The Alpha & The Indonesian

By ndrewc93

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Can you combine a famous, 33-year-old handsome Russian-American soon-to-retired wrestler, COO/co-CEO, not to... More

Chapter 1: I'm Hungry!!
Chapter 2: Meet and Greet means Finding My Mate
Chapter 3: Job Offer
Chapter 4: First Day
Chapter 5: First Month and Dinner (Date)
Chapter 6: Dinner Date
Chapter 7: Admit It!
Chapter 8: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter 9: Just The Two of Us
Chapter 10: So I'm Your Mate, Now What?
Chapter 11: Auroras Buorealis
Chapter 12: Vulchkannov 101
Chapter 13: Babalu
Chapter 14: Common Cold
Chapter 15: Valentine's Day
Chapter 16: Eclipse Bite Part 1 - Arrival & Alpha Down
Chapter 17: Eclipse Bite Part 2 - Revealation & Old Colleague
Chapter 18: Eclipse Bite Part 3 - Answers, Angers, Watch & Bite
Chapter 19: Eclipse Bite Part 4 - Lessons, Confrontations, & Confessions
Chapter 20: Eclipse Bite Part 5 - Heart to Hearts & Settling Back Home
Chapter 21: What's Inside The Box
Chapter 22: You're Coming with Me!?
Chapter 23: Two's Enough to Make Him Livid
Chapter 24 : LAX-LHR-CGK
Chapter 25: Interrogation
Chapter 26: Nice to meet you again, Alpha(?!) Harris
Chapter 27: What? The? Fuck?
Chapter 28: Dim Sum for Brunch?
Chapter 29: Argh damn it!
Chapter 30: Talk That Talk
Chapter 31: Herman's Past
Chapter 32: Mouth Mantra
Chapter 33: Universal Studios, High Tea, and A Call
Chapter 34: A Dead Rabbit and A Set of Parents
Chapter 35: Volk's Nasi Padang Experience
Chapter 36: He's Experiencing the Symptoms! - Part 1
Chapter 37.5 : Andrew's WhatsApp Convo with Karll
Chapter 38: Two Letters and a Birthday to Remember
Chapter 39: HELP!
Chapter 40: The Right-Hand Man that Rapes
Chapter 41: Explanation
Chapter 42: Hundreds of Full Moon
Chapter 43: Wedding Rehersal
Chapter 44: The Wedding - Part 1
Chapter 45: The Wedding - Part 2
Chapter 46: HK, circa 2016
Chapter 47: Just a Day
Chapter 48: Yep
Chapter 49: Phoenix
Chapter 50: Emergency Goodwill

Chapter 37: He's Experiencing the Symptoms! - Part 2

174 6 1
By ndrewc93

A/N: I don't know if Christina Tosi, creator of cereal milk, David Chang's apprentice and founder of Milk Bar, will approve Koko Krunch cereal milk and Honey Stars cereal milk idea.

Koko Krunch and Honey Stars are available in my home country (Indonesia) as well as other countries in Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Europe, but not in the United States.

In European, Middle East or LatAm countries like Qatar, Portugal, and Chile, however, Honey Stars is called Estrelitas while Koko Krunch is called Chocapic.

The original recipe of cereal milk uses toasted corn flakes, and you can use any brand you like.


"Sooo... what are we cooking for today, Chef Andy?" Lulu asked as we looking at the fridge after returning from the farm, relieved from fixing the mess that has been made by two wolves, that I believe I know whom. Volk and Harris, meanwhile, decided to take a bath.

"Our menu today will be: fried tempeh and kimchi hors d'oeuvres..." I replied as I took out five packages of kimchi, two jars of chopped kimchi and three blocks of tempeh, Lulu taking it and place it on the nearby island table.

"Dubu kimchi, green onion pajeon, spinach-namul..." I took out five blocks of tofu, stacks of sliced beef and pork, and three bunch of spinach, as well as green onions.

"And for dessert, the recipe came all the way from New York City's Momofuku Milk Bar yet made by me, is Koko Krunch cereal milk ice cream and Honey Stars cereal milk ice cream with chocolate fudge and whipped cream," I said as I closed the fridge door.

"Oh my God, that sounds good..." she moaned as she started scattering the ingredients at the island table.

"It is, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but tempeh and kimchi, I don't know if it is a good idea..." she muttered, unsure.

"They both made from soy and fermented. What could possibly go wrong?" I shrugged.

Lulu went silent, thinking before shrugging along. "Oh, what the heck."

We then went off by chopping, preparing and cleaning the ingredients without any moment wasted.

"Lu, bayamnya sudah dibilas belum?" (Lu, did you rinse the spinach?)

"Udah. Airnya udah mendidih belum?" she replied as she shakes the spinach, draining the excess dirt. (I did. Is the water boiled?)

