The Sisters: The Curse of Gab...

By TheHuntingMockingjay

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Alexis and Diane Warren live in Gabriel's Gardens, a city known for its flashy luxury, rotten people, crimina... More

The Icaria Poltergeist
The Imaginary Friend
The Prophet
Under Arrest
The Monster of Morningstar
Nobody Can Save Me
Starting Again
The Christmas Mystery
The Goblin Thief
Crossroads - Special chapter
Vindicator of Starlandia
Long Live the King
The Demon's Return
The Good Luck Charm

The Angel Voice

71 7 14
By TheHuntingMockingjay

I knew that he would fail sooner or later, but I expected him to take out at least one of the threats. The best assassin I could hire... gone. It seems I am on my own from now.

They somehow managed to foil all of his plans. How is that possible? I have no viable answers for this. Or there mabe is one after all, one I am hesitant to admit. Their intelligence, capability, teamwork and... mutual love drive them forward.

The strength in numbers. Each member of their team multiplies their power rather than only adding. That is why I need to slowly eliminate them, one by one.

The deeper the affection, the more destruction will the loss cause.

Their naive ideas of love and friendship can be easily turned against them.

The infamous Warren sisters will soon experience solitude, grief, sorrow. I still have many plans left to execute. But the day of my rebirth is coming. I cannot afford to have competition. Cannot afford to have this plan foiled just like the plan with the Chance Arlington-wannabe.

I cannot prolong the waiting much longer. My power is hitting the lowest possible levels and I have to take doses so frequently the people are starting to be suspicious. Besides that, one more duty towards my city awaits me. I just wish I could just throw that idiotic show over my shoulder, but if I did not show up there, some people may start to get suspicious even more.

People are good at connecting small clues and building bigger pictures, especially Gwendolyn and her daughters. Besides that, I will have numerous sources available, just in case my weakness would catch me unguarded. Maybe I should really focus on something else for a while.


For the seventeen-years-old Viola Christensen, it was the best day ever. She was anxiously waiting among many other young people of both genders and all races in a splendid foyer of the Gabriel's Gardens opera house in the Centre, not so far away from Angel Square.

The interior, mostly colored in white and gold, was built to resemble ancient Roman style with magnificent pillars and detailed statues of animals. The sun shone through huge windows, illuminating the whole room even without the giant crytsal chandelier above their heads.

Today was the first day of audition for The Angel's Voice, a singing competition in Gabriel's Gardens aimed at young people which happened once every three years. The foyer was, for this event only, decorated by posters depicting a blonde female angel holding a harp with the competition's name above her.

Viola already had a tag with a number on her sleeveless black blouse. She tried to look as well as she could today - everyone knew that the competiton isn't only about singing. She was wearing a short black skirt and black hair tied into an elegant top bun. She chose just a gentle make-up, to hide the imperfections on her pretty, tanned face, and a bright red lipstick.

Three years ago, when she was fourteen, the judges didn't let her through the casting. This time, it will be different, she was sure about it. She practiced her singing and also looked better. All the people around her... she will be better than all of them and win the main prize, fifty thousand dollars and a contract with the label which will record her own album.

Her dream? Becoming a famous singer, idol, a fashion icon.

After several hours of anxious waiting and casual chatting with her competition, it was finally Viola's turn to sing. The big stage didn't leave her in awe as much as it did for the first time, but she still felt shivers in her stomach. The audience clapped as she appeared in the spotlight. She gulped.

The judges stared at her. The jury consisted of three people - Angela White, a famous singer whose popularity was at its peak ten years ago and whose blonde curls and lively eyes looked cute even though she was almost forty already. Wilbur Whateley, the city's major who was still a charming, handsome man despite his advanced age. And the last one, Zach Jordan, highly acclaimed Afroamerican director and author who always looked grumpy and gladly took the role of the jury's "executioner".

"Viola Christensen," he muttered to prove it. "I remember you from the last round. It's strange you found enough courage to come again, considering how bad it was."

The audience laughed; Viola's face went red and her insecurity grew.

"Don't listen to him," Mayor Whateley smiled at her. "You had three whole years to improve. Show him he's wrong. Sing your song and let us see."

The instrumental of the song Viola was planning to sing sounded across the enormous hall and after the foreplay, the girl added her voice. Singing was something she loved and when she stood behing the microphone, the world around her stopped existing. Her performance was perfect and even Zach Jordan had to let her pass into the next round. Viola was overjoyed. She showed them.

Angela wiped a tear from her face. "Flawless! You remind me of myself in my early years!"

"I'll be looking forward to hearing you again," Mayor Whateley added.

"Sammy? SAMMY!" Viola shouted right after she left the stage. Samantha Dayre was her best friend who came with her to root for her. She was also going to sing, but more or less only for fun. Viola expected Sammy to hug her right after she opens the stage door, but it didn't happen. Where is she?

After she didn't find her friend in the crowd, she realized Sammy probably had to rush to the toilet. She decided to check them, too. They were almost empty. But then, Viola heard faint knocking on the door of one of the cubicles. Curious, she approached the cubicle and tried to open it. The door complied.

Viola will never be able to fully recover from what she saw.

"" rasped the thing inside the cubicle. It was Sammy... but it also wasn't.

And so the girl started to scream. She didn't stop when the help arrived. When the doctors took both her and the thing from inside the cubicle. When they drove her into the psychiatry ward of the Everglow hospital.


"Why are you still watching this?" Alexis rolled her eyes with a smile after seeing her sister on the couch watching the live broadcast of The Angel Voice. "It's not about singing anymore. The jury always chooses the best looking contestants to satisfy the viewers. Music is secondary as it can be autotuned later."

"I watch it mainly for this guy's comments," Diane pointed at Zach Jordan who was just reacting to a so-so performance of a contestant:

"I have an idea for ya, kid. The Middle East is not so far. Just apply into the military and the soldiers will use you as a method to get the intel even from the most dangerous terrorists," the judge said; the boy who finished singing looked genuinely devastated.

Diane laughed. "You just gotta love him, sis."

Since Alexis had nothing to do, she sat next to Diane and decided to watch a bit of the show with Diane. The next contestant was a slim, good-looking girl with tanned skin, black hair and piercing green eyes. "And here we go," Alexis said. "She's already in the next round and she didn't even start singing."

"Viola Christensen. I remember you from the last round. It's strange you found enough courage to come again, considering how bad it was," Jordan commented and the audience laughed.

"That guy is unnecessarily rude," Alexis stated.

"Maybe, but it's still hella fun," Diane cackled.

However, even Alexis had to admit the girl has some talent. After she finished her song, the audience bursted into thunderous applause and the jury unanimously sent her to the next round.

After her, another contestant came; a young man in a suit whose handsome face couldn't make for his sorry efforts for singing. "Just try to be a model instead," Zach uttered. "Not because you're so hot, but because models always keep their mouth shut."

The contestant left on the verge of tears.

Both jury and the audience waited for the next contestant. Nobody came even after Mayor Whateley, a member of the jury, called the number several times. There were just some strange noises audible in the backstage. After a while, the show's main host appeared on the stage instead.

"I'm sorry, peeps," he said, "but due to some complications in the backstage, we'll have to stop this episode of The Angel Voice earlier. But don't worry! We'll be there for you next week, I can personally guarantee it! So goodnight and don't forget to follow us!"

The show's jingle played and the TV screen went black for a minute before the replacement programme started to play. The sisters exchanged confused looks. The comedian was usually really talkative and such brief goodbyes could only mean one thing - something serious happened.

"Probably someone passed out due to stress or something," Alexis said. "Or some contestants got into a fight. Such things happen and they're prepared for them, it seems."

"But I was watching it," Diane complained. "What should I do now? Take my ass off the couch and do something productive? Or even..." she shivered, "...socialize?"

Alexis smiled. "I can't force you to perform such extreme stunts."

Diane shrugged and played an episode of a TV show she had downloaded. "You can stay or you can go," she said. "Imma binge-watch the whole third season and it may take a while."

Since Alexis' and Diane's taste in shows differed, Alexis decided to take Dante for a walk instead. She could always visit her mother in her new work - shortly after the team got rid of the man pretending to be Chance Arlington, Gwendolyn found a job in a flower store in Icaria. It wasn't completely new job since she already worked as a florist before she left Gabriel's Gardens.

The spring already started to give its power to summer. The weather kept getting warmer, but the temperature was still acceptable for Alexis who hated too much heat. Dante also seemed to enjoy longer days with more sunshine. Lately, Alexis was intensively working on the dog's training and her efforts started to pay off. Dante was a fast learner and he already knew all the basics.

However, Alexis wanted to teach him much more.


The next day, the news already started to regard what happened at The Angel Voice audition. The problem was - nobody knew it for sure since it all happened so fast and those who were involved only saw several pieces of the whole riddle which didn't make sense.

There were only two things all the articles had in common - they described the intervention of doctors and a hysterical girl who had to be dragged away.

"Hey, sis, come over here!" Diane said in the early afternoon. "Some guy uploaded a video."

"Video? Play it!" Alexis was curious about what happened at the audition, but the official news offered very limited information. The eyewitnesses present at the audition when the incident happened were able to give some more details, but nobody knew what exactly happened.

Diane clicked on the Play button. A loud, hysterical scream immediately came from the speakers. The shaky clip depicted the foyer of the Gabriel's Gardens opera house where the whole competition took place. The crowd of contestants divided into two as a team of doctors rushed through the hall. They were carrying a stretcher. Someone was laying on it, but they were covered by a white blanket so nothing could be seen.

Another pair of doctors was trying to hold back a girl - she was so aggressive that the two burly men had problems with controlling her. When the camera stabilized on her, the girls recognized yesterday's second-to-last contestant. What was her name again? Yeah, Viola.

