It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

1.3M 37.5K 1.9K

Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Circle
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Nineteen

29K 1K 26
By MarciMarie

A/N  Finally! Alright I know it's been a minute or two since my last update...I'll try to do them more frequently. Anyway I hope you like it. Vote and comment and check out the song by The Calling I just love Alex Band's voice. This is one of Rob's favorite songs when he thinks of Lauren.

 Liam looked up from the folder at his brother  little brother Stephan sitting  on the opposite side of his desk.  His ankle resting casually on his knee  as he  nervously shook his foot twiddling  his entwined  fingers.   His loop side smile had a hint of mischief to it.  The man was on edge. Something was definily up and Stephan was the diversion. Everything seemed  out of the norm. First the surprise visit and now the sudden disappearance of his older brother and evil twin.  Stephan to suddenly  want to venture into real estate deal. He could barley budget his paycheck let alone a property. Not that it couldn't be true it just was something nagging at him telling him that these guys where up to no good and Eric was the mastermind as usual. And where were frit and frat? Something was not quite right. The lawyer in him was ready to interrogate. He would get to the truth one way or another.

"Stephan where did you say Eric and Ian went to this afternoon."

"I didn't."  Liam sat back folding his hands.  This wasn't going to be easy he could see that.

"Why didn't they come to the office with you?" Liam watched his brother closely. Body movements were sometimes a giveaway when people lied.

"We'll I think Eric had a book signing."

"He didn't mention he was here promoting his book to me."  Liam arched a brow.

"Liam, I'm on the stand now?"

"Hell yea you are. What are you guys up too?" Liam stood walking around the desk.

"Stop being paranoid. We came down for a visit. It's been a long time since we spent time together."

"Yeah , I guess." He needed another approach Stephan had been prompted  by the two devils.

"Look if you want to know what their up too call them."

   "I'm going to do just that."Liam reached across his desk to his cell."Call Eric." He spoke to his phone. It was instantly picked up which surprised him.

"What Liam. I'm busy."

"Where are you?"

"A book signing at the Springfield Mall and yes Ian is with me he is my publicist."

"Don't play with me Eric."

"Look Liam stop being paranoid. If you need a session on the couch you know my rates." Liam gave the phone an ugly glare wishing it was Eric. "Anyway I would never play with you. You're a sore loser and your no fun anymore."

"I have fun all the time."

"Since when?" Liam tried to think of the last time he chilled and relaxed  and really had fun. Then he remembered it had been the day before Josey left him.

"I have fun Eric."

"Ok you want to prove that you know how to have fun.  Let's play game.."

" I know I shouldn't ask but what kind of game?"

"The switch."

"The what?"

"  The switch, Ian is going to be you in your personal life with Lauren and Josey."

Liam laughed. Then stopped when he heard nothing but silence."You fucking crazy."

"Know I'm very serious. I've decided to tape a episode from here I want you, Lauren,Josey ,Rob  and Ian  to be on it."

"You've lost your mind."

"I'll pay Coode for you."

"I can pay Cooder  Eric, It's the principal."

"Who do you care for the most Liam? Josey or Lauren? "

"I care about them both Eric I just got caught up and now it's like a snow ball going downhill."

"We'll little brother I'm going to help you stop it and save your relationship with one of the two ladies, just leave it to me."

" I don't need your help Eric."

"Oh yes you do and be glad I'm offering free of charge."

"I think I can handle my love life just fine, without the Love Dr assistance."

"Tell me are you happy." Eric asked waiting for his answer.

Liam thought about everything going on and couldn't find an answer.

"Eric I'm in trouble."

Eric laughed now. He knew he would get him. "It's going to be ok. I got you. Remember I do this for a living. "  Liam heard the loud yells in the back ground as they  introduced Dr. Eric Montgomery The Love Doctor.  " I Got to go, we'll talk later." Liam looked at the phone he sat down looking over at Stephan  who was shaking his head.


"Eric talked you into something crazy and you agreed."

