The Dare • Jamilton

By justokaytoday

99.3K 3.5K 6.2K

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton could barely be in the same room with one another so when the two hyp... More

First Days
Phone Backgrounds and Hugs
Go Fish Bitches
Huge Coffees and Huge Smiles
What Do You Like About Me?
Good. I Mean Okay.
When Your Right, Your Right
A.Ham Overthinks Everything
A Kiss Goodbye
A Sign of Love
An English Expression
Road Side Issues
I Could Make You Feel
Pillow Talk
The Plan
Waking Up
What Do We Do?

Plugs and Present

4.3K 175 261
By justokaytoday

"Where did you even find one?" Lafayette says holding the butt plug away from his body like a bomb that'll go off.

"The internet" John says laughing with Herc and I.

We sit around the Christmas tree in Lafayette and my living room. Our foster parents were out of town, spending Christmas is the Caribbean with some friends. Hercules and Johns parents let them sneak over for a couple hours so we enjoyed a Christmas with the real family.

"Well thank you, I guess" Lafayette says putting in to the side and wiping his hands on his pajama pants.

"It's not used Laf" I say with a laugh. "You don't have to worry about germs till after Washington shoves it up-"

"Okay whose next!" He yells over me. "Oh wait here mon fere"

Lafayette throws me a large wrapped object, once I feel it in my hands I can tell it's a book, a large book. With the hard spine along one side, and the pages the other.

"Whose it from" I question looking around at my friends who all shake their heads.

"It came in the mail yesterday, from your boy in France" Lafayette says.

And with that I rip it open excitedly, with only a twinkle of guilt since I didn't send him anything. I must remember to buy him something before he comes back. I throw the paper on the floor till all I hold in my hand is a beautiful leather bund book, which on the front in gold cursive has 'A Brief History Of Western Philosophy by Bertran Russel'

"What is it?" John asks peering over at us.

"It's a book, a classic, we've talked about it a bunch of times. This looks like an original copy, from the 1800s, it must have cost him a fortune." I say flipping the cover open still awestruck at this kind, and beautiful gift.

On the inside cover I spot Thomas' crooked hand writing. 'Merry Christmas, my darling, I saw this in a vintage shop in Paris and couldn't resist. Hopefully we will be back to debating the ins and outs of philosophy together soon, until then I hope this book will keep you company. ~ much love your Thomas'

I smile and run my fingers over the ink careful not to smudge it. I hope that too.

"I'm going to call him" I say hopping up and grabbing my phone.

"It'll be one am for him" Hercules says.

"He won't mind" I say knowing full well he's awake scrolling through Instagram or some social media.

I decide to go upstairs so we can talk without the fear of eves dropping. I take the stairs till two at a time, still grinning from the gift. I open FaceTime and hit 'the cutie with the booty' and let it ring.

"Merry Christmas darling" his southern drawl and smuge grin light up the room in a second. He is clearly in bed, laying on his side holding the phone in front of him, his shirt is off so I have to try my best to keep my eyes off his strong muscular shoulders. It feels inanimate, like I was almost laying in the bed next to him.

"Merry Christmas Thomas" I say grinning at him.

"Well," He says excitedly "did my present make it in time?"

"Thomas" I say holding the book up to the camera "it is amazing. I have so many questions, but I don't give a crap about them right now. I'm just so thankful."

He beams at me happily and I return it.

"I'm so glad you like it." He says.

"Well you should get pumped I have a freakin killer present for you once you're back"

"You do?"

"Of course"

"You don't have shit"

"Nope, but I'll have something by the time you get back." I say smiling. "When are you getting back exactly"

"New Years Day" He says. "Only a couple more days"

"Well I'll be glad to have you home." I say.

"Have you missed me?" He asked blushing and looking away.

"Don't be an idiot, of course. My friends are great but none of them want to talk to me about philosophy or argue over everything." I say admiring his features since he is still looking away bashful. "Nobody is you"

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