Shelter [Reader x Shouto Todo...

By Skylit128

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(Y/n) has been a friend of Izuku and Katsuki for as long as she can remember, and she's been protective of bo... More

Chapter 1 ~ A Day As the Best Friend of Izuku
Chapter 2 ~ More Action Than Anticipated
Chapter 3 ~ All Might the Trainer
Chapter 5 ~ The Entrance Exams
Chapter 6 ~ The First Day in 1-A
Chapter 7 ~ Aizawa is a Troll
Chapter 8 ~ A Dangerous Rivalry
Chapter 9 ~ The Demon Emerges
Chapter 10 ~ Shoto Vs. (Y/n)
Chapter 11 ~ Borrowed Quirk?
Chapter 12 ~ First "Date"
Katsuki's Adventure (Part 1)
Katsuki's Adventures (Part 2)
Katsuki's Adventures (Part 3)
Chapter 13 ~ That Damn Witch
Chapter 14 ~ Don't Vote For Y/n
Halloween Special ~ The Treasure Hunt
Chapter 15 ~ Attack of the Toddlers

Chapter 4 ~ Trust in Me

7.5K 203 447
By Skylit128

"Here's your table," guided our waitress, gesturing to the six open seats beside her. Her eyes were a vibrant green, piercing and cold, and her hair was red and wavy, rounding around her head and barely reaching her chin, almost reminiscent of strawberry jam, but still complimented her neat bangs, reaching just below her eyebrows. She wore a knee-length charcoal dress with a maroon apron covering it. Her metallic golden name tag read in fancy lettering "Niko". She was also clutching a blackboard to her chest, never moving it at all.

She looked so professional and cute, I felt out of place with my small, black and white school uniform and a sloppy (h/c) ponytail. I felt a strange vibe from this place - despite its cheerful atmosphere - so I stayed close next to Izuku, as we walked inside the open room.

My parents had gotten a reservation for a moderately fancy restaurant in the middle of Musutafu. They picked this particular restaurant because they have a few special sections separate from the main rooms. Once we informed the staff of our situation, they even gave us a discount! I guess they're massive All Might fans.

"Thank you," my father smiled, sitting down on the chair next to my mother.

My father was wearing a white dress shirt with a pair of jeans. In contrast to him, my mother was wearing a tight, violet work dress with a thin, silver belt hugging her waist.

I thought back to my sister who claimed to have a "prior engagement with a demon butler and his master". I chuckled at her wild imagination.

All Might was just wearing a large yellow suit, striped with thin, black lines.'He really likes yellow, huh,' I observed, grinning. Taking a closer look at the room, it was quite luxurious.

The table was a rectangular shape with three chairs lining either side, the floor covered with a soft, waffle colored carpet.

My parents were on one side of the table and Izuku, All Might, and I were on the other. All Might and I sat on either side of Izuku, with my father sitting across from All Might and my mother sitting across from Izuku.

The waitress gave us five menus and walked to the corner of the room, supposedly waiting for us to order. She noticed my gaze and smiled at me, making me have a mini heart attack. I quickly looked away, pretending as if that never happened.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shady man peek into our room from the crack in the door. Just as fast as I saw him, he disappeared, leaving me in a heightened state.

'Just look at the walls!! I never saw anyone at all, just my imagination! Just think about how in only a few hours, I'll be safe and sound in bed with my protection blanket and a pair of happy parents!' I reminded myself, shaking my head to abolish my suspicion.

'This is a nice room, huh? I should look around and make sure to seem very riveted by the gorgeous ceiling!'

All the furniture was made of a light, waxed-over wood with chocolate colored cloths adding some flavor here and there. The lighting and mood were well done: there were large windows across the long walls, and, since we came as soon as possible after school, sunlight poured in, casting blinding rays that bounded across the ruby walls. I was able to gaze out and admire the massive complex of roads and buildings. The city below looked like a model from the height we were at.

There was a large, flat screen TV on the inside wall, turned off. A somewhat sweet scent drifted around the peppy room; it was quite enticing, distracting me from my previous suspicious thoughts. On the table was a tiny bouquet of colorful red and green flowers. The room was chilly but only gave me a refreshing feeling.

