Fairy War

By EdmundG1

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Set on an alternate Earth not all that different to ours, fairytales have been outlawed, governments believin... More

Fairy War Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26

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By EdmundG1

It was the strangely calming whistling sound that finally made me start coming round. It was relaxing enough, and for a moment I began to wonder if everything I'd just experienced had all been a dream and that I'd open my eyes to my mother telling me I'd be late for school.

It was the scent of sea air that dispelled this pleasant thought – after all, my house was at least 20 minutes' drive from the sea.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself staring up at a ceiling that appeared to have been painted to resemble a cloudy sky, and as I took in the odd pattern above me, my last memories began flooding back.

"Niana!" I said, sitting bolt upright in the camp bed I was lying in, pain shooting up my right arm as I did so. "I need to find her, make sure she's okay."

I felt a gentle but insistent hand pushing me back onto the bed, revealed to be Selina, a pair of delicate reading glasses perched on her nose and a book held in one hand. I allowed her to help me lie back on a raised pillow.

"Where's Niana?"

"She's sleeping," Selina replied. "She came round long before you and insisted on staying by your side, but I told her she needed sleep so she could recover from her own injuries." She smiled. "All things considered, however, things could have been far worse."

"What happened?" I asked. "I mean, after I blacked out."

"We won," Selina said with a sigh. "With the portals closed a large number of the enemy's monsters simply vanished – presumably they could only maintain their presence here as long as Feth'rael remained in the mortal world. Those left behind who hadn't been killed either fled or surrendered; apparently without their leader they soon lost any interest in fighting." She paused for a moment, looking down at her hands. "Sadly, there were casualties on our side as well. Do you remember the soldier we met in New York who offered whatever help his unit could provide?"

"Of course," I said, cheery at first before I realised her eyes were red from crying. "Oh no, what happened?"

"It appears offering to help us made his base a target," she replied. "Feth'rael sent a force to attack the nearby town, and the division did what they could to defend it while evacuating civilians. They came across a bus full of schoolchildren in the path of a pack of Fenrir, immediately worrying about getting the kids clear. Unfortunately the soldier was killed just before the task was completed; his last action was pushing a young woman in a wheelchair clear just before the Fenrir reached the bus. The US Senate are already talking about fast-tracking a posthumous Medal of Honour for him, and I don't think anyone will object, all things considered."

"That doesn't seem fair at all," I said, lying there silently for a moment as I took in all this new information. "Where am I?" I asked after a while.

"Now that's an interesting story," Selina said with a wry smile. "When you collapsed we knew you needed immediate medical attention, but Ressik's forces were too busy tending to their own dead and injured for us to feel comfortable asking them for aid. Seeing how upset Crystal was, Nara decided it was well past time for the Pixie Queen to do as her daughter asked, so she brought us to Cornwall and essentially threatened to never speak to her mother again if she didn't allow us entry. Thankfully we were allowed to enter." She smiled. "You're in one of the rooms of the Tower of Healing in the great Pixie Enclave, somewhere near the town of St Austell. When you feel well enough you should go outside; the views here are incredible."

"Hopefully I'll be able to do that sooner or later," I said, trying to turn over and feeling the shot of pain again. "Okay, I should've asked this before, but I don't remember getting attacked that violently, so how come I blacked out?" I winced. "Why am I in this much pain?"

"It appears the two spells Feth'rael used on us had more of an effect than we'd initially felt," Selina explained. "My guess is that adrenaline had been coursing through our bodies, although in your case I think it's partly due to your overuse of magic. Young fairies are taught, as soon as they start learning magic for the first time, to use it sparingly. It requires considerable amounts of energy to use regularly, and as amusing as even I find this, we teenagers don't have as much energy as we like to believe we do. You have a few cuts and bruises, but – much to your girlfriend's delight – you'll live." She couldn't help laughing at the shade of red my face had suddenly turned at the mention of Niana. "Oh, and I have some news to give you about my... situation. After everything that happened, having come so close to never seeing him again, I decided my father deserved the truth."

"What did he say?" I asked, smiling at her for her courage.

"He said he'd always known there was something different about me," she replied, "even though he couldn't quite put a finger on what it was. Then he said he didn't care who I wanted to be, that I was his child and he would support me in whatever I wanted to do with my life. He also said that if anyone treated me differently because of who I am – or who I will be – they'd have him to answer to. Then he hugged me tighter than he has since I was a little girl and just held me for quite a while."

