WoF OC Reviews


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Wings of Fire OC Reviews! Not my original idea. (If you don't know what OCs are, they are "Original Character... More

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408 5 33

Submitted by an awesome person called Cleril16 . Go follow them. The only exception for not following is if you are Cleril16 yourself.

Anyway. Onwards!

Theme song: "This is me" from The Greatest Showman

It's a good song. It's not really my style, but I like the message it has.

In Au: Yes

Sounds good

Time period: 52 years after Snowfall descends upon the throne

Specific, but I like specific

Name: Pfefferminz (Peppermint) or Elfenbein (Ivory) [I Can't decide. For this though, I'll just call them Elfenbein]

Both are very beautiful names, but how do you pronounce Pfefferminz?

Age: 29

Noice <3

Gender: Genderfluid (They, Them, Their)

Gender diversity! :D

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual


Tribe: Icewing

I always have loved IceWings

Queen they support: Queen Eskimo/Queen Polar

Good names

Abilities: Frost breathe, jagged talons, sub zero temperature whatnot, The usual Icewing abilities.

"Sub zero temperature whatnot" is 10/10 ability


It's good they have normal abilities

Rank: 2nd circle

Ooh they be fancy~

Appearance: Elfenbein has a rather chubby build with powder white scales.

So cute <3

Their head is narrow and leads down to a broad chest and fairly narrow neck. Their legs are short, making it so that their close to the ground, and their tail is fairly long. They have lavender freckles scattered across their face, and their back and extra spikes have very pale purple highlights. Their underbelly is a pale blue, and they have jagged talons like a normal Icewing. Their eyes are a dark stormy gray, and has long, leathery ears. Their talons are a pale silver, much like the moons. They have a necklace around their neck that shows their circle, a dark gray earring that brings out their eyes (They got it from their parents as a hatching day present), and a silver bracelet they got from their best friend. Etched on their bracelet are the words, "I am like a narwhal. There is no real way of knowing what gender I am unless you ask me. And even then it's useless unless you're planning on asking every day".

Beautiful appearance, I love it.

Personality: Elfenbein is usually very confident, however when it comes to their gender or sexuality they can be very sensitive.

How're they sensitive about it? They seem to be pretty out there about it, with the bracelet and all. Could you elaborate?

They're loyal to those they know and love, and they have a terrible habit of lying. Their incredibly sarcastic and rude when they want to be, and love compliments.

Flaws, flaws, lovely lovely flaws~

Overall, I really like the personality. Of course, I prefer longer personalities, but this is pretty good. Everything flows together nicely, and you have negative traits as well as positive.

Backstory: {Before Elfenbein's hatching}

Kodiak and Rentier met during the first party Queen Eskimo threw as queen since the death of her mother, Queen Snowfall. They were both reaching for the same bit of food and accidentally grabbed each other's hand. {His friends wouldn't stop teasing him about it until they got married} After that they became friends, and it took them 8 years until he admitted his feelings and they started dating. Skip forward 4-6 years and they get married, and have their first dragonet together, Permafrost. Saphir, Kodiak's sister, was more than excited at the hatching of Permafrost, seeing as her son, Flechten would finally have a relative around his age to play with. Taiga hatched 4 years later, and 3 years after that Elfenbein hatched.

Don't have much to say here. It sounds awesome.

{Ages 0-2}

Elfenbein was a rather strange child. She was late in learning how to speak {Learned when she was 2}, And hated the cold and snow at first. She would refuse to eat anything other than polar bear meat.

Is there a reason she was late in learning to speak?

And what an odd IceWing child, hating the cold and snow. I can understand the polar bear meat thing, maybe she was really stubborn and polar bear meat was her favorite thing lol idk.

{Ages 2-4}

Elfenbein met Crystal and Hymn

I'm questioning the name "Hymn". It's not a bad name, but is there a reason behind it?-

at the age of 2 ½ , when her parents were dragonet-sitting for two of their friends. She discovered she was Panromantic {Though she thought she was Pansexual at the time} when she found out she had a crush on Crystal and Hymn. The poor thing was so confused about this that she had to go to Saphir for help, who told her what she was feeling.

Elfenbein found out it was Panromantic and not Pansexual around when she turned 5. It was also when she found it she was Asexual. "I don't experience attraction for looks, wot?" 2 weeks later, "I don't experience sexual attraction, double wot?"

I get the feeling bro

{Ages 5-6}

Elfenbein went to JMA around this time, and learned to fly a month after. She started noticing that she felt disgusted with gender labels at JMA, but brushed it off as "A phase" as multiple dragons kept telling her.

