Two Dimensions (Larry Stylins...

By wattkittyinator3000

8.3K 826 217

19 year old Louis Tomlinson is popular in school for one reason, he goes out of his way to talk to and befrie... More

Fifteen (Final Chapter)


349 49 6
By wattkittyinator3000

Louis' POV

I was almost certain that Harry had a thing for Nava, I mean she was objectively attractive, with her chocolate skin and deep brown eyes, she had a nice voice that sang when she spoke. I felt really jealous of this girl who we'd met like an hour ago. How could Harry not be into her? I mean I would be into her if I swung that way. Harry tipped her fifty pounds, why would he do that if he wasn't into her? He watched as she took the check and retreated, I followed his gaze. Even Nava's walk was attractive... I hated it. Why couldn't I be her? Someone who might actually have a chance with the guy I was in love with.

Harry turned back to me as Nava disappeared behind the counter. "What's that look about?"

I realized that I had a sour expression on my face "Nothing, why?"

"You look annoyed... Or upset, I can't tell which."

"I'm not annoyed or upset"

"If you say so Tommo"

"Why don't we get out of here" I replied

"And go where?"

"Somewhere else obviously"

"Do you not like this place or something?"

"No I do"

"Okay, it doesn't sound like it. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, considering our situation..."

"Let's just get out of here" I said. I felt selfish, I wanted to get out of there quickly so Harry wouldn't get more attached to Nava. I was making assumptions though, what if Harry had no interest in Nava whatsoever? Was I just making a big deal out of it in my head?

I stood up, Harry following behind me as we left the diner. I held the door open for Harry and we walked onto the street.

"Where you want to go?" I asked

"Anywhere" Harry said "Let's just walk or something" Suddenly to my surprise, Harry reached out, and took my hand, I wanted right then to turn around and kiss him, but I didn't, my heart seemed to bubble with a brief amount of happiness until I remembered that to him, this was completely platonic. I tugged on his hand, pulling him along as we walked down the sidewalk, the weather was quite nice, despite the rain clouds overhead, it was sunny and warm. But the clouds were drawing closer.

"It's going to rain soon" I said

"So it is." Harry looked up "We should probably find shelter if we don't want to get drenched"

"Why don't we go into Tesco's?" I pointed to the store across the street

"You want to hide from you problems in a grocery store?" Harry raised his eyebrows.

We looked both ways and then crossed the street, technically we were jaywalking, but it was fine... (Don't break the law kids)

The sliding doors opened and we went inside the brightly lit grocery store. Whenever I was in a grocery store, I had no sense of time, like it could be noon or midnight and I would neither know nor care. Harry was still holding my hand, and I couldn't help but to trace the palm of his hand with the tips of my fingers. We avoided customers and went straight to the back of the store, we passed the bathrooms, and I kinda wanted to pull Harry into a stall and kiss him, but I didn't. One of these days I wouldn't be able to help myself, but right now I had control. I was content enough just platonically holding his hand... 'This is fine, don't do anything stupid.' I kept repeating over and over in my head, as we just wandered the aisles. At some point in our wandering it must have began to pour, and then eventually stop pouring,because when we finally returned outside, with newly purchased umbrella's, the ground was wt and puddly, and the clouds overhead had mostly dissipated.

"You know we could always go back to the hotel" I said

"Tonight we will, there's still daylight though... Let's just walk some more"

So we did. I don't know how, but our feet carried us to a part of town where there were several bars and clubs littering the streets, and I had the bright idea "Why don't we check one out? I've never been anywhere like this?"

"Okay" Harry shrugged "Suddenly I'm old enough, so why not?"

We picked the nicest club we could find and went inside. I was unsure how I felt about the flashing lights and loud music.

"I don't know how I feel about the flashing lights and loud music!" I told Harry

"Me too! It's kind of crowded too!"

It was crowded... I don't know what I expected, this was just like clubs in the movies, and somehow this seemed much less fun.

So this was the kind of place that other Louis and Harry liked to hang out? It was probably this exact place that other Harry had gotten in a fight with other Louis' girlfriend...Or whatever had happened.

"Why don't we get a drink and then get out of here" I said to Harry. He nodded and we walked up to the bar.

"Oy! You lot!" The bartender said to us "You want the usual? First round's on me"

So this must be the club, if we had a 'usual'

"Um yeah... The usual" I said, hoping it was something good.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and at first I thought it was Harry, until I turned around to see a young woman, she was pretty, brunette, I'd never seen her before in my life, and yet her touch held so much affection in it.

"Louis" She said "I've been looking for you since the other night... Why didn't you answer my calls"


"Nevermind Lou. You're here now" Then she did the inexplicable... She leaned in and kissed me passionately on the mouth. My eyes went wide, my body froze, I didn't kiss back. Was this my so called 'girlfriend'? I counted the seconds as she kissed me, I couldn't move my arms to push her off. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. She pulled away after twenty four seconds...

"Lou, what's wrong?"

"What was that about?" I stammered, my eyes still wide

"Lou, tell me what's wrong"

What was I supposed to say? Hey, person who's probably my girlfriend, I've never met you in my life, and I don't want to kiss you thank you very much?

"I'm gay" I blurted out instead

"You're what?!" A look of shock came over her face

"I don't want to kiss you, I'm gay..." 

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