'Everything about this place just feels so... bright,' I thought.

It was then that I noticed the tiny silver bell at the end of our table, farthest away from me.

"Excuse me, miss," I called the waitress, instinctively raising my hand as if in school. I was facing the corner she was standing in, so it didn't take much effort to show I was talking to her. She hurried over to hear me better, standing on the opposite side of the dining table.

"What would you like?" she asked, a welcoming smile easily sliding onto her face. She was still clinging to her blackboard, tightening her grip slightly. If I hadn't been paying specific attention to her, I might not have noticed, her movements were so quick and soft.

After brushing the thought off, I responded, pointing to the silver object at the other end of the table, "What's that bell for?"

She looked over at it and her face exploded with nervousness, causing her to fumble and fall down. Her board plummeted to the ground, all her papers spilling out. I jumped up, dashing over to help her. Izuku and All Might helped organize the papers, too.

'I wonder why she's so anxious, she seemed so collected just a minute ago,' I noted as Izuku, All Might, and I sat back down in our seats.

"I so sorry," the waitress apologized, bowing like crazy.

Nervously laughing to ease her embarrassment, my father reassured the waitress, "No need to be so sorry, it's quite alright." Taking a deep breath, the waitress recovered and walked over to the bell.

"Because this room is separate from the main dining rooms, our staff often forgets to visit here and ends up upsetting the customer. You're supposed to ring it when you need assistance or want to place an order, but I'll be in here the whole time you dine, so just ignore it. I can remove it if it's an annoyance," she explained, suddenly back to her calm and sure aura.

"Thank you, young lady," All Might praised, opening his menu, finally.

Since I'm a picky eater, it didn't take long to decide on my meal. My father, however, was too busy making fun of all the weird dishes with All Might, so they took a while. While I was waiting for my food, I decided to look for the restroom.

Walking out, the hallways were nice. The carpet stretched out pretty far, but the wallpaper changed to a dark ocean blue-green color. I remembered the lighting being better before, but now I noticed that it was fairly dark, making the halls feel kinda narrow.

The wall bracket lamps were all identical, and, after a few minutes of wandering, I wondered whether I was walking in circles or not. I started getting dizzy, seeing the same things over and over. I blinked back sweat from my eyes, my gut telling me that I should find someone to help.

I briefly considered trying my luck and walking into a random room, but I knew this place was probably full of people who don't appreciate interruptions so much, considering they bought a separate room for their dinner. I decided to march on.

"This place has way too many hallways and way too little signs," I complained, having been looking around for what seemed like hours. "I hope nobody thinks I died or something."

"That wouldn't be good," a feminine voice behind me chuckled, making me jump. My skin tingled as I considered the impish tone the voice held. I didn't trust it.

Before I could fully turn around, I felt a stinging needle pierce the back of my neck. I was hit with a sudden splitting headache and a wave of nausea. In mere seconds, everything started throbbing, causing me to fall to the ground, all the strength being sucked from me.

I strained to look behind me, using all the remaining stamina I had left, to see a waitress with jammy hair and a golden name tag. Through the thick darkness, I saw a pair of sadistic, cold-blooded eyes cutting right through my resolve.

