Interdimensional Chatrooms Ar...

By WritersBlock039

61.4K 1.8K 1.8K

In hindsight, this might not have been Felicity Smoak's greatest idea ever. Companion piece to The Unmatched... More

In Which Felicity Is A Concerned Mother Hen
In Which Alex Still Has A Problem
In Which Winn Talks Too Much
In Which Malcolm and Laurel Gang Up
In Which The Merlyns Are Savages
In Which Team Supergirl Throws Shade
In Which Oliver Is Just Done
In Which The Chat Grows By Two
In Which Cisco Moves Up In The World
In Which Nothing's Really Changed
In Which Everyone's A Hot Mess
In Which The Redeemed Villains Club Is Creepy
In Which Team Arrow Is Team SuperArrow
In Which The Chat Shortens By Three
In Which Winn and Laurel Offer Cookies
In Which Barry and Sara Kill Seriousness
In Which Ray Is A Traitor
In Which No Sappiness Or Cookies Means Savagery
In Which Zari And Sara Broadcast The News
In Which Lucy Breaks The Chat
In Which Panic Mode Is Activated
In Which Mick Gives Good Advice
In Which Cisco Should Think Before He Types
In Which The Chat Increases By One
In Which Slade And Malcolm Have An Interesting Definition Of Fun
In Which Supervillains Write A Series
In Which Malcolm Defines Good
In Which Sara's Mind Ends Up In The Gutter
In Which Kara Wins The Kryptonian Tally

In Which Cisco Is Obvs The Answer And Too Many People Are Overprotective

5.8K 131 247
By WritersBlock039

Otherwise known as what the hell have I started?


smoakandmirrors created the group BestTeamUpEver

smoakandmirrors added oliverking, queenofthecandystore, speedygonzalez, and 14 others to the group BestTeamUpEver

oliverking: Felicity . . . why?

agentdamnvers: I agree with Oliver . . . why?

queenofthecandystore: Never mind the why . . . how???

queenofthecandystore: We are literally in another universe!

spartacus: Cisco?

smoakandmirrors: Totally Cisco

queenoftheboard: I'm shocked speechless

rushsawyer: Also, what's the order of the "overprotective" users?

overprotective1: Not funny, Ms. Smoak

alwaysawinner: Found Slade

speedygonzalez: Guess that makes my dad overprotective2?

overprotective2: Well, what gave you that idea?

agentdamnvers: I can smell the sarcasm from three dozen Earths away, damn, Merlyn

allfairplay: So no-longer-evil Laurel is overprotective3

overprotective3: Very funny, Felicity

smoakandmirrors: I'm not forcing you to keep those names!

overprotective1 has changed their name to promiseskept

promiseskept: Good

overprotective2 has changed their name to merlynthemagician

overprotective3 has changed their name to secondisthebest

merlynthemagician: Much better

secondisthebest: Ditto

speedygonzalez has changed their name to fast&furious

alwaysawinner: Girl, respect

fast&furious: Thank you, Winn!

moralcompass: Felicity . . . why?

smoakandmirrors: When aren't you the team's moral compass?

barkandbite: She has a point, Hoss

queenofthecandystore: Am I the only one giggling at Rene's name?

agentdamnvers: Nope

fast&furious: Definitely not

supersfriend: ^^^

spacepapabear: You are not alone, Quentin

alwaysawinner: OK, that's one of my new favorite names

spacepapabear: Really, Agent Schott?

alwaysawinner: What?! It's true!

agentdamnvers: You are kind of our space dad

agentdamnvers: And Winn calls you papa bear all the time

agentdamnvers: Hence spacepapabear

supersfriend: She's not wrong

thirdtimesthecharm: Not that I don't love Kara's name . . . but shouldn't she be queenofthesweetshop?

queenoftheboard: I've got a better one

queenofthecandystore: You do???

rushsawyer: Oh, this I've gotta see

queenoftheboard: Just PMed Kara

queenofthecandystore has changed their name to angelpuppydanvers

oliverking: Much better

angelpuppydanvers: :)

barkandbite: No flirting in the chatroom

rushsawyer: Since when was that a rule????

barkandbite: Since I came up with it

alwaysawinner: Savage

smoakandmirrors: OK, so Cisco helped come up with this so we don't always need to breach back and forth to keep in contact with each other

smoakandmirrors: Obvs the interdimensional lovebirds don't need this, but still

oliverking: Interdimensional lovebirds?

smoakandmirrors: . . . sorry?

spartacus: Way to go, Felicity

fast&furious: Even in a chatroom, you've got a gob

thirdtimesthecharm: Is that even possible?

allfairplay: Unfortunately

alwaysawinner: ^^^

merlynthemagician: Why am I not surprised

secondisthebest: She's not wrong, though

secondisthebest: You two are literally lovesick puppies when you're not in the same room

secondisthebest: Let alone the same universe

oliverking: Now you're just asking for it, Siren

queenoftheboard: I have no problem paying for the funeral

secondisthebest: Feeling the love, Luthor

queenoftheboard: Well, I try

angelpuppydanvers: I have the best friends ever

queenoftheboard: Aww, love you, Kara

agentdamnvers: Seconded

alwaysawinner: Thirded!

supersfriend: Fourthed!

spacepapabear: And everyone else, because I do not want to see constant numbers scrolling on the screen

moralcompass: Agreed

fast&furious: But we all love you, too, Kara

fast&furious: Especially since it means Ollie is less grumpy now

oliverking: SPEEDY!!!


fast&furious has left the group

oliverking has left the group

promiseskept: Make that two funerals you need to pay for

merlynthemagician: Excuse me while I go stop Oliver from killing my daughter/his sister

merlynthemagician has left the group

allfairplay: Well, it was nice knowing her

barkandbite: And Oliver

barkandbite: That's if Merlyn kills Oliver to stop him

angelpuppydanvers: WHAT

angelpuppydanvers has left the group

secondisthebest: Well, I think we can count on no one dying now

queenoftheboard: So no funerals, then?

spacepapabear: Ms. Smoak, what have you done

smoakandmirrors: This seemed like a good idea at the time!



What the hell am I doing. I don't even know at this point.

Well, as long as you guys enjoy, I'll keep doing this. :)

So anyway, this was inspired by a work I saw on Ao3 where it was just the Arrowverse ladies chatting, and . . . well, how could I resist doing this? I got Felicity's (smoakandmirrors) and Dinah's (thirdtimesthecharm) chatroom names from there, and when Sara joins (this will eventually include Teams Flash and Legends), her name will be here, too.

So, to clarify, here are the chat names.

oliverking = Oliver

promiseskept = Slade

merlynthemagician = Malcolm

secondisthebest = Laurel

spartacus = Dig

fast&furious = Thea

smoakandmirrors = Felicity

moralcompass = Quentin

allfairplay = Curtis

barkandbite = Rene (how could I resist)

thirdtimesthecharm = Dinah

angelpuppydanvers = Kara

agentdamnvers = Alex

alwaysawinner = Winn

supersfriend = James

spacepapabear = J'onn

queenoftheboard = Lena

rushsawyer = Maggie

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