good for your composure but it hurts so bad. They should like, make a break for it at least. Ugh, my back hurts. A pain from the good, wow.

Besides, the subject was History. That's a thing I'm not good at. Then again... Don't mind that.

Everyone was rushing out the door. But as excited I am to have lunch and eat, I have to let them go first. Or else I'll get squished and people will push me until I'll fall landing on my butt.

Once everyone was out, I took my things and went out. Jeff was outside leaning against a wall. He must be waiting for somebody, I wonder who. I approached him and said, "Hey, Jeff! Waiting for somebody?" I nudged at his arm.

"What? Why would I be waiting for someone? I'm not waiting for somebody." He didn't look at my eyes and he wasn't enthusiastic. He is hiding something!

"Quit lying. Just tell me." I glared at him. I was really curious to know who he was waiting for.

He sighed. "Okay! I was actually waiting for you, you know cause that's what friends do." He still wasn't looking at my eyes and he really was nervous. Pfft, like I would believe that he was waiting for me.

I laughed humorlessly and he looked at me dumbfounded. "Your actually waiting for me? For what? Yeah, we are friends. But as far as I know you, you have a big appetite that can't wait. And besides, you rarely go to lunch with me. You only go to my table when you need something from me." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Now tell me. Who, Are, You, Waiting, For?"

"I'm serious! I was waiting for you!" His tone of voice was slightly pissed. He scratched his head and stared at somewhere else. I didn't want to look to where that somewhere else was because I wasn't the nosy type of girl you know. And well, he was waiting for me. But now that I'm here, it doesn't seem like it. "Never mind, just go ahead." He hung his head low.

"Okay, buddy." He cringed when I said buddy. He hadn't made any eye contact with me yet, what's gotten into him? Well, he seemed normal a little why ago, what happened now? "I'm heading off!" I waved at his face and smiled. Hey, I'm just trying to lighten up the mood.

I then went off without him to the cafeteria. I didn't looked back, I didn't want to. We are friends but, it doesn't mean I should touch and know everything in his life. It's still his life and I know I should respect his decision not to tell me. I would feel better if he did though, but I guess it seems tough for him.

Besides, I just met him a few days ago. My encounter with him was just a coincidence. Or was it fate? No, it's a coincidence. I still eat lunch by myself and we only talk when I put things inside my locker -Because my locker was beside his. But still, I don't know if I should trust him. If I should be really friends with him. I feel guilt and regret at the same time.

Jeff might be a good guy, but he's still an arrogant jerk at a times. Since I have a patience like a bull, well not literally. I could bear him even if his like that. Although I want him to change, it's just in his nature I think. And I clearly accept that side of his.

We're just friends after all, we're not close or something more above that. We're just friends, and I'm happy about that.

~At the Cafeteria~

I sighed as I watched the lunch lady put some, I don't know, at my tray of food. Well that's a usual thing, the lunch lady doesn't give me real food. That's why when I get home, I'm a pig. I eat whatever I see at the dining table. I only eat a few of this -I know it sounds harsh but- junk, or garbage food. It's like I'm their trash for this.

After getting all the thing your supposed to call food, which is not. I went to my table. And by my table, I mean I eat alone in an isolated place where everybody stares at. Well, just passing by the way, people are already staring at me. And since I'm used to that ever since, I just ignore it or smile at them. Which makes them at unease or annoyed with it, now that I like.

I sat and placed this thing called food on the table. I ate silently and tried to chew this thing. That's when my peaceful lunch was disturbed. Out of all times and places to pick, WHY LUNCH?! Can't I just have this time for myself just now? It's tiring with all the unreal work.

"Mind if I eat lunch with you?" I looked up to see that it was Ben, with some dude I saw once who called him, its, its, um, Phantom! I nodded, but smiled. The words won't come out, yeah, screw that.

With some few moments of silence, I broke it. Yeah, I'm partially a hypocrite. Well don't blame me, and don't judge! Hey, that's really rude and mean! Why? All of us are hypocrites too! You know what I mean! You judge a person that his doing this and that, but deep down inside your doing it too! Now tell me your not a hypocrite!

I coughed as an excuse. "Why would you have lunch with me?" I asked. They stopped eating and stared at me. "Sorry for disturbing?" I mumbled.

