Boarding School Boys ⚣ Yuri...

By redheadbabyxoxo

840 67 97

Nottingham, England. 1998. A place with burnt cigarettes, jet black shoes, button up shirts, and combed hair... More

...bad boy...
...cloudy days...
...don't mess with me, baby...
...detention and discretion...

...bang bang...

296 19 13
By redheadbabyxoxo

At Westview, we pledge ourselves to the greater good.

The greater good that connects us to our society.

A society that which aims to grasp the highest potential of success.

Success that we pledge to grant to the young men that roam our halls.

Success that I can assure we can and will provide through the high education, high sportsmanship, and high chivalry of our school.

We pledge to invest the time, the effort, and the means that our students deserve into their education.

And we pledge to understand what these men, men which we can call our future.......


That being the deserved reputation and regal stereotypes that our school and its students have and will be rightfully given because of our foundation.

And above all........

We pledge to serve the truth and not the lies.

The truth and only the truth is what we have and will always have to pledge.

The truth that worships the light and not the darkness.

Darkness that which the light exceeds and diminishes.

Darkness that will fade because of this very pledge.

"We pledge to serve the truth and not the lies," the boy repeated, with his close toed shoes, laced up perfectly, resting on the white lace table. "Truly remarkable, isn't it?"

Sarcasm had always dripped off of this boy's cherry red lips like water from a faucet......

This statement being nothing special nor different.

"Reading the bloody paper again, aren't ya?" his brother said, stationed across from him with a cigarette between his teeth and the smoke floating around his redheaded angel of a girlfriend.

"I'd say you is only looking for lies in the paper baby boy," she said in that addictive Jersey Shore tone across the table to him, his eyes rolling to the back of his head from both of their statements.

He hated that nickname.

Even more so, the sincerity in which both his older comrades said it with.

"Shut your damn mouths and just fucking listen to this, lovebirds............

Principal Chaumont recites Westview Boarding School's pledge during his public speech addressing the recent mysterious death of fellow student, Thomas Estelle. Estelle, a 15 year old freshman and Nottingham local, had only experienced less than a semester at his new school. His case of death has limited witnesses and no leads.

No leads huh?"

All three of the wide eyed teens laughed quietly and deviously to one another, with tattooed smirks on their lips.

The daily news had always occupied them with emotion.

Emotions of entertainment and pure pity.

Because there was just something so damn funny about how foolish people could sound in the paper.

"Estelle. What a pretty name," the redhead muttered as she laid her head down on the oldest boy's shoulder, a glass of stolen Champagne twirling in her hand. "Shame that it only got published in the paper because of a tragedy."

"Oh honey, that ain't the tragedy," the oldest said, still taking drag after drag from his cig, as if he wanted his oxygen to be the smoke. "The tragedy is that he just couldn't do the damn job."

The eldest, by the name of Jax, was a boy that had mystery in his eyes and poetry in his lips.

He was a deep soul, with a complicated and almost psychotic mind.......

But he hid everything deep beneath the surface.

And anyone who dared to swim underneath was just as stupid as he was crazy.

The youngest of the three tilted his head back in amusement as he felt his sunflower blonde hair fall off of his forehead gently, listening to the sounds of downtown Nottingham and the lovely whispers as he did so.

Sounds that were chaotic and simple all at the same time.

"Well then, I'd say it's time for semester two. Finish the job ourselves with a new set of helping hands," he said, his fancy shoe wearing feet rolling in circles against their French table they had set up in an alleyway, with an ash tray in the middle.

An ash tray that only the eldest used since he was the one who spent his extra cents on discounted packs of Marlboros.

The redhead bombshell only spent her time stealing pricey bottles of champagne from the corner liquor store that stunk of incense, and any other drink that was strong enough for her wild lips.

And the boy, well........

He was only interested in stealing hearts.

And god, did he love doing so.

It was a job that he did without even lifting a finger.

With those green, emerald eyes and the prominent blonde hair that slicked back perfectly, effortlessly even.

It was only doomed that he would walk around the française streets and school hallways to catch a glimpse of possible victims.

Estelle had only been one of them.

Estelle being the boy that was a victim to all three of these teenager's plans.

"You know boys, it's no fun for me to sit here all day and wait for a telephone ring. At least let me get a job as the hot librarian," the redhead said, leaving her chair to strut around the table with a pout and her boyfriend's cigarette between her fingers. Her peach colored, and elegantly laced slip dress, complimented her pearly white skin as she teased both of her favorite boys. "It's no fair that Lucien only gets to have fun with the school boys."

Lucien being the name that so rightfully belonged to the youngest.

It's said that a name can fit a person just as well as a perfectly sized pair of shoes.

And well.........

Lucien's name fit like a damn glove.

"Baby, you don't need no school boy. You have me," Jax said gently, his tone like honey as he caught her hand and pulled her back onto his lap, as she let out a sweet like candy laugh. "Speaking of which, Lucien. You picked out your new boy toy yet?"

Lucien, who let his head fall back against the chair couldn't hold back his laughter as he watched the lovers across from him.

Jesus.......he thought.......they think they're so in love.

Not even love like that existed in these European streets....

Let alone existed in the long run.

At least in his opinion.

Lucien was in no way, shape, or form a hopeless romantic.

He was a seeker of justice, instead.

"Oh come on brother. You and I both know that I don't pick them, let alone call them toys. They always come to me, darling."

"Oh really? Enlighten me then."

Him and his redheaded lover were just wasting away, laughing at the cocky sound of Lucien's voice under their breath.

"Let's just say I've had my eyes on this pretty little thing for awhile," Lucien said quietly, his eyes glinting at the thought of the boy. "It's a shame I couldn't have picked him for the first job."

"Why couldn't you?"

