Platinum Obsession (Dramione...

Bởi gabbiebrogan

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Chapter One - First Glance
Chapter Two - Tracks Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Three - Explain Yourself
Chapter Four - New Rules & Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter Five - The Divination Classroom
Chapter Six - What is this Magic?
Chapter Seven - Late for Class
Chapter Eight - Insights and Misconceptions
Chapter Nine - Decisions and Heartbeak
Chapter Ten - Pizza, Neck Ties & Virgins
Chapter Eleven - Damaged
Chapter Twelve - Guilt and Bruises
Chapter Thirteen - Shopping At Andromeda's
Lit for Life
Chapter Fourteen - Halloween Sleepover
Chapter Fifteen - The Wrath of an Old Friend
Chapter Sixteen - An Unlikely Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Prison Breaks and Underwear
Chapter Eighteen - Steamy Shower Anyone?
Chapter Nineteen - Breakfast Conversation
Chapter Twenty - Narcissa's Predicament & Ron's Revelation
Chapter Twenty-One - Bad Moves
Chapter Twenty-Three - What Have You Done?
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Burrow
Chapter Twenty-Five - He Loves Me
Chapter Twenty-Six - A Cherry Popping Christmas
Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Gift
Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Strawberries, Lies And A Game of Ties
Chapter Thirty - Bellatrix, Hermione and Fiendfyre
Chapter Thirty-One - Valentine's Day Pt. I
Chapter Thirty-Two - Valentine's Day Pt II
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lucy's Sticky End
Chapter Thirty-Four - The Aftermath
Chapter Thirty-Five - Harry's Tribulation
Chapter Thirty-Six - The Trip Must Go On
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Camp Training With Bordeaux
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Legilimency and the I.W.I.A.
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Finals and Aunty Ginny
Chapter Forty - Graduation
Chapter Forty-One - Falling
Sequel Antics and Thank You's

Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Be Such A Pansy!

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Bởi gabbiebrogan

Draco POV:

I chuckled to myself as I made my way back to my dorm. Pansy's face was priceless. I knew it was cruel what I said to her but that didn't make it any less true. Pansy would be such a nice girl if she didn't throw herself at someone as soon as she realized they had a cock. Plus, I had just shown a real sensitive side of me and I was feeling a little exposed and vulnerable, with her seeing my soft side. I needed to redeem myself and slagging her off was just a reminder that I was no wuss regardless of the very unguarded face I had just shown her.

I got back to my dorm and fished a piece of black parchment out from the depths of my trunk before re-writing out the letter that Pansy had helped me whip up. I used the very rare, signature silver ink that was common in our family letters so that if my theory was right, my mother would know it was truly me.

I opened the window and brought my fingers to my mouth whistling a very distinctive whistle that I knew only my owl would answer to. I waited a few minutes before I noticed a tiny black dot soaring towards me.

My black and grey owl, Knight was her name, soared through my window. She landed on my bed and I walked over to her holding out treats for her in my hand. She jumped on to my arm nibbling at her treats and hooting in appreciation. I stroked her smooth feathers as she stared at me with her huge round, honey coloured eyes.

I loved her. She was probably the closest thing I had to a best friend. I had bought her during the war when Voldemort had been staying at the Manor with us. I got her for company during the many nights I spent cooped up in my bedroom before I became a death eater. She had seen me cry, rage, laugh and hurt. She had heard all my deepest darkest secrets and had beautifully comforted me in my time of need. If there was anyone I trusted in this world, it would be this bird. I saw her as my guardian angel and without her, I don't think I would have survived through the war.

She finished her food and climbed up my arm to nibble affectionately at my ear. I laughed and put my hand to my shoulder for her to jump onto. She did so and I handed her the letter.

"Knight, I need you to take this to Andromeda Tonks. I don't have an address but I know you'll find your way. Take care of yourself girl and come back to me safely." I told her. The owl blinked her big honey eyes at me before nodding and hooting as she took off out the window with the letter securely gripped in her beak. She was such a strong beautiful bird now. I was very confident she would make it.

