Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


77 15 129
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Zayn and Doniya! ^^

Yes! This is finally posted! Also, I forgot to say this, but RIP, Stephen Hawking, your incredible mind has done wonders for humanity that you won't know.


<<Niall's POV>>

Over the weekend, I couldn't see Zayn much. I had to go to work. I really don't like it, my mom gets paid over a hundred thousand dollars each year, so we were well off, since we don't have a father or sibling to take care of. But, I have to go to work. Mom says that hard work will 'teach me to be a man'. Well, doesn't mean I like it. But it was Monday now, and Zayn said that he was going skating once again. So I packed up my school bag and went to see Zayn for the first time over the weekend. I got my paycheck, so I could splurge it a bit on a big breakfast.

"Hey Zayn!" I called as I saw him lacing up his skates. Our hockey season was almost over. We were supposed to have a game yesterday, Louis and Harry went, but Zayn had a doctor's note and I'm pretty sure that coach knows that I was with Zayn. We had one more game before we see if we make it for championships.

"Oh, hey Niall! How are you doing?" Zayn asked.

"Hey, you know, let's do something else this morning, huh?" I asked.

"Um, what, Niall?" Zayn asked.

"Oh, you'll see, you might even love it as much as me." I winked. Zayn got on a naughty smile.

"Niall, this is a school day!" Zayn giggled. I just simply took his skates off and put his chelsea's on. I just scooped him up and suckled on his neck.

"Where is your car?" I asked. "I didn't see it when I pulled up."

"Oh, well Doniya dropped me off, to save gas." He said. He had his school bag with him as well.

"Oh well." I said. I picked him up again and we got his bags. We got into my SUV and I drove to one of my favorite restaurants for breakfast, Bob Evans. It was a local, country restaurant, not a cheap, international restaurant like BK or Maccies. Those places are so cheap.

"Wow, at least this is better than what I had in mind." Zayn giggled.

"Well, I would be more than delighted to take you up on that, but Dr. Calderone says no, until your next checkup." I laughed. We got to be sat up on one of those couple tables on the side. I got the double meat farmer's choice breakfast, a huge portion of bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, pancakes with whipped cream and grits. Zayn just got a plate of biscuits and gravy and some grits. We both got coffee. And of course, Zayn had to take a picture of his food and post it on the internet.

"What?" Zayn asked. "As Miley Cyrus says, we do this so we don't take our food for granted." He argued.

"I can totally see us doing this when we're like, eighty." I said. I looked around, most of the folks here were elderly, country folks, a few amish.

"Well, if you're eating that, you won't live to be eighty." Zayn remarked. I do have a hearty appetite, I love my food almost as much as I loved Zayn. I don't understand how he eats a muffin and Starbucks coffee every morning, I need a real country fill up.

"Well, don't worry, I exercise too, you on the other hand, need to eat some more," I said, pointing at his plate, with an uneaten biscuit. I was already done with my food, every last bite. Zayn already pushed his plate away, what he normally does when he's done eating.

"You can have it." He laughed. Zayn wasn't used to large breakfasts. Maybe because Starbucks only gives you a tiny muffin and coffee for the same price as my plate.

"Alright, you loss." I laughed. I cut up the biscuit and took a bite. Zayn looked so cute, in the perfect sunshine on his face. He seemed to be growing a bit of facial hair. His hair was getting long too. I took the other part of the biscuit and poked his nose with it, getting a bit of country gravy on his nose. He just laughed and bit it off of my fork.

"Yummy." He giggled.

"Good boy." I said, smiling like a motherfucker.

"Ooh, you getting kinky daddy?" Zayn asked.

"Maybe." I laughed, but that got group of old women, in the local quilting bee looking at us. We just laughed and I paid for our food. We got to school on time. We were a few minutes early.

"Hey, Zayn, I have to go to get to class to get a paper to make up for Friday, I'll see you during lunch." I said. Zayn nodded and we got out of my car. I trotted through the halls and I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey darlin'!" I froze. I turned around. It was Olympia. She was in acid washed super skinny jeans and a white crop top, so not school dress code.

"Hey, uh, what do you want?" I asked.

"Maybe the question is, what do you want?" Olympia asked, "Look, I know what you said at my party, but tell me with your mind, body and spirit, I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British. Whether we're together or apart, we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start."

"No." I said, as I started to walk away.

"Well, then, you wanna play it the hard way?" She threatened, I turned around, hearing her heel clicking on the ground.

"What? Are you going to blackmail me?" I asked.

"No, but if you don't accept me now, you're going to." She whispered. I was worried. I didn't want to know what she was going to do. I turned around and ran to class before the bell rang.

When first period ended and we were walking during our five minute passing period, the whole entire hall was so silent, it sounded so loud. I froze and everyone looked at me. I casually walked to my locker and I unlocked it. Out came about twenty pieces of paper, notes from everyone. On said things that made me want to punch someone.