Viola's face was blood red as she was hysterically screaming her lungs out. It sounded more like an animal than a human being. She was clearly trying to pronounce some words, but her screaming was mostly unintelligible. The doctors with stretchers disappeared. Another one approached the deranged girl with an injection in his hand. With a lot of struggle, they managed to inject her a sedative.

The girl calmed down a little, but she was still uncontrollably wailing and shaking like under an electric shocks. Finally, one of the doctors turned to the cameraman. He frowned, then shouted: "Hey! Are you recording this? Stop it immediately!"

The video ended.

"I have no idea what did that girl see, but it must have been the worst sight of her entire life," Diane commented. "I've never heard anyone screaming so intensely."

"It's probably connected with the person under the blanket," Alexis guessed. "It was probably a sight so gruesome the doctors didn't want anyone else to see it. Maybe it was just some kind of accident. The person under the blanket could just try to have a cigarette, something happened and they received some serious burns."

Diane frowned. "Would she scream so badly if it were only some burns?"

"Imagine you just finished your performance and suddenly, you see something that resembles Anakin Skywalker at the end of Episode 3."

"Maybe. But there's also a different possibility."

"Which is?"

"Dunno... maybe it has something to do with the big boss we're facing. We also connect him with the disappearance of young women recently. And I mean, there are a lot of young women in The Angel Voice. Maybe he mutilates his victims somehow and that girl accidentaly saw it."

"Good point," Alexis nodded. "I definitely think we should interfere. We should at least talk to Viola... after she recovers enough to be able to talk about it. I suggest the day after tommorow."

"Interrogating crazy girls," Diane said. "Definitely not the thing you imagine when someone says 'paranormal investigator', but here we go."

Gwendolyn peeked into the room. "Girls? I heard you saying something about investigation. Can I help you somehow? Are you onto something?"

Diane laughed. "Looks like you share your favorite word, Lex."

The girls played their mother the video. "It sure looks scary," the woman admitted. "Just looking at it gives me creeps. To be honest, there's only a small chance it's connected to our case and it's probably just something trivial. But just in case... you should try to find out more."

Alexis nodded. "Will do."


The psychiatry ward in the Everglow hospital brought back some awfully recent memories. Alexis remembered visiting Anna during their breakup period. Instead of Anna, there was an emotionless, empty shell which wasn't even sure if she loved or hated Alexis.

The fair-haired girl thanked God every day for helping Anna recover and reassembling their love.

"We want to visit Viola Christensen," Alexis said to the employee at the reception. "Is it possible?"

"Uhm... yeah," the man said. "May I ask who are you?"

"Her friends," Diane rushed with an explanation. "We have some Get well soon cards from her classmates and the professor asked us to bring it to her." Alexis was aware that if the receptionist asked them to show the cards, their plan would be ruined, but fortunately, he just nodded and gave them the necessary information.

"That was a nasty stunt," Alexis told her sister.

Diane shrugged. "But it got us in."

In the hospital, they met the doctor who showed them Viola's room. "Just please... be careful," he told them. "Try to talk as little as possible about... you know, what happened. She was really unstable when she got here and she still acts strange."

Alexis thanked him and entered Viola's room.

"Not talking about what happened will be kinda hard," Diane noted.

The room was almost identical to the one Anna was in when she was hospitalized here. Viola was sitting on the bed, staring blankly at the wall, rocking back and forth. Her beauty from the audition was mostly gone. Her tanned skin turned pale, her black hair greasy, her eyes empty.

She looked at the visitors. "Who... who are you?" she said with trembling voice.

Alexis sat by her side. Viola was shaking and instead of mascara, her eyes were framed by dark circles indicating she didn't sleep well. Alexis felt bad that she wants to invoke her memories again. The girl could return to her hysterical screaming state. But they had to try.

"I don't want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable," Alexis told her with a soothing voice. "I'm Alexis Warren and this is my sister, Diane. We know you went through something horrible at The Angel Voice audition and it's really important for us if we knew what was it."

Viola's trembling intensified and Alexis was afraid she triggered her too much. Viola clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white and tried to fight the surge of emotions. "I... I will tell you," she voiced. "Just... be patient. I just... I just..."

"Maybe we should leave her alone and go," Diane said.

"No! Don't go," Viola pleaded. "Maybe if I talk about it... it will go away sooner." She took a deep breath. "So, before I start... I'll tell you about my friend, Sammy." She reached for her handbag next to her bed and searched through it. She found a photo in her wallet. When she grabbed it, her hands started to tremble again and it was clear she's fighting another hysteria attack. She handed Alexis the picture.

It depicted Viola accompanied by an Afroamerican girl who seemed roughly as old as Viola. She was taller and slimmer than her fair-skinned friend with shiny black hair tied into girly pigtails. Both girls were smiling, holding an invitation to take part in The Angel Voice.

"Sammy was there with me," Viola started. "We were doing everything together, we always supported each other... she was rooting for me when I entered the contest. I went to the stage, sang my song and the jury sent me to the next round."

"We saw your performance," Alexis told her with a smile. "You are really talented."

"Am I...? Thanks!" Viola returned the smile. Alexis' attempt to make her feel better seemed to work. She, however, put on a more serious face again. "When I left the stage, I started to look for Sammy. She was nowhere to be found... then I finally found her on the toilets." She started to shake again, emmiting stressful yowling instead of speech for a solid minute. Then she finally bursted out:

"She turned into an old woman!"


Alexis frowned. "Old woman? How?"

Viola started to hyperventilate as the whole event probably started to repeat itself before her eyes. Alexis took her hand, trying to console her. It took a while before Viola was able to speak again.

"Sammy was in one of the cubicles," she whispered. "It was like she aged seventy years in twenty minutes. Dry and wrinkled, like a mummy... white hair... mortally thin, like a skeleton covered in brown pergamen. She... she raised her hand, tried to reach me... said my name..."

Viola rapidly left her bed and rushed towards the toilets. Alexis and Diane only heard muffled gagging sounds. After several minutes, Viola returned, her face ghastly greenish. "Sorry," she said. Her shaking got worse again as she sat on the bed, trying to erase the memories.

"How could that happen...?" Alexis wondered. "Are you sure it was Sammy? Didn't you just accidentally run into some old woman?"

"No," Viola replied. "She was wearing the same clothes. And her necklace. Then... I don't remember what happened then. The next thing I recall is waking up here."

"Where is Sammy now?"

"I don't know. Probably somewhere in the hospital... if she's not already dead. It was like a nightmare... who could do that? How could that happen? Before I sang, she was young, cheerful... and after, she became... a hideous shadow. A living corpse." She started to wail quietly and rock back and forth again.

"I think we should leave," Alexis said. "Thank you for everything, Viola."

The girl ignored them. She got lost in her horrible memories. The sisters left before Viola could start another screaming tantrum.

"I've seen a lot of disturbing stuff, but this one would definitely make the top five," Diane stated as the girls left the hospital and aimed towards the nearby TEx station.

"It couldn't be just Viola's hallucination," Alexis said. "Remember the video and the figure on the stretcher? It was covered by a blanket. I bet it was because the sight of Sammy could disturb everyone around. But... how could that happen? A person can't just age seventy years in twenty minutes! Maybe if she got caught in some temporal warp. Or was it some kind of disease...?"

"Those girls who went missing," Diane said. "Do you think the same thing happened to them?"

Alexis thought about it. "It's possible. Maybe they didn't disappear, but were found as ancient versions of themselves and someone wanted to cover it to prevent the panic."

"What if it happens to me?" Diane shivered. "I'm too young and beautiful. What would I do if I just woke up as an old hag? That can't be! I kinda like my current body who has been blessed by the sacred ability to eat without getting fat."

"If you really love your body so much, we should try to stop whoever is doing that before it happens to you... to us. Everyone's in danger. You, me, Annie. Mom and Alyssa are probably too old already, but still. Then we have some allies we're not sure about, like Inna or Melody. We can't risk losing any of them."

"I presume you already have a wonderful plan."

Alexis shook her head. "I thought Viola will be able to tell us more. But judging from what she said, she knows basically as much as we do. The only thing I can say about the incident is that it happened on The Angel Voice audition. That's all we have for now."

"But we can't just sit and watch!"

"Well, there is one thing we can do. Since it happened at the audition, it's possible that the person who did it is connected with the competition somehow. But for a chance to find out who it is, someone would have to infiltrate the contest and find out from the inside."


Later that day, the girls organized a meeting consisting of them, Anna and Gwendolyn. Augustus came, too, just out of curiosity. Alexis told them what did they find out in the hospital.

"Okay, I officially regret coming," Gus noted. "That image's gonna haunt me for days."

Gwendolyn frowned. "Turning young girls into elderly versions of themselves...?" she thought out loud. "I've never encountered this power before, but it's possible that an Infernal Trimort can possess it. It's clear that our mysterious villain is responsible for it. We have to do something."

"The only thing we can do is sending someone to compete in The Angel Voice," Alexis spoke."We are not police or secret agents, so we can't just convince the jury to let us in in the name of law, like they did in Miss Congeniality. We have to find someone who's actually talented enough to stay in the contest for at least a while."

Diane raised her hand. "Objection. As far as I know, nobody here can actually sing."

"I know," Alexis sighed. "We have to choose the best out of us"

"Everyone should try to sing something, then we'll decide," Gwendolyn said. "People told me I can sing pretty well, but I'm already over the age limit which is twenty five. Well... I hope at least one of you inherited my talent... or Patricia's, she was a great singer, too."

"Alright, we should give it a shot," Alexis said. "Diane?"

Diane jumped off the chair and pulled a magnificent air guitar solo. But as soon as she bursted out "THE FUTURE IS BULLETPROOF, THE AFTERMATH IS SECONDARY...," Gwendolyn halted her with a sigh and a raised hand.

"Okay, this is not the best idea," she said. "No offense, Diane."

