Eternal love, Princess of Ash...

By Leoscrush1204

623K 12.4K 1K

"Oh my what a happy coincidence!!" He cheers looking back at Alec as I slip my hand out of his and step back... More

Guess Im it?
Not a horrible😐
(New story)THE STORM
Authors note


4.3K 104 4
By Leoscrush1204

She was brave
And stong
And broken
All at once.
~Anna Funder



FOUR SEASONS winter played through my head phones as I sketched in my note book. The music soothes my nerves greatly and it distracts me from what I'm doing at the moment. Holland sits in the driver seat dressed in causal attire as I sit in the passenger. The huge familiar pine trees tower over us and I can't help feel as if they're trapping me in.
Two minutes ago we passed a sign and I nearly gagged as the butterflies in my stomach went from fluttering slightly to stabbing at my stomach with their wings. ' Welcome to Forks,Washington.' Sighing I sharply snap my sketch book shut and lean my head back trying to block out the emotions swirling and stabbing at me. The worst of this trip was to come as Alec and Jane wouldn't be here until tomorrow they were stuck in Spain from a bad storm that wouldn't allow them to fly.
When the song finished I pulled out my headphones and neatly wrapped them up so they wouldn't tangle and placing them in my purse. " Are you prepared?" Holland looks at me from the corner of his eye and I merely smirk " When am I not?" He shakes his head and laughs lightly taking a hand off the wheel and patting my hair like a older brother to a sister. " Never. младшая сестра." I roll my eyes at the nickname and shove his shoulder slightly giving him a small smile.
" We're here." My head snaps forward and I glare harshly once again as we drive up the familiar back trial towards what I now see was my prison. " Be strong but venerable." He reminds me and I nod flexing my clenched fingers and relaxing my stiff posture. ' Let then underestimate you more.' The corners of my mouth turn up slightly into a small smirk. When we pull into the large driveway I place sunglasses onto my face and wait as Holland speeds towards my door opening it allowing me to step onto the gravel ground.
"Anastasia." I look up and nod as Carlisle stands in front of me with the rest of the family behind him. " Welcome Home." I raise an eyebrow and laugh slightly shaking my head. " I didn't know this was the castle? Did you Holland?" Holland chuckles but takes his job seriously as my bodyguard standing at attention by my side.
" Anastasia please come inside." Like old times he ignore my sarcasm and tries to grab my arm to lead me inside but I move out of the way and take tiny steps past my family. I pass Esme last and she's the only one with a bright smile as she stands by the entrance to the house.
" Hello, Esme." I give her a small smile and she looks over joyed that I'm here. " Hello dear. Please come in." She opens the door and I walk in slowly Holland right behind me. It takes everything in me not to turn back around and get the fastest flight back to Italy but I was no coward and I would face my problems head on. No more running.
Esme leads me into the living room before turning to me still smiling brightly " Take a seat. Would you like-" she stops herself short and I see she's faced with the one question the whole family has been running around since they knew were I was. " If you wouldn't mind I'd like a glass please." This surprises not only her but myself. Why did I feel the urge to soothe their fear of me taking my mates diet. " Of course!" She almost laughs from joy practically skipping to the kitchen.
I take a seat on the one seater Carlisle uses to read the newspaper every morning when I lived here. ' Trapped here. when you were trapped here.' The small stubborn voice in my head reminds me and as a defense I bring forward my Anastasia Volturi persona. Holland notice my anger and discomfort so he gently places a hand on my shoulder as he stands beside me like a loyal guard dog if you will. The family quickly find their seats and I notice the one person I was here to see wasn't here and my eyes narrow slightly.
" She attends school." Bella speaks up from where she stands beside Edward. " Her education level is the same as her birth age or her growth age?" I ask and Edward shifts uncomfortably at my professional smooth voice. " Growth age." He answers after a pause and I nod. " Here you go dear." Esme hands me a wine glass filled with what smells like dear blood. " Thank you." I nod at her taking a small sip and trying not to cringe before placing it on the lamp table beside me.
" Where are the witch twins." My head snaps to Emmett as he spits out the question. " Alec and Jane are taking care of business in Spain and will be joining me tomorrow." I take off my sunglasses and clip them to my purse my red eyes causing the family slight discomfort from what their thoughts said.
" Now as we stay here I will be monitoring Reneesme's growth to ensure that she is no threat to the Volturi or to the humans at the end of the week I will come to a decision." Bella and Edward stand up staring at me in shock. " How can you even imply that you'd hurt your own niece!!" Bella screams at me and I shut my eyes sighing. " I won't touch her. But it is my duty as a guard to give a truthful statement."
When I open my eyes I harden my gaze and slip back under my veil. " I just hope you have nothing to hide." I shrug my shoulders leaning into the back of the chair and waiting for someone to speak as their heads swirled with questions. " What happened Anastasia?" Alice breaks the silence leaning into Jasper slightly.
" My eyes were open and I lost the innocence you worked so hard for me to have." I reply simply and Rose scoffs shaking her head. Lifting my chin up I glare harshly at her.
" Is there something you'd like to share Rosalie?"
Everyone turns to the blonde waiting for her to blow as I sit patiently.  " Why? Why didn't you let us explain?!? Why did you leave!! We could have worked it out you would have still been our Annie." She screams at me and I feel my insides go cold as my eyes harden and I make my veil thicker.
" How was I to listen to your explanation when my whole life every explanation I got was a lie. "She stands up and moves towards me and I match her actions getting onto my feet placing an arm out to stop Holland. Who took a threatening step forward ready to protect me at all costs from orders by the king and Alec.
" Why go with them why not to the Denali's? Why them?!" She grabs my shoulders and everyone's on their feet torn between pulling her away from me or stopping me from attack her. I look down at her hand in disgust before wrapping my own hand around her wrist and squeezing it in warning.
" Because they accepted me the way I was. Broken, Beaten, Scared, a runaway and above all Dangerous. They molded me into something that I am proud of today I no longer have to worry about anyone accepting me because I've long since accepted myself. " Her eyes are wild and she seems torn between throwing me out the window or hugging me close.
" And I will never regret running away." I whisper harshly before shoving her off me and turning to Esme who's quietly dry sobbing causing me to soften my gaze. " I assume I will be staying in my old room?"
And done! Hey guys it's Luna!! I hope your enjoying this story. I've been updating slower because had writers block for awhile I'm sorry!! 😓 please comment or message me feedback but only positive criticism this is a safe zone for everyone!! ~ Love Luna!!🌕

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