The Virtuous

De Dreamcatcher22310

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Naomi Hamel leads a normal, borderline boring life, even for that of a college sophmore. The only glimmer of... Mais

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter two: Chance encounter
Chapter Three: Detour
Chapter Four: Call from home
Chapter Five: Creative writing essay
Chapter six: Go away-N
Chapter Seven: Pinky promise
Chapter Eight: Bravo
Chapter Nine: Angel rankings
Chapter Ten: Lunch
Chapter Eleven: The Vawerth
Chapter Twelve: Nightclub
Chapter Thirteen: Pulled a few strings
Chapter Fourteen: Lilith
Chapter Fifteen: First Date
Chapter Seventeen: Pancakes

Chapter Sixteen: Mind Reader

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De Dreamcatcher22310

"Duncan please let me train today." I asked him seriously, the next day as we walked across campus. While we'd both enjoyed our date up until the speed bump, we hadn't gotten to do anything more. After the incident with Jeff, Duncan had took me home and insisted on me getting some sleep.

"It'll do you good." He insisted, tucking me in then using one of his powers to knock me out.

When I'd woken up though this morning my feelings of self-pity were dissolved and my feelings of vengeance had reared its ugly head.

"I don't know Naomi, I think you just want a way to release your pent up rage." He rolled his shoulders in his heavy sweat jacket. It had snowed late last night and Christmas was next week, I continued to wonder if Duncan and I would be exchanging gifts or not. I know my mother had sent up a cake for me with Tara that included an invitation to come and spend some time with her for the holidays, however, now I could only imagine Duncan wouldn't let me go without him. I wasn't sure we were at quite that level yet.

"Maybe a little...come on, it'll be good for my practice." I finally cut him off to stand in front of him and narrowed my eyes. He stared at me for a minute before a warm grin touched his features and his fingertip danced over my cheek, tucking a strand of escaped black hair behind my ear.

"You look exactly how you did when you were five when you glare like that."

"Gah! Is that a yes or a no?" I threw my hands up in impatience. He laughed though and finally sighed humorously.

"Okay fine, meet me at the warehouse as soon as your classes are over."

"Okay, what're we going to be practicing?"

"Mental strengths." He grinned and brushed past me, heading to his own class while I smiled after him.

I watched his easy gait continue to walk away from me while making it an obvious thought for him to hear that I thought how hot he was. If he heard the thought or not, he didn't show. He simply continued to stride out of my line of vision.

"Naomi!" I heard a squeal and jumped, turning to find Hayden and Tara.

"Hey guys, you two are hanging out?" I questioned surprised. I knew they'd gotten off to a good foot but I didn't think they'd become that close.

"Yeah, I went and got breakfast with Hayden and Colby. I like him, he's sweet and quiet. A lot like you, Mimi." Tara giggled and Hayden grinned. Hayden's lighter red hair was tucked up into a beanie cap and she wore mittens over her normally pale fingers. Tara used her wild red curls as her hat to cover her ears but wore a loosely draped scarf around her neck and hanging down the front of her violet pea coat.

"Guess I'll take that as compliment."

"So, what're you doing for Christmas yet, have you figured it out?"

"Not yet, I was just thinking about it actually." I confessed.

"Go see your mom, she's really missing you Mimi. When I went to see her, she looked so...lonely."

I nodded. This seemed like a normal response for my mother but she would never let me know she was in such misery. She had some abandonment issues thanks to my father leaving but she repressed them. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see it.

" do you think she'd feel if I brought Duncan down with me?" I questioned.

Tara shrugged but a huge smile lit up her face.

"She'll probably be thrilled. I'd suggest bringing him actually....I'm probably bringing London."

I blinked surprised and suddenly I was the one beaming.

"You two made up?"

"Yeah, she came and saw me this morning and said she hated being so jealous when she saw me joking around and hugging on another girl."

"Didn't you tell her Hayden wasn't gay...and married?"

Tara laughed.

"Of course, she felt so silly but it's whatever. All of it's over and done now and all I wanna do is make her a permanent part of my family so, she's coming home with me."

I beamed excitedly and shrugged.

"That's awesome."

Suddenly my alarm went off on my phone to alert me I was late for class. I jumped and suddenly ran off.

"Sorry guys got to go!"

Later on after the school day was ending I was walking down the road to go and meet Duncan when a too familiar face was running after me.

"Naomi! Hey, wait up!"


I turned and tried to look at him without feeling guilty about my date from the night before.

"Hey, I was trying to catch up with you all day. Where are you headed, this isn't on the way to the dorm." He questioned innocently.

"Oh yeah, I have an...appointment." I fudged for lack of a better word.

"Oh, okay. Well I wanted to give you something." He beamed and handed me a little card tucked in a white envelope.

"Oh Levi, thank you. What is it?" I asked softly, smiling.

"Oh nothing really. It's card. Just read it later." He murmured, his blue green eyes glistening against the dim gray background of the sky. I stared at him for a moment. His breath escaped his parted lips in little white wisps and his cheeks were rosy against the cold. His blonde hair was ruffled and fell around his face almost elegantly while he pulled the hood up on his letterman jacket to protect himself from the wind.

"Levi, I have to be honest with you." I explained softly, suddenly not wanting to lie to him anymore.

"Okay." He grinned, clearly not fearing the worst.

I sighed and took in a breath, looking at my feet.

