Persona 5: Makoto x Male Read...

By Xanitus

10.2K 48 42

(Y/n) and Makoto were childhood friends and go to Shujin Academy together but once they got into their third... More

It's been awhile
Makoto's Birthday Special

"A Date"?

3K 11 26
By Xanitus

Author's note: Finally posted this on my other accounts now to post it on this one. This chapter takes place after the 2nd palace and before the 3rd palace for those that want to avoid spoilers.

Disclaimer: I don't not own Persona 5 this story is just for entertainment please support the official release.

I hope you enjoy!


3rd Person POV

(Y/n) had just arrived at work not too long ago and as he was at the register his boss came up to him.

"Hey (Y/n)-kun. I forgot to tell you something."

"What is it sir?"

"We're getting a new employee so when he shows up tell him to meet me in my office."

"Oh. Thanks good to hear. I did feel like we had short amount of workers."

Just then the door open. The person was a boy who looked a little younger than (Y/n). He has black frizzy hair and wore glasses.

"Huh it's the transfer student everyone made a big deal about."

"Ah, there he is now. You came earlier than expected. (Y/n), this is Akira Kurusu.

"It's nice to meet you." (Y/n) smiled and Akira nodded his head.

"Well let's go into my office and discuss your role here." The store boss said.

After his boss explain to Akira what his role is at the store. (Y/n) and Akira were standing behind the counter as their were a few customers walking around the store.

"What do you think of the job so far?"

"Oh, It's pretty easy than I thought it would be." Akira rubbed the back of his head.

"Trust me it'll get harder when this place gets packed. Experienced that a week ago."

Akira laughed but stopped and asked (Y/n) something. "Hey, (L/n)-senpai. I know you go to Shuji also because I've seen you around but wanted to ask. You're not afraid of me? I assume you heard the rumors about me when I transfered."

"Yeah I heard them but I don't really care about those rumors. They're just rumors right plus you seem like a nice guy so you must've had a reason when you assaulted a random guy, right Kurusu-kun."

Akira was surprised to hear what (Y/n) said. He expected 'I can't believe I have to work with this criminal' but (Y/n) gave him a chance. He gave (Y/n) a smile. "Thank you."

"No problem. It must be hard having everyone get scared of you once they see you but I'm pretty sure there are some students that are willing to give you a chance."

"There are a few students I made friends with."

"That's nice and I guess you can count me as one also."

"I'm glad to hear that (L/n)-senpai."

"Oh you can just call me (Y/n)."

"Then you can call me Akira." They both shake hands and returned back to work when there was a few customers walking up to the counter.

(Y/n) has finished his shift along with Akira. They both said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. (Y/n) felt pretty happy to getting a short break from work and that he's going to hang out or go on a "date" with Makoto tomorrow. He was just leaving work and walking through Central Street so he can get to the station and catch his ride on time. (Y/n) was just thinking about how he's going to be with Makoto, and just thinking about how she's pretty much his only friend he has. For most of his years at Shujin, he would chat with other students but it would just be small talk or questions they have about the lesson and homework so he didn't really make much friends. As (Y/n) continued walking through Central Street, he was stopped by some guys on his way to the station.

"Hey kid!"

(Y/n) turned to face the two guys. "Huh. Are you talking to me?"

"Yeah, you. We wanted to ask you something."

"What do you want with a student?" (Y/n) asked curiously

"Want to take a part-time job that'll make you lots of money?"

(Y/n) was skeptical about this but wanted to see where this was going. "What kind of job exactly?"

"All you gotta do is just deliver some package to a certain place. You'll get paid a lot for doing it."

"I not quite sure how I feel about this but what's got me interested is the amount of money I'll be getting. It could possibly help me reduce my work shifts so that I'll have more free time to myself and even for Makoto." (Y/n) then decided to take their offer.

"Sure but just this once, to see how it this. Is that fine?"