I looked over the stove as I cut the tofu.

"Udah. Lu cemplungin aja." (Yes. Just plunge it in.)

She then took the bowl of spinach and plunged it into a pot of boiling water.

"Berapa menit?" (How long?)

"Semenit aja. Di mana saringan?" I asked. (Only a minute. Where's the sieve?)

"Bawah situ!" She pointed at the nearby cabinet. I took it out and placed it at the nearby sink. (Down there!)

While waiting, I chopped the tempe and lathered it with salt and pepper.

Volk walked into the kitchen. He whistled and said, "I know you're skillful in the kitchen. But I didn't know you're this skillful."

"Only the recipes that I know..." I replied as I set aside the tofu inside the microwavable bowl, before putting it in the microwave and blanch it for 3 minutes.

Lulu then came to the stove, lift the pot filled with boiled spinach. "Andy! Cepetan!" (Andy! Hurry up!)

"Volk! Hold this!" I shouted as I took out the strainer and put it on Volk's hands.

"Hold it right here," I said while guiding him to the kitchen sink.

She lifted the pot and poured the contents down to the strainer, making the water's out and into the drain, while the spinach stays in the strainer.

Meanwhile, I took out sesame oil, soy sauce, a clove of garlic, garlic crusher device, and toasted sesame seeds.

She then picked up the spinach and squished them dry before dumped the spinach into the mixing bowl.

I crushed the garlic with the device before squirting out the oil and the soy sauce.

"Lu. Adukin bayemnya. Aku mau siapin tempenya." (Lu. Mix the spinach. I need to prepare the tempeh.)

The tempeh has been set for five minutes under a mixture of salt and pepper. I laid it down on heated cooking oil in a shallow pan.

I took out the spatula and started watching the tempeh carefully.

"Anytime now..." I muttered to myself.

Meanwhile, Volk asked, "What should I do now?"

"Fetch Harris. We need some muscle help," I replied.

"Wha?" Volk looked confused.

"Do it!" Lulu shrieked as she crunched the poor spinach. Volk yelped and ran.

"Jangan ampe ancur, neng! Taroh di meja, siapin alat sama bahan buat pajeon-nya! Kasih tahu cara bikinnya!" I commanded. (Don't crush it! Put it on the table, and prepare the ingredients and pieces of equipment for the pajeon! Make sure to tell them how to do it!)

"Oke!" (OK!)


It took almost two hours for us to prepare the whole meal. By the time we are finished for real, all wolves already sat down in their places.

Honestly? I don't know if they know how to use chopsticks, although I am sure they used to go to a Chinese joint before.

"Wow! It's a feast!" A Hunter whistled.

"Dig in, everyone! We have enough rice!" I said as we sat down.

And they didn't even need to be told twice.

Honestly, I am nervous about what they think of our food. The thing about Asian people cooking is that we didn't measure as exact. You gotta go with the gut.

"Uhm! This is good!" They exclaimed.

"It's really good. I never had anything like this before," another one exclaimed.

Lulu and I looked at each other before finally taking a bite ourselves. And boy, our eyes brightened.

We did well.

"Wow, we did good, girl!" I high-fived my cousin with glee.

"Yeah, we indeed did good!" She says excitedly, giggling.

Suddenly, our face gets whirled by force and got kissed by our mates.

"Oy!" We shrieked.

"Love you, babe!" They teased.

Really, guys?!


"What are the plans for tomorrow? I know that Safari is not on our list," a Hunter asked as he ate another slice of pajeon.

"We can explore the tea fields, lunch at a nearby riverside restaurant, outbound, swimming in our pool, basketball..." I listed all the potential activities.

"Maybe a game of water polo wouldn't be such a bad idea," Jack said.

"A basketball game!" another Hunter piped in.

"So, just around this villa then?" I asked everyone.

"YES!" All of them roared.

"Consider it done. We're spending the day in the villa tomorrow!"

"YES!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

Lulu tugged my shirt. I leaned on her.

"Kenapa?" (What is it?)

"Besok sore mau ngerujak ga?" Lulu asked as the wolves chatted excitedly of their tomorrow activities. (Wanna have some rujak tomorrow evening?)

"Boleh, boleh. Buahnya ada ga?" I replied. (Fine by me. Are the fruits available?)

"Ga tahu nih... Ntar minta si Mbok potongin beberapa dari kebon sama beliin kali yah, kalo misalnya yang ada jualan di jalan?" (I don't know. Maybe ask Mbok cut some down from the farm and buy some of the farm don't have, in case they sell it in the streets?)

"Besok aja, minta si mbok beli buahnya pagi-pagi di pasar. Di belakang kan ada mangga sama pepaya. Paling beli jambu gitu-gitu kali ya..." (Tomorrow, just ask her to buy some fruits at the market. There's papaya and mangoes at the farm. Probably buy some guava and some of like those...)