Unable to keep my eyelids from closing, I blacked out.

~~~~~ Izuku's POV ~~~~~

Pulling on his shirt to gain his attention, I looked up at All Might and asked, "Hey, don't you think (Y/n) should be back by now..." Worry tugging my head down, I continued, "I mean, it's been nearly a half hour."

"Not at all, my boy," All Might boomed, patting me strongly on the back. His smile, confident and seamless. "I'm sure she's fine-"

Everything happened in an instant. As if to contradict All Might's encouraging words, the TV flashed on to (Y/n): tied up and unconscious. I jumped back, forgetting I was sitting in a chair and falling down. Even though I heard gasps surrounding me, I couldn't move my gaze from (Y/n)'s limp, helpless figure. I could feel my body quivering, my stomach turning to ice.

"Oh my god, what happened to my baby!?" (Y/n)'s mom cried, grabbing hold of her husband's arm. Her sheiks broke the trance I was in, my eyes now refusing to look at the TV screen. All Might scanned the area, and, once his eyes found me, he pulled me aside.

"Listen, I know what you want to do: go find (Y/n), but right now, it's simply too dangerous," he ordered me, crouched down and gripping my upper arms for dear life. I could see the sweat caking him and hear his rapid heartbeat. It comforted me, slightly.

I nodded as he continued, "I need you to help me figure out what happened, but we cannot leave this room. It will be safest if we all just stick together and try to assess the situation. If we ever need to exit the room, I'm going. In that case, stay close to the (L/n)s, they'll protect you."

Mrs. (L/n) rang the bell a few minutes ago, but nobody showed up. Overflowing with emotions, she charged out of the room, setting off to find her daughter. Mr. (L/n) attempted to stop her, but I doubt she even heard him over her own worries. All Might stopped him before he could chase her, forcing him to see the logic.

Everything felt like background noise, (Y/n)'s image was burned into my eyes. The more I sat still, the less I could stand the thought of what she might be going through.

'Why are (Y/n)'s kidnappers showing us this? Do they plan to demand a ransom?' I thought, trying to predict what they'll do. '(Y/n)'s been gone for a while now, they could be anywhere!' My head spun with despair. I felt too dizzy to continue any trains of thought. I could barely keep a level head.

Trying to calm down and figure this mystery out asap, I analyzed the situation. 'If they're looking for something, this was all probably premeditated. Wait- but we just decided to go out yesterday! (Y/n) and All Might told me that they decided where to go yesterday too when they were in (Y/n)'s shop. One of her customers might be behind this, then. Maybe Mr. (L/n) remembers who was there! It's a slim chance, but it's worth it!'

Before I could confront Mr. (L/n), the TV screen flashed to a piece of cardboard with sharpie words scribbled onto it. It read "Osore St, 23:00".

'I'm guessing they want All Might to go there at eleven; they must a have a trap laid out for him there. And if we don't get (Y/n) back soon, she'll be their bait,' I deduced. Panic started to crawl up my body, leaving me in a cold sweat and shaking at the thought of what sort of trap these villains have planned out. 'I mean, if they captured (Y/n), of all people, then they must be pretty serious.'

After about a minute, the TV screen changed back to (Y/n). I looked over at Mr. (L/n), who didn't seem like he was doing too well. He was sitting in his chair, clutching onto his short (h/c) hair and looking at his lap.

All Might caught my gaze and walked over to Mr. (L/n), placing a light hand of comfort onto the worried father's back.

"She'll be fine, we'll find help," the dejected hero encouraged Mr. (L/n), his smile almost a frown.

'We'll never get anywhere like this! I need to do something!' I thought, clenching my fists tight until they turned white. I walked over to the window to have a brief change of scenery so I could think clearly. 'I don't remember seeing anyone around us when (Y/n) invited me, so this is our best lead. But how did they know where to wait or when (Y/n) would leave? I think we talked a little to the receptionist, and then we were immediately guided to our room by that waitress. I don't remember seeing anyone else, but there's always the possibility that someone was just hiding from us.'

I felt a pit of frustration form in my chest as I tried to think. Looking that the TV screen, it showed a poorly rendered image of (Y/n) on a metal chair, restrained with duct tape. The background was metal as well, but there was a spotlight on (Y/n), so I couldn't see it as well. However, I could still tell it looked like the inside of a car. Every so often, there would be a bump of some sort, making the camera shake.

'She must be in some kind of vehicle,' I decided, trying to make some sort of conclusion. Looking at (Y/n) like this made my stomach churn. I had to take a seat. I wasn't sure how long I would be able to just sit like this. 'I wonder if this feed is live or pre-recorded,' I forcefully pondered, trying to redirect my thoughts.

I looked across the narrow streets and thousands of people hurrying around. I felt so far away from all that, almost like in a different world, looking at the lives and events of so many people.

'WAIT - the security cameras! I bet if we act fast, the footage will still -'

Cutting off my thoughts, All Might surprised me, yelling out, "Wait, young man! Where are you going?!"

Snapping back to reality, I felt my brown shoes running down the nearest hallway, unwilling to stop. By the time I figured what happened, I was too far away for All Might to hear me.

'I don't remember this place being so confusing,' I thought, losing my focus and slipping at a corner as I tried to turn too fast. In just a minute of running, I bumped into a man in a velvet red suit and a shamrock vest below.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, kid," the man said, extending a hand to help me. His tone was honest and he offered a kind smile. He seemed to be in his mid-30s, but his outfit was kinda odd. He seemed trustworthy, though.