"How did you know."

"Because he has that PHD in manipulation you and Ian don't know how to say no and run in the opposite direction."

"Yeah right like you don't fall for his power of persuasion."

"Yeah I'm a sucker too at times but not when it comes to that love shit. I'm single for life."

"Damn he looks good enough to eat." The woman whispered to her friend as they walked past the treadmill.

"Yes I would love to slide up against that six pack." They laughed as they  looked back taking a second look.

Sweat dripping down   his shirtless chest Rob was oblivious to the woman who where admiring his muscular physic  as he ran at top speed on the treadmill going on six miles. He was annoyed and angry trying not to think about  Liams lips and hands on Lauren.  After the bar incident he needed to release his anger he had two choices either run or go to Liam's office and beat the shit out of him. He chose to run but he contemplated having his cousin Joey go over to Liam's office and leaving him a little warning. That brought a wick smile to his face.  Joey could make him fish bait or give him cement shoes making him disappear instantly ...and Lauren she  was lucky that French had come to the rescue because it was about to be a situation.  Francesca's sudden appearance had defused a potential problem.  Slowing down his pace  he came to a stop stepping off  he stretched out. It was time to distance himself from Lauren before someone got seriously hurt. His phone rang interrupting his thoughts.

"Deluca speaking"

"Rob, man did you look over those papers on Titan?"

"Angelo,  sorry yeah I did I forget to email you my findings. I'll do that right now."

"Wait now that we got that covered. What's up ?"

"Truly,  I don't know whether I'm coming or going."


"Yes, Lauren."

" Tell me does she still have a fiancé?"

"Yeah." He answered reluctantly.

"I hate to be harsh but that's your answer." Angelo took a breath. " Look give her a time frame or just remove yourself from the situation before someone gets seriously hurt."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

" You know great minds think alike."

Rob pulled up to his mom's house.  Getting out he grabbed his overnight bag and brief case. Imagine him hiding out  at his moms to avoid Lauren. He had been avoiding  calls from her all day.  He needed time to think and he knew If he stayed at the apartment she would eventually come over. So he decided to  crash at his mom's house for a couple days this way he could avoid any surprise visits and get his mind together. Entering the house he was surprised that it was so quiet usually his mom was watching some game show. "Hey mom." He shouted as he walked in kicking the door closed.  Sitting his bag on the floor he headed for the kitchen.  " She's not here Rob." He looked up at his baby sister standing at the top of the steps with a bat. "She's out with her boyfriend."

" Boyfriend? Since when?" he watched his sister walk down the steps petite with dark hair and eyes like their father holding a bat that weigh more than she did.

"For about a month now. I guess you were too busy chasing an engaged woman to even stop by and find out how we were."

" Hey runt, I spoke to both of you since I returned from Italy."

"Not the same as visiting Big bird."

"I guess I got a little caught up with Lauren." He followed her into the kitchen.

"You call it a little caught up when you and Carmine destroyed the bar." He watched as she opened the refrigerator looking in.

" You heard about that?" He sat down scratching his head.

"Everyone knows about the fight including our mother?"

"So how you going to make Lauren realize she's making a big mistake." She closed the door looking over at him.

"I have the slightest idea."

"Did you think by hiding out here it would help."

"I'm not hiding out."

"So why the overnight bag and brief case?"

"Okay maybe I'm hiding out. Things are a little complicated  now Tamara."

"You think?' She laughed at him. Than noticed how drained he really looked."

"Look why don't you go buy us some beer and a pizza and then you can tell me all about it." She took his hands pulling him to his feet  leading him back through the house. "I'm starving so go get us the special from Papa Gino's and the beer from the deli." She led him to the door.  "By the time you get back.  I'll have a plan thought out or we can look at the Love Doc he might have an answer on one of his shows. She smiled at him. " I DVR them." She pushed him out the door.  He turned looking at his little sister who just came to his heart in height.

"Your dangerous Tamara, I feel for the man who falls in love with you."