"Iya juga ya. Eh ngomong-ngomong mau bubur ayam ga buat sarapan besok pagi?" Lulu suddenly asked. (Yes, that's true. By the way, want some chicken porridge for tomorrow's breakfast?)

"Bubur ayam yang di depan!? Mau dong!" I replied excitedly. (Chicken porridge from the front? I want one, please!)

"Are you guys talking about bubur ayam?" Herman suddenly piped in.

"Uh huh, for tomorrow's breakfast." Lulu nodded.

"I'm in! I'm somehow craving a bowl or two," Herman said, grinning.

"Okay. Let's ask the others, shall we?" Lulu said.

"Before that, though..." I raised the glass, and clang it with my fork loudly.

And they all stopped their interaction.

"Hear me, hear me. I am going to announce that we'll be having a chicken porridge for breakfast tomorrow. Unless you have any suggestions." I declared.

"How about bacon and eggs?" Zebadiah asked.

"We don't have the beans. Are you sure you want bacon, roasted potato, and eggs?" I asked.

"What happened with trying something new, Zeb? Did you have a porridge before?" Nico teased
Zebadiah narrowed his eyes at him.

"Aiya, never mind that. If he doesn't want to have one, then he can get something else," I shrug as I sip a water from my glass.

"No. I want that damn porridge!" Zebadiah growled.

"Alright, then," Lulu said, unamused.

"So how many of you wanted a chicken porridge for breakfast? Hands up so we can count," Herman said.

All of their hands are up.

"Well, that was crazy. All of you are unanimous," I said, astonished.

"We never tried one, so it'll be a good experience," Jack said.

"Besides, there are times we should be out of our comfort zones. I mean, that fried fish thing, is a start," Nico said.

"All right then. I'll tell the villa keeper after tonight so she can order them first thing in the morning," I said.


"Also, I have a request to make."

Everyone looked at me like, 'what are you going to say?'

"Alpha Zebadiah, Nico, if you guys wanted to mate, don't do it in the farm, please," I lay it down firmly.

Everyone choked on their foods and drinks. Meanwhile, Nico's face started to redden in embarrassment.

"What's wrong with us mating?" Zebadiah asked as if he's offended.

"Nothing is wrong, just don't do it on the farm. It could raise uproar to our grandparents."

"Aaah... Okay..." Zebadiah nodded understandingly

"Oh, one more thing. It's alright to poo in the farm and the mini forest as long as you bury them. It can act as a fertilizer, you know," Lulu added.

"Some of us already did so, Luna. No need to worry about that," another Hunter piped in.


"Lu, aku keluar sebentar, mau ngomong sama si Mbok," I shouted as I opened the front door. (Lu, I'm going out for a while, want to talk to Mbok.)

"Oke!" she shouted back. (Okay.)

"Where are you going?" Volk asked.

"I'm going to the villa keeper's house. Wanna join?" I asked back.

"Sure, why not? But can I do it in animal form?"

"Do what you like," I shrug.

Moments later, with Volk in his Drake form, following behind, I went to the villa keeper's house, located right next door.

I knocked on the door while he went hiding.

"Mbook... punten..." I called. (Mbook... Pardon the intrusion...)

"Yaa..." a voice came out from the other side. (Coming...)

Mbok Lasmi, our villa keeper, opened the door.

"Wah, Koko... Ada apa ko?" She asked. (Wah, Koko... What's going on?)

I cut the chase and said, "Gini mbok, besok pagi mau pesen bubur ayam. Tapi takut ga kebangun. Boleh minta tolong beliin?" (Here's the thing, Mbok. Tomorrow morning we wanted to buy chicken porridge for breakfast but we're afraid that we didn't wake up. Can you help us order them?)

She nodded. "Oh, siap, Ko. Berapa mangkuk?" (Oh, sure thing, Ko. How many bowls?)


I mindlink him quickly. 'Volk. Quick. How many again?'

He and Drake answered simultaneously, 'Twenty-four bowls.'

"Dua puluh empat mangkok, Mbok." (Twenty four bowls, Mbok.)

"Buset! Banyak amat, Ko!" She was starlted at the amount. (My goodness! That's so many of them!)

"Banyak orang yang mau, Mbok. Bisa kan?" I replied. (So many people wanted them, Mbok. Can you handle it?)

"Oke Ko. Siap." (Oke Ko. I can handle it.)

"Makasih ya, Mbok. Oh iya, sama ini, Mbok. Kita pengen rujak buah nih besok. Bisa petikin mangga, pepaya sama beberapa buah, sekalian dipotongin, gitu?" I asked. (Thank you so much, Mbok. Oh, it reminds me. We wanted rujak buah for tomorrow. Can you pick some mangoes, papayas and some fruits, as well as cleansing them?)

