Forbidden / Shayne Topp

By thegoddessoftragedy

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Veronica Cruz has been dating Smosh's one and only Anthony Padilla for over two years, but for the past few m... More

One: Unhappiness
Two: Shayne Topp
Three: The Party
Four: The Call
Five: Another Talk
Six: Family Time
Seven: Confrontation
Eight: More Witnesses
Nine: Broken Hearts
Ten: Betrayal
Eleven: Sorrows
Twelve: Choices
Thirteen: Second Encounter
Fourteen: The Real Talk
Fifteen: Similarities
Sixteen: Decisions
Seventeen: Lectures
Eighteen: Jealousy
Nineteen: Insanity
Twenty One: Then and Now
Twenty Two: Waiting
Twenty Three: Visitors
Twenty Four: After Dinner
Twenty Five: Feelings
Twenty Six: A Daddy's Girl
Twenty Seven: Discretion
Twenty Eight: The Picture
Twenty Nine: The Gathering
Thirty: The Video
Thirty One: A Beauty Mark
Thirty Two: Guilt
Thirty Three: Questions and Answers
Thirty Four: A Break?
Thirty Five: The Morning After
Thirty Six: The Set Up
Thirty Seven: Goodbyes
Thirty Eight: Shattering
Thirty Nine: Numbness
Forty: No Blessing
Forty One: Forgiven
Forty Two: Official
Forty Three: Packing
Forty Four: Bad Surprises
Forty Five: Reuniting
Forty Six: The Big Talk
Forty Seven: Sticking Together
Forty Eight: The House
Forty Nine: Departure
Fifty: The Book
Authors Note
*Bonus Chapter*

Twenty: The Meeting

798 17 20
By thegoddessoftragedy


"What did you," Courtney started saying, but burping in the middle of it and still continued to say, "call this meeting for?" I was leaned up on the wall while everybody was sitting at the table, but all I could think about was how upset Veronica was. I wasn't trying to hurt her; I was trying to save us from feeling the way we feel.

Sleeping together has definitely caused a difference in our relationship, and I just knew that spending time apart from each other would save us the trouble of it being obvious to everyone. And it has, but it's been rough when the person that meant a lot to you has hurt in her eyes just because she doesn't understand what has happened to our friendship. Hurt because a two year friendship has died and hurt because that's what her boyfriend wanted all along.

"You said it was an emergency?" Olivia asked him.

"Yeah," Anthony started off saying and then clearing his throat. "It's pretty important guys."

"But not important enough for the others to be here?" I asked him. I looked up and made eye contact with Anthony who was standing up at the table with his chair behind him. Ian was barely looking at any of us, but had this look of sadness on his face. "Why isn't Smosh Games in here with us? Or Sunny? Or Sarah? Or-"

"Because I can only tell a few selected amount, Shayne," Anthony stated. "This isn't going to be easy for me to say."

"Say what?" Noah asked him. Ian glanced at Anthony and Anthony looked at all of us.

"I'm leaving Smosh," Anthony said to us. Courtney and Olivia both gasped, Keith and Noah's mouthes dropped, and my eyes widen. Ian just slowly nodded, but made no eye contact with any of us. This was definitely hard for him and I knew it was since they basically started this together, but all I can imagine is how hard this would be for Veronica.

Does she know about this?

"Wh-what?" Courtney asked him. "You're leaving us?"

"No, I'm not leaving you guys," Anthony said with a reassuring smile. "Believe me, this has been the hardest decision I've ever had to make, but it's something I have to do. I haven't been happy as a lot of you have noticed and Smosh just hasn't been the same since Ian and I first started. I want to start fresh and start on my own. Have my own ideas since ideas I've had aren't Smosh material."

"What about Summer Games?" Noah asked him. "You aren't going to do that?"

Anthony shook his head and looked at me. "No, but I know someone who can take my place during that," Anthony stated. I realized who he meant and I nodded my head. "I think you guys need to add Damien more to the group. He is a great addition and I know fans loves seeing him in videos. He has something different to bring to Smosh and I'm excited to see what you guys bring after I'm gone."

"This just doesn't seem real, man," Keith stated.

Just at the corner of my eye, I could see Court's expression. She had her arms crossed and was slouching in her chair with a blank face. She was upset; as all of us are. I've never hated Anthony and I never want him to think I hate him because of Veronica. I just hate that she's not happy because he's not making her happy. That's the only problem I have with him.

