Beauty, Her Beau, and Her Bea...

Por kywriter

10.1K 343 66

Rumplestiltskin rescues Belle after she has spent many years in The Queen's dungeon. They are living happily... Más

Beauty, Her Beau, and Her Beast (A Rumbelle/OUAT Fanfic)
An Unexpected Visitor
A New Friend
A Secret Revealed
The Crash
The Confrontation
The Kiss
A Facade
A Confession

The Cottage

766 29 2
Por kywriter

*~ I know I told you I'd update soon, sorry, sorry! Alright, next chapter! ~*

Belle's POV, Right After The Escape From The Queen's Castle

I don't know how we made it out, but we did it. Finally. I'm finally free of that wretched Queen and her dark ways. There was no way I could have made it out without Graham- he must have knocked out at least a dozen guards for us to pass through.

Graham and I don't stop running in the opposite direction of the castle until our legs turn to jelly.

"Okay... okay," I am gulping air, trying to take in as much oxygen into my lungs as I can. It doesn't seem to be working very much. I bend over, my hands on my knees, breathing hard.

After a few minutes of panting, I finally straighten up.

"Thanks... a lot," I say breathlessly, looking up at Graham. "I couldn't have... made it out of there... without you. It wouldn't have been possible if not for you."

"Ah... yeah," he answers. "You're welcome. But I have to admit, you nearly unconvinced me when you stabbed me with a spoon and knocked me unconscious."

That memory suddenly floods my mind, and I am completely mortified. I can feel my face turn scarlet.

"I'm... I'm... I'm so sorry, I-" I start.

He holds up a hand.

"No, no need. I understand your desperation. You just wanted to escape her, no matter what it took. Believe me, I was the same way when I took back my heart."

"Oh, yes, how did you manage that, by the way?"

"It's a long story, one better suited for another time. Besides, we're both weary, it's best we rest for awhile. Luckily for you, I know these woods like the back of my hand, and I know a little clearing that fits our needs exactly. Shall we?" He reaches for my hand.

For some reason, a pang of guilt hits me in the gut at the sight of his hand, guilt fueled by my lingering feelings for Rumple.

But then it strikes me.

Rumple doesn't want me anymore.

I grasp his hand firmly, as if to crush my memory of Rumple, and together we begin our small trek to find the clearing.

As we walk, Graham points out the most beautiful things, especially those accented by the starlight. Things like little, plump red berries, and flowers that open only at night.

I can't help but feel like this is a story, like in one of my books. Here I am, side by side with a man who might as well be a prince of sorts with his attractiveness, journeying through the woods, on the run.

My head is still in the clouds when Graham stop abruptly, and I bump into his back.

"We're here," he says simply, and steps aside to reveal an empty clearing. Of course, empty doesn't really describe it. It's teeming with life, woodland creatures zipping this way and that, and plants swaying with the light breeze. The clearing isn't very large, but it isn't small in the least. It is, to put it simply, perfect. All I can do is gape at it and stare in awe.

"We can stay here for the night," Graham breaks the silence. "I, for one, am exhausted."

The sleepiness hits me like a brick, and already my eyelids are drooping. Who can blame me, what with all the running I've done today?

"This place is perfect," I mumble after I've yawned.

"The softer grass is more toward the center," Graham says, "You should sleep there."

"Well, where are you going to sleep?" I turn around to face him. To my surprise, he looks a bit shy, embarrassed, even.

"Well, I, um, I don't believe... I should sleep so close to a lady. I could no doubt find a place in the trees."

"Nonsense," I fire back, unfazed by his statement. "We're partners now, aren't we? I don't mind you keeping me company."

"Who said anything about being-" Graham stops, sighing. "Alright, alright. Come on, let's rest. We can find clothing and food tomorrow in a nearby village."

I walk toward the patch of soft grass, running my hand over it before laying down. It is definitely more comfortable than the cot in The Queen's dungeon.

I feel Graham lie down next to me.

"Goodnight," I mumble in my last waking moments, before I let sleep overcome me and take me away.

Graham's POV, The Next Morning

I wake up with an arm around me, and in my sleepy haze, I think nothing of it.

Then I snap back into reality. Belle.

I shoot up to a sitting position and quickly scoot away from her sleeping form before standing.

"Rumple," she mumbles in her slumber. "Rumple..."

Rumple? Didn't he kick Belle out? Wasn't that how The Queen imprisoned her in the first place?

I clear my throat. "Belle," I call. "Belle, it's time to wake up."

She rolls onto her back and her brow furrows.

"Yes... yes, of course."

She slowly comes to a stand and dusts off her skirt. "I am beyond ready to get out of these rags."

"Well, then," I say with a smile, "we'd better get going."

With my direction, we trek through the forest for about an hour before we finally come upon a village.

"Oh, it's so lively," she comments, referring to the villagers bustling this way and that with their various jobs.

"Yeah, I think you'd like it he-"

I haven't even finished my sentence, and off she goes, weaving through the crowd, looking in every direction.

"Belle," I sigh, then exclaiming in a louder voice, "Belle!"

I've lost her among the crowd, and panic clutches my heart.

And then there she is, the ever-present beautiful smile on her face, eyes the color of the sky, just a breath-taking sight in general...

"Graham, hurry up!"

Wait. Wait just a bloody moment.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I shake my head and follow her, pulling her in the direction of one of the houses.

We stop in front of the cottage. It isn't terribly large, but it couldn't considered small. It has a dark, slanted roof, that tops old brick walls. We stop on the doorstep, and I look up at the knocker, silent.

"Graham?" Belle asks, "Is there something wrong?"

"No... no," I respond. "I just haven't been here in a very long time."

And with that, I bang the knocker against the door three times.

*~ I know I haven't updated in such a long time! I am so terribly sorry! I'm a lot busier than I expected to be, but at least i finally updated! Thank you guys for taking such interest in my story! ~*

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