"Too much of a pussy, baby boy?" a Cheshire Cat smile on the redhead's lips as she said this.

Lucien was now the one standing, his shoes kicking around the dirt and vines that had grown in between the cobblestone alleyway blocks.

He was glowing in the pale moonlight that shone through the sky opening of their alley, it's light reflecting off of the brick walls and against his fair skin........

As he talked in a voice that sounded like it belonged to the reincarnated version of Lucifer.

And hell, you might as well just say that Lucien was Lucifer.

He was exceedingly evil, and everyone knew it.

Especially his hand picked victims.

They knew it better than anyone.

"Estelle was weak, susceptible, and shamefully vulnerable. He was an easy target and we all knew it......"

"What, and this other boy isn't?" Jax said with a hint of anger in his voice, not always liking how he had to play along like a pawn when it came to his brother's plans.

He had always doubted the idea of putting the heartbreaker up to the job of choosing the victim.

And he doubted this because he knew his brother all too well.

He'd choose the easy way out one day and then the next would be a one way ticket straight down into the fiery depths of Hell.

And god, he hoped this choice would do no such thing.

Because that meant he'd have to drag all three of them out of it so they wouldn't burn.

But the decision was Lucien's.

And he had made his mind up a long time ago, it seemed.

"This boy......
He's stubborn, confident, smart.
You fucking name it and he's got it.
And let me tell ya.
When I have him right where I want him.....
It'll be worth the trouble."

Jax's head was screaming with pictures of jail cells and convicted crime as he listened to the devilish sound of his brother's voice.

All because he had chosen a stubborn boy.

A boy that he had a feeling would put them behind bars.

Bars that they should have been behind a long time ago.

Ever since the beginning of their violent rebellion, even.

However, he still couldn't deny the fact that he loved a challenge.

He was of the same blood of his brother after all.

Much to his dismay.

"Oh yeah, and why'd you choose him, huh? He got a pretty face and skin that you just can't keep your fucking dirty hands off of?" he said as he felt his girl's lips behind his ear, leaving a scorching hot path of lust against his skin as he painfully tried to focus in on their so-called scheme. "Seems to be the theme with your choice of lust and desire these days."

Lucien had to laugh at the frustrated tone of his brother.

He was the one who had always provoked it, after all.

"Those are the best kinds of victims, wouldn't you agree?"

All Jax could do was roll his eyes and hope that they'd pop out of the back of his head and roll away, never to be seen again.

Just so he didn't have to see that violent smirk and those sinful, immoral eyes looking right at him.

Eyes that had shot down lovesick teenage girls and boys since the first day, the day when they had decided that what they were getting just wasn't enough.

Wasn't satisfactory enough.

And Lucien got more than enough satisfaction from kissing their lips senseless and leaving their hearts broken.

"Luc, this boy better be worth it for all of our sakes and not just yours," he said as he tapped out the remnants of his last cigarette and ignored the way the smoke felt in his lungs. "Cause if he ain't no Estelle, that means he's not a fucking walk in the park."

"Oh Jaxxy Jaxxy, you and I both know that a walk in the park just isn't enough fun," Lucien said softly and with a teasing manner, as he lost himself in his own thoughts of what he could possibly do to get this soon to be boy under him and on the job.

God, was he excited to get with his new victim.

This one was Lucien's personal favorite.

Cause fuck, was he pretty.

"He's right baby," the redhead whispered in her boy's ear as they pretended Lucien wasn't watching them, let alone near them.

And dear god, he could never resist the words and persuasion of his ravishing companion.

A companion by the name of Roseanne.

However, he much rather preferred the nickname Rose, which was what he had and would always whisper in her ear during those late nights in their run down, antique apartment.

Tangled up in bed sheets together as they tried to escape the dark and cruel world that roared on outside their glass windows.......

Windows that cast light and darkness into their room.

However, they cast more light it seemed.

Considering that there was enough darkness etched into both of their beating, disastrous hearts.

They only had enough love in those very hearts to love one another, it seemed.

"Fine, I'm in. What's lover boy's name?" Jax asked nonchalantly as he prepared himself for what was coming next, the mystery that was Lucien's new accessory.

But this boy was no accessory.

And this boy was no victim.

They'd soon learn this very lesson.

"Yuri Katsuki."

All three of these kids, who had sat themselves down in an alleyway on a dark Saturday night knew what their next move was.

Jax, Lucien, and Rose..........

They always knew.

They had taken a liking to how carefree and stimulating their rebellion was.

They had crime coursing through their blood and had their victim's names etched into their bones.

Every single bone being covered with a different name from someone in a different town, with a different purpose.

They loved choosing their victims carefully and rapidly, one after the other.

Because they had been chosen as the new outlaws of Billy the Kid's unfinished jobs, and as the messengers of Jesse James' undead victims.

Because it was easy for them to put a kid up to the job that they needed done.

And lastly, but certainly not least........

Because it had been fun for them to put a loaded gun up to the forehead of the 15 year old kid named Thomas Estelle.

Who had been found dead on the side of the swimming pool within Westview's own halls on December 2nd, 1992.

His only witness being none other than Yuri Katsuki, who had only seen the crime scene and not the crime itself.

And his only reason for getting shot down being the simple fact that he hadn't done what he had been told to do so........

But that's just what happens when you find yourself kissing the devil with green eyes.

A devil who worships the lies instead of the truth.

And that's just what it feels like when you get stuck in darkness that, sadly.......

The light can't overcome.

Oh god, you guys are gonna lose your damn minds with this book.

I can promise you that.

Also, hi!

Thanks for stopping by darling!♥️

I hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of Boarding School Boys.

And I also hope that y'all are buckling your seatbelts for the rest of this book.......

Because trust me, you're gonna need it.

See you in the next chapter!

Much love ~audrey

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