I watched her disappear and shut the window shivering at the falling snow. I stripped off to my dark green boxers and crawled into my bed turning out the lights.

I rested my head on the pillow and sighed as I felt sleep take over.

* * *

Pansy POV:

I woke a little late in the morning, and rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room. I jumped out of bed and stretched. I smiled to myself as I remembered last night and the things I had discovered as well as the pot I was about to stir today.

I dressed in a sexy white three quarter sleeve, fitted blouse and left the top three buttons undone so that the black push up bra I sported underneath would slightly peek out revealing a gorgeous volumptuous cleavage. I slipped into my black pleated super miniskirt and wore a black thong underneath it. Striding over to my shoe rack I picked out my black suede high heel pumps and daintily slid my feet into them. I pulled my hair into a half up, half down style and butterfly clipped it into place. Adding clear gloss and extending my lashes I swaggered out the door to the Great Hall for breakfast.

As I got there, I scanned the room for Granger. I saw her sitting with the red-headed blood traitor at the Gryffindor table. Yes! I thought. I strode over to the Slytherin table and sat between Theo and Daphne. Daphne looked irritated but she didn't dare take me on. To piss her off more, I looked at her as I reached into Theo's lap, grabbing at his package.

"Good morning isn't it Nott?" I said sexily. His eyes darkened and his head snapped round to me as he felt my hand grasp him and we looked at each other before cracking up laughing.

"Stop it." He said gruffly pushing my hand away. "You know I'm going to have to stand up soon." At that, we both busted up again.

Daphne looked foul and I smirked. She was a mate but she was still a slut and there was no way I was letting her over rule me. These boys, all of them, belonged to me and the way I saw it, she could play with my toys when I said she could.

As soon as we'd all eaten, we got up to head to class. I walked with an extra spring in my step as I thought about what was to unfold in the hours to come.

* * *

As we entered our third classroom of the day, I finally seized my opportunity. Slughorn had put us into those wretched seating placements again and it meant I had to put up with fucking Burkins again but I was glad that Granger was there and as for Weaselette, I didn't care she was there although I did feel more intimidated around her. Something about her said she wouldn't hesitate to rip your tongue out and shove it in your arse if you screwed with her. I'd watch out for her the most when I spoke.

I waited until everything was quiet at our table before I said anything. I needed this to pan out exactly as I'd planned or it wouldn't work. I was actually glad to have Viola next to me because I knew exactly how to make her question my comments in the exact way I wanted her to. I had convinced Daphne to get in on it as well.

I yawned wide. "Blimey I'm tired." I said.

As expected, Viola spoke up. "Why? What were you doing last night? Or should I say who?" She winked at me and I smirked. She had fallen right into the trap I wanted her to.

"Oh come off it Vi, you know me and Drake will always have something. It's just the way our love works." I said, examining my cleavage and readjusting the position of my top. I glanced across the table through my lashes in time to see both Gryffindor bitches look at me in shock. I hid my smirk and turned to Vi who had an incredulous look on her face.

"Are you serious?! You had Draco Malfoy in your bedroom last night?" She stared at me in awe and I laughed a flirty laugh.

"Last night, this morning, same difference really. You know when we shake the sheets it's more of a five hour job rather than a five minute one. We like to savour the moment and foreplay can go on for hours with Draco!" I winked at her and the mudblood started to say something.

"Pansy, get over yourself! Making up stories of Draco in your room is really unhealthy and can lead to permanent mental instability." She said. The carrot top sniggered and my nostrils flared. Under the table, I signalled Daphne over.

"How dare you insinuate I'm a liar mudblood! Do you know where Draco was last night? Did you see him with your own eyes? I doubt it because he was in my room and to see him, you'd have to have been in my room and I can assure you Granger, there was no filth in my room last night. Just passionate sex."

On cue, Daphne showed up. "Yeah, about that sex Parkinson, keep it down aye? Kept me up all hours of the night. Almost made me regret ever letting Malfoy into the dorm."

I smirked evilly. Perfect Greengrass. I'd thank her later. Both Granger and Weasley's mouthed dropped as Daphne spoke. Weasley grabbed Granger's hand but she pulled it away and bolted out the door. I turned and winked at Daphne and she carried on.