Ben shook his head. "No, it's fine. It's just that, urm.. Even though there's no more seats available. I was thinking that, you know. We could get to know each other..?" It seemed more like a question though, but I stared at him, dumbfounded.

Trying to recap something here. Oh, yeah! I totally tried making friends with him but he seemed frightened by the idea! That was so rude of me to forget about it. (A/N: Frightened is slight happiness for Little Amy, omg.x) ) Shut up author. (A/N: She heard me. o.e)

"Oh, oh! Yeah, sure. Why not?" I said while I tried chewing my food.

"By the way, what are you eating?" Phantom said.

I gasped. "The Phantom talks!" I exclaimed. Ah, that came out wrong. I called him by the nickname I made for him. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead....

"The- what? Phantom?" He cocked an eyebrow at me. I looked at Ben, who started chuckling, then started laughing. Hahahaha,what's so funny!? This is so embarrassing.

"It's, a, um.." I stuttered. "I didn't know your name so I thought of a nickname for you instead." I said as fast as I could. My cheeks are burning.

Ben coughed, still holding some laughter. "His name's Jack. A friend, yet my enemy." He shrugged. Oh, so that's their relationship, I thought they had something else. Forget my mind.

"Oh, then. I'm Amelia, but call me Amy." I smiled.

Jack glared at me. "You called me names, I better think one for you."

My eyes widened. "Excuse me!?" Oh, no. I said that louder than it should. Everyone probably heard me.

I hung my head low. Glancing at some faces, they are staring at me. "That is why he's also my enemy." Ben interrupted. Which reminds me that my theory was sort of wrong.

Jeff suddenly passed by my table. He didn't look at me, but I knew he knew I was here. I decided to ignore him too. I mean, he was acting weird so the tension is wrong for us.

Suddenly-again-Nina walked to my table. She's also known as, the school bully. I frowned. Jack and Ben tilted their heads at me.

"Why isn't it the school lesbian. Disturbing everyone's lunch." She sat in between Ben and Jack. Yes, she did it forcefully, until Ben and Jack separated.

"Leave me alone." I gritted my teeth and tried to eat again.

"Listen Kendricks-" I cut her off. She so stupid. "It's Kendrick." I glared at her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. She's so annoying! Can't she pick somebody else that's at her own size? I mean, literally! She has a big body for a girl! "I told you no one wants to be friends with you."

"At least I try and at least I don't ruin people's lives." I muttered, trying to contain my anger.

"Yeah, yeah. Then explain to me why Jeff passed by and didn't greeted you?" She shot back at me. She knows him? I guess she was the one Jeff waited for. I even thought he was my friend.

I kept quiet, holding back the tears that wants to burst out. I even thought he was... My friend. But I was wrong. I hung my head low. "Ha! What's wrong? Can't speak now?" Nina teased.

I stood up about to go when Nina also stood up and pushed me down. Jack and Ben also stood up, I don't know why. Truly, I never really understood knowing somebody.

"Hey! You forgot to finish your food!" She then threw my lunch so-called food on me. Now my face's a mess. My hair's greasy and now I stink. But all that, I don't care. What do they want from me?

I glanced at Jack and Ben and they had a slight shock on their faces. I'm used to people not helping me anyway. I stood up again and proceeded to go out of the cafeteria. I could here some noises that were made by Jack and Ben.

"You b*tch!" I slightly heard Ben shouting. Geez, so much for saying bad words. "Ben, calm do-" I heard Jack said.

As I went farther away from them, I could hear some gasp of other people and some who tried to hold back their laughter. I just ignored them. I just want to go home and stay home. Where nobody comes to my life aside from my family. By this time now, I already got my things and was at the school gates. I didn't even bothered to clean off the mess Nina gave me.

I came to the conclusion as I went home that, Jeff wasn't my friend.

And that Kizuna ain't real. In other words, there's no such thing as
A Bond That Binds.


Me: I feel sad for Amy. :(
Jeff: me too.
Me: shut up! You were the one who ruined her! D:<
Jeff: I swear I didn't! I didn't do anything!
Me: that's what he said.
Jeff: don' forget to-
Me: I'll do it, okay?! Just go home already!
Jeff: hmp. *walks away.*
Amy: don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Yay...


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