"Sure kid just as long as you get the job done you'll get paid afterwards."

"Okay, I'm in. When do I start?"

"Right now. It shouldn't take you too long. Just take this package and put in a this numbered locker. Got it? " He says as the other guy hands me a package with a number on it.

"Yeah. Seems easy." (Y/n) said and walked away.

3rd POV

After walking for a while (Y/n) approached an area with a bunch of lockers.

"Wonder why they couldn't do it themselves. It didn't even seem far from where we were but whatever easy money for me." (Y/n) shrugged. "Now to see what locker it is."

(Y/n) looked around the area until he found the one he needed. "Oh there it is." He then walked to the locker and as he opened it a flash came from the left of him. "The hell." As he look to see where it came from he noticed it was the same guys that gave him the job.

"Hey! What's the big idea of taking a picture of me?!"

"You're a real idiot for taking this job. No wonder our boss wants us to target students, so easy to convince."

"That didn't answer my question! Why did you take a picture of me?!"

"So, you do whatever we say now."

"Like hell I am." (Y/n) clenches his fist and starts walking towards them.

"Up. Up. I would stop right where you are. Unless you want us to release these pictures of you holding onto drugs."

(Y/n) immediately stopped.

"Good. Now then, if you don't want us to release these pictures of you to the cops then you'll do what our boss says."

(Y/n) just angrily stared at them.

"You'll start by giving our boss 200,000 yen but to be fair he'll give you about a month. We'll let you know when there's an official deadline for you. Good Luck." They walked off laughing.

"Bastards..." (Y/n) angrily thought. "How am I going to be able to get that much within a month I barely have enough to pay for my own stuff...Damnit, how could've been so stupid!" (Y/n) sighed and walked to the station to go home.


(Y/n)'s POV

I was still laying on my bed sleeping peacefully until my phone went off. I got up from bed and stretch before getting my phone. I saw that my phone had a few messages from Makoto.

Makoto: Hey (Y/n).

Makoto: Let's meet at the movie theater at 11:30 A.M

Makoto: I'll see you there

"11:30?" I looked at the corner of my phone and saw the time. "Crap! It's almost 12!" I quickly got of my room to get ready.

After getting ready and I rushed out of the house and made my way to the train station.

Makoto's POV

I've been waiting for (Y/n) for awhile. I sent him a message about when to meet up but haven't got a response since. I was starting to worry. "Maybe he doesn't want to meet that couldn't be it because he said he would tell his boss if he can take a day off today so he can meet with me."I thought. I decided to just wait a little longer just in case he shows up late.

Just then I looked around and I saw (Y/n) running towards me. As he stopped next to me he was panting crazy. He seemed to be wearing a white t-shirt with a black vest and black pants.

"Ma...koto....I-I'm....sorry I'm late..."(Y/n) panted as he had his hands on his knees.

"It's fine. I was starting to get worried you didn't want to see me mostly because you haven't replied to my messages."

"No...I overslept....Whew, I'm tired from all that running."

"You know you could've told me that you overslept and that you were going to be late." I laughed quietly.

"I was panicking okay!" But anyways, I'm sorry I made you worried." He said as he scratched the back of his head."

"Well I forgive you."

"Thanks. Let's go watch that movie now."

I nodded and we both bought our tickets and entered the theater.

3rd person POV

(Y/n) and Makoto has just finished the movie and were leaving theater.

"Thanks for coming with me (Y/n)." Makoto said.

"That's sort of sudden. Usually people would talk about the movie when leaving." He chuckled.

"Well it just that people would find it weird or strange that a girl watch these kind of movies do you think?"

"I don't think so. People have their own preference so I don't really mind what they like. Especially you Makoto. I know that you like movies with yakuza most of the time."

"Y-you've known that?!" Makoto's face was starting to get red.

"Makoto. We've been friends since we were 7 years old. That's enough time to figure stuff you like and don't like. That's why I agreed to watch the yakuza movie because I knew it would make you happy."