'Maybe he can direct me to the front,' I hoped, taking his hand and standing.

"I'm sorry, but do you know where the main restaurant is? I think I'm lost," I admitted, my voice more intense than I meant it to be.

The man was taken aback for a second before answering, "Are you alright? You look a little panicked. Is there an emergency?"

I looked down at myself: I was sweating like crazy and almost all my skin was red. Everything was so hot, but in a cold way - if that makes sense. I felt dizzy, my fingers were numb, I could barely breathe, and my heart was so loud I almost couldn't hear my own thoughts. Still, I couldn't be more energized. Getting back to the main issue, I faced the man.

'Can I trust him? He might be able to help!' I thought, imagining him helping to save (Y/n). 'Right now I need to focus on finding (Y/n). I have a limited amount of time, I can't waste any on explanations,' I decided, shaking my head.

"Everything is fine, thank you," I smiled weakly, anxious to get out of this building. "Could you please lead me to the receptionist?" He complied and we went all the way in silence. I had to stay calm and walk because I didn't want to alert him. Once we got to the restaurant, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.

The receptionist told me our waitress, Niko, said she had an urgent family issue, so she left five minutes ago. That's why we couldn't find anyone near us, the part of the building we were in was mostly vacant, due to being new. He kindly showed me the security footage.

Apparently, (Y/n) wandered the halls with our waitress following close behind her, being careful to not be seen. We bounced from tape to tape a bit to speed up the process. Eventually, it showed the waitress making her move: she stuck a needle into (Y/n) that made her pass out. I saw the waitress get into a silver van and drive off. It was around ten minutes ago since it took a while to sneak (Y/n) out. That lines up well with when the TV screen showed (Y/n).

I asked the receptionist about our waitress we had and he told me she's very new; that she was hired yesterday. Since this place is fairly new, they didn't have many employees, so they told her to start right away.

'She must have heard All Might was going here and applied here. It was perfect timing! There're still in the proximity, I have a chance after all!' I rejoiced, running out, forgetting to say thank you. 'However, the shaky camera means they're going pretty fast, I shouldn't waste any more time!' I dashed out of the building; looking for a large, speeding silver van.

After only a few minutes of running around, in such a rush I wasn't fully sure of what I was looking for, I stumbled upon Kacchan in an alleyway, talking to himself. I was going to tell him about the situation, but his words caught me off guard.

"I wonder if (Y/n)'s alright; he's been acting strange lately," he said, looking down. If he were gripping his backpack straps any harder, they'd probably rip off. His expression was flat and menacing: scary! Contradictory, his eyes were dark and angry, but somehow had a tint of warmth and tenderness; his lips the sad kind of straight. Overall, his face couldn't seem to pick an emotion.

Stopping in his tracks, making a fist, and curling his arm up to chest-level, Kacchan sneered, "She's been glued to that damned wannabe nerd for the past few days; what the fuck does she like about him?" I blushed at his words, making me take a step back accidentally. Thankfully, though, Kacchan didn't hear me.

After a second of thinking, he went into a defensive position and bellowed, "WAIT ARE THEY GOING OUT?!?!??" His booming voice made me instinctively jump and wince. I could feel my face heat up to unreasonable levels, only making me more embarrassed. His entire body burst on fire in a passionate display of fury. "NO FUCKING WAY!!! HOW DARE THAT LITTLE FRECKLED FACED TWERP!!!!! I'M GONNA TIE THAT SHITHEAD UP AND BURN HIS THROAT UNTIL HE-"

Kacchan was interrupted by the realization that he had almost burnt through some of his clothing. Thankfully, he still had everything covered up, but there were gaping holes everywhere. "GOD DAMMIT!" he yelled, defeated.

'Why was he so upset? Did he just hate that anyone would like me, or was it the fact that it's (Y/n),' I wondered, watching Kacchan rustle through his bag - probably for something to cover himself up with. My heart skipped a beat at a realization. 'WAIT DOES KACCHAN LIKE (Y/N)?! When did that happen? For how long? Does she like him? WHAT IF THEY'RE TOGETHER?! Wait - he thought I might be dating (Y/n), so he couldn't be with her. But it seems like he might like her! Does she like him back?!'

My eyes started to tear up, ignoring my attempts to keep from crying. Despite my efforts against it, I started imagining (Y/n) and Kacchan as a couple and I became panicked. I felt like I was choking; I couldn't breathe at all. I felt a sudden wave of nausea engulf me; I thought I might throw up.

'I guess the stress is finally getting to me, it must be the combination of everything that's been happening,' I acknowledged, a splitting headache forming.

I felt like I was in a dream; everything was so faint. My skin burned, pins and needles covering my entire body. My knees became weak, gravity dragging me to the ground. I felt like I was going to pass out. I was shaking, my body flashing between too cold and too hot. I didn't know what to do, so I just kneeled there, eyeing Kacchan walk away.

The ground shook, helping me recover from my stupor. I bounced up, suddenly feeling a rush of adrenaline. Before I could regroup, another jolt came to make me almost fall down. I looked up to see what was going on and saw a silver car door fly toward me. I instinctively rolled to the side, bumping into Kacchan.

I turned up to face him and braced myself for impact, but saw he was ignoring me. Instead, he was inspecting the source of all this chaos.

I turned to see (Y/n) fighting against two people, one trying to shoot her with a gun, the other fighting physically; trying to hold her down or knock her out. I sat there for a moment, grasping the situation.

'She's okay.'

Before I had the chance to even know how to help, I began running over to her.