"You had better watch your back Parkinson. You're really starting to piss me off." Gingernut spat at me.

"Oh yeah?" I sneered. "And just what are you going to do?"

"Keep going and you'll find out." She said in a dangerously low voice.

At that, the bell rang and she gathered hers and the mudblood's things up before shooting me another death stare and stalking off.

I waited in the corridor spying on Draco and waiting for the mudblood to approach him.

Right on cue, she came round the corner and his face lit up when he saw her. It angered me to see him react that way but she was fuming and that soothed me a bit.

"Hi." He said to her.

"Get lost Draco." She spat pushing past him.

His face turned to confusion as he grabbed her arm and she quickly whipped it out of his grasp. "Don't touch me! I know where you were last night!" His features darkened and his jaw clenched.

"So it's true? You were with Pansy last night?" She said, tears welling up in her eyes. Draco didn't say anything he just stared at the ground.

"Did you sleep with her?" She asked. Voice breaking. Draco continued to stare at the ground but he frowned as he shook his head. "Then what were you doing with her?" He didn't speak. "ANSWER ME!" She yelled. When he still didn't speak, she closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks and walked away.

"Hermione wait!" He called after her.

"Save it Draco." She said back, not even turning to him.

I did a little victory dance on the spot and waited till the coast was clear before casually walking past him.

"Dray, are you okay?" I asked ever so sweetly.

"YOU!" He growled. "You useless, good for nothing whore!" He spat.

I looked shocked. "What the fuck has gotten into you?" I did not think this part through.

"You used last night to sabotage my relationship with Hermione didn't you?" He sneered.

"What? No!" I denied. "Why would I put so much effort into a worthless mudblood like her?"

"You're the worthless one." He spat dangerously.

"Excuse me?" I replied, nostrils flaring. "You came to me for help Draco, remember that? You asked me to help you. Not Granger, me. And then you have the audacity to one, insult me as you leave my room and two now that you've been found out by your stupid girlfriend, blame me for it all. Get your shit together boy!"

He looked furious for a second and I was sure he was about to curse me. He closed his eyes and sighed. I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed his back with my free hand. "It's fine Drake, let her go. We were always better together anyway." His eyes snapped open and fury crossed his features.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT! You stupid bitch!" He bellowed. "You told Hermione I was in your room last night so that she'd think I was screwing you and you let her believe that so that she'd dump me!" He laughed a sarcastic laugh before continuing. "Pansy, you are something else. You conniving, wretched little bitch. You're nothing but a slug to me, do you hear me? A slug. There is no we. There never was and never will be!!! I'd rather take the mark again a thousand times over before I be with you because you are as pathetic as they come!! I despise you!" He pushed me off him and stalked off. Tears fell from my eyes and I punched the wall as I raged. I punched until my knuckles bled and I sunk to the ground in defeat.

* * *

Saturday night came round the corner and I was thankful for it. The week had been rough for me and I was slowly falling into a serious state of depression. The mudblood didn't seem to have sorted things out with Draco and I was glad for it but it still hurt to hear what he had said to me that day. I was angry at him. Beyond angry. I was so done with him.

I sighed as I got ready for family dinner back home tonight. I dressed in a simple black dress my father had bought me for Christmas one year before he was sentenced to prison. I loved my Daddy. He was my rock and I was looking forward to seeing him and my mother when I got home.

I put some red lippy on and took off towards the Entrance Hall to apparate home. I turned on the spot and after a very uncomfortable sensation I made my way up the gravel pathway towards my house.

"Princess!" My father's voice boomed out across the foyer. He strode over to me and enveloped me in his great big arms.

I was so glad my dad was home again. He didn't live here though, it wasn't safe. The ministry scum kept coming around and were monitoring our house to try and catch him. But Daddy was too smart for that. He knew exactly when and how to get around them thanks to Potter.

"How is school princess?" He asked me as we walked into the living room.

I sighed. "School is shit as always." I replied.