Makoto looked down in defeat. "It was that obvious..."

"Yeah." (Y/n) laughed. "Anyways let's continue on with this date."

Makoto looked up sharply. "D-date?!"

"Yeah don't you remember me saying that yesterday?"

"Uhh." Makoto just stared at him with a light blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Come on we've done this multiple times before. Our dads would always schedule us a play date. So that's what we're technically doing right now aren't we?"

Makoto started to relax after what he said. "Oh, r-right play date. I remember now. My father would always invite you and your father over to our house so that we could play."

"See. I knew you would remember but let's continue our talk over dinner. I'm starving." (Y/n) says putting a hand on his stomach.


After a eating for an hour and talking about how school is and (Y/n)'s job they were strolling around Shibuya. There attention was caught by the news that was playing on the big screen on a building.

"What's up with that old geezer." A man said.

"Is he crying..?" A woman asked.

"Huh." Catching Makoto's attention.

"Oh it's Madarame. Wonder what's going on." (Y/n) said.

"I..I have committed crimes that are unbecoming of an artist. Plainly put... I, um...plagiarized work...I-I...tainted this... this country's art world... and even 'Sayuri'..! H-how could I...I possibly... apologize everyone for... for what I've done...." Madarame started crying out loud."

"He's crying way too much..." A man stated.

"...And that was from the urgent apology conference by Madarame that took place just moment ago. After reporting to the association. Madarame has agreed to the police's request to turn himself in. On top of charges of abuse to his pupils, Madarame is under suspicion of claiming their works as his own. Some doubt the validity that his maiden work 'Sayuri' was stolen, believing it was used for fraud. This large-scale criminal act has caused a great shock to the art world, and... After the conference, Madarame was taken to a police hospital for interrogation due to his age. However, initial psych evaluations state that he is mental sound and likely responsible for his actions. Also, a group calling themselves the Phantom Thieves posted a dubious note at Madarame's exhibit. The police will investigate their relation to this case, but for now, did not identify them as suspects."

"Phantom Thieves again..." Makoto said.

"Is something wrong Makoto?" (Y/n) asked.

"It's nothing. Shall we continue."


They both ended up at Inokashira Park and sat down near the water with the sun setting.

"It's beautiful." Makoto commented looking at the view of the park and the water.

"It is." (Y/n) replied.

"I really enjoy spending time with you." Makoto says.

"Me too. It's nice having these kind of chat with someone."

There was a moment of silence between the two but was broke shortly.

"(Y/n)..." Makoto said.

(Y/n) turned to face her and saw her head looking down.

"What is it Makoto?"

"...How come you haven't talked to me for the past few months. I know I've been busy but you know I always have time to talk to you..."

(Y/n) was a bit surprise to her words. "...Well I know this is our last year here at Shujin and I didn't want to interfere with your studies especially with entrance exam coming soon I thought you should focus on that than me. I want you to have a good future."

"But it doesn't change the fact that your best friend. You've always been there for me when I'm having a rough time. I missed having talks that didn't always involves our academic. I would've liked to talk about how your life is going especially when you got a job even if it's a just at a convenience store because I knew how lazy you always about getting a job."

"Yeah I guess you're right about all that. Hehe. But it's like I said I wanted you to have a bright future. You're working really hard in school so I don't want to get in the way of that. Your father and Sae must be proud of how hard your working." (Y/n) said.

Makoto smiled. "Thanks, (Y/n) but know that I'll always have time to talk with you okay so just stop by the Student Council Room and we can talk usually the other members leave before I do." Makoto said.

"Alright. I'll take up that offer." (Y/n) smiled.

"By the way, How has your father been doing I haven't heard from him?"

(Y/n) stood there thinking what to say as he started to have a flashback with him and Sae.

"(Y/n) I know this may sound selfish of me but could you not talk about your father's death to Makoto. I want her to focus on her studies for her entrance exams so that she can get into her university of choice."