" remember my friend Duncan, right?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Levi asked, sounding more concerned than fearful.

"Well...I went on a date with him last night...I might do it again." I explained and looked up at Levi. Sweet, caring, considerate Levi who was without a doubt my closest friend next to Tara. I couldn't even find words to describe how awful I felt for hurting him this way.

His face broke with realization and he blinked.

"Oh." Was all he could mutter, as I shuffled my feet.

"Yeah, but there's something else too..." I spoke softly, wanting to still give him some sort of hope. He looked at me now concerned once more.

"I really like you too Levi, but I'm not gonna ask you to wait for me. That's not fair to you. I'm just asking that...if things don't work out with me and Duncan...will you give me a chance. To be more than your friend?" I questioned, genuinely hoping he'd say yes. I didn't want to crush him, even though I knew damn well that things would work out with Duncan. There was just too much chemistry.

Levi looked at me now, my hopeful gaze meeting his and he cracked a grin, he pressed his hand to my cheek and I leaned into his warmth.

"I'd always give you a chance, Nay. No matter what. I'm not saying I'm gonna wait around for you like a dog or something but, if you do change your mind, I will still be here for you." He murmured respectfully and pecked my cheek. I blushed at the touch waiting for it to feel awkward but it didn't.

"I'll see you later, okay? We'll get coffee. Or am I not allowed to be your friend still now?" He joked.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"You'll always be my friend."

He smiled and hugged me before turning and leaving.

I walked away, feeling happier than I had in months. 

I finally got to the warehouse and dropped my bag beside the front steel door. Duncan was sitting with his legs crossed in the center of the colossal floor. His eyes were closed and he was breathing evenly through his nose. I blinked at him and stepped closer, wondering in actual curiosity what he was doing.

"I'm concentrating and meditating, what you're about to be doing." He explained, reading my thoughts as always. I narrowed my eyes as he opened his and winked at me with a small grin.

"You know that gets old fast."

"Actually I don't know, but I probably will soon. That's your lesson for today. We're going to teach you how to read my mind."

I drew back a step. I had known we'd be going through my mental strengths today, however regardless of my mixed blood; I still was unable to believe I could read minds like some comic book superhero.

"Oh calm down it's not like you're Spiderman or something. Besides you'll only be able to do it to me, because I'm your guardian angel." He explained and I took a seat on the ice cold stone floor across from him.

He stared at me for a moment as I took it in before I finally sighed.

"What do I need to do?"

"First, concentrate. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing."

I did as instructed and focused on my breathing. In, out, in, out.

I could feel Duncan's eyes burning into my skin regardless of my sight.

"You're doing good. Now, release your mind."


"Okay, let me rephrase. Go into the back most recesses of your thoughts. Once there, tear down that wall that blocks it off from the supernatural world. Introduce your mortal to your immortal."

I scrunched up my nose, wondering how to go about doing as he said. I put my mind at ease and tried to travel into the back most part of our minds that lock up all those horrible things we never want to think about but can never seem to forget. Like when an ex cheated on you or if your parents abused you or if you dropped out of school. As I searched through this part of my psyche it was like I could feel the wall Duncan was talking about. It felt like I, as I was right now, was standing in front of a brick wall. On the other side, I could sense something great and foreign and mysterious and completely magnetic. For that reason, I reached up and began to pound on the brick wall as hard as my fists would let me. However the bricks were like tinfoil and completely collapsed after the first hit.

I suddenly took in a sharp breath, snapping back to reality. I opened my eyes and stared at Duncan. He stared back very seriously.

Suddenly I heard something. It sounded like the softest whisper I'd ever heard, coming from the back of my head.

Did it work?

I nearly choked on my breath as I heard Duncan's thoughts in my own head.

I put my hands to my mouth in shock and wonder and finally inclined my head. Duncan stared, almost as shocked as I was, and suddenly beamed.

You can really hear me?

Yes Duncan, I can really hear you.

He beamed and looked ready to burst at the seam. I suddenly began to laugh.

So does this mean we can have complete conversations on our heads?

Duncan grinned, clearly enjoying the thought.

If you want.

I smiled, wondering what that would look like in public.

Probably like we're too in love for words Duncan winked playfully and I rolled my eyes.

"How far does it work from?" I asked out loud.

"Don't know, I've been able to hear yours from miles away though."

"Really?" I questioned, confused.

"Absolutely. I can't turn it on and off so they were just always there. I had to make a trip out to the west coast one time and I could still hear them." He confessed, grinning.

"Wow." I muttered, truly impressed.

"Yeah." He grinned.

"Well then...I guess that wraps things up for today right?" I questioned and stood, going to grab my bag.

"Oh yeah, uhm...listen, do you wanna go see a movie tonight?" Duncan asked as I slung my bag over my shoulder. I grinned slyly at him.

"Didn't get enough of me last night?"

"Naomi, I could never get enough of you." He confessed seriously as I stared into his night sky eyes, lit with sincerity. I felt as though I'd suddenly swallowed my tongue.

"Anyways, I'll pick you up at eight?" He grinned and came closer, brushing his thumb over my cheekbone.

"Uhm...yeah, sure." I grinned back, forcing my thoughts to think of anything but kissing him right then and there.

He suddenly wrinkled his nose and narrowed his eyes at me jokingly.

"Why on earth are you thinking about puppies being euthanized?"

"No reason." I lied, blushing, and looked away. 

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