"Come now sweetheart, it can't all be bad." He looked at me. "Have you dealt with the mudblood that Lucius' son has been fooling around with yet? You know that Manor is your future home. We need access to that fortune honey. Seriously what has gotten into that daft boy? I always knew he was weak. Just like his father." I grinned evilly at my father and he returned it. My face fell and he stared at me.

"Daddy, you know I've missed you dearly right." Immediately, he looked suspicious. My father got easily suspicious of anyone and everyone. That was just how protective of himself he was. "Don't stress father I've done nothing to wrong you. I have information that may help you but before I tell you I want you to promise you will stay and have dinner with mother and I before going off." His face relaxed some.

"Of course princess, what could possibly stop me from spending time with my two favorite girls." He said scooping me into a one armed hug and kissing the top of my head.

"Well, it's about Narcissa Malfoy." I said slowly. My father's face changed and an urgency spread over his features.

"Pansy Portia Parkinson. Do you know the whereabouts of this woman? DO YOU?" He growled. His outburst caused my mother to run in from the Dining Room.

"Bolton! That is your daughter you're speaking to." She said.

"ANSWER ME GIRL!" My father roared.

"Yes Daddy I do! I mean, I think I do." I said in a small voice. "But if I tell you, you'll still stay for dinner right?" I said backing up against the wall.

"Dammit girl don't test me. TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!" He yelled pounding his fist on the wall behind me.

"BOLTON!!" My mother yelled. With a flick of his wand, my father had flung my mother into the chaise lounge and bound her tightly with invisible ropes.

His hand was around my neck and his wand shoved under my chin before I had a chance to react. I shook with fear as his black eyes bore into me. I knew my dad. He was as unpredictable as they come. He wouldn't hesitate to blow my head of if I made the wrong move. He was the real definition of heartless.

"Let me go you cunt!" My mother screeched.

"Fuck up Portia!" My father shouted in her direction. "Tell me girl!" He threatened.

"I- I think t-t-that, Dr-Draco's mum is with h-her s-s-sister." I stuttered. Afraid for my life.

"Pissarse!" My dad roared releasing me. "We all know Bella is dead! What are you playing at girl?"

I massaged my neck as I spoke next. "No, I m-mean An-Andromeda." I choked.

My father turned slowly round to face me. A suspicious looked magnified in his features. "And what makes you think this?" He drawled.

"Draco came to me and asked me to help him write a letter to his long lost aunt, wanting to connect with her. He was adamant that it be now and there was some cheesy reference he made about the stars. I think it was a code." I said in a low voice, trying not to cry.

"Do you remember the phrase?" He asked as he stepped towards me.

Moving to put the couch between us, I answered. "Not word for word but it was something about stars shining under the same sky."

His eyes widened at this and he headed for the doorway throwing his cloak on.

"But Daddy wait!" He glared at me dangerously and turned on the spot, vanishing. "You promised." I said to nobody.

I sunk to the floor. I literally had no one. No friends, no family, no boyfriend. I felt used by everyone. Even my own father. No one really cared about me. Not unless they needed me to do something or wanted something from me. No one would even notice if I left. I felt an arm on my shoulder. My mother. Her bounds had worn off the minute my father had left the property. I shook her arm off aggressively as I felt the anger boil over inside me.

"Get off!" I yelled. "No wonder I am the way I am! I'm no product of love! I'm the results of when the spineless and psychotic come together! I have a maniac for a father and a wimp for a mother! I hate you and I'm never coming back here!" I stood up and stormed out the door leaving my mother in shock. I knew she wouldn't say anything, she was too much of a coward to confront me.

I apparated back to the castle and broke down. I ran into the courtyard and sat by a snow covered, mossy statue. I felt the cold snow start to seep into my dress but I didn't care. I punched at the statue reopening the cuts that had only just healed. I sunk my head into the now bloodstained statue and sobbed miserably.

I was such a waste of space. I did no good in this world. I literally had done nothing to be proud of in my life. At that moment, I saw Longbottom spot me. Oh Great! I thought as he changed direction and headed towards me.

"Er, Parkinson. What are you doing out here in the snow?" He asked.