"I told you he'd be fine with it," I said, smiling again. "I don't always talk nonsense, you know."

"I know," she replied, placing her hand on mine. "I wouldn't have been able to tell him the truth at all if you hadn't said what you did that night, so thank you." She leant over, kissing my forehead softly. "The other news is pretty big, or at least, I think so anyway. I've met someone." She let out a soft laugh. "Well, I say met... it was someone I already knew. And before you ask, no it's not that asshole from Fort Knox – all the money and alcohol on the planet couldn't persuade me to find him attractive."

"But then who could..." I started saying, before my eye was drawn to the jewellery around her neck. "It's Mickey, isn't it?"

"Is it that obvious?" Selina asked, letting out a giggle. "Was it me kissing him in the heat of battle that gave it away?"

"That was confirmation you liked him," I replied, laughing too, "but no, the giveaway was that necklace you're wearing. I was there the day his grandmother gave it to him, when she made him promise he'd keep it until he found someone special to give it to. Am I allowed to ask how this happened?"

"Well, it started with Mickey fainting from blood loss," Selina replied. "Yeah," she added upon seeing my expression, "his problem was easier to diagnose than yours. Before he lost consciousness, when I'd been quick enough for him to avoid hitting the floor too hard, he told me he loved me. I wanted it to be true – much as I half expected it just to be shock – so once I was sure the rest of you were safe I took a chair by his bed." She paused, clearly remembering. "It was on the second night of my vigil when, half asleep, I heard him say we needed to talk. So, the next morning, we sat and talked. I was honest with him, expecting... what I am... to put him off, but he said we weren't so different; we were both trying to discover who we were. He told me he'd fallen for me the moment he saw me, and that, if I wanted, we could find out who we were meant to be together. I know, it's a shock," she finished.

"Not at all," I said, smiling broadly. "All I want is for my friends to be happy, and judging by your smile, you two are." Before I could say any more, or before Selina could offer a response, the door to the room suddenly opened and Niana stepped inside, dressed in a simple green floral dress, with a ring of flowers around her head. Seeing me awake she ran over, hugging me hard enough that I winced slightly, causing her to release her grip.

"I'm sorry," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "You've been unconscious for so long, I... I feared the worst."

"I did too," I said, gently brushing her cheek. "Somehow, seeing you unmoving on the floor was scarier than facing the lord of the fairy underworld in a fight." I kissed her then, amused to see how pink she turned. "Why do I get the feeling you aren't just here to check up on me?"

"You're right," she replied, giving an embarrassed laugh. "Elion has returned for a brief... I suppose you could call it a 'debrief', but also because he's offering us a chance to speak to the loved ones we've lost in this war. He allowed me to speak with my mother, it... well, it may not have repaired all the damage that's been done, but it ensured that I'm at peace with what passed between us, for the first time in a long time. He's offering you that chance too."

"I'd like that," I said, trying to hide a note of sadness in my voice. "Could you come with me? They didn't have a chance to meet you properly before."

"Of course," she said, smiling. "Rest, now – we'll come back for you soon enough."

I was uncertain how much time had passed before I felt something brush against my hand, and when I opened my eyes I found Niana looking down at me, though this time the entire room seemed to be white. I sat up, feeling surprise at seeing my mother and father standing a short distance away, before remembering the conversation from before. I stood up, walking over to them as they pulled me into a group hug, and then invited Niana to join us as she was standing awkwardly to one side.

"I'm sorry," I said, crying. "I should've saved you; there must've been something I could've done."

"You couldn't have done more than you did, Clint," my father said, pulling back slightly. "Elion told us what you did, what you were willing to do to save people you didn't even know. I've always been proud of you, and you've simply proven to me now why I feel such pride looking at you."

"I should be apologising to you," my mother said. "I shouldn't have hidden who you were from you, that was wrong. I don't blame you if you're angry with me; I know I would be in your position."

"I'm not angry," I said, smiling. "I was at first, but with everything that's happened... everything I've seen... I understand why you wanted to protect me. Besides, you've given me a pretty amazing pair of wings," I added, allowing them to unfurl behind me and enjoying hearing my parents laugh again. "I'm not sure I'm ready to let you go, though – I can't lose you from my life."

