Two Peas in a Pod [Sweet Pea]

By YourDad_

1M 19.9K 5.2K

"so this is why you hate Northsiders" Toni Laughed as they hanged out in Sweet Pea's room "it was a mistake"... More

warning: This story is unedited!!
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 32
chapter but not
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 45
chapter 47
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 53
chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
ch 63
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 72
Chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 78
chapter 81
chapter 84
Chapter 90
Chapter 96
chapter 99
CHAPTER 100!!!
chapter 101
for anyone


8.5K 172 55
By YourDad_


"This is our little bouncy boy" Sweets smiled as he showed off the babies to his friends "he moves his little hands alot"

"He always raises them up" I laughed "he is the cutest thing ever" I added

"Look at him, every time he hears her, he tries to smile and tries to go to her" Pea laughed

"Is he moving his little legs?" i asked

"Yeah" pea laughed as he watched his son wiggle in his little plastic pod

"Awww Im sorry baby, mommy can't get up right now" i frowned

"Look at him go" the nurse smiled "he knows your his mommy"

"Awww, tell Daddy to wheel you over here to me"

Toni and Fangs in awe as they looked down to him as Sweets wheeled him closer to me and Jug, while Juggy and I went back to talking, my baby boy beside me in his pod as he stared at me

"He is so small, oh my god Pea" Toni frowned

"Yeah, my little man" Pea smiled "still has trouble eating so he has a feeding tube down his throat" Pea smile dropped as he looked down to him

"And this is our little princess" Pea smiled a he gently picked her up "my little surprise, she hid behind the Placenta all through out the pregnancy"

"Please don't pick her up babe, she's so fragile and tiny" I frowned

"The nurse has an eye on me" Pea smiled as he put her back down

"Thats crazy, how did you guys not hear her heartbeat?" Juggy asked

"Its bearly there, its so faint" I replied "that's why she has those things taped to her chest, so we can hear it now"

"Its getting stronger now", Pea smiled "she's getting stronger" but she wont move much, every once in a while she moves her little hands and legs, but shes so calm"

"Aww little Princess pea" Toni smiled "she is so damn small"

"She has a lot of trouble breathing on her own and eating on her own" Pea frowned "She's still discolored and red"

"My baby girl is a fighter" I smiled

"She really is, when she stops breathing, she bounces right back like nothing happened"

"So two little ones?" Juggy asked "damn that's crazy"

"There so small" i frowned "we only get them for 2 to 4 hours before they go back to the NICU"

"Who has came to visit them?" Juggy asked

"There 3 days old and  im still in shock" i replied

"We all are" Sweets replied laughing

"Kevin and Moose came this morning to visit us, Alice just left a few minutes ago and yesterday, the girls were here with Archie all day, but today just moose, Kevin, and Alice"

"How are you feeling?" Toni asked

"Im so sore down there" I replied, still laying on the bed "it's going to be sore for a while too"

"Well you birthed 2 beautiful babies" Pea smiled as he leaned down to kiss me "i love you so much"

"You've been telling me that non stop since my water broke yesterday" I blushed

"Babe you had to be cut open, im still stuck on that"

"You did?" Toni asked

"Yeah, princess was breeched" Pea replied

"What does that mean?" Fangs asked

"Okay, i just want to say thank god for Cheryl's curiosity, if it wasnt for her wanting too look at the after math, we would have never gotten princess out in time for her to live" I added

"That's true, it was so weird, princess little foot was just poking out of Daisy, thats what breech mean, she was coming out legs first, and breech is bad because it can snap the babies neck from its head, so the doctor had to cut Daisy open so Princess wouldn't damage her neck" Pea added

"Oh my god, Daisy your poor body" Toni frowned

"All worth it for my little blessings" i smiled "but the stitches do hurt like a bitch"

"How small are they?" Juggy asked as he walked back to princess

Baby boy holding my finger in his hand

"My little handsome boy" i smiled looking down to him

"Baby girl is 3 pounds, baby boy is 4 pounds" Pea replied as he walked back to Princess

"Where are the girls?" Toni asked "why didnt they come today"

"That reminds me, here" Sweet's smiled as he handed Toni a note

"The girls are busy today, they'll come tomorrow" I frowned "no one is answering my text messages today"