"What the fuck does it look like Longbottom?" I snapped.

"You shouldn't sit there like that. It's starting to snow and you could get hypothermia if you're not careful." He said gently. Fuck sakes couldn't this guy take a hint? I glared at him and he shook his cloak off and reached to put it round my shoulders. I flinched as his fingers grazed my arm and he looked towards the ground muttering apologies.

I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. "Well don't just stand there Longbottom, help a lass up!" He looked shocked before taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. I expected him to heave as he pulled but he hardly moved. I stepped out of the snow and onto the cement path.

He walked ahead of me, hands in his pockets. "Coming inside?" He asked.

I sighed before following him. He sat near a fire lamp in the corridor for warmth and gestured I sit next to him. I looked at him in disgust. "Please?" He asked. "I want to fix your hand."

I looked down and my knuckles were still pissing out blood and the skin overtop hung from my hand looking gruesome as ever.

Pulling his wand out, he began to clean the wounds. He grabbed my hand and I glanced around nervously. Nobody needed to see this. His hand was warm.

"I'm going to lay boiled down leaves over the cuts." He explained. "It's going to sting like a bitch at first but it'll soon soothe it and it'll help with scaring too." I watched as he took a small container out of his pocket and opened it to reveal what looked like boiled spinach leaves. He lay some over my knuckles and I hissed in pain.

"Ouch! Fuck!" I said glaring at Longbottom. Steam starting rising from the leaves and I looked at him in alarm.

He laughed at my expression. "Don't worry, that's meant to happen." I laughed too and he turned serious. "Pansy, do you want to tell me what's wrong? I swear I won't repeat it. I just know that everyone needs someone to download on sometimes."

I considered scolding him for thinking we were friends or that I'd even want to talk to him but the more I thought about it the more I realized, I did want to talk it out with someone.

"I just feel worthless sometimes." I said. I closed my eyes so I could pretend I was talking to no one. I would have hexed you if you told me I'd be sitting here doing this 5 hours ago. "I feel like if I died, nobody would even notice. And once they did, no one would be too bothered by it."

"That's not true." He spoke carefully.

"Are you saying you would notice if I didn't show up for class tomorrow?" I turned to him, eyebrows raised.

"Well no I wouldn't notice as we no longer have any classes together but if you died, it would definitely bother me. I think it would bother everyone in our year Pansy. You may not think you matter but everyone we know and encounter in our lives has a role to play. Without them there to fill that spot of whatever role they play in your life, well I mean, of course you're bound to notice."

"Take you for example, ever since I can remember, you've teased me about my clumsiness, my unbelievable accident-prone nature and my weight." He said.

"You're not so chubby these days Bigbottom." I said nudging his shoulder with my free hand.

He chuckled. "See that's it. No matter what, I will always remember that 'Bigbottom', as hurtful and traumatic as it was for me to be called that, will always be your thing Pansy. That will be the impact on my life, you had."

"But that's horrible!" I said. "You're saying you'll remember me coz I was the bitch who made your life hell."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Can you honestly say that you weren't?" He asked.

I looked at him for a moment. All the torment I had inflicted on this guy and many other students in this school over the years had tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Hey don't cry!" He said wiping my eyes.

"I don't want to be remembered as the cut-throat bitch who made people's lives hell." I sobbed.

He soothingly rubbed my back as I cried. "Then start being the person you wish people to remember you as." He said. "It's never too late to be a better person. Just look at Hermione and Draco."

My face dropped as he mentioned those names to me. Hermione and Draco. Fuck. What had I done? And Draco's mum, she may be in danger! Shit. Longbottom began to pull the soggy leaves off my hand and I hastily helped him.

"Longbottom, you've just reminded me of something I need to do. Something important. Something good. I need to go." I stood up and shrugged his cloak off. I turned to leave but stopped myself just in time. I turned back around slowly and Longbottom stood. "Thank you for your help Longbottom." I said slowly.

"You know my names Neville right?" He asked.

I laughed. "Thanks Neville." I shook his hand and bolted off down the corridor towards Draco's dorm.

Extra long chapter guys! Hope you like it!

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