"Oh, bisa, bisa Ko." (Oh, I can, Ko.)

"Sorry banget ya jadi ngerepotin Mbok." (I'm so sorry for all of this.)

"Oh, enggak apa-apa. Mbok sama suami seneng koq bisa bantuin Koko sama Non. Jadi ada kegiatan. Apalagi semenjak anak-anak Mbok udah ga di rumah, rumah jadi sepi, trus juga kita kadang suka bingung mau ngapain," she said, smiling happily. (Oh, it's alright. My husband and I are happy for helping Koko and Non, thus making all this as an activity for us. Ever since my kids are no longer at home, the house feels empty, and sometimes, we're very confused, didn't even know what we're doing at the moment.)

I can only nod at her confession.

On our way back, Volk decided to mind link by asking questions.

'So, she's the villa keeper?' he asked.


'Where is her husband? I didn't see her although I do smell two people, though.'

'She is actually a bit younger than her husband. You didn't see him because he's resting. He is really old. Almost eighty.'

'What does he do?'

'He's the one responsible for the garden and security of this place.'

'Wow. By the way, how did they get the job anyway?'

'Well. It's a rather easy task for my grandparents. I didn't know much, but all I know is that they've been there from the start.'

'Uh huh.'

'And their kids, they have five, are already old enough to fetch some money of their own. That's why, like she said, all of her kids are moving out. Some went out of Java, some even become a worker overseas.'

'Ah, I see. Did any of them came to visit?' He asked.

I shook my head. 'Unfortunately, not all of them. We have to give them a computer and internet connection in order to communicate with them.'

'Oh, alright then...' Volk muttered.

'Why'd you ask?' I asked.

'Just curious, that's all,' he answered as he pushed the door opened with his snout.


The next day, I woke up but still quite sleepy.

Volk's bed side was empty, so I guess he's downstairs 'patrolling' the area.

The wolves are lurking down the surrounding areas of the villa as if they're on patrol. Luckily, they hide once Mbok Lasmi is out from her family's designated place.

I walked downstairs with hair sticking out like every bedhead should look.

"Ngantuk..." I mumbled. (Sleepy...)

"Morning my lovely sleepyhead," Volk greeted right at the bottom of the stairs, bare chested with a damp towel on his shoulders. Before I can even react, he sweeping me off my feet and kissed me deeply.

As his lips depart, I asked, "How come your breath tasted so fresh this morning?"

He grinned. "I brushed my teeth and use Listerine mouthwash this morning."

"Good to know." I can't help but get infected by his grin.

He then set me on the floor.

"Go shower and meet me in the kitchen, okay?" I said.

"You betcha," he winked and walked upstairs.

I can't wipe the grin off my face as I entered the kitchen, even when Lulu approached me.

"OMG An. Perfect timing. Si Mbok beliin jajanan banyak banget!" She said, panicked. (OMG An. Perfect timing. Si Bok bought so many goodies!)

"Well, good morning to you... eh, you say what?"

We went to the dining table when Mbok Lasmi placed on a table, a tray full of goodness: lemper, risol, pastel, nagasari, kue lumpur, kue cubit, kue pukis, onde-onde, klepon, kue putu, getuk, and kue apem.

"Aduh, aduh... Makasih banyak ya, Mbok. Waduh, jadi makin ngerepotin nih, Mbok," I said to Mbok Lasmi. (Oh my goodness... Thank you so much, Mbok. My Lord, it's becoming more troublesome for you.)

"Ndak apa, Ko. Ini sekalian belanja buah di pasar. Sebenarnya kemarin mau beli orangnya ga jualan," she replied. (It's alright, Ko. I bought all these while I bought the fruits. Actually, I wanted to buy all these but the person who sells is not selling yesterday.)

Lulu and I poke each other.

"Errr... Makasih banyak ya, Mbok..." Lulu said. (Errr... Thank you so much, Mbok...)

"Sama-sama, Non." Mbok Lasmi bowed and took off. (My pleasure, Non.)

Lulu and I grimaced at the goodies she bought for all of us. It is enough, but...

"Do you think they are going to like all of them?" I muttered while looking at my cousin.

"Only one way to find out," she muttered, searching for ideas.

"Good morning..."

Lulu and I looked at the source of the voice. A messed-up looking David.

"David, what happened to you?" Lulu asked, shocked by his look.

"Let's just say Herman keep me up all night until 5 am and now he doesn't want to get out of the bed, even for breakfast," he replied.

"Ack. That's quite unfortunate..." Lulu grimaces.

"Good thing today's breakfast is porridge. Otherwise, you can't bring them upstairs," I said.

"I guess you're right. Can I take two bowls?" David asked as he pointed at two bowls of chicken porridge.

"If you know how to open the door," Lulu answered.

"I let the door open slightly," David added.

"Take it, then."