There were more, but I didn't even bother to read those. Another one I saw, and it broke my heart

Niall, you need to leave Zayn, he's just gonna cheat on you, he just sleeps around. I turned around and everybody looked at me.

"What the fuck, guys?" I asked.

"You know exactly what." A girl pointed.

"Your boyfriend is a total thot." Another girl remarked.

"Does he work corners at six?" A boy asked.

"Sorry to break it to you, but he's been cheating on you, and he's gotten pregnant, I mean, why are you with a slag like him, you also a fuckboy?" A tall blonde girl asked.

"You bitches be catching a fade." A voice pierced through the prejudice. I looked at the direction is came from. It was Louis. "All of your friends will be dead, you could get hit with that uzi!" He said to the tall blonde girl.

"Louis?" I asked I closed my locker and ran over to him.

"That fag?" A voice asked.

"Yo nigga, come back! We're not done!" Another voice called. Louis and I ran away from the drama.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"I don't know, but somebody's spread a rumor, about Zayn's pregnancy." Louis said.

"How? Only so many people even knew." I asked.

"Did Liam say it?" Louis asked. "Who would've? Harry wouldn't, and I didn't."

"Olympia, that's not a reliable source, so tell me have you seen her?" I snarled under my breath.

"No, I don't know where she is." Louis answered.

"Where is Zayn?" I asked. I need to get him out before he knew about this.

"The library, with Harry, he already has been harrassed." Louis answered. We took off there. I found them in the corner, Zayn was sobbing into Harry's lap. The sight of his verbal abuse broke my heart.

"Zayn!" I called. We had such a happy morning, how could this have happened.

"Niall," Zayn cried. "They, they, they." He couldn't finish his sentence.

"They called him the worst things, a fag, a sleeze, a pussy, a whore." Harry said. "A baby momma." My blood boiled.

"What happened to begin this?" Louis asked. I took a deep breath and told them the incident between me and Olympia this morning.

"Zayn, I'm so sorry, if I had knew that this would've happened, I wouldn't have just walked away." I apologized when I was finished.

"Wait, you did that? For me?" Zayn asked.

"Well, um," I replied, I was confused.

"Thank you, evn with what they say, to know that you won't cheat on me is the best feeling I could get, to trust you." Zayn said. He got up and hugged me. The one minute bell was ringing.

"We better go, I'm gonna have a talk with Liam and Olympia." I said. Zayn had a sad smile.

I got to my next period class. Olympia was in there and she gave me a 'see bitch.' kind of look. I wanted to smack the bitch out of the bitch. But we were taking an exam, so I couldn't. After that class, it was off period for me, Olympia snuck out of the school. But I went up to Liam.

"Liam, do you know what Olympia has been doing?" I asked.

"Yes, and I'm sorry," He sighed.

"I never thought I would say this, but break up with her, she's just drama, a stupid hoe." I said.

"You know what, I will." Liam said, "I can't believe she did this, I'm gonna have a big talk with her."

"Good, and if it wasn't for Zayn, I would've twisted her neck by now." I said. Hopefully, she doesn't become a problem. But there's the issue she's caused, which is the drama and embarrassment of my precious boyfriend. When I went outside, to look for Olympia, I saw Zayn talking to her.

"So say what you wanna say, what you want. Shame is you won't say that to my face." He spat at her.

"And you're just a thot, a welfare momma too probably." She jabbed her nail in his chest.

"You can't fuck with me, if you wanted to." Zayn snarled back. I could tell this was going to be a fight. And knowing Zayn, it was gonna be a girl fight, and those never end up well. When guys fight, it's like the octagon, but when girls fight, there's no rules, they just go at each other.

"Olympia!" Leave him alone, you just want me." I called out. I walked up to them.

"Huh, and you could've had me, you know, Niall, but instead you chose this filthy ass Abba Dabba." She jeered. "He's not an Aladdin."

"He doesn't have to be to be mine." I said.

"You could have a beauty queen, yet you choose this glass nigger fairy." She pointed at Zayn, with disgust. These racist slurs were too much for me.

"Shut the fuck up before I make you." I snarled at her. She could see I was being serious.

"Olympia, after being with you, I could see your heart, and you're nothing but a rotten ass douche." Liam said, coming up to me.

"Oh, don't be silly, babe." Olympia scoffed.

"Not your babe anymore, vamp." Liam said.

"Oh, Liam." She started. Zayn slapped her and she fell on the sidewalk.

"No, we're done, goodbye." Liam dismissed. "Let's go." He rounded us and we went back inside, leaving the wicked harlot in the dirt.

Ah! Yes! The chapter is finished! Now for the Q&A


When u and Louis are going 2 marry, lol?

Oh, I don't know, I guess when we're settled and I get the money for a ring.

I didn't know you were so kinky 😏

What? At least it's fun. 😏

What would you do if Niall cheated on Zayn with Olympia?

Well, I was Zayn's friend first, so I'll do whatever it takes to support him, but he would never.

What do you think about Zayn's situation with parents?

