Brave (APH Scotland x reader)

By shygal19

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What happens when you get sucked into Brave as Merida? What if Scotland gets dragged into the adventure as we... More

Into Brave
Games and Arrows
Mama Bear
Confusion and Bonding
This Kingdom's Story
A Fight and Mending the Bond
Home Again

A Witch's Spell

1K 28 5
By shygal19

Mother drags me all the way to her tapestry room, away from the clans and prying eyes. She flings me into the room

"Mighty me!" Mother exclaims obviously angered. "I don't believe you! I've just about had enough of you, frau!"

I try to defend myself by saying, "You're the one that want me to...!"

"You just embarrassed them!" Mother continues pointing at the door. "You embarrassed me!"

"I followed the rules!"

"You don't know what you've done!"

"Just I don't care how I..." Even if this is all a dream, it's really angering me. How can she not understand I don't want this?

"It'll be fire and sword if it's not set right."

"Just listen!"

"I am the queen! You listen to me!"

"Ugh! This is so unfair!"

"Huh! Unfair?"

I grab a sword off the table and as I talk I swing it around in frustration.

"You were never there for me! This whole marriage is what you want! Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No! You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do! Trying to make me be like you! Well, I'm not going to be like you!"

"Oh! You're acting like a child!"

"And you're a beast! That's what you are!"

I point at the family tapestry that Mother has been working on for a while. I point right between her and me on it.


"I will never be like you!" I exclaim sticking the sword into the tapestry. Part of me is regretting what I'm about to do, but I'm also so mad at Austria right now that I don't particularly care.

"No! Stop that!" Mother commands.

"I'd rather die than be like you!"

With a final swing I slash the tapestry. A tear right between Mother and me. Mother gets an upset look on her face. She marches towards me and I slightly cower back. She pulls the sword from my hand.

"You are a princess! I expect you to act like one!" Mother shouts at me. She rips my bow off of me and throws it into the fire.

A shocked expression finds its way onto my face. I knew this would happen, but the fact she actually did it, and the fact that I felt attachment to the bow, makes it even worse. Tears well up into my eyes. I run out of the room trying not to cry.

I rush out through the halls trying to get outside. I knew where I needed to be next and I just needed to be away from people. I wipe my eyes not paying attention as I run.

Suddenly I knock into something. I tumble down with whatever I knocked into onto the floor.

"Oof!" something below me says.

Looking down I noticed I had landed in an awkward position with none other than Scotland. Scrambling up, I wipe my teary eyes.

"And what did I do to deserve that now, lass?" Allistor asks standing up, dusting his kilt off.

"Just leave me alone," I mutter trying to walk away.

"I don't think so," he says grabbing my arm, pulling me back. "That was some shot ye did back there. Now why did you do it? Did ya not want me to win ya?"

I pull my arm away from him, angrily turning to him.

"No I didn't. In fact I didn't want to marry any of you."

"Now lass you can't mean that," he tries to reason. "You're the princess. You're supposed to marry the winner."

"I. Am. Not. Some. Prize. You can not win me that way and you never will. Why does everyone think I even want this?! Just go away!" (kinda reminds me of Aladdin, anyone else?)

I run away from him. Tears fall from my eyes as my face felt hot with anger. How could everyone think this was okay? It's like I'm some kind of prize to be won to them. Am I even a person to them?


*Quick pov change to Scotland*


The princess had just ran into me. I stand up and ask what I did to deserve that. I am the guy who would of won her hand, if she hadn't interferred. She is beautiful and I didn't even know she could shoot like that. That was amazing how she shot my arrow in half.

Just leave me alone," (y/n) mutters trying to walk away.

"I don't think so," I say grabbing her arm. (y/n) is strange. Its making me even more curious about what she can do. I mean she was able to shoot an arrow in half, that takes quite a lot of skill. "That was some shot ye did back there. Now why did you do it? Did ya not want me to win ya?"

(y/n) pulls her arm away from me, and angrily turns to me. Oops?

"No I didn't. In fact I didn't want to marry any of you," she informs me her face turning red with anger.

"Now lass you can't mean that," I try to reason. It's tradition. She can't be against it this much. Right? "You're the princess. You're supposed to marry the winner."

"I. Am. Not. Some. Prize. You can not win me that way and you never will. Why does everyone think I even want this?! Just go away!"