The girl smirked. "I tried."

"Now it's your turn," Alexis turned to Anna. "You'd be a good choice since you would be able to add a TPS which could move the judges... at least two of them."

"TPS?" Anna asked.

"Touching personal story. It's good for the show and they're aware of it."

"Okay." Anna took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She started to sing:

"When the days are cold, and the cards all fold, and the saints we see are all made of gold..."

Anna's performance was much better than Diane's. Alexis, with love in her eyes, observed her lips moving and listened to her melodic voice forming words, but she had to admit it's not enough to convince the strict judges. Her life story could add a few points, but it probably couldn't fully compensate her singing which was a bit tedious. It would probably succeed in a school play, but not in The Angel Voice.

"It was... good," Gwendolyn said. "We can always take this as plan B."

Anna smiled. "I know it wasn't anything special. I can't be good at everything I do, right?"

"So, it looks like we have only one hope left," Diane said. "Alexis? We're all ears."

The girl squirmed. "I don't think it's a good idea. I'm no good for sure."

"Come on, love, we all tried it," Anna reacted. "It would be unfair if you didn't."

Alexis sighed and stood up. Then she started:

"There's no hate, there's no love, only dark skies that hang above;

I call your name as I walk alone, send a signal to guide me gome...

Light the night up, you're my dark star, and now you're falling away...

But I found in you what was lost in me, in a world so cold and empty;

I could lie awake just to watch your breathe, in the dead of night, you went dark on me..."

When she opened her eyes again, everyone stared at her with open mouths. The girl blushed and squirmed nervously again. "Was it really that bad...? I'm sorry."

"It was... absolutely beautiful," Anna spoke. "I can't believe you don't sing me to sleep every day. I could listen to your voice all day long. God... I'm speechless. I think I'm gonna cry."

"Come on. You don't have to flatter me just because we're dating."

"But Anna is right," Gwendolyn said. "You have a very unique voice. It's soft, sincere and soothing, but it invokes emotion and... I can't describe it well enough. And considering this is your first time singing, I have to say you're a natural talent. If you work on it, I can imagine you as a singer."

"So... it looks like we have our contestant," Augustus commented.

"There's just one tiny detail," Diane said. "Yeah, her voice is beautiful, even though a little cloying for me, but let's keep in mind that Alexis is suitable for TV the least of us all."


Diane's remark was a bit rude, but everyone had to admit she's right.

The girls who succeeded at The Angel's Voice were usually gorgeous, trendy and fashionable. On the other hand, Alexis was ridiculed for her bland appearance and old-school fashion sense since she was little.

"I can't go there," Alexis said. "Can you imagine it? Me, a tiny nerd with glasses and pale skin, in a competition with those beautiful, self-confident girls? That can't end well."

"We don't need you to win the whole competition," Gwendolyn said. "You just have to advance into the second round and find out more about our case. You actually aren't ugly. If you wear a nice dress, highlight your eyes and let me do something with your hair, you'll be pretty enough to pass."

Alexis sighed. "I'll screw up. I'm nervous in front of people, you know? Consider how many people are in the opera house. Hundreds, if not thousands, all looking at me, judging me. I can't do that. I'm nauseous just by thinking about it! No. I think Annie will be a better choice."

"But your voice is angelic," Anna objected. "Uncomparable with mine."

"It's no use," Diane supported her. "Lex, you'll have to enter that competition, like it or not."

"Singing in front of a crowd in a fancy dress... it sounds like my worst nightmare. Except that in my nightmares, the fancy dress always disappears for some reason."

"Your nightmare sounds like my beautiful dream," Anna smirked.

"Come on, Annie, I'm trying to be serious."

Gwendolyn was already working with her tablet computer. "The next audition is on the upcoming Saturday, but it's only for people who didn't participate in the previous casting because of that... accident. Another audition is again on Saturday and it's the last one before the second round. So it means we have a little less than two weeks to turn you into a superstar."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Can't we do something easier? Like, resurrect the dinosaurs?"

"Don't worry," Augustus put his hand on her shoulder. "I had some doubts, but after thinking about it, I guess your mom is right. If we work on it for a bit, it should be enough time."

"You are our only hope!" Anna supported him. "And not just ours. If you manage to succeed and catch that man who is responsible for everything, you can save many lives! Please, my love. You are already beautiful in the eyes of your family. And in my eyes, of course. Our task isn't making you beautiful. We simply need to highlight your beauty so the rest of the world could see it."

"I still don't know," Alexis stared at the carpet. "You know how introverted I am. I'm afraid I'll just pass out and offer a good laugh for everyone. Or that I mess up my singing."

"What if you don't?" Gus remarked. "It's just one performance. You will just sing one song and the bad part will be over. And you know - people who don't win the contest get forgotten after a few days, unless their performance is notably horrible."

"Please," Gwendolyn said. "At least try it. If you sing even half as well as you did now, you are good. Your voice is a blessing and you should share it with the world at least once, especially if it means it will also help innocent girls endangered by that Trimort."

After a while, Alexis finally spoke. "Alright. I will try it."

Anna cheered and clapped her hands. "That's the spirit, Alexis!"

Her girlfriend sighed. "I'm so gonna regret it."

"The main thing we have to focus on," Gwendolyn continued, "is your anxiety. You have to get used to audience at least a bit."

"Fighting my anxiety," Alexis smirked grimly. "Something I'm trying to do for nineteen years. And now we have to do it in two weeks."


In the morning, Alexis stayed in her room for a little longer. She tried to sing a few songs for herself. She was sometimes singing while doing the chores, but always made sure nobody could hear her since she was convinced her singing is terrible.

And now, her whole family agreed she's the best singer among them.

After listening to herself for a while, she found out that her voice actually sounds pretty good, but it was best suitable for slower ballads. When she tried to sing songs with high-pitched parts, her voice started to tremble. She realized that her song for the audition will have to be nice and calm.

But then, she looked at herself in the mirror. How could she possibly compete with all that beauty? Gwendolyn was right, she wasn't ugly. But it was the face you see and forget during several minutes. Bland, pale, uninteresting. The only upside were possibly her eyes.

It's no use, she thought.

Someone knocked at her door, then opened. It was Gwendolyn. "Alexis? Get dressed!" she said. "We have a few guests over and they want to see you."

Alexis frowned. "Mom, if you need something stupid, I'm gonna be mad. For real."

However, she complied. She put on her standard blouse and skirt and walked into the living room. She gasped - the room was full of people eating breakfast made by her mother. Gus and Anna. Alyssa with Melody. Gray Forrestal and even Inna Lindberg.

"What... what's the meaning of this...?" she said.

"Ms. Pearl called us last evening," Gray smirked. "She told us you'll be competing in The Angel Voice and that you need some test audience. So we're here. What about a private concert?"

Alexis looked at Diane. "Did you know about this? I'm gonna kill you."

"Come on, don't be shy," Alyssa encouraged her. "We are all your friends here."

Even though she was right, Alexis was still feeling anxious. So many people staring at her... The girl's palms started to sweat as she shuffled her feet on the spot. She took a few deep breaths and tried to sing the first tones, but her voice betrayed her every time.

Gwendolyn approached her and grabbed her hands. "Just close your eyes," she advised. "You have nothing to worry about. It's just about us now. Just for fun."

"Okay," Alexis voiced, then closed her eyes and after another deep inhale, she started to sing. The audience kept silent, listening to her soft voice which seemed to touch their very soul. Alyssa even shed a tear which was immediately noticed by Melody who smirked at her.

When Alexis finished, she was shaking almost as much as Viola in the hospital. She opened her eyes, anxiously waiting for the reactions. Everyone started to applaud her and shout praises. The girl blushed and did a tiny, cute bow which heated the crowd even further.

"That was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard," Alyssa said. "No lie."

"You go, girl!" Melody added.

"Give us some more!" Gray called. "I'd gladly pay you for a private concert."

Alexis' blush intensified. "Did you... really like it? You know there's no reason to lie to me. I have to convince the jury which wouldn't be as benevolent and subjective."

"It really was great, I promise," Inna replied. "But one song is too little to judge, right?"

"RIGHT!" the crowd reacted.

Alexis had no choice but performing some more songs. She was less and less anxious with every song, starting to enjoy her newly discovered skill. The cheering of her friends motivated her to continue, shoving her natural shyness away. Maybe she'll be able to perform in the contest after all.

"Alright, I'm tired," Alexis said after her fifth song, sitting in her favorite armchair. Her head was throbbing a bit, but otherwise, she felt happy, as if every tone she sang released a surge of endorphines. "Thank you for coming, really. I'll need all the support I can when I... you know."

"Speaking about support," Anna smiled, "I contacted another friend of ours who may be able to help you. Hey, you can come out!" As she finished speaking, a person emerged from Diane's bedroom.

Alexis opened her eyes wide. "Matthias...?"


At first, the girl thought it's just some kind of hallucination caused by excessive singing, but it was really the lead singer of Sleeping Entropy, approaching her with a warm smile on his face. He was wearing a simple black polo shirt and jeans. His blue eyes and shoulder-long wavy hair gave him his characteristic dreamy appearance.

Alexis gasped as Matthias hugged her. "It's nice to see you again, Alexis."

The girl already met her favorite singer two times, she even managed to save him from suicide by eliminating a vengeful ghost who possessed him, but she was still shocked at the sight of him. The man noticed her insecurity and laughed. "Come on, girl. We're not strangers anymore, right?"

"Yeah... sorry," Alexis blushed. "But... how? Why?"

"I come to Gardens every year The Angel Voice is held," Matthias Blake explained. "I like taking look at the new talents, possible allies, possible competition. Annie found it somewhere on Entropy's website and contacted me, telling me everything about what's happening. I probably can't help you with catching the menace, but I can help you to pass into the second round."

