Alvin and the Chipmunks: The...

By DanielJackson109

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This book is basically what the title says, it's the last few months of school for the chipmunks and the chip... More

Part 1 - Another School Day
Part 2 - Odd Pairing in The Next Lesson
Part 3 - Working With Jeanette Isn't Too Bad
Part 4 - The Boring Assembly Of Information :(
Part 5 - School Take's a Turn For The Worst
Part 6 - Jeanette Help's Sort Out What Has Gone Off
Part 7 - Oh...Why Is Maths So Hard?
Part 8 - A Cute/Romantic Moment With Alvin and Brittany
Part 9 - We Need An Idea For Our Drama Project
Part 10 - Playing On Game's with Brittany Help's Her Get Inspiration :)
Part 11 - Girls, Here is Our Drama Project idea, Let's Get To Work
Part 12 - The Coon and Friends VS Freedom Pals
Part 13 - Once Night Time Fall's, superhero's rise! (Part 1)
Part 14 - Once Night Time Fall's, superhero's rise! (Part 2)
Part 15 - Oh No, We Are In Trouble Now...
Part 16 - Here is Our Video For The Drama Project, Miss Finch
Part 17 - Another Boring Revision Session After School :(
Part 18 - The Bus Ride...
Part 19 - Theodore and Eleanor's Secret Date
Part 20 - You Need Some Help and Advice From "The Love Doctor"
Part 21 - Theodore and Eleanor Have a Talk and Dave Gives Out a Punishment
Part 22 - Oh Man! Why Can't We Play Football Outside?
Part 23 - Everyone's Feelings Towards Ned...
Part 24 - Alvin and Brittany Get Some Relaxing Time Together
Part 25 - Theodore! I'm so excited! It's my Birthday soon!
Part 26 - Alvin, Can You and Brittany Go Shopping With Me This Weekend?
Part 27 - The Museum School Trip (Part 1)
Part 28 - The Museum School Trip (Part 2)
Part 29 - Dave, We Need To Go Shopping, Can You Distract Eleanor For The Day?
Part 30 - The Shopping Is Finally Finished!
Part 31 - The Week Of Mok Exams Begins
Part 32 - A Calm and Peaceful Walk Through The Park
Part 33 - Only a Few More Days Of Mok Exams Left
Part 34 - Someone Has Just Saved Me In School....
Part 35 - Wait! What? Jeanette, That Was You?
Part 36 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 1)
Part 37 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 2)
Part 38 - Happy Birthday Eleanor! (Part 3)
Part 39 - Your Results From The Mok Exams, Everyone...
Part 40 - Alvin! What Has Happened With Your Grades At School!
Part 41 - Harry Hit Wendy?
Part 42 - Civil War 2, Going Down!
Part 43 - Alvin's injury...
Part 44 - Brittany is Sad, Worried and Feels Alvin's Pain :(
Part 46 - Stay in Bed and I Will Get Everything You Need (Part 2)
Part 47 - A Painful Walk Around School...
Part 48 - The Real Exams Begin!
Part 49 - Halfway Through The Exams and Everyone Needs a Break
Part 50 - Why Are You Even With Him?
Part 51 - Eleanor's Head is So Confused...
Part 52 - The Exams Are Finally Over, Just 6 Weeks Wait Now Till Results Day...
Part 53 - We're Off To Casa Bonita!
Part 54 - The Leavers Assembly :(
Part 55 - OMG, The School Prom is Next Week!
Part 56 - How Do I Ask Her To Go With Me?
Part 57 - Getting Ready For The Prom
Part 58 - The Best Night Ever!
Part 59 - Guy's, You Have All Been Asked To Perform Here...
Part 60 - We Have Arrived in New York! But Where's Dave and The Others?
Part 61 - We Did Amazing! We Still Got It!
Part 62 - We Are On a Planet Created By My Drawings!
Part 63 - Anything Can Happen On This Crazy, Weird.....Possibly Cool Planet?
Part 64 - Results Day!
Part 65 - A Visitor Comes To The Park
Part 66 - Ned Passes Alvin a Note and He Has To Keep It Secret...
Part 67 - 200
Part 68 - A Surprise Ending...

Part 45 - Stay in Bed and I Will Get Everything You Need (Part 1)

