Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff th...

By thickerthandeath

167K 5.4K 3K

You live alone. You have one friend. You were an outcast. According to the rest of the world, anyways. You w... More

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
***Christmas Special***
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important A/N
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Quick A/N
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Prepare for Extreme Awkwardness in 3...2...1...
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 **Jeff's Birthday Part One**
Chapter 44 **Jeff's Birthday Part Two**

Chapter 2

6.2K 192 191
By thickerthandeath

"Austin!" You shouted through an open window, sliding through it.

You heard some scuffling, a few lazy footsteps, and a mumble.

"Sup (y/n)?"

A moment after your heard his groggy voice, Austin appeared in the room you climbed into. The kitchen.

You giggled childishly. "Is little Austin tired from playing video games all night?" You teased.

"... No... I was up all night..." He trailed off, mumbling.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. It's not important. So what brings you here so early in the morning?"

Austin opened a cupboard and took out a box of cereal. He grabbed a bowl and started pouring some cereal into the bowl.

You shrugged. "'Cause I needed to hang out with my best friend, the sun to my shine, the peanut butter to my jelly, the-"

"Oh god, just stop. Next thing you know, you'll start rambling on about me being the pancake to your waffle or something. And that'll make me wish I wasn't so lazy, and that I could actually make pancakes."

Austin interrupted you, laughing. He opened the fridge, and yanked the milk carton out.

"Austin, isn't your mom gonna wake up with you making all this noise?"

"Nah. She's out of town. Went to go visit my aunt."

"Aunt Cathy?"

"Aunt Cathy. Apparently, she was stabbed on her way home from work the other day, and isn't in the best condition."

"Damn. I wonder who stabbed her. Maybe they'll get justice served to them. Hurting innocents like that..." You mused aloud.

A look of anger and determination flashed across Austin's face for a split second, before his face returned to its normal, smiling expression.

"Oh, they will." Austin murmured quietly. "So anyways, enough of the serious talk. You hungry?"

You opened your mouth to say something, but instead, started laughing uncontrollably. "Austin... Stop.... Haha, pouring the... Hahah, milk!"

Austin looked down to see that he was spilling the milk all over the counter, missing the bowl.

"Shit." He cursed. "Eh. That cat'll get it."

With that, Austin picked up his bowl and strolled over to the couch, turning on the tv. You followed him and plopped down next to him, bumping his shoulder slightly.

You smiled, and reached for the remote, your hand touching something else instead. Your hand was laying atop Austin's hand. You had both reached for the remote simultaneously.

"Uh... Sorry. You can take it..." Austin said, shoving the remote into your hands, not daring to look at you.

You laughed. "What, no wrestling for it this time?"

"No. I have cereal."

"Pffft, excuses, excuses. Next thing you know, you'll end up saying you were nervous, and flustered from that touch. 'Cause you love me~"

"Ha, stop being so silly." Austin returned normal, sticking his tongue out at you.

You smiled and flipped through the channels, until you landed on Adventure Time. Your smile grew wider as you looked over to Austin, making eye contact with him.

He set his cereal down and stood up, while you stood up next to him as well.

You pulled back your fist, Austin doing the same. Then, you both 'released' your fists, making them collide in the middle, at the same time as Finn and Jake's did on tv.

You and Austin sang the theme song at the same time, jumping around wildly for no reason. Yes, you are 17. No, you don't care how childish you acted sometimes.

When the song finished, you hopped back onto the couch, laughing.

Austin sat back down, and started eating his cereal, trying not to laugh.

"Austin, don't laugh. Don't laugh. Milk will come flying out of your nose if you do. Don't laugh." You mumbled as you started trying to poke him to make him laugh.

"I swear, (y/n), if you make me laugh, I'm gonna make sure all this flies in your direction." Austin threatened, chuckling.

"Ewww, I don't want your nose cereal."

"Didn't think so."

You and Austin sat, watching tv for a while, until you decided to play video games.

"Uh... Mortal Kombat? Or... Ooh, maybe Left 4 Dead?" Austin rambled on, mostly to himself, as he was picking out the game.

You, half listening to him, glanced at the window, feeling watched. You saw a shadow move out of sight. You bit your lip.

"Uh... (y/n)? Earth to (y/n), is everything alright?"

"Yeah, of course. Sorry. So what game are we playing?" You asked, bringing your attention back to Austin and his games.

Austin smirked mysteriously. "You'll see..."

*time skip*

"Woah, Austin, that was so much fun! Can we play it again sometime?" You asked excitedly.

"For sure." Austin chuckled.

You looked at the time and sighed. "I gotta get going. I'll meet ya here tomorrow, kay?"

"Mmkay. Stay safe on your way home."

"I will." You said, leaving the house through the back door.

You glanced to your right, seeing another shadow move around the corner of the house. You walked to the side of the house, and jumped out from behind the corner, only to be met with....

So in this chapter, you meet Austin and get a feel for how he is, and how he acts. Sorry about the last chapter and this chapter moving slow... I need it that way so I can build it up. I like writing stories where everything leads up, and the romance builds up slowly.
Anyways, I promise Jeff will show up more, just hang in there. I have a ton of stuff for this story. It'll be rad. Peace out, stay gold :3

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