That afternoon at the gazebo, everyone gathered around as we serve them various tropical fruits complete with the peanut sauce, and a tray full of goodies that Mbok Lasmi bought for us.

They're all tired from their physical activities, from water polo to tail tag.

Seriously, whose idea is that, chasing tails as a tag?!

"Wow, Luna! All of these looks delicious!" Jack said.

All the wolves are eyeing and growling at all the dishes hungrily.

"Dig in, everyone!"

And so they did.

"Wooo... This is good!"

"I need this so bad, especially after beating Zeb's team recently!" Nico said excitedly as he grabbed a sliced mango

"Whatever, Nic. I always win in bed, if that's fair, " Zebadiah teased back.

"Damn, water polo must have done you in..." I said as I fished out a pastel.

The wolves crackled as they started fishing fruits and some goodies from the tray.

"That shit is good, " I chuckled.

While we fish and talk, Herman was silent for the whole conversation. From his face, he either doesn't look like he's enjoying the conversation or the food or just looked blank for the whole conversation.

"Herman, are you alright?" Lulu asked, shaking Herman's shoulder.

"Huh, oh, what?" Herman shook off from his blankness.

"Are you okay? You seem silent for the while conversation," I asked.

"Oh, it's alright. Just a little tired, that is all..." Herman answered, shaking his head while smiling, trying to reassure us.

"Are you sure?" David asked, worryingly.

"I said I am fine!" Herman suddenly snapped.

David held his hands up in defense.

"Herman, look. You have goodies and a glass of hot tea right in front of you. A slice of mango won't hurt your appetite, right?" I said gently.

Herman went silent, for a while. His eyebrows crunched as if he's unsure what to do.

"Well, maybe I guess a bite wouldn't hurt..." He murmured, unsure of himself.

He took a bite of a sliced mango and suddenly he leaped from the gazebo, his palms covering his mouth and his expression is green with sickness.

It was a spur of the moment that didn't look good.

"Herman!!" David leaped and chased after him. We leave everything behind and chase after them.

Herman opened the bathroom door and started to puking everything out.

"Herman, are you alright?" David called.

"No..." He croaked and puking again.

Oh boy...

David then entered the bathroom before crouching beside Herman.

"What's going on, babe? Why are you suddenly puking?" David asked while rubbing Herman's back gently.

"I. Don't. Know!" Herman seethed. David holds his hand up.

"Is it because of the dishes we ate?" Zebadiah asked the Hunters.

"No, Alpha."

"No, Zeb."

Both Nico and his Hunter comrades replied at the same time.

"There's no wolfsbane in Indonesia, and I didn't smell anything weird from the rujak buah you speak of," Nico said.

The rest of the Hunters nodded.

"No hint of other poisonous substance whatsoever in any of the food we ate recently and the ones that in the tray this morning, Gamma," a Hunter piped in.

"Other poisons?" Zebadiah asked.

"Rat poisons, stuff like that," Nico said.

All of us nodded understandingly.

"But if it's not the food, then what is it?" Herman muttered, confused and scared.

Suddenly, it came to me why.

I remember when David talked about Herman's condition yesterday, his mood swings, and now... this?

It. Can't. Be.

I looked at Lulu and said, "Lu, gue takutnya dia hamil..." (Lu, I'm afraid he's pregnant...)

Her face paling once she heard what I'm saying. "Aduh serius lu?!" (Are you serious?)

"Ga tahu nih... makanya..." (I don't know... That's why...)

"What are you guys talking about?" Volk asked.

All eyes on us as if we're in the center of the ring just like a circus. Damn. Looks like I had to get the cat out of the bag.

"Well, I hate to say this, but..." I started.

"But what?!" Herman pressed.

"If he's not being poisoned, then he's probably..." I hesitated.

Honestly, I didn't know how he's gonna react.

I gulped and...

"Pregnant." I finally blurt it out.

All of us went silent.

"No way. I'm a male. I can't get pregnant!" Herman exclaimed in disbelief.

"News flash. His Beta's mate is a male. And he's fucking pregnant," I pointed at Volk.

"And one of our friends, Alpha Carver, his mate is human, male and he's pregnant," Volk added.

"Used to be. He and Carver are now taking care of three kids..."

"This... this can't be..." he muttered in distraught.

On that moment, Herman sways backward lightly, and David catches him in time, cursing "Shit!".

Yep. He's out.

Herman was lifted and dragged to the nearest bed.

"Herman, can you hear me? Baby?" David panicked as he slapped Herman's cheeks lightly, trying to wake him up.

But honestly, it's no use at all.

"Uh... babe... I think one of the Hunters needs to go to the nearest mini market to buy some test packs for Herman" Lulu asked.

"Test packs? What for?" Harris asked.

"To confirm that he's pregnant, you foolish soon-to-be-husband!" Lulu flicked his forehead.