"You aren't losing us," my father said, kneeling down in front of me. "We'll always be with you in spirit, and now we know that we'll see each other again one day. Besides, you have a beautiful young lady to look after you now." I didn't need to see Niana's face to know she'd turned a deep red at the comment. "Before you go," he said, reaching into his pocket and taking out something wrapped in his favourite handkerchief, "this is for you. I promise you'll know what to do with it when the time comes."

"Thank you," I said, pocketing the object without giving a second's thought as to what it might be. "I guess we'd better go," I said, hugging them again. "If I ever find a way to reach you again, I will. I love you both."

"We love you too," my father said, my mother crying too much to speak. "Now go, and make us – and both your heritages – proud." As I let them go they vanished, leaving me and Niana alone in the white space.

"C'mon," she said, taking my hand. "We need to go see the others; I'm sure Crystal and Mickey would be glad to see you up and about again."

Once we'd returned to my room Niana led me through a series of corridors, each of which were plainly decorated, except for the occasional strange painting. We passed many doors, from which the occasional noise emanated, but other than that we saw no sign of life within the building at all.

We eventually reached a large, oak door, which Niana opened onto a scene so bright it took me a moment for my eyesight to adjust enough to see anything.

I couldn't help but gasp as I caught my first glimpse of the Pixie colony: it stretched out as far as the eye could see, from small, one-bedroom houses to buildings that looked like the fairy equivalent of a shopping mall. At the far end of the city was a tree that towered over it all, its branches offering the city below at least some protection from the hot summer sunshine. Among the streets I could see fairies of all kinds milling around, talking and sharing food, but I was more surprised to see human soldiers among them, only identifiable by their uniforms as their weapons were nowhere to be seen.

After allowing me to take in the scenery for a moment Niana took me over to a set of steps set into the side of the tower that led down to a platform about halfway down. Before I could take in the group waiting for me Crystal rushed over, nearly knocking me off my feet as she gave me a bear hug, then letting out an embarrassed laugh as she heard me wince.

"Thank god you're okay," Crystal said, a mix of anger and relief in her voice. "You've nearly died on me twice in one month – you pull that stunt again and I'll smack you until you wake up, you hear me?"

"Nice to see you too," I replied, laughing as she hugged me again. I smiled at Mickey, who was sitting with Selina on his lap, her head resting on his shoulder. "Glad to see you smiling again, Mickey."

"I hear I have you to thank for that, at least in part," he said. "You gave her the confidence to be honest with everyone; not sure I'd have had the guts to tell her myself."

"Well at least my skill at matchmaking has improved during all this," I said, trying to suppress a chuckle. "My two best friends are both all loved up for once."

"Not just your friends, Mickey," came Nick's voice from somewhere behind me. I turned to see him, dressed in a well-pressed tuxedo, leading Nareena – herself dressed in a green dress that seemed to shimmer like a rainbow as the sun hit it – down to the platform. It only took me a moment to see the large ring on her finger. Selina's father was following at a short distance behind. "You had us all worried, kid," he said, giving me a more gentle hug than the one Crystal had given me. "I'm not sure your parents would've given me a good night's sleep ever again if I'd let something happen to you."

"You didn't let me do anything," I said, more humorously than out of any anger. "Does my mum realise you've fallen in love with another fairy?"

"I..." He stopped for a moment, his evident embarrassment causing all the others to let out a chuckle. "The ring was her idea," he said once he'd regained his composure. "She said that if this should teach me anything it should be to hold on to what you care about, because you don't know when it might be taken from you. I don't know if she was actually telling me to propose, but I certainly had the urge to. Frankly, I was amazed the Queen even said yes."

"It was something Nightshade said to me," she admitted. "Elion allowed me one last chance to speak to him, and he looked more peaceful than I've seen him in... well, in a long time," she said, wiping a tear from her cheek. "I told him I didn't know what I'd do without his guidance and protection, and he said I didn't need him, because there was one who would offer me all that if I would just be brave enough to say yes. And, as you humans say, the rest is history."

"Anything else you guys want to catch me up on?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm beginning to think I was out for the count for more than three days... maybe start with why there's a load of human soldiers walking around a city I didn't even know existed two weeks ago?"