"I should go" Toni smiled as she looked at the note

"what why?" I frowned

"Sorry Daisy" Toni quickly ran to me, giving me a hug before she ran off

"So the girls are too busy for me? That's so rude" I frowned

"We should go too, and let you two rest" Fangs added

"Thank you for stopping by" I smiled as the boys walked over to me

"And thank you for the beautiful flowers and balloons" I added

"No problem" Fangs smiled back

"Text me if you need anything Dayzo" Juggy added as he got up

"I will"


"Babe I feel like crap, I want my babies with me"

"I know, I miss them too babe" Sweets frowned as he laid on the hospital bed beside me "we'll see them tomorrow before you get discharged"

"Honest babe, how do you feel about the twins? Are you mad?" l asked, looking back Pea

"No, never" Sweets smiled "I'm in love with them, and I'm in love with you"

"Okay" I smiled looking back to him "I love you too"

"How do you feel?" Pea asked

"I feel sleepy, gross, sore, dirty and I need a shower"

"Alice brought you some toiletries while you slept ealier"

"Why dont you go home? Its not like we get the babies overnight"

"If your stuck sleeping on this crappy bed then im stuck here too" Pea smiled "were in this together, forever Princess"

"I look 4 months pregnant" I laughed as I got up, Pea rubbing my swollen stomach

"I miss you being this small and pregnant"

"You do?"

"Even though it was a surprise when you took FP's jacket off and you had a small bump under that green tight dress..i still found you hot, I was mad and turned on at the same time, you had a beautiful pregnancy glow"

"Sweet's, you're a dork sometimes" i giggled as i leaned forward to kiss him

"But i'm your dork"

"Yeaah babe" i blushed as he leaned down to kiss me again "now hand me that spray bottle please" i asked sweets as he handed me the cleanser while i looked for clean clothes

"What is that?" Pea asked

"To prevent an infection on my stitches, i can't 'wipe' when i pee for atleast a week or two, the nurse said I have to spray and 'pat dry' my poor Vag' sooo fuck you pea" I giggled looking back at him

"Ahh god" Pea frowned "i swear women are fucken strong, you literally had to be sliced open for princess"

"My poor baby, literally came into this world with her hands up as if it was a fucken rollercoaster" I giggled as I walked into the bathroom

"It was an actual rollercoaster for her," Sweet laughed as he followed me into the bathroom as he sat on the closed toilet, watching me take off the hospital gown

"Babe, no this is emberassing, can you please wait for me in the room"

"Why?" Pea frowned "I like talking to you"

"I'm literally wearing a hospital pad, and this is basically an adult diaper"

"Babe, nothing will ever make me love you any less, you fucken pushed out 2 children: our prince and our little princess and without any medication to numb it"

"My vagina hurts at the thought of that" i smiled looking back at sweets "no more kids, ever"

"We got our two little ones in one hit, no more" Sweet pea smiled

"I'm 16 years old with twin babies, holy crap" I replied a bit scared as I turned the shower head on,

"That's crazy huh" Sweets replied "but don't worry Princess, we got this"

"Seriously you're just going to watch me shower?" I asked "you're so weird, my stomach is literally loose saggy skin right now"

"So what" Sweets smiled " you're fucken hott" Pea winked as he stood up and walked closer to me

"Get that dick away from me,my vagina is disabled and closed for the next month and a half!"

"Make room princess"

"Oh god" I rolled my eyes as I moved further into the shower as Pea undressed himself

"You do realize I'm on my period right?"

"I watched my children come out of your vagina and I saw a sting ray looking sack come out of your vagina... You think period blood will scare me at this point?" Pea laughed as he walked up behind me, allowing my naked body to press against his

"Just relax babe, I'll take care of you" Sweets added as he pressed soft kisses all along my shoulder before he grabbed the shampoo, lathering it on my hair for me as I rested my head on his chest

"Pea, you're making me sleepy" I giggled as he massaged shampoo into my scalp

"I love you Daisy" Pea smiled as he walked us under the shower head, my eyes closed to prevent the shampoo getting into my eyes as he rinsed it off for me

"I love you too Sweet Pea"