"Why?   If he gets me he has to be top of his game I don't mess with smucks." She shut the door before he could say another word.

 Two six packs and a pizza and a half the sat on the floor of his mother's living reliving his most award moments while watching the Love Doc figure out why the couple on the show hadn't had sex in two years. "He's sleeping with someone else Tam."

"Maybe she's sleeping with someone else."

"You know this doctor reminds me of someone."

"I think he's so sexy."

"What's sexy he just sitting ."

"His lips the way he brushes his hair back with his hand."

"Go take a shower runt.." He threw a piece of crust at her.

"You know he's here in Philly doing a book signing." He watched his sister jump up like a rocket was under her.

"OMG how did I not know this?"

"Maybe if you read a news paper once in awhile."

"He was at some mall today. I think he's at Nookie Cookie tomorrow."

"I'm there."

"Don't you work tomorrow."

"Yes, I'll just call Gia and tell her I'm going to be late."

"Ok so what about my problem."

"You Tarzan she Jane don't let that monkey Cheeta step in and take the girl you love."

"What does that mean?"

"Instead of running with your head up in the clouds go put a stamp on your property."

Ian walked the long block  he needed to clear his thoughts. Playing at being Liam was fun when they were young but as an adult it could be a lot more complications when people feelings were involved. Eric of course would come up with some psychological mumbo jumbo to make it seem like it was alright. They greater good, was his line. He was the one in the line of fire.  Stepping off the curb he jumped back as the black Challenger came to a squealing halt right in front of him.  He was about to curse the son of a bitch out when the window slid down. "Hey Liam. What"s up man?"

He looked into the car which was full of big guys. "Do I know you?"

"Stupid it's me Carmine. Your future brother in law."

"Oh yeah right. How's it going man?" He was in trouble. He could feel it straight through to his bones all these guys looked like wrestlers.

"It's good. You want to go grab a couple of drinks with your future brothers?"

It was worst than he thought they were all her brothers. He swallowed hard trying to think of an excuse not to go.  "Oh no just taking a walk thinking." The back door opened a guy stepped out all in black  the tee shirt he wore look like he squeezed his muscles into it. " Come on dude ."

The voice was deep. The giant arched a brow waving him into the car. He got in and so did the giant squeezing next to another one. This was just his luck to take a walk and get cornered by Laurens brothers. This was one of those times when he hated looking like Liam.

"So why you walking the streets at night." The giant asked.

"Just clearing my mind."

"Where's our sister?" The one on the other side asked he turned his head to him. " Truthfully I don't know."

"How is it you don't know where your fiancée is at?"  The brother in the passenger seat asked.

"Leave him alone guys." Carmine put in. "These are you brothers to be. Mike, Sonny and Tonio.

The only one smiling was Carmine the other three looked ready to put him in a body bag.  They had finally reached The bar. It  a hole in the wall.  Everyone in it looked like they stepped out of the Sopranos  now he was scared.  They walked in the place. The guys were greeted like royalty. He got the strange looks.   Carmine had walked off to talk to someone and he was all alone with hit squad.

 They went straight to a table in front of a stage where a leggy blonde danced around topless with feathers.  "Lauren thinks were overbearing." The giant Mike put in as the girl slid up to him shaking her bottom.

"But it's some nasty characters out here. You know my man?" He patted him on the shoulder hard. "I know that you're not that type of guy Liam are you?"

Shit he was Ian.. Why hadn't he just went to sleep. "No."

"You seem sincere, I hope you are because if my sister so much as utters a negative word about you hurting or disrespecting her your done.  Capisci. The evil look on his face gave him sent a chill up his spin. Ian swallowed hard this shit wasn't looking good for his or Liam's health. It was times like this when he wished he had the full beard and mustache having Liam's face could be hazardous to his health. He watched as Carmine approached with a waitress. "Guess what Liam drinks on you." Ian pulled out his wallet and dropped three hundred out. "Drink up." He sure need one.

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