"Did... did you listen?"

"Of course I did. I heard it all. And I can say you have already, like, eighty percent chance of passing. I can't say no to a friend who saved my life, so here I am, ready to help you as much as I can."

"So you will be something like... my coach?"

"Exactly," Matthias smiled. "As these people probably told you, your singing voice is wonderful. You're also a natural-born talent, but there are still tiny things to fix. We have, like, ten days to prepare you for the audition, so I want to work with you every day starting this afternoon."

Alexis squirmed. "But... I feel like... bothering you. A worldwide celebrity can't just waste his time with a girl like me. I would feel bad for it."

"Come on, Alexis. You are my friend and you saved my life. I owe you this. Besides that, I'm always excited to work with new talents, and you definitely are one. I take it as my personal challenge! If you succeed and I can take you to the next round, maybe I'll open a musical school. I've been actually thinking about this for a long time already! I'd name it Entropy Awakening."

"I'd never guess you have such influential friends," Gwendolyn said. "I like your music, Mr. Blake. I started listening to Entropy several years ago and it really played my vibe."

"Thank you," Matthias seemed genuinely flattered. "By the way, I'm just Matthias for my friends. And I'm also pleased to meet you," he grabbed Gwendolyn's hand and kissed it gently. "Now I see where did the girls get so much beauty. Your daughters are a piece of art."

Diane turned to them, with her face and hands greasy from the several pieces of bacon she tried to push into her mouth all at once. "Whuht?" she mumbled with several pieces of pork still sticking out of her mouth.

"Well, in some cases, it's pretty surreal art," Anna noted.

"I'll come at three. Is that convenient?" Matthias said.

"Of course. I'll be looking forward to your... lesson!"

The singer smiled at her and left. The other guests also thanked Alexis for her performance and returned to their usual daily routine.

Alexis turned to Anna. "I don't know if I should love you or hate you. Convincing Matthias goddamn Blake to coach me? You have to be crazy."

Anna shrugged with a smile. "I thought you know me enough to tell it's 'go big or go home' with me."

"I'm so gonna fail," Alexis groaned.

"Positivity is the key!" Gwendolyn pointed out. "Did you know how did the others react? They were fascinated. Not even us, but also Matthias who is a professional."

"He said that there are still things to fix..." Alexis objected.

"Tell me what the hell do you want?" Anna replied. "You vere singing for the very first time in your life and a worldwide famous singer tells you there are just some little things to fix. You have to stop being so harsh to yourself! With Matthias' help, you'll be able to win the whole thing."


Matthias and Alexis closed themselves in the girl's room. The man gave a little goofy smile after seeing several Sleeping Entropy posters and merchandise in her room.

"Alright, Alexis," he sat on her bed. "Your singing is almost perfect, but I heard your biggest problem is performing in front of people. Believe it or not, I used to be the same. When I was a teenager, I was really shy and hated being the centre of attention. But I also knew that music is my life and it's the thing that fulfills me the most. I had to choose... and I managed to overcome my fears."

"But how?" Alexis sighed. "Being shy is my... natural state. No matter how well I sing, I think I'll just pass out when I see so many people looking at me. But I must advance! I have to find out what happened and that can be done only if I examine the opera house and talk to certain people."

"I know that feel really well," Matthias replied. "Here's the tip that helped me in the beginning. Just close your eyes and imagine only the person you love the most - in your case, Anna. Imagine you sing the song only to her. That there are no other people looking at you. Only her, the one who admires your performance no matter what and overlooks all the possible mistakes you make."

"Well... I can try it."

"Now, we have to choose the song you'll perform at the audition. Since you are a bookworm, I won't bother asking if you've read Harry Potter. I'd compare singing to a Patronus charm. When you add strong, personal emotions into it, the result will be much more powerful and intense. Some artists prefer anger or depression, but that's not a right choice for you. Try love."

"Uhm... okay?"

"Think about Annie. What does she mean to you? How much does she fill your heart with feelings? Got it? Good. Now think about a song about love you associate with her. Sing it and infuse it with all the feelings you have towards her. And remember - imagination! I'm not here. Only Anna."

Alexis focused for a while, then closed her eyes and started to sing using all the advices:

Even if the sky does fall, even if they take it all,

There's no pain that I won't go through, even if I had to die for you...

Matthias nodded in agreement. "Good. I can feel your feelings in your words, hear how sincere they are. But I can also hear you have some problems singing higher notes. Don't worry, you can still learn to sing them - just not in ten days. We need to find something else. Let's try a new emotion. What about sorrow?"

"Sorrow? We can try."

"It's done exactly the same, except reversed. Think about the saddest moment in your life and combine it with a sad song you know. I won't ask you about it. Tell it only to that person you sing for in your imagination."

For the girl, it was painful to remember Marlene's dying eyes and the bullet wound in her heart. It was her hand who pulled the trigger. She remembered their time together. When she fell in love with her. And then... she was forced to kill her.

Instead of bursting into tears, she channeled her feelings into the song.

Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?

It flickers, flickers...

Who cares when someone's time runs out if a moment is all we are?

We're quicker, quicker...

Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do...

When she finished, she started crying after all. The memories overwhelmed her. Even Matthias had to wipe out a tear. "Alexis... a girl so young shouldn't be feeling this," he said. "But at least we know where to go. We are going to practice until your performance becomes perfect."

"I'm sorry," Alexis sobbed. "I cry way too easily and I hate myself for that. If my life was a book, I would cry in almost every chapter. If I just burst into tears on stage, it would be so awkward."

"Don't worry, it happens a lot. Nobody would judge you for that. And now... let's get to work!"


Alexis spent every afternoon with Matthias and progressively mastered the song she was planning to sing. She even learned to sing slightly higher notes and control her emotions to transfer them more into the song and less into tears. Matthias was satisfied with her progress.

It finally came - the day before the audition.

"I thought I'm over it, but I'm so nervous!" she confessed. "Just thinking about it makes me shaky. It was all fun and games, until now, when the day is almost here... I'm sorry, Matthias, but I think I can't do it. I'm not a type for public performances. I give up."

"You can't," Matthias put his arm around her shoulders. "Too many people rely on you and you have what it takes to succeed. It's worth a try. If you gave up now, you'd regret it for the rest of your life. People usually regret things they didn't do more than the things they did."

Alexis gulped. "I don't know..."

"Listen up, Alexis. There is so much beauty in your soul, in your eyes and in your voice. If we weren't both engaged, I would kiss you right now. I'm sure the world deserves to see your beauty. Do it for all the lives you want to save. I believe in you." Despite what he said, Matthias leaned towards her and gently kissed her forehead. Alexis shivered.

"I guess I have no choice," she spoke.

"You always have a choice. But you would also have to deal with the consequences."

The girl smiled. "Just no pressure, alright?"

Matthias laughed. "Okay. Sing it a few more times. I think your singing is already more than enough to make you pass. Now it's only about how you present yourself."

Besides her last session with Matthias, Alexis also quietly sang to herself at night while looking at herself in the mirror. She still had doubts. She expected the audience to find her only as a comical relief, as an overconfident nerd who thinks she's able to achieve something with that face and figure.

"No," she told herself. "I can do it. I will do it."

She tried to have a decent sleep, but considering her nervosity, it was hard. When she woke up, the day of the contest was already there.

"So, how do you feel?" Gwendolyn asked her after she left her room. Anna and Matthias were already there, too, ready to offer her all the support she needs.

"Weird," Alexis admitted. "It all feels so unreal."

"And it will even more when we suit you up," Anna smirked.

"Okay, now I'm even more nervous."

Right after Alexis ate a bit of breakfast, Gwendolyn started to work on her look. Since Alexis had no chance of becoming a trendy girl who rocks high-waist shorts and cropped tops, they had to choose the way of the lady. First of all, Gwendolyn introduced her a dress she borrowed from a friend. Long, white, with lacy sleeves and partially exposed shoulders with subtle decorations. It was similar to a wedding dress Alexis once wore, but completely different at the same time.

"It's... beautiful," Alexis gasped. "I don't deserve this."

"Come on, sis, just put that lacy nonsense on," Diane smirked.

The girl complied, but before anyone could see her properly, Gwendolyn kidnapped her into her room where she started to work on her hair. Alexis watched her simple, casual hairstyle turning into golden locks, tiny braids and a top bun. Her mother didn't use much make-up, just barely noticeable pink eyeshadows, a mascara and a gentle lipstick.

"What about your glasses?" Gwendolyn said. "Maybe we should..."

"No," Alexis interrupted her. "Glasses are a must. I can't see a thing without them." In fact, it wasn't the only reason. The girl also felt the glasses are also a part of her identity and she would feel completely alienated from herself if she didn't wear them.

"Okay," Gwendolyn said. "I think we're ready."


When she stepped into the living room, the whole audience became silent. Anna just stared at her with her mouth open. "Alexis..." she gasped. "I'm falling in love... even more. Someone help me. Both my romantic and sexual feelings are kicking into overdrive and I have no idea how to handle them."

Even Diane had no idea what to say. "Who the hell are you?" she said in the end.

"I feel strange..." Alexis said. "I know I say it often recently, but it's true. I'm not used to this. Being... pretty. But now, my chances are bigger. Thank you, mom."

Gwendolyn smiled. "My pleasure."

The contest was scheduled to start in an hour. The team got into their cars - Gwendolyn, Alexis, Diane and Anna in one of them, Matthias and Augustus took another ride. Alexis had to be careful since her dress and hairstyle were as delicate as they were beautiful.

After some infuriating time spent in the horrible traffic, they finally parked in front of the opera house, a magnificent building resembling an ancient amphitheatre. Alexis felt so small when approaching it. A huge poster of The Angel Voice was placed above the main entrance alongside the huge letters AUDITION TODAY!

