Drunk On Jealousy || PJM Fanf...

Par Bts_For3v3r_

37 5 19

** Story by @BTSgotJams_170 and @Tae2005 or our joined account @Bts_for3v3r_ ** Y/N, a young photographer has... Plus

1: Annoying Client

36 5 19
Par Bts_For3v3r_

Don't you just love it when you wake up to the sun, shining brightly on your face? The birds singing their morning song and the sky, filled with fluffy white clouds. The grass, greener than ever. Not to mention, the sweet aroma of the pancakes your mother is cooking downstairs.

Hah... What crap! Don't make me laugh.

Nothing like that happens because life is boring. The same thing repeats everyday with few, to no changes. This is real life. You wake up, get ready, eat breakfast, go to work and come back home. That's it!

Life's always been that way; work then home.

It's an endless loop.

You sigh, ruffling your ebony colored hair in frustration. The sound of the director's pencil tapping the metal arms of his chair, bothered you. The studio was alive, as it was filled with more people than usual, today.

Sure, all the noise was bothersome, yet all you could think about was the extra cash that would fill your pockets tonight.

You glance at the camera resting comfortably in your hands, a small grin on your face. It was as if yesterday was your first photo shoot. Memories of the past years as a photographer fill your mind.

I'm lucky to get this job today I guess.

"AH! HE'S HERE!" One girl squealed, nearly fainting on sight due to severe fangirling. Your eyes roll to the back of your head.

Fangirls these days...

Could they save it for after the shoot?

"HE LOOKS EVEN BETTER IN PERSON!" Another girl joined, not even caring about the others around her as she pushes her way into the crowd.

Pivoting on your heel, you face the drama, watching attentively from a distance. A man, a couple inches taller than you, enters the room. His clothes were tight, clearly displaying his toned figure without shame. He had only just set foot into the studio, yet it was already clear that his arrogance was assaulting your eyes.

"HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE! OUR SAVIOR!" Another person squealed, in this case, the director.


"Park Jimin!" The director smiles, shaking the model's hand. The model, whose name you can assume to be Park Jimin, chuckles showing off his pearly whites.

"The pleasure's all mine." Jimin praised, earning a look of awe from the director, who you could've sworn at this moment, fell for the boy. "Please get changed, we'll begin shortly." The director says gesturing towards the back with his left hand.

"Ah, thank you! I'll get going now then," Jimin bows respectfully to his elder before being guided to the changing room by the stylist.

Then it happened, his gaze met yours.

You purse your lips in response to the tugging sensation in your chest. A cat like grin appears on his face, forcing you to break eye contact. You scoff.

What's his deal?

"Y/N! You have fifteen minutes to check the cameras!" The set manager calls over your shoulder as you run around frantically, assuring yourself that the shoot was going to be perfect.

It has to be... I can't afford to screw up.

Swiftly, yet quietly, you prepare the cameras, moving them slightly and making sure the lenses were clean.

Suddenly, the sensation of hot breath strokes your skin, sending a cold chill down your spine. You flinch, facing the guilty one immediately.

"So you're the photographer?" The boy with raven hair acknowledged, a somewhat amused glint in his dark chocolate colored eyes. You can't help but stare at him blankly for a brief moment.

Then you remembered he was your client. "Ah! Yes! That's me, I'm the photographer." You stutter, smiling awkwardly at the end, hoping he'd just leave to end your misery.

"What kind of shoot are we doing today?" He asks, head resting in his hand as his eyes begged you for attention.

You gulp hard, pulling out some papers from your bag. "Didn't your manager discuss this with you prior to the shoot?" You ask raising an eyebrow.

An amused look plays across his face, "Oh she did, but I'd prefer to hear it from someone else... someone younger." He continues gazing at you intensely.

You laugh awkwardly. "Perhaps you should get the makeup artist to explain it to you then."

You hand him the papers in your hand, gesturing to the young lady who was a teenager.

He smirks, clearly annoyed that you were rejecting his flirtatious advances on purpose. "Playing hard to get I see?"

You shrug carelessly. "I'm just doing my job."

He looks at your main camera thoughtfully, stealing it to go through some photos. "Are you any good?-" He pauses mid sentence, admiring the photo he withdrew from your camera's inventory.

It was of a couple lying under a tree, staring into each other's eye lovingly. The boy's head resting in the girl's lap, both of them smiling innocently.