~~~~~ Back to Regular POV ~~~~~

I felt dizzy and I couldn't seem to open my eyes. For that matter, I couldn't move anything. I was sitting down on a cold surface with sudden bumps every few seconds. I had something on top of my wrists, upper arms, neck, thighs, lower legs, ankles, and the middle of my torso. I could feel some sort of light on me too, it was shining through my eyelids, making me see an orange color everywhere. The air was crisp, but, because of my parched throat, it was just an annoyance to feel the dryness of it. I could just barely hear muffled voices somewhere in front of me.

The more I noticed things, the clearer I could think.

'Was I kidnapped!? Where am I? If I scream will anyone hear me? How did I get here? Who is with me? Why am I tied up to a chair? Was I drugged?' My head swirled with questions that I had little to no way of answering. As I tried to settle the confusion, I started remembering things. For instance: a waitress named Niko kidnapped me from my dinner with my parents, All Might, and Izuku while I was looking for a restroom.

My heart started pounding. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

I considered just screaming for help or somehow using my phone to save me.

'Wait,' I thought, 'my phone!! I still have it!!!' I could feel it being pressed against my body by the metal bounds on my stomach. 'How do I reach it though? I can very well get up and kindly type in '119'!'

I heard my breaths getting heavier and heavier as some of my muscles twitched. 'Why would someone want to kidnap me?! What will they do with me??''

I heard sudden rustling in front of me and I froze, holding my breath.

"How long did you say she'd be sleepin'?" one of them asked in a hoarse voice.

"Just shut up!" I could hear gum in his mouth as he spoke. "What does it matter; we're not pussies! We can handle a little girl. If you can't then what're ya doin' here, Akifumi?!"

He scoffed and moved around more.

I waited a moment and then let go of my breath. 'That was close. That Akifumi guy must have seen me panicking.' I fought the urge to open my eyes; even if for just a second, just to see if I could catch my breath. 'I think it might be a good idea to try playing dead for a little bit before I try anything. I mean, for all I know they could have a gun to my head!'