The girl, accompanied by all her friends, stepped into the huge foyer which looked like a part of a royal palace. The golden ceiling was so high above her head it seemed like a second sky. Alexis started to shake again and once again doubted her choice.

She seeked the employees who registrated her and gave her a number. There was no turning back.

Alexis checked out the other contestants. They were either avidly talking to each other or anxiously waiting, just like her. When it came to girls, she was relieved to see she's not the only one here in a dress. But despite that, she still felt somehow minor and bland compared to the princesses all around her.

"Hey, stop looking at other girls!" Anna scolded her.

Alexis blushed. "I was just..."

She didn't finish as Anna dragged her closer and gave her a long kiss. Some contestants stared at them in various spectrum of sympathies, confusion and unease. A female couple kissing wasn't something completely uncommon, but it was still a sight that drags lots of attention. Some even started to cheer. "Never wear lipstick again, Lex," she said. "It tastes horrible."

"I'm not planning to," Alexis laughed.

They could see the other contestants on several screens scattered in the foyer. Some of them were really horrible which raised Alexis' mood a little. But then, there were some singers who were, according to her, much better than her, yet didn't pass.

"Don't worry," Matthias tried to calm her down. "Just a little bit longer. Try to stop shaking. Remember - nobody is there. No audience, no jury. Just the people you want to be there."

Alexis nodded. "I try. But it's just all too intense. Too magnificent. I feel so unbecoming."

"You belong here like everyone else."

At least she wasn't the only one nervous. Many of the contestants were just sitting in anxious silence, some of them even bursted into tears. Different contestants were hugging their families or lovers. All those were probably irritated by the overconfident ones who just walked around like they owned the place.

Needles to say, the jury usually took self-confidence as an upside, but they, especially Zach Jordan, could also use several well-aimed remarks to show the most arrogant ones their place.

There was a big TV screen above the stage entrance. Usually, it showed big red letters AUDITION IN PROGRESS - PLEASE DO NOT ENTER. However, when a contestant finished their performance, the red letters changed into blue numbers telling which contestant should come next.

The letters disappeared and number 313 appeared on the screen. Additionally, a pleasant female voice sounded from the speakers in the foyer: Contestant number three hundred thirteen, please come on stage. Repeat: contestant three-one-three, please come on stage.

Alexis gulped. 313 was her number.

"Go for it," Matthias said. "And show them."


Alexis nearly fainted as soon as she appeared on the dim-lit stage. The hall was enormous and so was the auditorium in front of her. She immediately felt hundreds of eyes scanning her, judging, guessing. She was greeted by applause which deepened her anxiety even further.

She approached the microphone in the middle of the stage. Now she was only a few steps away from the jury sitting behind a heavy wooden table. "Greetings," Mayor Whateley spoke and gave her a charming smile. He looked a bit like George Clooney and was equally adored by the citizens. Alexis had to admit he looks great in his elegant suit. "Who are you?"

"Alexis Warren," the girl whispered; her voice failed her.

"How can we expect to hear you sing when we can't even hear you speak?" Zach Jordan remarked. The black man's piercing, judging gaze disconcerted Alexis even more than the audience's short laugh.

"Please save it, Zachary," Whateley scolded him softly. "As you can see, she's nervous and you are not helping. So, Alexis, what are you going to perform for us?"

"It's a song I want to dedicate to my friend who passed away about half a year ago," she spoke, this time louder. "Her name was Marlene."

"We aren't here to listen to your touching stories," Jordan grumbled. "We're here to hear you sing."

Alexis knew Jordan is rude to everyone, but his remarks still unsettled her. Fortunately, Mayor Whateley and Angela White gave her their supportive smiles. "Go on," Whateley invited her.

The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she followed Matthias' advice and tried to completely dismiss the surroundings. There's no Zach Jordan, no audience, just Gwendolyn, Anna, Gus and Matthias rooting for her. She imagined herself in the living room again, singing just for her friends and family.

The instrumental for her song started playing. It wasn't some kind of monumental, loud piece of music, just intimate, humble, but still powerful combination of piano and acoustic guitar. Then, with a perfect timing, Alexis added her voice:

Should I've stayed? Were there signs I ignored?

Can I help you not to hurt anymore...?

The whole audience kept silent. They had some doubts about this shy, unimpressive girl with eyeglasses. But as soon as she sang the first verse, she turned into an angel in their eyes. An angel with an unwordly voice, soothing and thrilling at the same time.

The reminder pull the floor from your feet;

In the kitchen, one more chair than you need...

The beginning was hard, but as the song went on, Alexis went into the flow state where she truly dismissed everything around her. Not even her friends were there, just her and the song.

The breaking point appeared right before the final chorus. It was the only high-pitched tone in the song. Alexis initially wanted to leave it out, but Matthias insisted that if she manages to sing it, her passing is almost guaranteed. She trained it for hours and yesterday, she was able to sing it well. But now, the situation was different. Can she avoid the trembling in her voice?

She took another deep breath and sang: "I DO!"

Alexis knew she did good as soon as the audience started to applaud after the tone. They rarely applauded before the song ended. But she didn't let herself get carried away by the success and finished tle last chorus.

Who cares if one more light goes out? Well, I do...

Well, I do...

Her gasp of relief was drowned by thunderous applause. Some viewers even stood up to appreciate her spectacular effort. Alexis, with countless different emotion overflowing her body, looked at the jury.

Angela White was wiping away tears, Mayor Whateley stood up and clapped keenly and even Zach Jordan nodded in appreciative shock. "Well," he said, "I think all the people there would kill me on the spot if I didn't let you pass. Looks like we'll see you again in a week."


Alexis only had one day to celebrate with her family and friends - all the qualifiers were obligated to spend some time in a hotel belonging to the opera house. Alexis was afraid of homesickness, but it was also the best way to find out more about the case.

She felt like a true celebrity for the rest of the day. Anna was moved to tears. Matthias and Gwendolyn hugged her tightly, repeating how proud of her they are. They went to a restaurant for lunch, then spent the evening together and at the end of the day, she spent the night with Anna to the early morning hours.

It was still so unreal to Alexis. The fact she managed to thrill the audience and convince the jury she's good enough. It was all like a dream or a trip after taking a drug. She discovered her new talent just about ten days ago and now, she's among the best amateur singers of the entire city.

She woke up next to Anna. The girls already often spent the night in each other's company and, at least for Alexis, it was harder and harder to control her physical urges. She, however, decided to wait. Getting intimate after half a year of relationship still seemed too soon for her. Anna also seemed to be sensitive to such topics, so she didn't want to rush. She didn't want Anna to do something she's not ready for .

"It's almost time to go," Alexis told her girlfriend while still in bed.

"I'm so gonna miss you," Anna kissed her gently.

Alexis got up and started to dress herself. "Don't worry. Maybe I manage to solve the case earlier than expected. If so, I'll be able to quit the contest and come home earlier."

"I hope so."

Alexis said her goodbyes to her family and promised to contact them every day. Then she caught a TEx and entered the hotel to check in. She saw several other contestants and Mayor Whateley who personally greeted them all. He was a man of courtesy and gentle manners. He shook Alexis' hand and smiled at her.

"The young Miss Warren," he said. "I wish you all the best in the contest. Your performance left a strong impression in me and I hope you won't disappoint us in the upcoming rounds."

Alexis blushed a little. "Thank you, Mr. Whateley."

The hotel was luxurious and offered anything Alexis could wish for. Even though she felt like a princess when laying on a king-sized, perfectly comfortable bed while nibbling on a free pizza, she would still rather be home, with her family and especially Anna. She felt lonely, isolated.

In the upcoming hours, she was obliged to make a few interviews for the journalists and take some photos which would be later used in her official profile - it was probably the main reason why the organizers wanted them all to be in one place.

There were exactly one hundred contestants - during the upcoming weeks, they would be divided into groups of four people and then compete in live broadcast where the viewers chose which one of them will compete in the final group of twenty-five.

The contestants were already befriending each other, forming duos, small groups or even couples in rare cases. Alexis was a friend of everybody and nobody at the same time. She sometimes spent a while talking to a contestant, subtly trying to discover more about the case, but she didn't have something like a true friend.

The whole thing started to annoy her. The organizers often wanted some new photos and Alexis didn't enjoy taking them at all. She had to pose like a model in clothes and make-up she would never wear by herself - it was all one big test for her social anxiety.

She also had to record several videologs answering banal questions like why did she decide to participate, who are her idols or what are her hobbies. She managed to make up a convincing, yet clichéd story about an awkward girl who wanted to find herself through singing.

Even worse thing? She didn't manage to advance their case even the slightest.

Everyday videochats with her family and girlfriend were the only thing that inspired her to keep going. She tried hard not to cry. Since the direct visits from the family were forbidden for some reason, her loneliness grew even stronger throughout the days.

Then finally, after four days, the things set into motion.


Alexis entered the hotel's dining room. The luxurious, snobby furniture made mostly of rare woods and expensive fabrics heavily contrasted with loud, careless group of teenagers having lunch there. The waiters in formal uniforms were often just one step away from losing patience with them, but they were paid to be polite and obliging and they didn't want to risk their salary.

The girl took an unoccupied table and ordered grilled chicken strips with potato wedges; the waiter smiled at her since she was one of the contestants who behaved decently.

She waited for her food, spacing out a little, thinking about everything except the contest. Then she heard a quiet voice next to her: "Mind if I sit here?"

Alexis looked at the visitor. The girl was tiny. Considering Alexis was something around 160 centimeters tall, this girl had not even 150. She had straight, shoulder-long, caramel brown hair with notable bangs, enormous brown eyes resembling a fawn and freckles all around her face. Some of her features gave away one of her ancestors was a different race, maybe a native American, but their blood was already diluted too much. She was about fifteen or sixteen, wearing a long-sleeved black dress with stockings.

