Witch Academy

By SuMe_Ali

70 1 0


Witch Academy

70 1 0
By SuMe_Ali

Natasha Griffin is a 15 year old ordinary girl, living in an ordinary town, and dreams of going to Cambridge High, a very ordinary school, at least that's what she thinks.

Cambride High School is a private boarding school for girls. The thing about  Cambride High is that you don't  get in easily, you don't walk in and just waltz your way into the school office and enroll there. You have to get an invitation from the principal herself. You might think that there is only a few students that attend the school, but really almost half the female high school student population in the city attends this school. The fancy architecture and high-class education is what draws the attention to this school. Rumor has it that the principal of Cambridge has been the principal since the beginning of the school, 1945. Natasha who has a thing for the supernatural believes that this rumor is true, many think of it as a lie, but really who knows? 

But then everything changed when Natasha opened her mailbox on the day of her birthday. In her mailbox she finds what could have given her a heart attack, but surprisingly doesn't. An invitation to Cambride High!

Little did Natasha know she was about to discover some very deep secrets of her new mysterious high school, and maybe a few secrets about her and her family. 

Just what do you think those secrets are?


This story was made by me and my bff, @happy_lollipop on Wattpad.

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