"I'm afraid it is," Anthony said. "Defy knows what my choice is and I'm gonna spend my last few weeks here with you guys. Last few weeks shooting our last videos together and then a video with Ian that I'm not ready for."

"Does anybody else know about this?" Olivia asked him.

"So far, you guys and Defy. That's it," Anthony replied.

"So Veronica doesn't know?" I asked him. Everyone looked directly at me and I didn't move a muscle.

"I haven't had the chance to tell her," Anthony admitted. "It was already hard to talk to Ian about officially doing it, I don't even want to think of his Veronica is going to respond."

"You have to tell her, Anthony," Courtney said to him.

"I didn't say I wasn't going to tell her," Anthony stated. "I just need time to tell her separately. It's not a conversation to have with a bigger group; she needs to hear it from me by ourselves. No one around us."

"Do you plan on telling the others today about your decision?" Noah asked him.

Anthony nodded his head.

"Okay, hold up, what the hell?" Keith asked Anthony. "You're gonna wait to tell her later on today right after telling everybody else?"

Ian finally looked up at all of us and looked at Anthony. "Anthony, that's not right. You should just wait."

"No, I need everyone to know. I can't just wait till tomorrow to do this," Anthony said.

"Then tell Veronica now," I said to him. "She's in her office and..."

"Guys, I don't think you realize how hard this is for me," Anthony started off saying with his eyes instantly watering. "My fear is for her to want to quit too and my fear is that she won't accept this like you guys have. I would just rather talk to her about it at home, okay? Can you guys just accept that?" Everyone nodded their heads besides myself. Anthony looked at me. "Shayne, I don't need you saying anything to her, okay?"

"Anthony, the only time I talk to her is when it's work related," I stated to him.

"I'm just saying," he said. "I just need to be the one to tell her."

I sighed and looked at him. "Fine," I said.


"It's just been a very weird day," I said to Tristan as we were in the kitchen at the office. He was sitting at the table with his takeout while I was getting myself a soda from the fridge. "I haven't seen many shoots today and this meeting everybody has been talking about, I haven't been apart of."

"Maybe it doesn't concern the producers," Tristan said as he took a bite of his broccoli. "Maybe it's just for the Smosh family."

"Maybe," I said to him. "But it's weird that I hadn't seen Sarah, Joe, Sunny, and Matt around either." I sat down at the table and sat my drink in front of my Chinese food. After growing up with Tristan, we literally eat the same damn thing and it's honestly weird to me still. Beef and broccoli with fried rice and then a egg roll; though he eats the broccoli more than I do.

"I wouldn't think too much into it," Tristan said. I opened up my box and picked my fork up as I started stirring up my food. "If it was that important, they would've included you into it. You're just as important as the rest of them, Ronnie." I smiled and took a bite of my rice. "Have you done a lot of work?"

"Marissa had been doing a lot for me since I hadn't felt good earlier," I said to him. "But I've been trying to do some editing and looking over some of the skits for Every Blank Ever."

"What do you mean you haven't felt good?" Tristan asked me. I just looked at him and suddenly, the door opened up.

Joven and Mari both walked in with a smile on their faces. "Oooo, whatcha got there?" Joven asked as he started looking at our food until Mari smacked him. "Ow, what? I was just curious." I giggled and finished chewing up the beef.

"Get out of her food, Joven," Mari said with a laugh.

"It's totally fine," I said with a chuckle. "How's work been?"

"It's been good," Mari replied as she got a drink out of the fridge. "Yeah, I'm excited for some of the upcoming Board AF videos and then planning some of the games to play on there for Summer Games."

"I'm excited to be there for you guys again this year," I said to her with a smile. "How about you, Joven? How's your day been?"

"Eh, it's been a day," Joven replied. "I got here late, got to play a little bit of the new games, went to this meeting to find out that Anthony is leaving, and now I'm about to order dinner."

I dropped my fork in my food, and Tristan and I looked right at Joven. I cleared my throat and asked, "what do you mean Anthony leaving?"

"Anthony leaving Smosh," Joven replied. Mari's mouth dropped and she looked away from all of us. "Didn't you go to the meeting?" I slightly grinned and shut the lid to my box. "Oh shit. I made a whoopsie."

"A big one," Mari corrected.

"Ronnie..." Tristan started saying slowly. I got up from the chair and pushed into the table hard as I started making my way out of the kitchen. I was walking out and saw the door still open to the office they held the meeting at. Tristan, however, grabbed my arm before I could even start walking. "Think about what you're doing. You know this can wait till you get home."