"Sure, take a seat," Alexis smiled at her. Even though she didn't remember her name, she recalled her performance. She was so tiny and adorable the audience gasped in loud Aaawww! as soon as she entered the stage. But her cuteness wasn't her only weapon. Her singing was more than formidable.

"I know you," she said, leaning towards Alexis like they were two conspirators. "You are Alexis Warren, one of the Warren sisters, paranormal investigators. I'm interested in all kinds of paranormal stuff; my mom is a fortune-teller and it kinda runs in our family. Nice to meet you. My name is Pia Harrison."

"Pia means Saint, right?" Alexis smiled at her.

"That's right!" Pia's eyes shone in zeal. "Finally someone who understands. At school, it was all about how I'm gonna pee ya bed or similar. I know that Alexis means Defender. It's a beautiful name, if you ask me. But I'm not here to discuss names. I know what are you after. You want to know what happened to Viola Christensen. I was there when it happened," the girl's face darkened.

Alexis' interest rose up. "Do you know more about it?"

"A little," Pia admitted. "I was near the toilets when it happened. At first, before the doctors arrived, Viola was screaming 'SAMMY! SAMMY!'. Samantha was her friend, I spoke a few words with them. So apparently, something happened to her. Some people claim they saw a zombie."

Pia's efforts were nice, but it wasn't anything Alexis didn't already know. "Do you have any guess who can be behind it?" Alexis tried to pry something more from her.

Pia nodded. "A while before it happened... I saw that scary black man from the jury. Zach Jordan. It was during the break. He was just creeping around the foyer, checking out girls... then he just disappeared and there was a small gap between his disappearance and returning to the jury. I mean... maybe he could hurt Samantha during this break and then return to the jury."

"Now this is interesting," Alexis said. "Thank you, Pia."

"Please, do something about it," Pia pleaded. "I'm afraid. I don't know what did Jordan do to Samantha, but it can happen to any of us. I know you have... capabilities to settle this for good. And I understand you're not here because of singing, even though your voice is angelic."

Alexis laughed. That little girl was just too smart.

"I'll do whatever it takes to help you, Alexis. Just say a word."

"Pia, I don't want to put you into danger. Don't do anything stupid. Stay away from Jordan as much as possible and let me handle it. That man can be dangerous."

"I'm not afraid of danger!" Pia objected. "I may be little, but my spirit is great."

"Okay. Just please... be careful."


Zach Jordan. Alexis suspected him from the very beginning. Most people thought his rude comments are just a pose, but it was also possible the man was truly evil. His face always radiated something remorseless. Before her performance, Alexis felt the gaze of his piercing dark eyes and she knew she has to look away, otherwise she would lose all will to continue.

If just his gaze was enough to drain all the willpower from her, maybe his touch could drain all the youth from a teenage girl and leave only a wrinkly, dehydrated vessel.

All three members of the jury, accompanied by the show's host, stayed at the hotel with the contestants. The cameraman sometimes shot a short clip of the contestants' everyday life, sometimes including the jury. And even when the cameras turned on, the jury actively interacted with the contestants.

Angela White just randomly started to casually chat with anyone in sight, perfectly blending with the current generation. Mayor Whateley often politely asked them how are they and the contestants weren't hesitant to tell him everything since the man was always willing to offer support or advice.

It was just Jordan who barely spoke to anyone while aimlessly roaming the hotel's hallways. He was sometimes talking to the phone or working on his tablet computer, but usually, he was silent, looking at the female contestants way too much.

In the afternoon, Alexis tried to follow him as much as possible. And the more she observed him, the more suspicious he seemed. While around the girls, he looked at them like a restaurant guest would look at the menu. Why did he extract all the lifeforce from Samantha? Does he benefit from it somehow, or does he do it just for his personal pleasure? Alexis already knew that the enemy is volatile. It wouldn't surprise her.

At the end of the day, Alexis noticed that Jordan seems to follow one of the contest's front-runners, a girl named Marcy. She was everything Alexis wasn't - a tall girl with dark hair, pretty face and heavenly body popular among the other contestants, both male and female. Males wanted to conquer her, females to be like her. She was self-important and arrogant, but nobody minded it because she was beautiful and talented.

The contestants were planning to throw a party tonight (a party Alexis and Pia didn't want to attend). Marcy was with the group of her bootlickers. Her glittery silver top revealed her midriff with a piercing in her belly button and a tattoo on her arm. They were engaged in a basic girly talk - what will they drink, which boys will they try to pick up, how do they deal with a hangover.

Zach Jordan stayed close to her, even engaged in a short talk for a while. He even promised Marcy a drink at the party (since the girl was nineteen, she was old enough to drink. The underage contestants who wanted to attend the event had to have a letter X drawn on their hand, similar to the Trimort insignia). When Jordan was around girls, the image of the jury's executioner was gone.

Alexis slowly backed off and found Pia. "I know onw thing for sure," she told her. "Marcy is gonna be his next victim. Maybe even today, after the party."

"What's your plan?" Pia asked.

"Pia, are you ready for a sacrifice?"

"What do you mean?"

"You will attend the party and keep me updated about Jordan and Marcy. I want to know about their every move. If Jordan attempts to drag Marcy away or something like that, I'll try to stop him."

Pia nodded. "Okay. I will do it. Parties make me... uneasy. My dad was an alcoholic and I can't stand drunk people. But I know I'm the only one who can do it - if you stayed at the party, I wouldn't be strong enough to stop him. I'll endure. It's my duty."

Alexis had to admire the tiny girl's willpower. She was willing to drag herself into an unpleasant situation just to help her. She'll have to repay her this favor later.

"Thank you, Pia. You are a true hero. When the contest ends, I'll invite you over to my place and cook something good for you. I'll introduce you to Diane, my sister, and my girlfriend."

"Girfriend?" Pia frowned. "That means... you're taken?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Pia shrugged. "Too bad for me, then."


Alexis laid in her hotel room with a book in her hands. She, however, couldn't focus on it properly. First, her excitement was too big - maybe she'll have to encounter the feared mastermind today. The mastermind who killed Cassandra LeFevre and almost got also Alyssa, Anna and Gwendolyn.

Jordan is the one who invaded Anna's head and was responsible for their brief breakup.

Also, she couldn't focus because the whole hotel was resonating with the noises coming from the dining hall where the party was held. The girl felt the intense beats of the electronic dance music deep in her guts. She also heard shouting and laughter.

Diane would love to be there.

She kept looking at her phone, expecting messages from Pia. She already announced that the jury joined the party and the cameraman took a short footage, then left. Later, Pia let her know Jordan is talking to Marcy. She didn't know whether to call it "flirting", but he definitely showed interest in her.

The party continued to the late night hours and Alexis' eyelids progressively became more heavy. She would love to just close her eyes and fall asleep, but her task for today was too important.

It was around two in the morning when her phone finally rang for the last time:

CODE RED. I repeat, CODE RED. Jordan left the party with Marcy. They're aiming towards the hotel's west wing. Hurry!

Alexis jumped off her bed and hurried through the hallways towards the west wing, her tiredness gone within seconds. She heard footsteps several times, but it were always drunk contestants returning from the party. Some of the guys even catcalled her, but the girl ignored them.

Exhausted from running through the stairs, she finally reached the west wing. There she also heard the unmistakable Marcy's laugh. Its tone and pitch gave away the girl is drunk. There was also Zach Jordan's deep voice talking to the girl.

She had to act quickly before it's too late. Marcy could be insufferable and arrogant, but she didn't deserve to end up like an ancient version of herself.

Before she arrived, Jordan dragged Marcy into one of the rooms and closed the door. Alexis ran through the hallway and tried to figure out which door did Jordan choose. Various things could be heard behind the door - snoring, laughing, muffled gagging and even aroused moaning. Then she finally heard Jordan's voice and Marcy's incoherent shouts. Does she scream in pleasure, or fear?

Did Jordan already start his gruesome ritual?

Without hesitation, she opened the door, preparing for the worst. Zach Jordan didn't even lock the door. She expected to see Marcy already halfway turned into a living mummy, but to her surprise, she saw her sitting on the bed topless. Alexis briefly saw her round, tanned breasts before she covered them with her hands and started to scream. Zach Jordan was also there, also with his shirt off.

At first, nobody knew what to say. Alexis was sure she exposed something big, but it wasn't exactly what was she hoping for. Even though it wasn't anything paranormal about it, a member of the jury having an intercourse with a contestant was serious enough. And Jordan was aware of it.

"What... what the hell are you doing here?!" he roared and charged towards Alexis. The girl was aware that the man will want to keep his practices secret and will be probably able to silence her somehow.

The man was big and muscular. Alexis had no hope to fight him off... without using her insignia. She drew some of the power she inherited from her mother and formed a solid forcefield before the man's forehead. Her barriers were usually soft like gel and forming a solid one took a lot of focus, but it was successful - Jordan crashed into the forcefield and staggered backwards.

While the man was knocked out, Alexis rushed towards him, grabbed his forearm and started to siphon his power. She didn't feel anything unusual in his energy - he apparently wasn't the Trimort they were looking for. After a while, the man fell to the floor, weak like a kitten.

"What...? Whaaaat...?" half-naked Marcy on the bed babbled.

"Don't tell anyone," Zach Jordan rasped. "She consented... there's nothing bad about it..."

Alexis would probably consider this choice, but they already weren't alone. Several other contestants woke up and went to examine the source of the noise. They gathered in the door to see Marcy and Jordan topless, Alexis standing above them. A while later, the whole hotel knew about the incident.


Zach Jordan was immediately removed from the jury. He confessed that he had affairs with many contestants throughout the years, but all of them were over eighteen, so at least he didn't molest underages. But he did offer his lovers unfair advantages in the competition. That's why he had to leave.