You suddenly notice Jimin playing with your camera. "H-hey!" You try to snatch the camera back but fail when he holds it high above your head.

You frown, jumping once more to try and reach it.

"Pft! Hahahaha!" He laughs, watching you struggle to reach your most prized possession. A pout forms on your lips. "Just give it back already." You stomp your foot angrily.

"Try one more time, I promise it will be rewarding." He winks.

"Is that a challenge?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"Challenge? I never said that. Unless... you want it to be." He lowers his head to your eye level, grinning smugly, demanding that you play according to his rules.

With one more burst of energy, you bend your legs, preparing to jump as if your life depended on it. Without hesitation, you project yourself forwards, landing way too close to the model for your liking.

Your head was cushioned from impact thanks to his chest, which took all your weight gracefully. Your fingers grasped the fabric of his shirt to maintain balance.

"See?" He whispers, sliding the camera into your hands. "I told you it was rewarding."

You freeze, unsure of what to say.

What is wrong with this guy?

He's completely crazy!

You remove your hands from his body to brush yourself off before walking away. Gritting your teeth in frustration, you let the director know that you're ready to begin the shoot.

The director smiles. "Great. I'll leave it to you."

With that, you return to your station, preparing yourself to have to give orders to the man you've already grown to dislike.

He prances on set, smiling sheepishly.

"Just do some random poses. I'll take pictures of the ones I like." You mumble, clearly still annoyed.

Through the lens of your camera, you observe him closely, discovering what poses suited him best.

You interrupt him in the midst of a pose, "tilt your head a few degrees to the left, and bring your head upwards a little." You command. Obediently, he does what you say, glancing at you curiously as you continue to order him around.

You snap many photos, which all please the director. The old man slaps a meaty hand on your back. "Good work today Y/N."

"It's nothing really..." You utter, turning away in embarrassment.

"AH~! Don't be so humble!" The director chuckles. "Come on! You should have a drink with us. What do you say?" The director laughs heartily. A pit of guilt settles in your stomach as you decide what to say next.

"Thanks for the offer, but unfortunately I have plans..." You decline politely, staring at your shoes uncomfortably. Getting wasted on a weekday with the rest of the crew was the least appealing thing to do in your mind.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun! You deserve it since you worked so hard!" Jimin insisted, smiling broadly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder casually. You glare at him, squirming away slowly.

"No, really! I'm fine! I have plans." You smile awkwardly, still uncomfortable with all the touching and pressure to drink with the others.

Jimin was about to say something but you cut him off. "With that, I'll be leaving now! Have a good night!" You bow slightly, assuring not to make eye contact with the nuisance, that was your client.

A smirk graces Jimin's lips, as his gaze follows your every movement as you find your way to the exit, leaving the set.


Entering your apartment, you hang your jacket and lazily throw your keys onto the counter. You survey the room, heaving a sigh at it's sameness. The TV in the right hand corner remained untouched, and the couch was the way it was yesterday; crooked.

You waddle your way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge to find something to drink.

You roll your eyes. "Woah, so much food!" You remark sarcastically, scanning the empty fridge aimlessly.

"Guess I'm having water for dinner." You mumble, placing a glass underneath the cold running tap water, filling it to the rim with the clear liquid.

Suddenly the chime of the doorbell fills yours ear. Choking on the water that you had just tried to swallow, you stumble to the door.

"Yah Y/N! Do you not have feet? Why are you taking so long?" His annoying voice reaches your ears, "Yah. Open up!" He demands pounding on the door.

You scoff at your friend's loudness. Taping his mouth shut seemed like the only way to get him to stop creating a ruckus in the apartment complex at the moment. You smirk, glancing at the duct tape that rested on the counter.

I mean, it's not impossible. You laugh.

But then I'd have to open the door. You remember, quickly dismissing the idea.

"Go away~! Go play with your hyungs or something." You whine.

"You really didn't think I tried that already?" He grins, knowing that he had insulted you.

"Yah! Roast me one more time and I will-!"

"I have pizza~~ Your favorite~" he flashed a toothy grin. You catch a whiff of the delicious, irresistible, gooey, cheesy Italian dish the tall boy was bragging about.

"Fine. You have permission to enter." You grumble, swinging the door wide open allowing the boy to stride his way into your house.