I began to calm down. 'But on the other hand, the difference between now and a few minutes could be hundreds of miles! Cities! Countries!! I could be under the ocean and I would never know!! It might be too risky to wait.'

As if to change my mind, a sudden 'beep' of a car's horn sounded from in front of me.

'We're on the road!! We must be, what else beeps like that?! And that explains the bumps and constant vibrating too!! And if we were too high or low, the pressure (or lack of pressure) would affect me somehow, right?? So I'd be able to tell a little bit! We can't be too far, then. I don't know how long I've been out for, but from what that guy said before, it couldn't have been too long. I still have a chance, so I should play it safe and wait.'

After a few minutes, I began to open my eyes, being careful not to make it too obvious I was now conscious. I looked around the area to see I was in a van of some sort, tied to a metal chair that was nailed to the back door of the car. There were three people in front of me: one was driving (speeding), another was organizing a stash of guns, and the last was eating a packet of chips, riding shotgun and looking out the window.

'It doesn't seem like they're paying much attention to me,' I observed, just noticing the loud and obnoxious crunch of Señor Chips-Ahoy, sawing away in the passenger seat. I attempted to move my fingers and toes and silently cheered at my success.

In no time at all, I could move everything, but I was still in a daze.

'I wonder if I'll be able to use my quirk like this,' I thought, 'Even if it goes out of control, I doubt it'll do too much damage. I mean, a car crash is unavoidable in this situation. I could just wait it out and escape later, but that's just asking for trouble. I might be sold or killed; who knows! No way I'm taking that risk.'

I made up my mind to escape using my quirk, no going back from there.

I aimed to turn small, but I ended up becoming massive. Before the villains could notice me, the car popped open with a 'Bang' and a lot of shaking. Just as soon as I became big enough to make the car explode, I started to shrink, hiding me from my kidnappers.

As soon as I began to run, I started to grow, becoming as big as the nearest skyscraper. I took a quick look at the car-situation. There didn't seem like a lot of damage down below at first glance, but Señor Chips-Ahoy was stealing a car from some old man.

I bent down to pick up the car and remove the man, carefully placing the car back down. I wondered what to do with the criminal for a second before taking my enlarged bow from my uniform and wrapping him in it until he couldn't escape. I put him inside a recycling bin on a roof next to me.

Someone from down below decided to become an annoyance and trip me - and let me just say, startling a giant is not the best decision. It resulted in a big 'Thud' and an uncomfortable landing. I suddenly shrunk back down to my normal size and was on the top of a random car.

I stood up just in time to dodge a bullet speeding toward me, attracting my attention. There was one of my kidnappers: a man in all black. I saw Niko, my waitress, standing next to him.

She sprinted toward me at full speed, her partner Shooting another two bullets at me as a cornering technique. I still felt too out-of-it to use my quirk, so I just ducked and rolled off the car, planting my feet firmly on the pavement.

At this point, Niko was right in front of me, going for a leg kick to knock me over again. I jumped and used the opportunity to kick her face since she was close to the ground now.

She quickly adjusted: grabbing onto my ankle and slamming me down to the pavement on her other side. I recovered by twisting her arm, forcing her to let go.

Using the second of freedom I had, I glanced over at her partner to see Katsuki melting the gun in his palm. Izuku was trying to hold the man down, but, for the most part, was unsuccessful.

I was interrupted by Niko's punch to the side of my gut, sending me to slam into another car. I bounced back up, analyzing her next move. She was going in for another punch to my torso, which I countered with an uppercut.

Just as she was getting back up, an arm pulled her back into a headlock, rendering her immobile. I saw Katsuki's smirking face appear from behind her neck, sending a ripple of relief and joy through my body.

I looked back to Izuku and was met with a gun to my head, Niko's partner at the other end. He was bloody but had won. Izuku was over with Katsuki, unmoving. Both of them seemed to be taken back by the situation.

"ANY ONE OF YOU MOVE AND I'LL SHOOT!" the man shouted, terrified. He dug his gun into my temple, probably making a mark.

Niko had a satisfied look on her face; it's not hard to tell why.

