Meeting him (AntixJackxDarkxM...

By AntiMonica02

2.8K 71 73

He's fighting himself, not knowing who or what "he" is. He's panicked, worried, afraid. Its voice shakes him... More

The beginning of "him"
Authors Note
Meeting them all
Fight for freedom
Terrible planning
Ethan's Place
Finally Seeing Jack
"Im always near"
"This world is mine!"
"Why don't you just do it?!"
Love struck

Cry me a river

126 6 0
By AntiMonica02

Its more than unusual for him. " There's something that's holding me back against you. Dark. I can't bring myself to just end you"
Narrator POV
"Dark... I love you" Anti's eyes widened, the words slipping from his mouth before he even thought about them, then couldn't stop them. His emotions pour out his mouth and eyes. Words and tears. Something changes inside of him, a weird noise emitting from within his cheat, rising to fill his ears. Anti feels tears prick up in his eyes, feeling weak and vulnerable with Dark watching on.
"I have for a while Dark. I could of ended you if I didn't love you... But Im weak," Anti gazes to the side, his shoulders sagging as he sighs "just like the rest of them." Feeling as though they're playing a game of cards. Anti exposing all his hearts in front of Dark, Dark showing black diamonds. Anti feeling exposed as he feels his emotional train derail.
"I fell for you"

"Cry a river Anti" Dark shows no emotion. Anti's eyes fill with tears, trying to hold them back. Forming puppy eyes, begging for reason of why he was being so harsh. Darks eyes showcasing an upset anger.
"Cry me a river Anti, because you know we'll never be a thing" a harsh tone picking up in his words. A snarl toying at the current frown his lips formed. Anti shakes his head and stumbles a little, taken back by the harshness in his words. Dark showing no sign of softness towards the words that had fell out Anti's mouth. Anti whimpers, wishing Dark would just understand him, that anyone could just understand him even when he couldn't understand himself. He'd poured his feelings out to Dark... But with no response that he wanted. He felt broken, betrayed, worthless, that his words had meant no more than garbage to Dark. Pain emitting in his chest, the pain of rejection and regret. Rejection burning like a heated knife burning through your flesh to your heart. Anti knowing how stupid he was to think they could ever be a thing, Anti knew that much. They're worst enemies, frenimies. He just wished it was different, that Dark would somehow love him.

"Then I fuckin will Dark! I'll just leave and never see you again!" Anti yells at him tearful. Darks glare softened, witnessing the emotion evident within Anti's voice, Anti's life falling apart in front of him.
"I fuckin hope death gets me" he cried, his voice trailing off into a sob. Not bothering to cover his eyes, overflowing with tears, trailing down his face, descending from his chin to the ground. Anti's pale skin became blotchy with Jacks normal skin color as he snivels and whimpers. The shadowed outline of his head dropping to his chest. Pale skin peeling off his flesh and falling like leafs in autumn. Tinted green with the final glowing of his eyes as they dull to the point of being unnoticeable. Dying down till his face is completely hidden in shadow.
Dark gazes blankly at Anti, a feeling rising in his chest, one he didn't know, causing him panic. Dark turns his gaze away from Anti, not wanting to stare at him anymore, wishing he'd just run away. Paying no attention to Anti no more. Then he knew the feeling... Guilt.
Anti's head jumbled, thoughts knotting together within each other till he dropped to the ground. Completely giving up. Giving in to disappear forever.

"Anti... I do understand you." Anti's head snaps up to Dark. Meeting with his gaze already on him, eyes locking. "For what it means Anti. I do love you too, I would've killed you too if I didn't." He smiles to the side. Anti whimpers, wincing with a smile as Dark strides over to him, joining him on the ground. The pain and fear of falling apart. Dark wrapping his arms tightly around Anti as he continues to fall apart. Leaning his head onto Antis shoulder.
"Please stop falling apart, Anti. I didn't mean what I said. Don't cry, don't die... I need you." He begs. Tightening his arms around the crumbling man he cradled.
Silence passes between them. Both unsure what to say next.
Anti pulls himself together, but depression lingering within his thoughts. Unable to return the glow of his eyes or mend his patchy skin.
"I want us to be a thing" Anti finally broke the awkwardness of the silence. His voice weak and still tearful. Dark is thankful for him ending the silence, feeling as if another second would of driven him insane.

"A thing?" Dark chuckles with a smile. "You'll need to be more specific there" Anti smiles with a quiet chuckle in response before they fall back into uncomfortable silence. Dark sighs.
"I know what you meant, I was just messing with you. You want to be a couple? Huh?" Dark smiles down at Anti, pulling him closer into the hug. Anti smiles that he understood and simply nods. Speaking being painful, like sandpaper against the insides of his throat. Anti winces a little, trying to speak. But Dark places a hand gently over his mouth.
"You don't need to speak, I can tell it hurts because you wince every time" Dark chuckles. Anti lifts his gaze to Darks face, dropping his gaze before nodding again. Dark removes his hand, placing it back on Anti's ribs within the hug.
"Why won't you let me go?" Anti asks. Getting a sigh from Dark.

"I said you don't need to speak... But if you must know its because I can't stand watching you falling apart again, it hurt to watch" Dark admits. "Im too scared to let you go."

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