421 10 7
By DanielJackson109

Thursday, 16th of May, 7:30am, At Dave's house
Dave had just knocked on both bedroom doors and shouted for everyone to get up and ready for school
While Simon Jeanette Theodore and Eleanor were getting ready in one bedroom, in the other bedroom not much was happening
Alvin and Brittany had woken up but Brittany didn't want to go to school today, she wanted to stop at home with Alvin and take care of him
Brittany got out of bed, left her and Alvin's bedroom and went to Dave's bedroom. She knocked on the door and called "Dave" before entering
"Brittany? Why are you not getting ready for school like everyone else?" Asked Dave
" don't want to go to school today...." Said Brittany in a worried voice
"What? Why? You have to go to school, especially when your exams are in 5 to 6 weeks" replied Dave
"I want to stop at home and look after Alvin" said Brittany quickly
Dave went down on his knees and smiled at Brittany
"I know you care about Alvin and do want to look after him, but you have to go to school today" explained Dave
"Please let me stop at home, I promise to take care of Alvin and to do some school work...well revision, while I'm at home...please trust me Dave" begged Brittany
Dave went silent for a few seconds and eventually he spoke up
"Ok fine, I will trust you to stop at home on your own with Alvin today and do some revision while your looking after him" explained Dave
Brittany was surprised! She didn't think Dave would say, yes!
"Oh wow, thanks so much Dave, your an amazing adoptive Dad" called Brittany giving Dave a hug
"No problem, I trust you Brittany and I also trust you and Alvin won't be 'doing anything' you shouldn't while we are all out" called Dave
"Dave! Alvin is ill, I'm not going to do anything like that with him" replied Brittany
"Anyway, I will get ready for work and drop the others off at school, just promise me you will behave yourself" said Dave
"I promise and thanks again Dave" called Brittany leaving Dave's bedroom
Brittany went and sat on the bed in her and Alvin's bedroom and smiled to herself
Alvin noticed and spoke up
"What are you so happy about?" Asked Alvin
"It's a surprise, I will tell you soon though" replied Brittany with a giggle
"Oh god, this will be something stupid a joke or something.....Brittany likes to make stupid jokes" Alvin thought to himself
1 hour later...
It had just turned 8:30am and everyone was leaving the house for school and Dave going to work
Brittany heard Jeanette and Eleanor asking Dave "where is Brittany? Isn't she coming to school with us?" and Dave replying with "no she is doing revision at home and looking after Alvin"
Once everyone had left the house, Brittany squeaked with excitement
"This is Amazing! I am with Alvin all day by myself and no one is around to stop us been together or even around each other" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany went up to her and Alvin's bedroom and saw Alvin in bed
"I'm so happy! Everyone has left the house and it is just us two and our baby chipmunks in the house all day" replied Brittany in a happy voice
"Really? Wow, that's amazing!" Called Alvin in a happy voice
"Is that the surprise?" Asked Alvin
Brittany nodded and smiled at Alvin and then laid next to him on the bed
"How is your ankle this morning?" Asked Brittany
"It still hurts a little but I will be fine....I just need to walk around the house a little, but not too much as I don't want to use my foot too much" replied Alvin
"Don't worry I will assist you" said Brittany with a giggle
"Aw thanks, am glad you are here with me....taking care of me and stuff" explained Alvin in a happy voice
"It's what girlfriend's do when their boyfriend is injured" replied Brittany with another giggle
"Do you want anything for breakfast?" Asked Brittany
"Yea, if you don't mind?" Asked Alvin
"No of course I don't, I am looking after YOU for the day don't forget" Brittany pointed out
"Can I have a few waffles and some apple juice please?" Asked Alvin
"Of course, will be back in a few minutes" replied Brittany giving Alvin a kiss on the head before leaving the bedroom
Brittany went downstairs and into the kitchen. She put a few waffles in the toaster and poured out a glass of apple juice
"I better get some food made for the baby chipmunks too, they must be hungry" Brittany thought to herself
Brittany got some food out for the baby chipmunks and put the food in a bowl and on the tray
After the waffles were done, Brittany put them on a plate and on the tray and put the glass of apple juice on the tray too
Once breakfast was done, Brittany got the tray and went back upstairs to the bedroom
"Wow, that was quick" said Alvin in a surprised voice
"Well I am a girl" joked Brittany
Brittany placed the tray on the bed side and sat down next to Alvin
"Do you need help sitting up?" Asked Brittany
"No, I can sit up in bed don't worry" replied Alvin
Alvin tried to move but he was putting more pressure on his feet and his ankle was giving him pain
"Yea I need help..." Called Alvin
Brittany put her arms under Alvin's armpits and slowly lifted him, trying not to pull Alvin and course him pain
"Thanks for that Brittany" called Alvin with a smile
"No problem, here is your breakfast" replied Brittany passing Alvin a plate of waffles and a glass of apple juice
"Thanks again, didn't you get any breakfast?" Asked Alvin
"No, I am not hungry right now" replied Brittany
"What's in that bowl then?" Asked Alvin in confusion
"That's the food for the baby chipmunks silly, I'm going to feed them now like we do every morning" replied Brittany with a giggle
After Alvin had eaten his breakfast and Brittany had feed the baby chipmunks, Alvin tried getting out of bed
"Where are you going? You need to rest in bed" called Brittany
"I'm just going to have a quick walk around the house that's all, you keep my muscles in my ankle working" explained Alvin
Brittany sighed and stood up
"Grab hold of my hand and we will walk together" called Brittany
Alvin grabbed Brittany's hand and together they walked out of the bedroom
"How are you feeling walking?" Asked Brittany
"It hurts but I need to walk a little..." Replied Alvin
"Oh I don't know what to do....I don't want Alvin to be in pain walking around but if he doesn't walk around then he will be recovering at home longer..." Brittany thought to herself
After 10 minutes of walking around the house, Brittany walked Alvin back to bed and Alvin looked tired
"Are you ok?" Asked Brittany in a worried voice
"Yea...I just need to sleep, you can go and watch a film if you want? I will be ok" explained Alvin
"Don't be silly Alvin, I am going to stop with you all day to make sure you are ok" replied Brittany
After a few minutes of silence, Alvin spoke up again
"Brittany, I'm going to have to have a quick sleep....I'm sorry about that" called Alvin
"Don't be sorry Alvin, if you need to sleep then you need to sleep, I will get a practice paper to do in here while your sleeping" replied Brittany
"Oh ok, thanks for understanding" called Alvin with a smile
Brittany got on her knees and reached under the bed to grab her school bag
She pulled out the English practice paper, what Mr Parry had given her to do and a couple of pens
"I will attempt this practice paper.....if you need anything just shout me over" called Brittany
There was no reply
Brittany looked over at Alvin and he was already asleep
"Aw, I feel so sorry for him, I hope he gets better soon...." Brittany thought to herself
With that, Brittany let Alvin sleep while she attempted her English practice paper...
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Do you think Brittany is doing a good job taking care of Alvin? Do you think Alvin will be better in a few days?
Also, do you think Jeanette and Eleanor will come and talk to Brittany later and give her some work from school to do? What do you think Jeanette and Eleanor will be like knowing Brittany has missed school to look after Alvin? Do you think they will be mad or just jealous at Brittany?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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