Idiot/ Stevepop

By YaBoiDally

167K 4.3K 6.1K

"What?! no I don't like Soda! That's gay!" I lied as images of Soda flooded into my head. More

Chap. 20
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 25
Chap. 26
Chap. 28
Chap. 29
Chap. 30
Chap. 31
Chap. 32
Chap. 38
Chap. 39


6.7K 194 455
By YaBoiDally

Steve's POV

I woke up around late afternoon and hopped into the shower. I never woke early on days off. What's the point?

I got out and grabbed my white tanktop and DX shirt despite the fact that I didn't have to work.

I decided to grab food for me and Soda before I went to get him.

See, my feelings with Soda were totally normal. He was just my bestfriend... who I wanted to have sex with and kiss and hold and-

"Sir?" The cashier asked. I shook out of my day dream and grabbed our bag before thanking him and walking out.

I got to the Curtis house around 5p.m. and Soda was out side, laid out on the steps with his shirt off. I could feel my pupils grow as I swallowed hard.

"Hey." I said, trying to play cool but my voice cracked. His eyes flew open and he sat up with one of his famous smiles.

"Hey.. you got us food?" He asked, nodding to the bag that I had totally forgotten about when I saw Soda without a shirt.

"Oh, um. Yeah." I stuttered. He nodded and stuck his head inside to tell Darry he was headed out.

We made our way to the park where only a few kids were left, running all over and climbing on the monkey bars. We sat on the swings and Soda smiled.

"Remeber when we used to be like that?" He asked gesturing to 2 boys throwing dirt at each other. They couldn't have been less than 10.

"Yeah, we sure fought alot." I chuckled. He looked over at me and grinned.

"Yeah. I guess I got used to you after time." He laughed as he bumped his swing into mine lightly. I smiled at him and we sat and watched the kids run around until they walked home and we had finished off the food as the sky hit dark.

Soda stood from the swing and I could see a grin on his face in the moonlight.

"Whadda you doing?" I questioned.

"Come on. It's a cliche." He said with a smile. I furrowed my eyebrows but followed him over to the crisp grass and laid out beside him.

"You remember how when we were younger we thought stars were holes in the sky?" He asked with a chuckle. I did. I was the one who had came up with that theory.

"Yeah, I do." I laughed.

"You know... I believed that until I was 15. It took me until I was 15 to learn that they aren't holes in the sky. Man, some idiot I am." He smiled sadly. Soda called himself dumb all the time and it always got on my nerves. He wasn't dumb. He was hardworking and that was the only reason he had dropped out and I knew it.

I sat up.

"You're not dumb." I snapped. He looked startled but then sat up too..

"I'm a dropout and-"

"Dosent mean you're dumb. If you were dumb do you think you would have a job and helping take care of your family?" I questioned. He fell silent and his eyes poured into mine. God i want to kiss him. Fuck. No. Yes. NO.

Our mouths pulled togther as if they were magnets until they were only centimeters apart, then I finally had enough and clashed my lips with his, causing us to fall back onto the grass. I expected him to pull away or even hit me, but he just melted.

I climbed over him as our lips clashed and tounges explored each others mouth.

Is this real? No. It's a dream. It can't be real. I hope it is. Maybe it is.

We broke apart and pressed our foreheads togther before breaking into stupid grins and then laughter. He laughed until our guts hurt.

"That was gay." Soda chuckled. I smiled and kissed him again.

"Just a little." I replied, grinning like an idiot.

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