Official version: Alexis discovered Jordan's affair by accident. The man charged at her, but tripped over something on the ground and fell. Jordan decided to follow this version since nobody would believe him and Marcy's evidence was implausible since she had almost two promiles in her blood.

Right after Zach Jordan was dismissed (much to disapproval of numerous fans who enjoyed his rude, sarcastic comments), Mayor Whateley gathered all the contestants in the dining room which still gave away a huge party was held there last night. Marcy wasn't disqualified from the competition (it was something like Jordan's last wish), but her beauty was now drowned in the ocean of hangover.

"I am deeply sorry for what happened," Wilbur Whateley spoke with his usual gentleman, well-mannered voice. "If any of you faced any kind of harrasment from Mr. Zachary Jordan, don't hesitate to let us know. Mr. Jordan made a mistake and he paid for it. That also means starting next Saturday, the jury of The Angel Voice will have a new member. Let me introduce you Mr. Matthias Blake from Sleeping Entropy."

An applause thundered through the room as Matthias entered the hall and bowed to the crowd. It seemed Entropy was really popular to the contestants and so was Matthias. He found Alexis in the crowd and smiled at her. He was probably proud of her - after all, without her, Jordan's erotic adventures would continue.

"I've been watching this contest for some time already," Matthias said. "But now, finally, I have an opportunity to actively take part in it. I humbly accept the place in the jury and I can't wait to share my opinions and advices with you. Good luck to you all."

Another applause.

After some more speeches, the crowd was dismissed. Alexis found Pia who was still looking at the front side of the hall. "Matthias Blake!" she squealed. "I love him so much... and now, he will judge my singing! He'll talk directly to me! I can't take it..." The girl almost started to spring up and down and Alexis had to smile at her cuteness. She grabbed her hand and walked towards Matthias.

"Wait... what are you doing?" Pia asked nervously.

The older girl approached the Entropy's singer. "Hi, Matthias," she said. "Meet Pia, my friend and your fan. She has been helping me a lot recently. I wouldn't catch Jordan without her, actually."

"Nice to meet you," Matthias grabbed Pia's hand and kissed it gently; the girl's face went crimson red and she nearly fainted. The man turned to Alexis. "Let me guess. You thought Jordan is the enemy and tried to stop him. But instead, you just revealed his affairs."

"That's right," Alexis nodded. "But I still have some time to discover the real enemy."

"Let's be honest, Alexis," Matthias said. "Only twenty five of you will advance to the next round. I'm not saying you don't stand a chance, but the odds are against you. It means you have three days left to find out more. No pressure, but the clock is ticking."

Pia still looked shocked. "Matthias... Blake," she voiced.

The singer changed the subject. "Your family misses you, Alexis. They all want to have you home as soon as possible. And Anna asked me to send you this," Matthias leaned towards the girl and kissed her on the forehead. Alexis squirmed. "Thanks," she said.

"Alright, I have to go," Matthias said. "See you later, Alexis."

Matthias followed Mayor Whateley and Angela White. Pia looked at Alexis. "You... you know Matthias Blake?" she bursted out. "You were like... friends! That's amazing!"

Alexis shrugged. "We already went through some stuff together. Yes, I can say we're friends."

"We're like... the local heroes," Pia smiled shyly. "We just exposed the wrong villain. I'll keep helping you. As Matthias said, we don't have much time left, so we have to act quickly."


That was, however, easier said than done.

She thought Zach Jordan is the solution, but apparently, nothing was as easy as it seems. She tried to subtly interogate other contestants, asking if they haven't seen anything suspicious during the auditions or during their stay in the hotel. It resulted in some of the contestants thinking she's paranoid at least, but didn't bring anything useful. Only one day remained and Alexis was already going desperate.

Other contestants were already preparing their songs for the next round. Singing sounded through the whole hotel and Alexis knew she wouldn't stand a chance in the next round. She even didn't know which song would she choose and without Matthias' training, the whole thing seemed hopeless.

It seems she'll have to return home without any success after all.

The night before the second round, Alexis was unable to sleep. Throughout the week, she made a list of all people connected with the contest who would be plausible as the mysterious villain. Organizers, cameramen, managers and even waiters and hotel staff. She had several shaky theories which all turned out to be false.

Maybe the threat is so well hidden she has no chance of discovering it.

The girl opened her laptop and scanned through the document she made. It contained all adult men connected with the contest with a short description. None of them showed even a trace of suspicious behavior. On the other hand, what did she expect?

The first person on her list, Zachary Jordan, was crossed out. Right below him, there was another option she ruled out - Mayor Wilbur Whateley. That man had no trace of evil within him. Mayor already talked to her several times and it was always a pleasant talk. If she had to trust one person in this hotel besides Matthias, it would be him. The man was also fond of charity work and fought for better education and life standards of the less fortunate - a rare trait for a person from the Centre.

Alexis scanned through his Wikipedia page, searching for anything interesting, more or less just to kill time. She would never suspect this kind, well-mannered man to be an evil mastermind. After reading long paragraphs about his past and political carreer, she scrolled back to the beginning.

Then she noticed a small line of text right under his photo in a box containing basic information.

(Age: 116)

She stopped for a while. Yes... she remembered something about Whateley's mysterious longevity absolutely not corresponding with his charming appearance. His Wikipedia page could be just randomly edited by an internet troll, but other webpages also confirmed this strange fact.

Most people blamed it on some kind of secret medical procedures connected with plastic surgeries only Whateley knew and could afford. Mayor himself said it's because of his healthy lifestyle and good medical care. But the seed of suspicion was already growing in Alexis.

She accessed the official webpage of The Angel Voice and looked up the videos from the day where someone turned Samantha into an old woman. She played some of them, noticing the jury more than the contestants. That day, Whateley looked terrible, twenty years older than usual. His smiles were tired, his voice breathy.

Viola was the first contestant after a break. A few moments later, she found Samantha horribly disfigured. After Viola came on stage, the camera looked at the jury. Alexis gasped. Whateley looked young and charming again, sitting straight and clapping avidly.

And there was a glove on his right hand.

The cogwheels in Alexis' head connected together with a loud click. It made a perfect sense. Whateley is a Trimort who is able to stay young, beautiful and healthy by absorbing the lifeforce of young people. That was the secret behind his old age. Alexis' stomach turned upside down. All the young women that disappeared recently... they were probably used to maintain Mayor's youth.

He exchanged their youth for his own.

And the glove he was wearing was used to hide his insignia, probably glowing after he feasted on a young girl. Usually, it could be covered by make-up, but sometimes, he had to use a glove to hide it.

Alexis got dressed and rushed to Pia's room.


The girl banged on her friend's door, not minding other contestants sleeping in the hallway. "Pia!" she shouted. "Please, wake up and open! It's me, Alexis!"

It wasn't probable Pia is sleeping so tight, especially a night before the second round of the contest. It seemed the room is empty. "Pia! PIA!" Alexis screamed.

A contestant from a neighbouring room, a tall, burly guy with a powerful tenor voice, left his room, wearing only blue pajamas. "What the hell is going on here?" he said. "Why are you screaming here like it wasn't three in the morning? Are you drunk or something?"

Alexis looked at him with teary eyes. "My friend, Pia, is in there!" she said. "She's in danger. Could you please smash these door open? If anything, I'll confirm I forced you to do so. Please!"

The boy sighed, then attacked the door several times with his mighty shoulder. It took a few hits before the hinges finally succumbed to the boy's power. Alexis rushed into the room and her worst predictions turned out to be true. Pia was nowhere to be seen and the room was messy, seeming like some short, one-sided brawl happened there.

One of the chairs was laying on the ground. Next to the bed laid a bag of Cheetos. The cheese-flavored puffs were scattered all around the room, some of them crushed like something stepped on them. Next to the packet was a pile of the powder found at the bottom of the bag.

Alexis noticed Pia tried to write something into the powder with her fingers. There were four parallel lines suggesting someone had to drag her away from the powder. And above these lines, the girl saw three letters. Their meaning would be mysterious if Alexis didn't already know what do they mean.


Mayor Wilbur Whateley.

"Could you please explain what's happening here?" the boy who bashed the door asked.

"Maybe later," Alexis replied. "Pia is in danger and I need to help her. Thank you for your aid, but there's nothing more you can do at the moment. You can return to your room."

"But...!" the boy objected.

Alexis didn't have time to waste. She just grabbed his forearm and rapidly siphoned his energy into herself. After a minute, the job was done - the boy fell unconscious and Alexis had enough power to take on the threat. She aimed towards the VIP wing of the hotel where the jury lived during the contest.

For a moment, she considered waking up Matthias and ask for his help, but then she realized he would be an easy target without any special powers.

She hastily searched for the right door; in this VIP wing, they were made out of shiny ebony and marked by a name tag. She passed the door belonging to Matthias Blake, Angela White and the show's host. Also several empty ones. Then finally, she found the door labelled with the name Wilbur Whateley.

Too late she realized it wasn't a good move to not bring the burly boy with her. There were one more door which needed to be opened. The handle didn't budge. However, Alexis was overflowing with the boy's power and adrenaline. She started to kick the door near the lock area.

With her face red out of effort, she kept trying until the door started to wobble. What motivated her was the sound coming from the room - she was almost sure she hears Pia's high-pitched, painful shouts.

So close...

She stepped a few steps backwards and then ran against the door with a battle cry. The lock finally broke and Alexis stumbled into the room which was almost as big as her entire flat. The bad news - the fight with the door cost Alexis most of her power. She encountered the threat sweaty, with a shortness of breath.

It seemed she came just in time.


The VIP hotel room was beautiful, with only the finest furniture and electronics. It seemed that Whateley prefers ancient style with massive wooden furniture and even a fireplace. Alexis would find it rather pleasant and romantic, but right now, her attention was focused on something else.