'Dammit; we were so close!' I thought, starting to sweat. Izuku had a weird face on: a combination of determination and WTF. Katsuki's hands started to slowly simmer, threatening to burn Niko's throat.

"LET HER GO OR I'LL SHOOT, I SWEAR!!" the man continued, a Cheshire Cat-like smile starting to form on his pale face. "AND DON'T DARE TO CALL THE COPS OR PROS!!!"

'I can't let this happen, Izuku and Katsuki could face some serious danger. What should I do?' I thought, ignoring my screaming headache. 'I can't use my quirk, too risky. I need to rob that man of his gun, though. He doesn't seem to want to leave yet; he could easily drive away with me as a hostage. He must want Niko to come with him. He doesn't seem to really care too much about that other guy. Maybe I could use that woman to get away. If I can try to signal to Katsuki to not let her go and just bluff his way through this, we might be able to get away. Maybe if Katsuki can threaten the man with Niko, he can distract him enough for either Izuku to call some help or me to disarm him.'

When Katsuki remained frozen, the man warned him, "DO IT, I WILL SHOOT!" Hoping he would receive my message, I, careful to not let the man notice me, made a thumbs up and smirked. He mirrored my expression and then stared daggers at the man, increasing the heat to Niko's throat.

'Thank god for Katsuki,' I thought, my nerves starting to settle.

With a confident/crazed smile, Katsuki looked to the side and bluffed, "Go ahead, but good luck getting your little waitress back."

"WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY?! I SAID I'D SHOOT THIS BITCH!!" screamed the man, taking a step forward and dropping his gun a few degrees.

'Just a little more,' I thought, confidence lifting the weights on my chest.

"Didn't you hear me, old man? I said good luck getting your waitress back if you shoot!" Katsuki laughed, a little too natural at his role.

Just as I hoped, the attacker took a half step forward and almost completely dropped his gun, bewildered by Katsuki's actions.

Niko screamed, "WATCH OUT!", but she was too late. In a second or two, I gripped onto his wrist and pulled his arm to my other side, slapping a pressure point on his wrist to make him drop his weapon. I, then, pulled his arm over my head, making him flop into the ground.

Confirming the gun wasn't on safety and had ammo in it, I pointed it at him until he stood up. Izuku tied up both criminals' hands behind his back, soon enough handing them over to the cops' custody.

Once everything dies down a bit, the three of us were the only ones left in the area.

'I guess traffic is being held up because of all the action,' I thought, sitting down on a nearby bench.

"Thank you two so much, you guys were awesome!" I praised them, beaming. Izuku sat down next to me, but Katsuki remained standing. "Izuku, thank you so much; you didn't even have a quirk to fight back with and you still ran in to help me. You'll make an incredible hero soon!" I cheered, leaning onto him.

"I-uh-I mean- I didn't do a whole lot- ha-I-uh," he stammered, blushing like mad. He couldn't seem to form a complete sentence but still tried.

"Tsk- that weakling didn't help at all, idiot," Katsuki blurted, arms crossed and looking away. "All he did was tie up the villains after we fought them."

"And all you did was hold some girl in a headlock and threaten to burn her," I responded, straightening my posture and looking up at him.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get All Might and let him know everything that happened," Izuku decided, already running away.

At that, I relaxed my still tense muscles and laid back on the wooden bench, looking at the darkened sky.

"Hey..." Katsuki began, catching my attention. His arms crossed and he staring at the tree next to him. I couldn't see his face very well, but it looked flushed and kinda sad...? "W...W-What's your relationship with that freckle-face?"

'What does he think it is?' I wondered, leaning to try to get a better view of his expression.

Katsuki turned to face me and leaned back, his face burning a wine color. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT, SHITHEAD," the bipolar boy simmered, noticing my effort to see him better.

I put on a serious face and sat up straight, trying to tell him I would be honest. I answered, "My best friend that I hang out with often. No more, no less." My expression softened as I asked him, "What makes you curious?" I looked up at him with interested eyes, eager for him to satisfy my questions.

He made a 'Tsk' sound and closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest again. He quickly unfolded them, though, and looked over to the tree again.