She met Spice, a 6-year-old Skywing dragonet, and 'Nabend, a 5 ½ -year-old Nightwing dragoness.

Lovely names.

Elfenbein finished JMA and knew by now that she wasn't into gender labels. She came out to her friends first, telling them she was a Genderfluid Panromantic Asexual, and they accepted her fully, even fullfilling their wish to use They/Them/Their pronouns.

*thumbs up*

{Ages 7-9}

Elfenbein realized they had feelings for 'Nabend around this time, and confessed to her. As it turned out, 'Nabend returned these feelings, and the two of them started dating.

Aww! I wished things like this worked out for me lol killme

I would say something about the fact that Elfenbein's an IceWing and 'Nabend's a NightWing, and how this should affect Elfenbein's ranking, but I think their hatred towards each other was put to a stop after the tenth book so you're good.

However, Elfenbein was still afraid to come out to their family. 'Nabend, Spice (Who they kept in touch with via letter), Hymn, and Crystal comforted them during this time, telling them that their family would be perfectly accepting.

Must've been stressful, poor bab

{Ages 9-11}

Elfenbein came out to their parents around the age of 10, and to their relief, their family was perfectly accepting of what Elfenbein identified as.


They established a small hut near the Sandwing border (Not too close that she felt the heat, but close enough to where 'Nabend can visit them) if she ever needed a break from other Icewings.

Don't second circle IceWings need to stay in the palace? Meh, I mean, if they're second circle I guess they do what they want lmao

{Ages 11-20}

Elfenbein had a fairly normal life around this time, the biggest event that happened being Queen Eskimo's death, Her daughter Queen Polar then becoming Queen.

*thumbs up*

{Ages 20-27}

Elfenbein became a royal advisor for Queen Polar around this time.

Woah. How?
 Did they like, know each other? Did Queen Polar be like "You. IceWing. Be my advisor." And that was that?

I just want an explanation how she got there that's all lol


Elfenbein and 'Nabend end up getting married (Crystal was the flower dragon, Spice was the Maid of honour, and Hymn was the Best man), with no interest for dragonets.



[Wafflez.exe has had an unexpected error. Would you like to restart?]

Elfenbein meets Koi after Hymn has dragonets with a Skywing dragoness, Koi being their daughter.

A fitting, beautiful name. Even if it is a SeaWing name, it's good lmao

The Icewings eventually make peace with the Nightwings,

I thought they did at the end of the tenth book? Ahhehhh whatever maybe they declared official peace or something idk

and Elfenbein dies at the age of 58 due to a plague spreading around.

OH NO! ;-;

'Nabend dies a few years later due to being killed by a traitor.



Spice dies at age 82 due to old age, and Crystal and Hymn pass away in their sleep at age 93.

Those seem more peaceful, but dragons can live up to 150 years. Maybe make them older for them to die of old age?

*cough* Or this might be me trying to make an excuse to keep them alive longer *cough*

Residence (Explanation of house): In the palace like other dragons in their circle. Has a two room hut further away from the heart of the territory that she goes to when she needs a small break.

Ahh, lovely.


Mother; Kodiak {3rd circle}

Father; Rentier (Reindeer) {2nd circle

Sister; Permafrost {2nd circle}

Brother; Taiga {3rd circle}

Aunt; Saphir (Sapphire) {1st circle}

Nephew; Flechten (Lichen) {1st circle}

All lovely names


Crystal; A 2nd circle Icewing dragon [Nonbinary]

Hymn; A 3rd circle Dragon

Spice; A Skywing dragoness whom they met at JMA

Koi; An over-excitable Sky/Ice hybrid

*thumbs up* *I'm overusing the "thumbs up" thing*

Mate: N/A, but they have a beautiful, kind Girlfriend named 'Nabend (Evening)

Well they got married so technically that would be considered a mate, so yes

Crush: N/A

Dragonets: N/A

Other (Optional): Has geographic tongue (white map-like shapes constantly appearing and shifting on her ice-blue tongue)

I'm confused what

Does she have a map tattooed on her tongue? Is this some sort of genetic thing passed down in a family? Is this some sort of superpower an animus gave her? I'm very confused

My Rating:


Originality: 25/25 (This character is completely original)

Realism: 23/25 (1 point knocked off for the aging thing, 1 point knocked off for the lack of explanation/elaboration on some areas [mainly the geographic tongue])

Interest: 25/25 (I'm very interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


I felt some sort of weird emotional attachment to this character, as if they were a living being, like a friend that I knew.

When they died I literally shed tears.

When your OC dies and someone cries because of it, you know you did well.

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