Mayor Whateley stood in the middle of the room, clenching Pia's forearm. The girl screamed and tried to break free, but the man's grasp was too powerful. While the girl was wriggling and panicking, Whateley stood like a statue in an expensive suit, not moving even an inch.

He wasn't wearing gloves and Alexis saw his secret - an insignia on his hand consisting of three eye symbols in a circular pattern. The brand was now glowing blood red and its light illuminated Pia's face. Alexis gasped. The young girl's cute face was already getting dry and wrinkly, her hair grizzly.

Whateley noticed the newcomer. He smiled at her and kept draining Pia's youth into himself.

"Let her GO!" Alexis rushed forward. At that moment, an immense pain struck her head. She gasped and fell to the floor, twitching in the worst migraine she ever had. So that was the pain Annie felt when Whateley invaded her mind? No wonder she lost all her will to keep on going.

"I didn't expect you to come, Miss Warren, but on the other hand, you are making things more interesting," he spoke in his usual gentle, thoughtful manner. "I wanted you to find your little friend in her room tomorrow, but I suppose your presence isn't wrong either."

"Let... her... go!" Alexis repeated through clenched teeth and tried to regain her footing.

"Alexis!" Pia screamed with a breathy, rasping voice. "Help me... please..."

Alexis formed a forcefield, but this time, it wasn't to protect herself. It formed around Whateley's head and it was powerful enough to block his psychical attacks. Before the man realized what's happening, the girl rushed towards him again, this time unaffected by his attempts to break her.

Alexis attacked Whateley's right arm, the arm clenching Pia's forearm. She kicked upwards, hitting the Mayor's elbow, loosening his grasp and allowing Pia to escape. When she lost contact with Whateley's hand, her face and skin returned to normal, young state. Whateley's insignia started to flicker and the man groaned in some kind of unspecified suffering.

"Try to pick up someone as powerful as you," Alexis taunted him.

Whateley gave a sinister grin Alexis had no idea the man is capable of. "Only God himself is as powerful as me," he spoke. "Our little chase ends now, Alexis Warren."

"Pia, leave this place," Alexis told the young girl. "Things may get messy soon."

Although Whateley tried to act cocksure, Alexis noticed how exhausted he is. His face and posture looked weary. The girl interrupted the lifeforce transfer before it finished and that was probably the only reason she could face the man as equal. How powerful he is at full strength?

"I wouldn't expect something like this from you, Mr. Whateley," Alexis said.

Whateley smiled. "It's probably because I come from times where courtesy was still important. But now, it's time to say goodbye, Miss Warren. You have been a worthy opponent, just like your mother and sister."

A frown on his face warned Alexis about the next incoming surge of psychic attack; she was sure that at full power, he would be able to fire it right away. Now, however, she was warned soon enough to form another forcefield and deflect the attack. Then she counterattacked, trying to grab Whateley and drain his power.

But she wasn't the only one with this ability. The insignia on Whateley's hand started to glow again and Alexis had to quickly evade his claw-like grasp. If he touches her, she's done for.

"Looks like we are in a stalemate situation, right, Miss Warren?" the man said.

"You can barely stand on your own," Alexis countered. "I'm stronger than you."

Whateley didn't look intimidated at all. "Do you want to pit your strength against me?"

The handsome, charming man was gone. He looked many years older, with dry, wrinkly skin and sunken eyes glistening with evil. His suit looked too big on his bony body and his well-groomed hair turned into withered white wires. He now looked appropriate for his real age... and his real, evil nature.

His hand shot forward at enormous speed and grabbed Alexis' forearm. The girl had no chance of breaking free, so she just twisted her hand a bit and grabbed the man's arm in return. Both insignias illuminated the darkened room as the two opponents fought for their lives.


Alexis drained Whateley's power as fast as she could, but it was no match for the Mayor's malevolent aggression. And she was getting weaker as Whateley stole more bits of her youth.

She saw her own hand getting covered in wrinkles. Her bones and joints got weaker, her eyesight more and more blurry despite the eyeglasses she wore. There was also a pressure on her lungs which made her breathing difficult. Is this what being old feels like?

As she kept getting older, Mayor Whateley grew stronger and fitter. The wrinkles on his face smoothed out, the muscles on his body also became more prominent. He was once again becoming the handsome gentleman the city knew and loved. But his usually kind face now radiated pure evil.

"It seems you overestimated your powers, Miss Warren," he said. "No matter how powerful you are, I will always be better. It is no wonder. I have been around longer than you can imagine. If only you could see your beautiful face getting old... it is a shame. It almost hurts me."

Alexis slowly started to give in. Whateley was right - he's just too powerful. When Whateley finishes, she'll probably lose sixty years of her life and end up like Samantha - locked away somewhere to prevent the outbreak of panic. Fortunately, Gwendolyn and Diane will be still able to stop him...

"My family will eventually find out what happened," Alexis shocked herself with her ancient, breathy voice. "You can never win, Whateley. You'll pay for what you did to Cassandra. To Annie."

"Maybe in some other life," Whateley smiled.

Then, in a matter of seconds, his smile changed into a painful grimace. At the same time, Alexis heard a strange bang and felt that Whateley's grip loosened. She quickly yanked away her hand. Her youth returned to her like a stretched rubber band suddenly released.

She tried to comprehend what happened. Behind Whateley, who looked old and weary again, stood Pia clenching an ash rake she found near the fireplace. The crimson glow of Whateley's insignia and messy hair gave her soft, cute face a fierce look and even though she was almost half a meter shorter than Whateley, she looked like a formidable opponent.

She took advantage of Whateley's confusion and, with a high-pitched battle cry, took another swing at him. The rake connected with his face, stunning him and smashing another ten years out of him. Alexis saw her chance, attacked Whateley's back and clenched the back of his neck so it was more difficult for the Mayor to reach for her.

Pia kept beating the enemy Trimort with the rake as Alexis siphoned a few huge chunks of power from him. She almost got nauseous from all the ancient evil and negativity it contained. She could just draw all Whateley's power and settle things with him for good, but its malevolence was just too strong.

Finally, the man collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. He lied face-down, but several parts of his skin were visible. It was wrinkly, paper thin and gray, almost black.

"Is he... dead?" Pia whispered.

"No," Alexis replied. "Quickly, get out of here."

The girls, hand in hand, ran until they left the opera house. There they spontanneously hugged.

"You saved my life," Alexis said. "You're the bravest little creature since Dobby the Free Elf."

"You saved mine, in the first place," Pia replied. "He just... appeared in my room and I realized he's the one you're looking for. I managed to open these puffs to let you know who it is... so you can avenge me once you find my ancient, powerless body. But you arrived in time. Thank God."

"Don't worry. You're safe now," Alexis tried to calm her down.


Alexis and Pia caught a taxi right after the incident and ordered the driver to take them to Alexis' home. It was the dead of night, but Alexis still kept knocking at the door until her mother opened. After seeing her daughter and a tiny girl she didn't know, both scared and exhausted, she immediately knew what happened.

"It's Mayor Whateley," she bursted out instead of greeting.

"Oh dear... come inside, take a shower and tell us everything," Gwendolyn said and both girls complied.

Then, clean and more or less calm, they started to tell their story. Diane also listened even though she wasn't exactly happy about the disturbance of her precious sleep.

"Mayor Whateley...?" Gwendolyn voiced. "I met him personally several times. He was always so gentle and well-mannered. To think he has been evil all along... but it's true. I should've remembered that heavy contrast between his age and his appearance. It makes sense now... draining youth from young girls..."

"We have to stop him, somehow," Alexis said. "He's dangerous."

Gwendolyn nodded. "Now, when we know who is the mysterious enemy, it shouldn't be that hard. I don't want to underestimate his powers, though. It's still three against one and I'm sure we can win this fight. Girls, we have to prepare for the final battle."


A week later, the whole family was watching The Angel Voice. Mayor Whateley gave up his place in the jury, officially because of health problems. Alexis quit the contest right the day after her battle with Whateley. Pia, however, decided to continue.

"She's so brave," Alexis noted. "Deciding to continue after all this..."

Anna gave her a disappointed look. "Should I be jealous?"

"Not at all," Alexis kissed her on the forehead, deciding to not tell her the fact Pia hinted she would be interested in her. "She's cute and everything, but I'm already committed to the best girl in the world."

Pia stood on the stage looking genuinely nervous. Her group of four members consisted of two boys who weren't much of a competition for her, but also of Marcy who looked overconfident, sure that she will advance into the top 25. Pia was already reconciling with her end.

The whole family already voted for Pia in the internet voting and the results were about to be revealed in a few seconds. They all forgot about Whateley for a while and rooted for the young singer.

"And from this group," the host announced, "we also have a person who will advance to the next round! Alex, Adam, Marcy and Pia. Which one of them will be the fortunate one?"

After a short show, he ruled out the two boys which left the contest with disappointed looks on their faces. Pia now stood next to Marcy. It was clear Marcy is already preparing her thank-you speech in her head.

"Now, we will see which one of these charming young ladies caught your attention more," the host stood between the girls. Did you choose Marcy and her version of Wrecking Ball? Or do you side with Pia and her song Faded? We will find out right now!"

Pia looked like passing out at any given moment.

"And the winner is... PIA!" the host shouted and Alexis started to cheer. The whole family followed her. The small girl didn't know how to react, so she stood like a dazed doe for a while. Then she squealed in joy and hugged the host. Marcy looked shocked. How could this little mouse beat her?

"I knew it," Alexis said. "I just KNEW IT!"

"Well deserved," Gwendolyn noted.

Pia thanked the audience for her votes, her eyes filled with the tears of joy. "But most of all," she said, "I would like to thank my dear friend who helped me more than you can ever imagine. Without her, I would't stand here at this stage right now."

The audience didn't realize how literally did she mean it.

"Thank you, Alexis. I will win this for you."

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