"They're here for two reasons," Nareena replied. "Partly so they can be offered whatever medical aid they require, but also because the leaders of your world have decided that the fact humans and fairies have discovered each other once again deserves a great celebration. Besides, we must all begin to plan for the future."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, once the Queen convinced the world leaders that with Feth'rael banished a peace treaty was unnecessary, it was decided it was time to put the relationship on a more... formal basis," Nick replied. "All countries asked if they could send their own envoys to ensure good relations. The PM was glad to hear about me and the Queen – apparently I was the only person he could think of appropriate for the job. Besides, I'm not going to pass up the chance for more time with my wife-to-be."

"America is gonna be a bit more interesting," Selina said, watching her father. "It seems Feth'rael murdered the Vice President when he presumably outgrew his usefulness, which ordinarily would result in an election, but..."

"It turns out when you play a part in saving the world it makes you rather popular with everyone," her father said with an embarrassed laugh. "I wanted at the very least to have an election, but the Republicans made it pretty clear they wouldn't put anyone up to oppose me, and no one else is either willing or able to do so. So, once I've finished here, I'm going to be re-appointed to the job."

"What about the rest of us?" Crystal asked. "Much as I like this place, it's gonna feel like we're imposing on the Pixies if we just stay here indefinitely."

"We won't be staying here forever," Nareena replied. "Once I was certain the fighting had finished I sent scouts to retrieve those survivors of the Glade who hadn't joined the fight and to bring them here. We'll stay here for a short time, but we plan on rebuilding the Shadow Glade, though this time with a name that reflects the new era of hope we live in. Marek and his uncle will come with us; we have strong suspicions the answers to his heritage may lie within the old archives somewhere. As for the rest of you, that is your choice to make, but there's a place for you among the fairies if you wish."

"I'm going with Nara," Crystal said. "Her mother has apparently woken from her metaphorical slumber and decided the Pixies need to reconnect with their fellow fairies. Nara pretty much threatened to never speak to her again if she wasn't allowed to be her envoy to the Glade. This way I can finish my studies but still get to be with her."

"Me and Selina are joining the new city too," Mickey said. "We're all orphans now, Clint; this way we can still study, see our family, and get to know our new heritage at last."

"Your dad is okay with this?" I asked Selina, raising an eyebrow.

"You're assuming I gave him a choice," she replied, laughing, "but no, he's fine with it – I've never studied in a proper school so it's not like many will notice I've gone, and I can teleport home whenever I want to. Besides, there's not much about American fairies I don't already know; this way I can spend time with Mickey and find out what the fairies this side of the Atlantic are really like."

"You don't have to join us," Niana said, squeezing my hand gently. "I would do anything to have you there but I'm not going to stop you spending time with Nick or your other family-"

"In all fairness, I'm gonna be seeing a lot of Nick," I said with a laugh. "My mother would never let me hear the end of it if the girl I loved was offering me a home and I rejected it without good reason." As she moved to kiss me my mind wandered to the item in my pocket, and I reached my hand in to take it out. It only took a single touch of the object for me to realise what it was, and why my father had given it to me. "I'm probably about to make a complete fool of myself, so nobody laugh," I said, beginning to take it out of my pocket before Niana stopped me.

"Yes," she said, smiling sweetly. "The only answer I could possibly give is yes."

"But how do you know what I'm going to ask?" I asked, feeling confused.

"I don't need Selina's or my sister's telepathy skills to know," she replied, taking my hand out and opening it to reveal a small but beautiful golden ring with a glimmering blue gem at its centre. "I wasn't entirely honest about what Elion showed me; your mother wanted to speak to me too. She told me what your father planned to give you, and said it was my choice what my answer was, but that I'd meet few young men as loyal as you." She kissed me again. "I knew that already, so my mind was made up long before you even knew you wanted to ask me."

"Well, a double wedding is gonna be a joy to try and organise," Nick said, as he and Nareena hugged us, the others walking over to congratulate us as well. "And that's without even figuring out how the hell to sort out the guest list."

"We can worry about that when the celebration is done, my love," Nareena said, flashing him a smile broader than I'd seen her give anyone in the entire time I'd known her. "We should enjoy this peace; I doubt it will last forever."

"Maybe," I said, looking around at my friends and to the expanse of the city beyond the platform, "but at least with our two species working together again, we should be ready for whatever comes next."

Niana smiled at me. "That we will."

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