"Hey, don't think you're off the hook just because you didn't get hurt! You've got to stop being so careless; you seem to always be the victim!" Katsuki scolded me, pink dusting his cheeks. "You'll end up dead at this rate!"

I simply smiled and teased him, "Sounds like someone was worried~. Was little baby Kacchan scared I would get hurt~~?"

"SHUT UP!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY, PUNK?!" he deflected, steaming red. He was leaning forward to look me closely in the eyes and his fists were spread out to his sides, red, too. I smiled, devilishly.

I reached out and flicked his nose, causing him to draw back and cover it, his eyes wide. I burst out laughing, almost tearing up at his surprised/confused face. He stood there, frozen, for a minute, the spitting image of an angry chihuahua. I couldn't stop laughing.

From out of the blue, the spiky-haired boy yelled, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LAUGHING AT, YOU SUI-"

I interrupted him by standing up and flicking his nose in the same exact spot, then diving behind the bench to avoid his yelling.

After a moment of tension, the chihuahua barked, "GET BACK HERE FUCKFACE!!" and chased me behind the bench, trying to flick me back. I hopped up and dashed for cover behind a nearby car. I stayed on the opposite side of him until he gave up and jumped over, causing me to sprint away again. I tried losing him by looping around different cars, trash cans, and trees, but he was like an Olympic runner! As expected, he caught me within thirty seconds, pinning me down and flicking me back in vengeance.

Before either one of us noticed, All Might and Izuku returned and looked down at us, confused. Izuku had turned to stone, completely speechless and a pale statue. He had a look of terror and shock on his face, which matched the "AH"s and "UHH"s he made. All Might, on the other hand, just had a "Wtf are you doing?" face on, still walking toward us.

Before I had the time to react, Katsuki leaped up and faced away from the three of us, gathering his things to head out.

Izuku, becoming human again, ran over to me and offered a hand to help me up. It was dark out now, but the moon almost shone a spotlight on his warm smile. After getting up, I ran over to Katsuki to check how he was doing, since he ran away so fast.

"Hey, where are you going?" I yelled after him since he was already a ways away.

"Don't wait up," he retorted, scowling. He slung his bag over his shoulder and stopped, continuing, "Give yourself some personal space from that weakling freakazoid, got it?"

I didn't know how to reply, so I just stood there, not fully comprehending what he was trying to tell me.

'I guess it's been a long day, huh?' I confessed, watching as Katsuki slowly started to walk away again.


Ruffling my (h/l), (h/c) hair, All Might grinned, "I knew you could be trusted, you handled yourself extremely well today." He poofed back into his casual form and sat down next to me on the bench, sighing, "I'm sorry you had to go through something like that because of me, I wish I could have helped."

I smiled up at him and responded, "You did all that was necessary. We were ready."

At that, he chuckled and smiled down at me, "Can't argue with that!" Izuku had finished explaining everything to the police and was walking over. We were sitting in a small, deserted parking lot, so nobody would bother the celebrity.

All Might immediately stood and turned back into his hero form, hands on his hips. "And you, young man, demonstrated great bravery!" He gave Izuku a hefty pat on the back, pushing the weak boy forward a step. "I'm proud of you."

Izuku just blushed and smiled at the ground, embarrassed. "Thanks..." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

Looking up, he saw me and dashed over. "(Y/N)!! How are you feeling; I saw what happened when they drugged you! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I just nervously smiled up at him as he continued to ask 500 more questions to me - most too quiet or wavy to understand.

Aiming to shush his worries, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, lightly resting them on his quivering body. I closed my eyes and stayed until he finally hugged me back, still shaking, though.

I energetically pulled away and held onto his shoulders tightly, smiling, "I feel perfectly fine, partly thanks to your help. Thank you."

'I hope that calmed him down enough,' I thought, sitting back down and staring up at his small, shivering figure. He kinda looked like a piece of red jello that just got poked.

The jello man stammered with some strange sounds for a while as All Might grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him away, laughing, "This threw the schedule off an hour, so your gonna have to make it up with doubly intense training tomorrow~!"

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