Well, I know his parents quite well, I think that they truly love him, but I think that they're misguided.

How does it feel being so dominant?

Well, it's very fun, I love being in control, and the feeling of Louis trusting me. It's a way for us to bond.

What's up?

Not much, my dick, I guess?


Stay away from Olympia, plz Lima Bean?U can date me instead, I won't say No u know. I love u already!!!

Yeah, I guess so, but you better not break my heart.

hello my baby ! I love ya and all BUT don't date Olympia , okay ?

Wow, I didn't know that so many people wanted me to break up with Olympia.

Are you interested in Olympia? How's life?

I was interested in Olympia, but not now. My life is pretty good, except with Pre-calc, that class is so hard. 


How u feel being submissive?To be honest, it feels really good. I love letting Harry control and let him do what he wants. 

how are you and Harry ?We are very good, I love him with all my heart.

How's your relationship with Harry?😏

We are very good, we love and trust each other very much. I hope he proposes to me some day.

Is life at home okay?

Eh, it's fine, I guess, my parents have a lot of other kids to care for, so I'm kinda on my own, which I'm perfectly fine with. More time for me to sneak out.

What are your thoughts on the events that are taking place?

I am very concerned for Zayn. I hope that the dilemma gets resolved soon so we could be together again. Harry has been involved with Zayn's drama and we'll be together when it's all over.


Do you really want zayn to have the abortion rn ?

No, I don't. But it's Zayn who has to carry it, so it's more his decision to decide it.

I love you dickhead but if you ever cheat or mess up you'd be in my office getting the shit beating out of you :) Love you

Um, okay, I won't mess up then.

Honestly I tried my best with you honey I really did...with the fact that you had let Olympia *cough* bitch *cough* get to you tbh I wanted to cut your dick off but I was thinking about Zayn and the in the future you both would want kids but you guys wouldn't be able to have kids if I cut your dick of, ya know

Okay, so my dick is safe, right?

How do you feel now about the abortion

Well, I don't want it, but I understand why it must be done.


I love u so much baby.Don't ever leave Niall, okay?I think he loves u more than food

I won't ever leave Niall. And I love him more than all of the food in the world.

How's relationship with Niall?

It's good, he's so supportive, loving, fun, and caring, everything I could ever ask for.

How are you feeling?

That's hard to say, I feel a huge amount of emotions, I feel loved, shamed, tired, hopeful. Pretty much all of the emotions in the spectrum.

Even though at first I didn't want you to get an abortion I'm here for you. So how are you feeling Zayn?

I feel okay, I didn't want the abortion either, but I knew it had to be done. As Yoda said, "do what is right, not what is easy"

I'm proud of you

For what? Getting pregnant and sleeping around at age sixteen? I got nothing to be proud of. Niall does, he deserves all the praise.


I don't know what 2 ask hee!!😐

That's fine, I love the peace and quiet.

My goal is to be a mother like you :)

Aww, well, the secret is to love and love will guide you.

Why are you so badass?

Well, I do whatever it takes to make sure that my babies are safe and happy.

Trisha and Yaser

Why u both are so violent?

We're not violent, just assertive.

why are you so harsh ?

We're not harsh, little girl, just decisive. 

Please take inconsideration that both of the kids you kicked out of your house are your children

No child of our is a strumpet or a sleezy faggot

Why are you both so closed minded?

We're not closed minded, we know what is best for our children.


I just love u, u know. Always be there 4 Zayn!😊

I love you too, hun, and of course I'll always be there for Zayn, just as my parents were never there for me.

you're so sweet 😍

*flips hair* well thank you!

I love you

*smacks lipstick* well thank you!

Thanks for being there for Zayn

You're welcome, he deserves it.


Stay from away from Ziall, bish!

Well, how could you be so rude?

dude ... you better stay outta Niall's life ... I warn you

Well, you are also quite a bitch, aren't you?

No one likes you, so just go

Okay, look here, you tramp, shut up

Get tf out of here bitch

You can't tell me what to do

I don't like you and I never will

I don't care, babe

But you are pretty so yeah....bitch

And that's all that matters


How is life?Mine is boring!😢

Well, it's stressful and frustrating, but yeah, I suppose it's ok,

okay so ... you just gave the most unexpected plot twist ....

Hehe, and you're in for more ;)

and how are you ?

I'm good, just tired and failing, but good.

and love you lots 😚

Me too, I love you too, babe!

How are you?

I'm okay, I have three zeros in English class, so I'm waiting for those to get fixed.

When is your next update?How much do you like 1D?What book would you recommend me?

I love 1D with my entire mind, soul and spirit (Get that song ref? :P)

My next update will probably be tomorrow or the day after

I would recommend you to read the books in my reading list, "Not even the Gods above Can separate the two of us" because those are my friend's books.

OK! I hope you all loved this chapter! Please stay tuned for the next!

Special thanks to 8farahZiall_124zaynxversusxlauren,  and faannnngirllls for the questions! Love you lots!

How are you?Reply

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