forget-me-nots [h.s.]

By twinkleharryy

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~Prequel to Bleeding Hearts~ In sleep I heard him say "Sweet Desdemona, Let us be wary, let us hide our loves... More



328 64 121
By twinkleharryy

Summer 2011 

I tuned out the rest of the alphabet after I walked the stage-- I was relatively in the beginning of the ceremony thanks to my last name. I was picking at my diploma cover--which was empty inside because I had to pick up my diploma as we exited the coliseum. Thankfully, I hadn't tripped over myself when I went to shake the principal's hand. 

Harry and my friends had cheered loudly as they had called my name, which was great considering the only family I had here was my parents. My grandparents were supposed to come down, but they got caught up in another family event--it couldn't be easy having three grandchildren all around the same age. 

Diana and I had spent most the day pampering ourselves. We painted each other's nails, did face masks that we had bought from the pharmacy. We sat on the floor of my room while we did our make up in front of a mirror that was propped up against my dresser.

My ears perked up at the mention of my friends' names. I craned my neck to see Terrence and Teddy walk the stage--one after another. They both had their scholarships announced as they crossed the stage. I clapped for Diana as she walked the stage. She was followed by Leah, and the by Harry. I clapped hard for him as I watched him cross the stage with his bright smile and curly hair. I heard his family cheering in the crowd and I grinned widely; pride welling in my chest. 

He gave me a thumbs up as he walked back to his seat and I gave him one back. We waited patiently for the last few students to cross the stage. Clark was the last to walk, he strutted across the stage. He took his diploma and bowed as we all applaud for him being the last person. 

Our principal made a speech before inviting us to stand. She  introduced us as the Preston Graduating Class of 2011. We turned our tassels and tossed our caps. Through the shower of caps the class exploded in cheering and emotion. Our friends clamored towards each other; we all hugged and cried. 

This was the end of and era.

As a group, we strode to the exit. We were ushered into a small room that smelled of paint thinner; there, we received our diplomas. It is funny to think that I just spent over twelve years of my life for one piece of paper. Once we escaped the room we were ushered into a parking lot to find our families. Harry's parents found our group first. His parents congratulated us and Anne hugged me tight. We took group photos, showing off our new graduate status. 

Harry took my hand in his and led me towards my family. They were waiting against my father's car. My mother smiled widely as we approached them. Harry slung his arm around my shoulder and laughed breathily. 

We had done it, we had graduated. Now we were onto college--a whole new chapter of our lives. My mother hugged me tight and cried while my father shook Harry's hand. 

"Congratulations, both of you." My mother smiled, she handed both of us a yellow rose, and the scent was sweet. 

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Davis," Harry smiled.  

"Come on, let's get a picture of the two of you," my mother cheered, ushering us together. 

She took out her camera and pointed it at us. I was suddenly lifted off of my feet, and cradled to Harry's chest. He laughed as I squirmed in surprise. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled at the camera. The flash blinded us; he lowered me back onto my feet and grinned.  

"Look at the two of you," My father beamed. "So grown up" 

"You'll keep her out of trouble at Fairchild, right, Harry?" My mother asked as she handed the camera to my father. 

"Mom," I groaned. Harry pulled me to him while he laughed. 

"I will be sure to keep our little trouble maker safe and sound," he cooed. 

"Little?" I exclaimed. 

"Really? That is what you disliked in that sentence?" Harry teased.

"Shut up," I chuckled, shoving him playfully. 

"Harry, would you mind?" My father asked, offering Harry the camera. 

"Not at all, sir," Harry said. He took the camera from my father and my parents huddled around me. Harry grinned as he peered through the view finder. I smiled widely as the flash blinded me once more. My father kissed my cheek and hugged me tight. Harry handed the camera back to my father. Harry leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I'm getting a burger, do you want to come?" 

"Yes," I said quickly. 

My stomach had been nagging me throughout the entire ceremony. I hugged my family and told them that I was going out with my friends, I gave them my diploma to take home. My mother kissed my cheek and I gave my father a hug before I scurried off after Harry. We rejoined our friends and told them our plans. 

Harry tugged me towards his car. We tossed our caps and gowns into his back seat and I hopped into the passenger seat. His door slammed shut and he grinned at me as he started his car. The engine roared to life, then Harry maneuvered through the traffic until we were out of the parking lot. 

"Can you believe we are finally high school graduates?" I asked him, kicking off my heels and pulling my feet under me. The air-conditioning was blasting, it tried to break up the humidity and heat from outside. 

"Honestly," he breathed. "Not at all."

I rested my head against the window, allowing the cool glass to chill my cheek. I smiled softly, I was finally at a turning point in my life. Now, I was going to go to school because I wanted to go, not because I was required. This was a huge step forward-- on to college and then to the real world. I was thankful that I didn't have to do this alone. 

"Congratulations, Petal."

"Congratulations, Harry," I told him with a smile. The world was big compared to just me; I felt better knowing that my best friend would be by my side throughout it all. 


It is short and I'm sorry! 

A lot of you were wondering about the Prom chapter... Hopefully this will answer any questions:

Yes, Harry is popular--It is not a huge school and everyone kind of knows everyone. Not everyone gets asked to school dances--I went to prom without a date my senior year... it just happens. Harry did not ask anyone because he wanted to take Vi, and originally, Vi wasn't even sure that she wanted to go because she didn't really enjoy school dances. Just because Vi wasn't originally asked has nothing to do with popularity--sometimes people just don't get asked. As for the dream in Bleeding Hearts, yes he was drunk. He also doesn't dance often because he is insecure about it, but at prom, in a group of people who are just as bad at dancing it is a safety in numbers. As for wanting to slow dance with Vi--they went as dates and usually that is what you do at prom if you have a date. Vi was starting to recognize some feelings in that chapter and they freaked her out because their friendship was great (which happens), she figured if she danced with him it would change things between them so she told him to go dance with a dateless girl who was watching the couples slow dance. Harry was disappointed and low key felt bad for the dateless girl so he asked her--even if it wasn't Harry Styles, the girl would probably still be happy to be asked to dance by someone. 

I hope that cleared stuff up. 

All the love,


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