𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑷 𝑴𝑬 ?¿ ʷʸᵏ

By honeypietrash

13K 580 230

a girl who was determined to grab her favourite cereal at the top shelf bumped into a guy who's justin bieber... More

excuse me?¿
thank you?¿
where is it?¿
you're welcome?¿
i'm sorry?¿
find one?¿


1.1K 61 10
By honeypietrash

"Finally, I can go home." I muttered to myself as I did a few stretches on my wheeled chair. I proceeded to put on my coat and my fluffy white scarf. I made sure I had everything with me before leaving the place.

"Goodbye Mei Hua and good job for the meeting just now." Sir Taeil greeted me as he walked past me. I thanked him and bowed. I rode the escalator down to reach the ground floor.

"HEY! WAIT UP!" I shouted as I spotted a tall and brown haired male among the crowd. The person stopped to look behind.

"Oh hey Lily! Finally time to go home eh?" Johnny said. I just laughed and nodded my head.

"Hey Johnny, hey L-Lily" someone spoke up from my side.

"Oh hey Mark! Happy to go home now?" He just nodded with a bright smile.

I hastily took out my card and place it on the scanning machine. I just shove it into my wallet not wanting to cause a line at the back. As soon as all three of us left the building, we were greeted by the cold but refreshing air.

"Bye Loser!" I waved goodbye to Johnny. He just rolled his eyes as he waved back.
"Bye Mark!" I smiled at the Canadian male. I waved at them one last time and walked  towards the area where the taxis were parked.

After entering the taxi and telling the driver my address, we sped off to my apartment.


Once in my apartment,I changed to my comfy clothes a.k.a sweatpants and a loose shirt. I plopped into my couch as I switched on the TV. I was switching between channels when my tummy started to growl.

"Woah there, pal." I muttered as I got of from the couch and head towards the kitchen.

"There's nothing in here. I ran out of potato chips a few days ago." I checked the cupboards and my refrigerator as well.

"I guess I'll go out for abit." I slipped on a pair of sneakers and a puffy jacket, grabbed my wallet, phone, keys, and also a canvas bag before leaving.

I decided to go to the convenient store instead of the grocery store, it was closer and of course, I was too lazy.

As I entered the small convenient store, I greeted the storekeeper.

I headed straight into the first isle and eyed for the potato chips. I picked up a few and placed them into my canvas bag. I picked up some jam cookies as well.

"Uhm, excuse me, do you have toilet paper?" I heard a male voice in the store. I continued walking deeper into the isle to look for snacks I might want.

"Should be in the second isle at the back, son." The storekeeper replied.

"Oh! I love these." I picked up a packaging which had these long strips of sour candy.

"I'll take one for now." I muttered to myself as I dumped it into my bag. I continued to the end of isle. And there it was.
The glorious,
At the top of the highest shelf. Oh my god, this must be a curse.

It was at the top but it wasn't as high like in the grocery store. I tiptoed and stretched my right arm as much as I can.

"Shit, almost there..." I cursed at myself. Just a little more, I thought. Maybe if I climb the shelf I could reach it.

I placed my right feet on the lowest shelf and my left leg on the second lowest. Using my left arm, I placed it on one of the shelves as support and pushed myself up.

I stretched my right arm upwards and with a couple of tries, I managed to grab it!

"Yes! Finally!" I chanted as I held the cereal with both my hands. But before I realise my stupid mistake, I started to lose my balance on the shelf.

I tried holding into the shelf but my hand was too slippery.

"Damn it, my butter fingers!" I gasped loudly as I mentally prepared my fall into the cold hard ground.

Instead of breaking my butt or my beautiful face ( I'm sure I am ). I was greeted by a pair of strong arms that held me up. I opened my eyes and was met by a familiar looking stranger.

"Are you god?" I asked him stupidly, my brain not fully functioning due to the incident earlier. He just laughed as he gently placed me down to the floor.  He picked my canvas bag and the poor Cheerios that fell into the floor.

"All because of this?" He asked me as he raised the cereal box. I nodded my head and blushed furiously. How dare he questioned my affection towards a breakfast item!

He grabbed a couple more boxes of the named cereal and packet of toilet paper and proceeded forward.

"Come on! Let's go!" He gestured me to follow him. I was reluctant at first but did as he told because he was still holding my box of cereal and my canvas bag..........

"$35 please." He handed the storekeeper a $50 dollar note.

"It's okay, you can keep the change." He said to the cashier with a kind smile.

"That's too much, son! Here let me give you your change!" The storekeeper said as he took out some notes from the cash register.

"You're paying for my things?" I asked confused.

"Yeap, I promised you, remember?" He said.

"Promise?" I muttered to my confused self.

The storekeeper finally gave up and decided to keep the change.

"Come on!" He gestured me to follow him. I just bid the storekeeper goodbye and walked out of the store.


"Why did you pay for my things?" I asked him as I took my canvas bag from him.

"Don't you remember? I promised you."

"What? Do I even know you?" I asked as I forced my last two brain cells to function properly.

He just stopped in his tracks and looked at me. He started to frown and pucker his lips. What's happening again?

"Your um face? Like Justin Bieber? Expression?" He said in Mandarin. And that's when I realised......................
..He was that JUstIn BiEbeR LooKinG gUY.

"Oh! I remember now! We met in the grocery store yesterday!"

"But since when did you promised me something?" I asked still confused. He just laughed and told me the whole story as we continued walking in the cold air.

"I WHAT?!" I screamed as the stranger told me the story.

"Yeah, it was weird, you held on my hand and was sleep talking." He laughed uncontrollably which almost made him drop his groceries. By the time we finished talking, we were already infront of my door.

"Which floor are you on?" I asked him as I rummaged through my pockets to find my keys. I dropped my wallet on the floor and I quickly picked it up.

"Same as yours actually." He smiled at me. I nodded my head and continued to look for my keys.

"Ah there it is." I unlocked my door and placed my bag on the floor.

"Are you sure you want to give me five no six boxes of cereal?" I quirked my eyebrow up as I saw him still holding the boxes.

"Yeap, a promise, is a promise...besides, you're um really cute." It took me while to process what he said but my cheeks were already bright red.

"Tha thank you. Um.." I diverted my eyes to the floor. Ah, this is so embarrassing!

"You can place them here." I gestured him to place the cereal on the table inside my apartment near the door.

"Anyways, I think I should get going.....see you around?"

"Yeah, see you around!" I smiled at him with my bright red cheeks. I was about to close the door when I forgot something.

What was his name?!

"Hey!" I called up but he already walked away and couldn't hear me.

"I'll make sure to thank him properly next time then." I pouted as I close the door gently.

"Thank you, Mr who I met before who looks like Justin Bieber and bought me a whole stock of cereal, I'll never forget this, ever."

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