"And i love my children too" Pea added, a big smile on his face as he added conditioner on my hair

"Oh totally, I loveee my babies so damn much, I'm actually happy it was a 2 for one" I smiled 'I don't have to ever do this again, I am so fucken done"

"We did want them close to age, and well god did too, there 4 minutes apart"

"Aww my princess, we dont even have a crib for her babe"

"Don't worry about that right now" Pea leaned down to kiss me before he washed off the conditioner out my hair

"But my princess, doesn't even have clothes, well neither does our baby boy, every thing is going to be big on them"

"Do they make clothes that little?" Pea asked

"Yea, they have clothes for premature babies, so we need to get maybe 3 outfits for each'

"why 3?"

"All together is 6 outfits, babe we have to limit and budget the purchases we make now, we have to buy 2 of everything"

"Dont worry about a limit, specially if it's clothes for the twins" Pea smiled "so we're getting more than 3 outfits for them"

"Alright" I replied as Sweets turned the shower off, grabbing the towel for me and one for himself


"Babe, are you awake?" I asked, rolling over in thr bed to face Pea

"Yeah, you okay?"

"Im bored"

"What time is it?" Pea asked, grabbing his phone from the side table "Daisy it's 3 in the morning"

"I cant sleep, and this hospital bed doesn't help either"

"Wanna sneak around?" Sweets smiled as he turned the small lap on, before laying his sleepy head back on the pillow


"Hmmm?" Sweets asked as he began closing his eyes, my fingers combing through his thick jet black hair

"I want to see my babies" I replied as Sweets eyes shot open, a big smile on his face, he quickly got up, putting his shirt back on "my beautiful lil babies"

"Let's go"

"Let me at least get my sweater" i laughed as I got my red sweater, to match my red joggers

"Ghetto chic" I smiled as I held Sweets hand, walking out our room.

"Where is the NICU?" I asked sweets as we avoided the nurses

"down here"

"Oh my gosh" I gushed as we passed all the rooms, some of the mommy's up doing the night feeding

"I want to do that" I frowned as I looked back to sweets

"You will Princess, our little ones just need to get stronger" Pea reaasured me as he wrapped his arms around me

"Here we are" Pea had led me to the NICU, the big window allowing us to see the babies in their little hospital cribs as the nurses stood watch

"There they are" I teared up, "my sleeping babies"

"Look at how tiny they are" Pea replied

"My handsome, he's so attached to Princess" I smiled looking back at pea "look at our babies" I gushed at our beautiful creation

"He's going to be an amazing big brother to our little princess"

"I feel bad for her" I giggled as Pea looked down to me a bit confused


"Daddy is about to scare all the boys away, if not you, her brother will"

"Let's talk about mommas boy' Pea retaliated "he is all smiles when he hears your voice"

"And your princess, she is exactly the same with you, she's already a daddy's girl and so stubborn too"

"She'll always be my little princess"

"Damn, ive been replaced for someone cuter and younger" I playfully gasp

"Never, it's a forever thing with us, we're family" Pea replied

"My family" I blushed "god, never in a million years did I think, I'd have my own happy home, a happy family, with a loving and amazing boyfriend, and two beautiful blessings"

"We'll always be here"

"Im getting bubbly thinking about our future, their looks, personalities, hobbies, who is gonna be the singer or painter and who might be more athletic or a sarcastic little shit" i added as Pea laughed

"they both got your one dimple" Pea added 'that's all I know'

"I love you so much pea, thank you for not leaving us" I blushed as he embraced me into a hug

"I'm never leaving you or my kids, I love you "


Bruh I regret going camping this weekend

We got the flu lol we're taking care of my sister in laws son, hes about to be 2

He has the flu too, and my bf bro has a new born so they dont wanna risk him getting sick so asked if i can keep him for a few days

So my apartment it's me, my bf and Aiden our nephew just coughing up a storm

We have not left the bed in 2 damn days

Pray for us lol

Im so loopy right now, and little man is so clingy with me, he thinks im his mom lol (my sis in law hates me) lol he will only sleep on my chest, or my arms,

But not our fault she's a psycho path who is never at home to care for him

anyways, im not uploading till me and little man get better, we stuck watching Barney this week anyways.

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