"I understand."

(Y/n) remained quiet.

"(Y/n) has something happened?" Makoto was starting to get worried.

"It's nothing..."

"Are you sure you were hesitant for a moment?"

"It's nothing I promise." (Y/n) said with small smile.

"(Y/n). I know something's wrong. Your right arm twitches when you're keeping something from me.

"Crap she remembered!" (Y/n) thought.

"Look. I said it was nothing alright."

"No clearly something is going on so just tell me please!"

"Just ignore what I said Makoto! You were able to avoid me for nearly 2 months why can't you avoid one question!?" (Y/n) shouted and he quickly realised what he did. "S-sorry... I think we should part for the day." (Y/n) got up and quickly ran.

"(Y/n) wait!" Makoto shouted but (Y/n) continued running. "(Y/n)...."

1 hour later

(Y/n) returned home and went straight to his room and laid down on his bed.

"I wish I tell you what the hell is going on with my life but I promised Sae..." (Y/n) sighs. "I should apologize to her when I see her again.."

I then closed my eyes and went to sleep for the rest of the day.


Makoto's POV

I walked back home quietly as I kept thinking about (Y/n)'s outburst. I never seen him this angry before. As I unlocked and entered my apartment I was surprise to see Sis home.

"Welcome back Makoto." Sae says.

"Oh Sis you're home."

"I finished most of my work for the time being. How was your day? You were with (Y/n)-kun today weren't you?"

"It went well. We went to the movies and had lunch together but after lunch is where things didn't turn out nicely..." I said with a frown.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked (Y/n) about how's his father is doing but he refused to answer and when I kept trying to get him to talk...he yelled at me to stop and he realised what he did and ran..."

Sis had closed her eyes and exhaled before speaking to me.

"I had a feeling this would come up soon. I guess you would've have found it sooner or later and I guess now's the time to tell you Makoto."

"Tell me what, Sis?"

"A few months ago (Y/n)'s father died during an investigation after hearing some reports of criminal activities involving a mafia group somewhere in Shibuya. He went to patrol around there and after some time he began to get further into case and soon he was shot and died of blood loss."

"Wh-what...and (Y/n) been keeping this from me! Why didn't he bring this up?!"

"...It's because I told him not to bring it up to you."

My eyes widen after hearing what Sis told me.

"I wanted you to focus on your studies and prepare for your entrance exams. It was a deal I made with (Y/n)-kun, in which he agreed on."

"H-how could you?!"

"Makoto it's so tha-"

"I don't care he's my only friend I have and knowing that you were making him keep something away from just so I can study! He lost his father Sis! He had no one there to comfort him!"

"Makoto. I understand what you're saying but like I said he agreed to it. He didn't want you involved because he wants to you to fail your studies because of that."

"B-but still Sis! We've known him for so long...he was there for us when dad passed...I just want to be there for him..."

"I know Makoto but he decided to keep it a secret from you because he cares about your future."

"But what about his grades they're getting worse and he's overworking himself with his job."

"Look, Makoto why don't you and him talk about this when you see each other because I doubt I can answer all your questions you have about his life."


"There's one more thing I have to tell you about (Y/n), Makoto."

"What is it?"

"(Y/n) will be..."


Author's Note: After almost 2 month of waiting chapter 2 is finally here! I took awhile with this chapter because I did have complication on what to write for this chapter but manage to come up with something(sorry if this chapter was confusing to understand so if there's any questions I will try to clarify). At the time I was also trying to complete my first Persona 5 playthrough because when I posted the first chapter for this story I was like on the 6th or 7th palace and I wanted to see how it did which I was glad too hear that it was good. I was also busy trying to platinum persona 5 and I recently started playing persona 3 and having to deal with my classes. Another thing if you know who the artist is from the cover please let me know I would give them credit and leave their link. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave a comment or questions if you have any and with that I'll see you next time!

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