Keep Holding On

By dolphingirl1983

8.6K 229 22

Sydney flees a disastrous relationship. She moves to Los Angeles to get away from the horrible memories haunt... More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Tweleve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eigteen
Part Ninteen

Part One

826 18 0
By dolphingirl1983

This was finally my chance to escape him. My only chance. He was leaving on a business trip and this time he was leaving me home. He usually made me go with him, not wanting to leave me alone. I was helping him bring down his bags when he turned to me, backing me against the wall.

"Now Sydney, you're going to be good while I'm gone, right? No going anywhere, no talking to anyone. You know I'll find out. Promise me."

"I promise. I know the rules, Jason." He smirked at me, running his hand down my face.

"I'm going to miss you. Maybe I should just take you with me." I smiled at him, hoping to God he didn't decide to make me go.

"Whatever you want." He looked at his watch and frowned.

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time. Remember what will happen if you disobey me." I nodded remembering the chest in the bedroom with his tools in it as he called them.

"I'll remember." He leaned in and kissed me dramatically before pulling away. I fought against wiping my mouth, knowing he would be angry if I did.

"I love you, Sydney."

"I love you too, Jason." He smiled and walked out the door, locking it behind him. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face, feeling dirty every time he touched me. I looked at my watched and felt nervous as I realized Brianna would be here in an hour to get me. Her boyfriend, Kevin, was following Jason to the airport to make sure he was got on his plane before we headed out.

I watched as his cab pulled out of the driveway and made my way to the guest bedroom, getting a chair, I reached on the top shelf and pulled down my bags. I let them hit the floor, making sure to put everything back as it was. I picked them up and walked into our room. I opened my nightstand drawer and took everything out. Reaching for the bottom, I pulled the false bottom out and pulled the bulky envelop out. I looked into it and made sure all the money I had hide was still in it I smiled when I saw it was all there. I put everything back and made my way downstairs.

I looked out the window again and took a deep breath when I saw he was gone and hadn't returned, but just in case, I pushed the bags into the hall closet. I sat on the couch and waited. 20 minutes till she was suppose to be here. I couldn't help but feel anxious. Everytime a car drove by, my heart raced, thinking it was him, coming back for me.

My phone rang and my heart stopped when I saw it was Jason. I answered right away, knowing he would be mad if I didn't. "Hello."

"Sydney. I was calling before I boarded the plane. Wanted to check on you. I will call when I land, make sure you answer your phone."

"I will, Jason. Have a good flight." He hung up almost right away and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I just wanted out, out of this house, out of this life. I couldn't wait to start my new life, 3000 miles away from him. Brianna had helped me get all new information. I changed my middle and last name, got a new social security number, new everything. Kevin knew a guy she had told me. I looked out the window when I heard a car pull up. I quickly walked to the closet and grabbed my bags, laying my phone on the table, looking around the house one last time, I walked out into the sunshine.

"Syd, come on. Hurry, let's go. Kevin called, Jason got on the plane. We need to get you on yours." She helped me with my bags and shut the trunk. I turned around and noticed Mrs. T from across the street, watching my every move.

"You leaving, dear?" I shook my head, slightly panicking. She always watched me for Jason, I froze, before figuring out what to tell her. "I saw the bags. Does Jason know you're going somewhere?"

"I'm not going anywhere, Mrs.T. I have some clothes I never wear. We are going to take them to good will." Her face broke into a smile and she nodded.

"I'll let Jason know how sweet you are." She turned and walked back into the house. I looked at Brianna and she motioned for me to get in the car.

"Let's go." I hurried and got in as she took off, both of us wanting to be as far away from that place as we could get.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Bri. You have no idea what it means to me." I looked at her and smiled.

"Syd, I had too. After Kevin and I saw what he was doing to you, we couldn't let you stay. We would do anything for you, you know that right?"

"I know. I would do it for you too. You know when he gets back, you're the first one he's coming to." I hated thinking about it. Hated putting her in the middle of it.

"It's fine. You haven't told me where you're going, so I can't lie about it. I just hate that after today, we won't be able to talk anymore. I don't want to slip to anyone about you." This was the hardest part, not being able to talk to her for a while, not until I was sure it was safe.

"I know. I'm hoping he won't look for long. As soon as I'm sure it's safe, I'll contact you."

We made it to the airport and saw Kevin standing out by the door. The plan was for him to walk me through as far as he could, then I would be on my own. She helped me get my bags out, I turned to her and saw the tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back. She was the only friend that I had since moving here, the only one Jason would allow me to have.

"Syd. I saw him get on the plane to Colorado. He never got off and I watched it take off. There should be no problem." Kevin grabbed one of the bags as I went to go check in.

I walked back over to him and took my things. "All set. Thank you so very much." He smiled and hugged me.

"No need to thank me. You've always been a good friend to Bri. We would do anything for you. You need to get going. Let us know as soon as you can where you're at. Bri will want to know."

"I will. Take care." I turned away and made my way to the terminal. "Wait!" I took the diamond ring off my finger and handed it to him. "I can't take this. Tell Bri to do something with it, I don't care what." He took it and walked away.

I made to the gate just in time as they had started boarding already. I walked up and got in line, looking over my shoulder a million times, making sure no one saw me. I was so nervous I would see someone he knew and they would tell him where I was going. Finally, it was my turn. I handed the lady my ticket as I saw one of his CO workers walking my way. I turned and hid my face with my hair, hoping he wouldn't see me. Please, God, don't let him see me, I thought. I looked through my hair and saw him looking in my direction. He lingered for a few seconds before he turned and walked away.

"Miss? Are you alright?" I nodded at the attendant and handed her my ticket. She looked it over and handed it back to me as she moved aside and let me walk past her. I knew I wouldn't relax until the plane was in the air. I walked down the long hall to the plane, my heart pounding with every step I took.

I was lead to my seat and put my bags away, sitting down, I stared out the window as the other passengers boarded the plane. It felt like forever before they announced they were closing the door and the plane would be taking off. I looked around one last time and smiled as the plane finally started moving.

I was on my way to California and to a new life. I couldn't wait.

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