"Oh no, if he wanted to make a big scene to what I did in the club that night with Shayne, I can make a big scene when it comes to this," I said to him.

"Veronica," he said as I tried getting out of his grip. "It's not that..."

"He didn't even bother telling me, Tristan!" I yelled out. "I'm his fucking girlfriend and he didn't even want to tell me about it. He didn't want to tell his own girlfriend that he is quitting a job he got her and that he loved. Fuck that. He wanted to keep it from me; it was so fucking obvious."

I yanked out of Tristan's grip while I saw Mari and Joven walk out of the kitchen. "Ronnie, wait," Mari started to say, but I had already started walking away from all of them and straight to the office. I walked into the office and saw all the producers sitting at the table with Anthony standing in front of them.

"Well, isn't this just lovely?" I said out loud. Everyone looked at me and Anthony stood in front of me while his face went pale as a ghost. "All the producers were in here the whole time, but wait, I wasn't called to this? Now why wouldn't I be called to an emergency meeting that my boyfriend set up?"

"Veronica, let me exp-"

"That's right, because my boyfriend apparently doesn't want me knowing that he is leaving a job that we both work at," I stated.

"That's not what this is. I just wanted to wait till we got home," Anthony admitted.

"But why when this is the perfect time, eh?" I said while starting to nervously laugh. "Why is it that you're so afraid to tell me shit to my face? How come you can never just grow a set and tell me what is going on? Wh-" And then it hit me. The real reason why he would be so afraid of telling me. I pushed Anthony and he fell back into the table. "You're fucking pathetic, Anthony Padilla."

I pushed past Tristan and started making my way to my office. As I was walking, I passed by Damien and Noah who both could see the pure anger on my face. "Ronnie, are you..." I heard Noah start to say, but stop as footsteps were coming up behind me. I walked into my office and went to grab my keys until,

"Veronica, wait," Anthony said as he walked into my office. I grabbed my jacket and grabbed my phone as it lit up to a message from Shayne.

If you need to call me later, you can since I'll be home for the rest of the day.

Completely forgot about this pregnancy risk...

"You gotta let me explain," Anthony continued to say. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and started to walk towards the door, but Anthony stood in front of me. "I'm not letting you leave unt-"

"What do you want from me, Anthony?" I asked him. "It's pretty obvious that you didn't tell me because you knew it would end our relationship." Now he went pale as a ghost. "You know that if I had found out sooner about you quitting, I'd end this relationship because either way, you'd be leaving here and it wouldn't be awkward. I'd still work here and be happy while you're on your own. That's pathetic, Anthony."

"Is that what you want?" Anthony asked me. I turned away from him and started shaking my head. I was on the verge of losing my shit if that hadn't already happened. "Do you want me to stand here right now and tell you that's all true? That since we were having our problems, I was afraid of telling you something that could cost us our relationship?"

"How shallow do you think I am, Anthony?" I asked him, but still not facing him. "Why the fuck would I break up with you if I knew sooner about you leaving Smosh? Why would that be the reason for it when our problems had nothing to do with that?"

"I just..."

"Anthony, you can't just stand here and blame our problems on everything around us. Our problems happen because of us!" I yelled out. "We haven't been right since and now..." I grabbed the roses from the vase and turned towards him. "You wanted to make sure I stay in your life by giving my roses and making sure I'm always okay and shit. I'm not okay, Anthony because you know why?" I threw my roses at him and he looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Because you won't fucking grow up and be in a fucking mature relationship."

"Ronnie, I-"

"Communication is key in a fucking relationship, Anthony, and you'll never understand that," I said to him. "I can't be around you right now. I'm tired of the bullshit and secrecy. Open your eyes up and realize that this is dying more and more every fucking day." I pushed past him and walked out of my office and straight towards the elevator.

Tears started instantly filling up in my eyes and my heart started to hurt. I placed my hand on my mouth and just kept walking towards the elevator. Eyes kept looking straight at me, but I couldn't pay attention or even think about it. I thought the Miel conversation was rough, but this was hard to cope with not being able to work with Anthony anymore and the fact that our relationship was really dead. There was no going back to what we were.

It's what we are now.

I clicked the down button to the elevator and waited as tears started falling down my cheeks. First I get sick this morning, then I find out that I could be pregnant, and now Anthony is quitting Smosh? This day just couldn't end, and it was only five in the afternoon. The elevator doors opened and I walked in and instantly clicked the 1st floor. I looked out to see Damien looking at me and I just closed my eyes as the doors started to shut.

What was I going to do now?

More importantly, where was I gonna go now?

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