"Well, those symptoms are there. Why are you not so sure?" Zebadiah asked.

"I'm afraid of false pregnancy. That's why we're buying test packs." Lulu was adamant with this.

"Why not going to the hospital?" Nico foolishly asked.

"We can't risk him going to the hospital for a ultrasound here. He and David will be dragged to Area 51 by both American and Australian officials and never come back if you do such thing," I explained.

"Not every country have werewolf packs, you know. Even if Indonesia have one, they're probably hiding from hate groups who wanted to destroy them," I added.

"The only thing that's reliable right now is let David sniff his belly and get some test packs. That's it," Lulu said.

Hearing this, David slowly opening Herman's below shirt and started sniffing his abdomen. He then closed his eyes, and started to breath, before finally muttering, "Oh wow..."

All of us glanced at him, with a hint of anticipation. He then leaned, carefully pressing his ears onto Herman's stomach.

He gasped.

"I hear a little heartbeat..." he whispered, and a lone tear stroking his cheeks.

Lulu clasped her hands around her mouth, gasping in shock.

"Oh my God..."

"Uh, guys. I hate to break it to you but I don't think Herman will believe us even if David said that it's true. Someone should get us at least five different test packs, stat," I said.

"Are you saying that he is doubting me?!" David snarled, his wolf tries to come out.

"That is one thing that we feared of. Now, one of you need to go to the nearest mini market and buy them, so we can at least provide some proof," I pointed out.

"Fair point," Zebadiah and Nico said.

"With those test packs, it will gave a legitimate proof that your wolf is not lying at Herman," Zebadiah added.

Nico glanced and appointed Jacques, a Moon Hunter, to fetch five different test packs.

Fifteen minutes later, he returned with a bag from minimarket.

"Luna Andrew, here are your request. Five different test packs," he said.

"Perfect. Thank you so much," I replied as I took away the bag from him.

"Now all we need to do is wait until he wakes up," Lulu said anxiously.

Just as if is in que, Herman groaned.

David, in a flash, sat up and cup Herman's cheeks.

"Herman, baby? Can you hear me?" he whimpered.

He tried to sat up.

"Wha... what happened?" He stammered.

"Herman, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm actually a bit alright. How did I get in the bed, by the way?"

"I brought you to bed, right after you fainted," David answered.

"But why am I fainted? How did I..."

His mouth stopped moving and his face started draining its color. Everything came back to him like a flash.

"I... I still can't..."

I grab a cup from a test pack and stride towards him.

I shoved him the cup and said, "Herman, I know this sounds crazy, but I want you to pee in this cup. Can you do that?"

Herman was speechless. "I..."

"This will proof once and for all whether you're pregnant or not. Alright? If you do, according to this test, David will book you a sonogram session once you're home from Alpha Harris's wedding. If not, well, at least you deserve yourself a happy dance," I said in my serious tone.

Herman gulped, but noticing my no-nonsense tone, he nodded anyway.

He then took a breath and took the cup away from me. He went to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Do not flush it away," I said.

"I know," Herman replied gruffly, then pouring came.

A shuffling noise came, and he finally opened the bathroom door, coming out with his urine sample.

"Here you go," he gave it to me. Then, as I hold the cup, slowly I dip the test pack in it.

"Your turn," I gave it slowly to Lulu. She took it slowly and doing the same thing.
All five test packs are dipped and sealed. We throw away the pee as we don't need them anymore.

"Alright, Herman. These test packs are sealed with your urine. In five minutes, you're going to find out, once and for all, if you're pregnant or not. Okay?" I waved the test packs before placing it at the nearby table.

"Okay..." he squeaked in defeat.


Five minutes have passed, and the agony is really killing. It feels like an hour and by the time the timer is finally ringing, everyone tenses.

"It's time," I finally said.

I picked up the first test.

"So... This test says... Pregnant..." I said as I saw closely at the two lines before giving it to Herman.

Lulu then picked another one and said, "And this one says that pregnant as well..."

Both Lulu and I looking at each other and at the paling Herman, who is staring at both results. We then start looking at other test packs that we bought.

"Shit! this one says the same thing!" I cursed at another test pack.

"This one too!"

Herman became wide-eyed as he received another two test packs.

"Last one!" I waved the last test pack, then gave it to Herman.

"Positive..." Herman answered softly in disbelief.

I looked at the test pack. And he was right.

"Herman. All of these says that you are, officially, without a doubt, pregnant. Added by David's recent sniffing and hearing at your belly, so without any hesitation, I declare you are officially pregnant," I stated.

Herman then suddenly cried, sobbing. David was on his side, rubbing his shoulders.

"Baby? Are you OK? Why are you crying?"

He sniffled. "I... I can't believe this... This... this is just..."

"Unplanned?" David answered.

Herman nodded.