After placing the take out on the counter he laughs. "You can never resist pizzas, can you?"

"Whatever," you giggle pushing him out of the way, to get first dibs on the goods also known as the food. "Ah I'm so hungry!" Smacking yours lips together with anticipation, you grab the first slice of pizza, taking a bite.

The boy sighs. "Stop eating so much, fatty! You'll explode at any moment!"

"YAH! You try going a whole day without eating!" You sassed, mouth full, not a having a single care in the world about what your annoying friend.

Jungkook smirks, whisking you away from the kitchen and dragging you into the living room.

"Play with me." He demands, hanging a wii controller in front of your face. You roll your eyes. "Is playing the only thing you like to do?"

"Is eating the only thing you like to do?" He mimics, copying your tone and personality. Glaring at him, you hit his shoulder as you take a seat beside him on the black ottoman.

He smirks. "What game should we play... Y/N?"

His gaze meets yours and it was as if at this moment, you both were thinking the exact same thing.

"MARIO KART!" You both shout in unison with idiot-like grins on your faces. Laughing, he places the disk into the disk player.

"Be prepared to lose!" Jungkook boasts, wiggling his brows at you jokingly.

"In your dreams! When I'm done with you, you'll go cry for your mama!" You retort.

"Not a chance." He dismisses, without even sparing you a glance.

"How about we make a bet?" You suggest. He looks at you curiously, eyes asking for you to continue. You pause dramatically for effect. "The loser buys the winner drinks."

"Deal." he smirks, high fiving your hand but then sabotaging you by pushing you off the ottoman.

"Hey!" You yell angrily, as you watch him continue laughing. "You're such a cheater!" You huff, concentrating on the game as you race your virtual car around the track.

"Y/N's gonna lose~ Y/N's gonna lose~" He sings mocking your defeat as his character passes the finish line first. Hanging your head low, you let out a low chuckle. Jungkook continues making fun of you, rubbing salt into your wounds.

"You are actually annoying." You huff, throwing your wii remote onto the couch in frustration.

"You unfair little-!" You freeze, in the midst of your rant, searching for the right word to call him.

'Rascal?" He suggests, yawning in amusement.

"Exactly!" You cross your arms over you chest, like that of an angry mother yelling at her child for not cleaning up their room.

He laughs, ruffling your hair playfully. You giggle in return, as he flashes his signature bunny smile.

"You still owe me a drink~" He winks, totally seeing through your plan to try and wiggle your way out of the deal. You frown.

"Was it that obvious?"


"Wow. Didn't even hesitate..." You mumble under your breath sarcastically, rolling your eyes at Jungkook.

"C'mon, I can't get my drinks without my wallet." He teases, slapping you on the back jokingly.

"Look at the time! It's so late. Isn't it passed your bedtime?" You stutter, pushing him towards the door. Even faking a yawn to make everything sound more realistic.

"Yah! I'm not a kid! You're only a month older than me." Jungkook argued, pouting.

"Well you act like a kid, coconut head. And little boys don't get to do adult stuff last time I checked. Also, I'm still older than you!" You snapped, sticking out your tongue at the end just to annoy him as payback.

"We're going and that's final!" Jungkook declares, standing up, grabbing your wrist as he tried to pull you out the door.

"No!" You scream.







"Ha! Now get up!" Jungkook laughs, pointing at your clearly frustrated expression because of his stubbornness.

You shake your head vigorously. Jungkook heaves a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Don't make me do this Y/N." Jungkook threatens, glaring at you. You gulp but still stay put.

"You asked for it!" Jungkook cooed, picking you up bridal style. You yelp, kicking and punching him in hopes that he'd put you down. He continues walking calmly, as if your violence had zero effect on him.

"Fine you win! Just put me down!" You shout. Jungkook comes to a halt, smiling cheekily as he suddenly let go, watching you fall to the ground with a thump.

"Yah! That hurts!" You yell, glaring at the young boy giggling next to you.

"You're such a wimp." He retorts, looking down at you who was still sitting on the floor complaining of pain.

You scoff. "Yah-!"

He places his hand over your mouth, forcefully shushing you. A careless smile tugs his lips as he whispers the following words, "Save it for later. Now let's get going."

Unable to not give in, you reluctantly follow him out the apartment complex.

All I wanted was a quiet evening...

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