(Y/n) runs away with more tears pouring from her eyes. I sigh looking down. I actually kinda like her, but she's making it so hard to get her to like me. Whatever happened before she ran into me must of made her upset and I didn't help, I guess.


*Regular pov*


I ride away from the castle on Angus. I couldn't take it there any longer. I couldn't stand to face Mother or dad, or anyone, especially that stuck up Scotland. How could he think that?!

Angus runs deeper into the woods. My tears falling onto his coat. I was in such a rush I didn't put on his saddle or harness, so I hung on by his maine.

We went deeper into the forest than we've ever been before. Branches hit me as Angus runs past them. Angus suddenly stops with a whine, throwing me off his back and onto the hard ground.

"Whoa!" I yell out as I make impact on the ground. I guess I forgot about this part. Man that hurt much more than I thought it would. "Angus?" I sob out, the pain adding to my tears.

He whines and snorts not wanting to get any closer. I look around, my tears stopping as noticing I had landed in the ring of stones. They were much taller than me and with Angus not wanting to enter, made it all the more creepy.

A sound makes its way to my ears, and I notice a will-o'-the-wisp on the other side of the ring. I cautiously make my way over there. It disappears as I get closer. A trail of will o' the wisps appears and I start to follow them.

"Come on Angus," I whisper, only receiving a nicker from him. "Angus!"

Ignoring the horse I start to follow the wisps. As I expected Angus soon followed me. The wisps soon lead me through the forest into an unknown part. In a clearing was a cottage in a hill? I think.

"Huh? Why did the wisps lead me here?" I ask Angus. Oh that's right I'm about to meet that crazy witch carver person...... Yeah she's weird. I wonder who's going to play her.

I enter the cottage and a bell tinkles as I open the door. Inside was filled with carvings. The carvings seemed to be of a dog? Which hetalia character is obsessed with dogs? And not just any dog but Siberian Husky?

"Oh, hello!" a voice behind be calls.

Turning around I almost gasp at who it was. It was Carson. Carving another husky. What was she doing her and as the witch? Oh the husky carvings make sense now. Carson is really obsessed with that type of dog. I should've known. (I honestly do, they are my favorite type of dog)

"Look around. Let me know if you see anything you like. Everything's half off."

Keeping in character I ask, "Who are you?"

"Hm..." Carson hums looking up from her sweeping. "Just simply a woodcarver. Names Carson."

"Um...I don't understand," I tell her honestly confused. Seriously how did she get here?

I pick up a wooden bowl with a husky face on it. I gasp as Carson appears next to me, much like she always does.

"See anything you like?" she asks. She's always into making sure the customer is happy, even in her actual job. "Perhaps something like this to brighten any dank chamber."

She points at a carving of two huskies with bone going between the two?

"But the will-o'-the wisps, they...." I trail off.

"Oh! And this is one of a kind!" She holds up a mechanical carving of a husky jumping? Okay this is getting stranger and stranger. "I'll make you a deal for it."

I suddenly remember something and turn around. Saying the next line, "Your broom!" as I notice the broom was sweeping by itself.

I hear Carson snap her fingers and the broom falls to the ground.

"It was sweeping by itself!" I exclaim trying to sound frightened.

"Ridiculous! Wood can't be imbued with magic. I should know, I'm a wit... whittler...of wood!" she stammers the last bit. Carson then goes over to a hanging carving of two huskies. "Oh, how about this? It's made of yew wood. Tough as stone."

I notice a crow standing on a husky's head. I look at it carefully. Isn't it supposed to be alive.

"Oh that's stuffed," Carson tells me with a nervous laugh.

I slowly reach out to touch it, when suddenly it snaps it's beak at me.

"Staring is rude," the crow tells me.

"Ooh! The crow's talking!" I shout startled. Man it got me good.

"That's not all I can do! La-la-la-la-laaaaa," the crow sings.

As it holds the last note, Carson snaps her fingers making the broom side sweep it off the husky carving. The crow hmphs and flies over to another shelf.

"You're a witch!" I exclaim remembering the next line.

"Woodcarver," Carson counters carving a sitting husky.

"That's why the wisp led me to you!" I continue.

"Woodcarver!" Carson tries to deny carving another husky.

"You'll change my fate!"

"Woodcarver!" She exclaims swinging an axe on a log, showing a husky carving inside.

"You see, it's my mother."

"I'm not a witch! Too many unhappy customers!" Carson exclaims pointing at me.