"Alright, I know this is hard on you, but..." David was hesitant, before finally looking at us.

We know what that meant, so we slowly backed away, leaving them on their own.


In the living room, everyone was silent as if we were waiting in the hospital. We're waiting for David's talk with Herman regarding this whole pregnancy thing.

Honestly, this is too depressing. But I do hope David can talk through Herman's hard skull. I mean, this crazy cousin of us can be very stubborn at inconvenient times.

Most of the time, by the way.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Volk said as he stroke my hair.

"I know... but honestly, I have a right to worry. Herman can be stubborn sometimes," I sighed.

"I'm sure David can get through him. He's his mate," Volk said.

"I don't want both of them hurting over the baby, you know?"

He then sniffed and breathed at me, trying to calm me down. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. He have your cousin as Luna to help, not to mention you as well as other cousins and siblings will support him in case he needs help."

"Well, I guess you're right."

I can feel his chest rumbling as he chuckling while holding me close.

"I was sort of wondering..." I murmured.


"I sort of reminded that back then you asked me if I wanted kids, right?"

"Uh huh..."

I looked at him and asked, "Can I ask the same question to you?"

He smiled and said, "No need to so."

"Why not?"

"No one is ever ready for a kid, malyutka. You can say that you're ready, be prepared and know everything there is to know of babies but once they are in your arms it's all about instinct. You can read any book you want, but even though they're helpful, they didn't do much. All babies are different and we learn as we go," he explained.

I went silent before saying, "As long as I'm with you, I'm OK with everything, even with a kid and not ready for it."

"Me too," he said as he kissed my forehead affectionately.

Both of us went silent, as suddenly the door opened. All of us stands up and we saw Herman and David coming out from their room.

"Hey, how did it go?" Lulu asked.

Herman and David squeezes their hands to each other and gave us a sincere smile.

"Oh. Thank God! I am so against abortion!" Lulu exclaimed.

Others chuckled by her response.

"So... a congratulation is in order?" I asked.

"We decided to wait until the ultrasound. I don't want to lose hope, as of yet," David said.

"Although I still need to wrap my head around this, whole pregnancy thing..." Herman mumbled.

"I have a question, though," I said as I slid off Volk's lap.


"Here's the thing. I kinda wondered, how come you didn't feel the symptoms in firsthand, though?" I asked.

"Well, now that you mention it, on some women, it's actually normal for not experiencing it from, the first week to the fifth week. Usually, we experience it in the sixth week. Could it be...?" Lulu realized.

We looked at Herman.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"Herman, answer me honestly. How are you feeling lately, way before you and we found out this predicament?" Lulu asked.

Herman looked confused, as his gears are turning before finally answering, "Well, I do feel tired lately. But I figured that it's the fatigue from the jetlag. And I do feel hungry and horny all the time. I sort of expressed it often through Instagram..."

Both Lulu and my heart's and mind's cried together: 'He's experiencing the symptoms!'

"Speaking of Instagram, did you really lather yourself in japchae?" I asked, curious.

"I really did," Herman replied bashfully.

David growled lowly before wrapping his arms around Herman, while all of us looking at each other, groaning and gagging in disgust.

"Okay. Y'all better outta here..." I slowly walk backward as they finally retreated to their room.


Despite waiting for ultrasound, from that day on, David treated Herman like a fragile human, being instead of normal human being. This, of course, made Herman utterly pissed yet helpless as he is really not used to the idea of being pampered.

Sunday has arrived, and it's almost time to go home.

While our mates and the Hunters are packing their bags, Lulu and I sat facing each other at the gazebo. Each of us holding an envelope in our hands.

"Bawa berapa?" I asked I waved the envelope. (How much did you bring?)

"No tiao puah. Elu?" She asked back. (Two and half million. You?)

"Sama. No tiao puah juga." (Same. Two and half million.)

"Pas lah. Kita kasih si mbok go tiao," she nodded. And we both marched towards Mbok Lasmi's hut. (Perfect. We gave her five million.)

"Mami kita gila juga ya, uruh ngasih si Mbok no tiao puah masing-masing," I said as I waved the heavy envelope. (Our Moms are crazy, telling us to gave her 2,5 million from us each.)

"Tapi gapapalah. Kita kan cukup ngerepotin si mbok selama tiga hari ini, lagi. Bubur ayam buat makan pagi, kita pesennya dua puluh empat mangkok. Trus dia beliin kita kedondong, bengkoang dan yang gitu-gitu buat kita ngerujak, trus pagi-pagi suruh potongin buah mangga, pepaya sama nanas, belum sekalian beliin kita jajanan pasar yang banyak itu pas lagi beli buah-buahan. Cukuplah buat biaya hidup si Mbok kalo seandainya Mamaw ga ke sini bulan ini," she explained. (But it's alright. We're really bugging her for the past three days. We ordered twenty four bowls for chicken porridge breakfast. She brought us kedondong, bengkoang, and all that for our rujak, and then early in the morning, she plucked and cut all the mangoes, papayas and pineapples, not to mention all those goodies that she bought when she went to the market to buy the fruits. It's enough for her to live if Mamaw didn't come to the villa this month.)

