TWINkling Love. Introduction...

By LovesAddress

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Chapter 1: The Journey.
Chapter 2: The Letter.

TWINkling Love. Introduction to the story.

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By LovesAddress


(In a world, oddly enough, where Voldemort never existed)


Name: Amelia Potter

School: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

House: Gryffindor

Year: 5

Family: Mother: Lily Potter. Father: James Potter. Brother: Harry Potter. Sister: Holly Potter.


I was sleeping peacefully, away from all the drama, the fighting and above all, the annoying older brother, when suddenly I was shaken awake by the very person that haunts my every waking moment in my  clearly depressing life.

'Oi, Mel! Wake up! Breakfast is ready.' my irritating brother told me.

'I will im a mimup!' I mumbled, face buried in my pillow.

'No, not in a minute! Now!' he yelled and wrenched the warm covers off me. I curled in a ball against the cold. If I wasn't so sleepy, I'd take a swing at him. Gosh, he's annoying.

I heard him make his way down the stairs and I rubbed my eyes. *sigh* Another boring day filled with boring boringness. Oh, boring. I slowly got changed, taking my time, pulling on my leggings and Nirvana top (I'm into muggle things like that). At last, once I'd tied the laces on my shoes, I opened my door and walked lazily down the stairs. The minute I reached the bottom step I got spear-tackled by a very short something with flaming red hair. Almost falling to the ground, I steadied myself by grabbing onto the railings. 

'Amewia!' cried my little sister Holly.

'H-h-hey Hol.' I yawned, hugging her with one arm. She pulled down my arm with surprising strength for a 4 year old and clambered onto my back. I groaned. She pretended not to notice.

'To da kitchen!' she cried, and urged me forward. We reached the kitchen and I set her down at the table, laden with food. My mother stood back from the stove to give me a hug. 

'Goodmorning, dear, are you hungry?' she asked sweetly. This is odd. Her and Dad are usually at eachother's throats by this time of the morning. At that moment, Dad walked into the room. 

'Morning Dad!' I exclaimed happily as I sat myself down at the table and loaded my plate with bacon.

I looked up for a moment and examined my parents. I was the odd one in the family. Mum, Holly and Harry all had bright green eyes. Holly and Mum had flaming red hair and Harry and Dad's was jet black. Me? I had dirty blonde hair with dark brown eyes. In a way I kind of liked being different, but people never believed I was related to Lily and James Potter, two highly successfull Ministry workers, at first.

I don't know what it was, but I started to get suspicious. 

'What's going on?' I asked, slowly chewing a peice of bacon.

'You've got some mail dear.' my mother said unconcernedly. 

'Oh ok. Chuck it here.' I said.

'Don't forget your manners, Amelia.' my father said sternly. Which was weird, usually Dad's the fun one.

'Sorry.' I mumbled 'pass it here, please, Mum.'  She placed a highly familiar letter in front of me. 'Oh, it's our Hogwarts letters.' I said. Sure enough, when I looked over, I saw Harry with his in his hands. It's his last year. Then I'll have the school to myself for two years. I can't wait. I looked down at the envelope in my hands and noticed it was already opened. 

'Hang on...' I started.

'Oh, just open the letter already.' cried my clearly impatient mother. My whole family were staring at me expectantly. Even Holly wasn't jabbering away about unicorns. I'd only just reached inside the envelope when my mother burst out:

'Congratulations, dear!' and sure enough, there it was, shiny, polished and just sitting there in my shaking palm. I took it in my hands and stroked it's shining surface, in shock. Surely this was a prank of Harry's. Surely the golden, glittering letters spelling out 'PREFECT' would soon evolve into 'PIG-HEAD' or 'PATHETIC', but no. They stayed the same. I let a grin stretch across my face and my parents rushed over to embrace me. I couldn't believe it! This year is going to be amazing. I can feel it. 

 What happens next? The story continues in more depth.....

Hey, guys! I hope you like it, my first ever chapter! I expect some feedback, ok? Tell me if it's good or if there's anything I can improve on. I WILL BE CONTINUING. :) Enjoy.

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