Oops, did I mention a mad Carson, is a bad Carson. And here comes the threat.

"If you're not going to buy anything, get out!" Carson snaps her fingers and every sharpe, lethal object is pointed at me floating in mid air.

"No, the wisp led me here!" I back up trying to avoid being mutilated by the sharp tools. I back up to the door where it magically opens.

"I do not care! Get out! Shoo! Get! Be gone with you! Or else!"

Suddenly I remember what Merida said to get the witch to calm down.

"I'll buy it all!" I yell hanging onto the doorway, grimacing.

All the floating tools stop mid-air, still aimed at me.

"Que? (What) What was that?" Carson asks not really surprised.

"Every carving."

"Well... Every carving?" Carson stammers as the tools turn to her. I nod. "How are ya gonna to pay for that?"

"With this," I say holding up the pendant necklace Mother gave to me before the games. I guess I never took it off, along with this ruined dress.

"T-that's really pretty," Carson says staring at the pendant.

"You'll wear that," the crow says coming over and landing on her shoulder.

The tools fall to the floor. Carson reaches out carefully for the necklace, but I pull it back.

"Every carving, and one spell."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"I want a spell to change my mom. That will change my fate."

"hmm.... Okay!"

Carson grabs the necklace and puts it around her neck. She then pushes me out of the cottage. She walks a short distance, snaps her fingers, and walks back to the door.

"Where are you going? What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Never conjure where you carve, very important," Carson tells me. "You'll end up with a big disaster if you do, trust me. I messed up Lukas' when I was first learning. Had to wash cauldrons for a month. Man was I sore."

Carson opens the door and inside was much darker and light up with only candles. Shelves with ingredients lined the walls and a big cauldron sat in the middle over a fire.

"The last time I did this was for a prince," Carson informs me, as she claps her hands igniting the cauldron. Its green glow filling the room with its light.

"Easy on the eye. Tight pants," the crow adds. (it really says that)

"Shut up, perverted bird!" Carson snaps before going on. "He demanded I give him the strength of ten men, and he gave me this." Carson holds up a gold ring with an old insignia on it. "For a spell. A spell that would change his fate."

"And did he get what he was after?" I ask, already knowing.

"Why yes he did. And bought a nice mahogany cheese board. Or was it a chess board. I can never remember anymore. Okay, what do I need? Oh!" Carson starts to add ingredients mumbling to herself. "Just a little bit of this. Ah. Hoo. woosh. That'll do."

She hums as she stirs it a few times. After pulling out the burnt spoon, Carson places a metal face mask (What is it called?!) over her faces, as well as one over the birds. Noticing I didn't have one, she quickly covers my eyes. A loud bang, was heard and Carson removes her hand and face mask.

"Now let's see. What do we have?" Carson pulls out a cake of the disgusting mixture.

"Uh...a cake?" I ask feigning confusion.

"You don't want it?" Carson asks giving me the stink eye.

"Yes! I want it!" I quickly say. "You're sure if I give this to my mom, it will change my fate?"

"Oh, don't you trust me. It'll do the trick."

"Expect delivery of your purchase within a fortnight," Carson tells me as she walks me out the door. I carry the small particle with the cake in it close to me. "Good luck with that scottish guy, by the way."

"Wait how did you know?" I question her.

"I just do, and it's fine if you like him. Now go." I walk towards Angus when I hear Carson muttering to herself behind me, "Oh! Oh! What was that thing about the spell? I can never remember."

"Did you say something...about...the spell?" I ask turning around seeing, but seeing no cottage and no Carson.

Instead I find myself back at the ring of stones. I forgot how freaky this magic stuff is. It's so confusing.

I sigh and get on Angus and head back to the castle. Time to turn my mom into a bear.

Elino: Nyo! Austria - Sophia

Fergus: Prussia - Gilbert

Merida: You - (y/n)

Hamish: England - Arthur

Hubert: Wales - Dylan

Harris: Northern Ireland - Seamas

Lord Macintosh: Nyo! North America - Hania

Young Macintosh: America - Alfred

Lord MacGuffin: Nyo! Britannia - Alexander

Young MacGuffin: Scotland - Allistor

Lord Dingwall: Ancient Rome - Romulus

Young Dingwall: Italy - Feliciano

Witch: Oclia - Carson (ME!)

Mor'du: 2p! Italy - Luciano

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