"Iya juga ya. Toh kita juga jarang ke sini..." (You're right. Besides, we rarely go to this place.)

"Iya kan?" (Right?)

In just a few seconds, we've arrived in front of Mbok Lasmi's.

"Mbook..." We both called out.


'Why did I smell our mates' scent in here?' She suddenly mind linked me.

'I was about to ask the same thing but now that you mentioned it, I smell David and Herman's as well,' I mind link her back.

Mbok Lasmi appeared. "Ada apa, Non, Ko?" (What is it, Non, Ko?)

"Ini mbok, dari kita buat Mbok," I said as we gave Mbok Lasmi, two envelopes filled with 2,5 million rupiahs each. (From us to you, Mbok.)

"Aduh, aduh... makasih banyak ya Non, Koko juga..." She said gratefully as she accepted the envelopes (Oh my... Thank you so much, Non, Koko too...)

"Oh iya. Tadi saya baru dikasih amplop juga, sama mas-mas bule. Dua amplop gitu. Katanya sih 10 juta isinya," she suddenly confessed to us. (Oh yes. I just recently have given this envelope, by this foreigner. Two envelopes. They said it's 10 million inside.)


"Iya. Dikasih sama empat orang bule gitu. Yang satu nerjemahin. Katanya sih, imbalan..." (Yes. Given by four foreigners. One's translating. He said, it's a reward...)

"Eh, masa?" I asked. (Seriously?)

"Iya Ko... Bulenya ganteng-ganteng lho, Ko." (Yes, Ko... The foreigners are very handsome, Ko.)

I don't think we're going to like where is this going.

"Amplopnya masih disimpan kan ya?" I asked. (You still keep them, right?)

"Amplopnya saya masih simpan. Tunggu saya ambilkan..." She said before left us, stunned. (Yes, I still keep it. Wait for it, I'll take it.)

'Are you thinking what I am thinking?' She mind-linked me.

'I think I did...'

Mbok Lasmi finally returned, bringing four, thick envelopes.

"Ini Ko. Amplopnya masih disegel. Saya jujur ga ngerti kenapa tahu-tahu dapet amplop isinya 10 juta. Saya kira dari Koko sama Non," she said. (Here it is. The envelopes are still sealed. I honestly didn't understand why I suddenly got an envelope filled with 10 million. I thought from Koko and Non.)

I took it and inhaling it subtly. Sure enough, Volk's scent, as well as David,'s lingered. Lulu also frowned as she inhales another one that she took.

"Ini dikasihnya kapan?" I asked. (When are you given this?)

"Barusan tadi, Ko," she answered. (Just recently, Ko.)

Lulu was really quick to think outside the box, because seconds later, she just said, "Oh, ini pasti calon suami aku punya kerjaan. Dia ga ngomong-ngomong ke kita soal ini." (Oh, this must be my fiance's work. He didn't speak to us regarding this affair.)

I looked at her as if she's crazy, but from the way she looks at me, I'd had to play with her.

"Calon suami Non?" Mbok Lasmi asked. (Your fiance?)

She nodded.

"Jadi empat bule itu, satu calon suaminya dia," I said as I pointed at Lulu, "dan tiga lagi tuh teman-teman kita. Mungkin pada urunan juga..." (So those four foreigners, one is her fiance, and the other three are our friends. They probably chipping in, too...)

"Aduh, aduh... Mbok merasa terharu..." Mbok started crying while we're both poking each other. (Oh, oh... I never felt so grateful...)

"Udahlah. Terima aja, Mbok. Lumayan buat tambahan biaya kalau ada apa-apa," I said as we placed the envelope right back into her hands. (Just take it, Mbok. It'll be useful in case if there's something goes wrong.)

She nodded and then we chat about the pleasantries before she closed the door and we turn our backs.

"VOOOLK!! HARRISS!!! DAVIIID!!! HERMAAAN!!! WE'RE GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" We both yelled as we started running back to the villa.

It's good news for Mbok Lasmi, as she officially earned 25 million in total. But our mates are not.
They're going to deal with angry us, and they're better to be begging for mercy!


- No tiao puah: Hokkien translation for two and half million.
- Jajanan pasar: snacks that sold in Indonesian traditional wet markets.
- Bubur ayam: chicken porridge. Rice porridge doused with flavorful chicken stock, served with shredded chicken meat, fried shallots, sliced you tiao, tongcai (salted vegetables that finely chopped into little pieces), chopped scallion and celery leaves. Roasted peanuts can be added by choice.

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