Dark Secrets

By WhiteScar01

303 27 6

Fear... That's what I felt. My bare feet slapping the dirt covered ground as I ran as fast as I could. Trees... More



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By WhiteScar01

The silence woke me. I wanted to open my eyes but it felt like they were glued shut, my entire body felt heavy, I could not move a muscle. Almost as if I was being pinned down by some invisible force. After a few more tries, I finally managed to pry my eyes open, just a crack.

Light flooded the room and made my eyes sting, causing me to squeeze my eyes closed. I tried to ask for help but I could not even open my mouth. For what felt like hours I tried to get my body to move, even if it was just an inch, then finally after my feeble attempts I managed to move my fingers, then my arms and legs and eventually I heaved my whole body out of bed. Exhausted I sat there, it took so much of my energy, it felt like I was watching myself do all this. Is this what they call an out of body experience?

I slowly blinked my eyes open waiting for my eyes to adjust to the bright room, giving up I gathered whatever strength I had, Shielding my eyes I groggily got up of the carpeted floor. Moving in the general direction of the window, to shut the damn blinds, I always close the blinds before I go to sleep, Mum must have opened them. With my eyes still closed, I blindly groped around for the cord, yanking on it until it noisily closed shut, walking back towards my bed I blinked my eyes open again, and rubbed any remanence of sleep away. The room was still oddly bright but tolerable, what time is it? Did I sleep in?

The teal alarm clock, beside my bed read 12pm, the batteries are probably dead again I swear this thing goes through more batteries than one of River's, plastic dolls. Mum always keeps batteries in the kitchen drawer near the sink. Sighing I grabbed the sphere shaped clock and lazily dragged myself downstairs.

My footsteps sounded loud and heavy with every step I took, the house was oddly quiet too, a bit too quiet, the silence was almost deafening, and the temperature in the room was dropping, I was visibly shivering. My breath came out in little white clouds. I reached the last step, and walked down the hallway looking around for mum, uncle Merlin, Sam and River. Hugging myself as best as I could with a clock in my hand I walked towards the kitchen, passing the living and dining room, no one was around, I reached the kitchen and noticed that the kitchen window was wide open. I violent shiver racked my body as I walked slowly towards the sink. My heartbeat increased and I started to sweat, getting scared the closer I got to the sink, I felt like I was being watched again.

"Calm down, Fira... you're safe, in your empty house..." I gulped, but continued to talk to myself. I reached for the window. "Just closing the window, that's all..." I said loudly to no one at all. Goosebumps rose along my arms, Just as I was about to pull the window shut, and the radio blasted on startling me and nearly giving me a heart attack. I stood stork still with my hand over my chest trying to calm my erratic heartbeat as the horrible static noise from the radio filled the eerie silence of the entire house.

Snapping out of it, I marched over to the radio and jabbed the power button hard, cursing the stupid gadget to hell for the fright it gave me, but the power button got jammed and the offal static sound seemed louder somehow, or maybe it was my imagination. Getting frustrated I yanked the cord out angrily successfully shutting the old radio up.

Turning back around, my heart nearly jumped out my chest for the second time this morning, there perched on the tap sat a black raven, head tilted and staring at me with those beady black eyes. Grabbing the first thing closest to me now being the radio, I swung the cord in a circular motion walking towards the bird.

"SHOO, BIRD...SHOO!" I yelled not getting too close, and not hitting the bird, in case it attacked me. The bird just sat there, and did not even flinch, it tilted its head again, and then suddenly flew out the open window screeching loudly, causing me to drop the radio.

I rushed to close the window in case it decided to come back, but paused as I saw River standing outside in the middle of the back yard, and the raven perched on her outstretched arm.

"River!" I screamed scared to death, heat now surged through my entire body as if I was a dormant volcano, awakening. What is she doing out there all alone? , and where is mom?. I raced out the back door.

"SHOO BIRD!" I yelled for the second time heading towards them. The girl with curly black hair and a pretty black dress turned towards me startled, and I halted mid step, three steps away from her, this wasn't my sister, I stood there terrified, the little girl or whatever she was, her eyes were pitch black and black veins branched out around her vacant eyes. She grinned at me mischievously.

"Am I dreaming again?" I pinched my arm hard, eyes still locked on the thing that I thought was River Just seconds ago, This can't be real, nothing made sense.

"Are you excited?" the thing asked in a guttural sound that made you want to run for the hills, but I was rooted to the spot.

This is not real I told myself repeatedly in my head. When she realised she was not going get a reply from me, she turned around and began to walk toward the forest behind our house, when she was at the edge she turned facing me, looking down at the raven on her arm she patted the bird, and then released it.

The raven cawed and flew into the air, she then looked up at me and smiled wickedly, and before she transformed into a raven too, she said, "You should be ... your life's about to change..."


Hello, it's me I was wondering after all this time if you'd like to read... 

See I told you guys I was working on my procrastination problem.

*sticks tongue out childishly*

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this, if you guys have any constructive criticism , please let me know.

Thank  you for reading.

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lotsa luv ;D

- Tia

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