Unforgettable Sins #Book1 [CO...

Por harribelle

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#Book1 Unforgettable Sins This is a story of an ordinary girl who had been betrayed by the people who she tru... Más



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Por harribelle



Pukul 1230 tengah malam baru saya sampai rumah. Bulih2 bah Lexter kasih tinggal saya sana bar saturang. No choice, saya main berani ja naik taxi tengah2 malam. Sudah lah susah dapat taxi, tu pun saya minta tulung sama tu pekerja sana bar.

Damn you, Lexter!!

Siap mandi, saya baring2 atas katil. Saya nda dapat tidur gara2 ingat ugutan si Lexter. Macam mana lah saya mo teruskan kerja sana hotel kalau dia yang jadi GM?

Saya kurik2 handphone dari handbag saya...gosh....25 missed calls and 8 texts dari Nate! Menyesal saya pi cek handphone saya. Bagus lagi paaagi baru saya cek. Bikin kalut fikiran ja.

(incoming call from Nate)

Haihhh....masih juga dia try2 call saya. He never gives up.

📞 Me : Hello.

📞 Nate : Where are U? Ko sudah sampai rumah kah?

📞 Me : Baru sampai.

📞 Nate : What???? Punya lambat. Si Lex bawa ko pi mana lagi tadi?

📞 Me : Kami pi minum ja bah.

📞 Nate : Minum ja? Did he do anything to U?

📞 Me : Nothing. Bukan ko ada midnight movie date kah sama Erica?

📞 Nate : Nda jadi, sa hantar dia balik trus tadi.


Mesti si Erica memanas tu. I know her, if she can't get what she wants, mesti dia meradang. How I wish I can see her face. 😂

📞 Nate : G...U can tell me if Lex buat something sama ko.

📞 Me : I told U, nothing happen. Kami pi minum ja terus dia hantar sa balik. U know what Nate, sa penat...mengantuk...sa mo tidur. Bikin rimas ja ko tanya2 sa sekarang. Ok. Good night.

End call.

Saya terus hang up phone call si Nate. Sudah lah saya bingung sekarang pasal ugutan si Lexter then si Nate lagi buat gegaya macam jealous boyfriend. Sucks!

(incoming text from Nate)

📩 Nate : I was only worry about U, tapi kalau ko rasa rimas just because I care for U, I am sorry then. Have a good night rest.


Saya tau saya nda patut marah dia. I didn't mean to say those things, I am sorry Nate.


Bisuk dia tu saya masuk shift petang, satu shift sama Laura. I wonder what happen to Erica position. Now, Lexter yang take over the GM position.

"Giana, tadi sa dapat memo dari Ms Audrey, tapi sa confuse ni sekarang." Bilang Laura.

(Ms Audrey actually secretary si Erica, in case kamu nda ingat.)

"Apa yang ko confuse?"

"This memo said, Mr Lexter mo jumpa a staff from front desk, named Dolly. Jadi sa confuse sepa si Dolly?"


Shit you, Lexter!!

"It's me, Laura. Nda payah lah ko confuse2 k. Hehe."

"Ko? Why did he call U Dolly?"

"Long story, Laura. Dolly is my nick name, tapi jan ko panggil sa guna tu nama aa."

"Haha..okay2, nasib ko warning sa awal2. Nah, the memo. I think he wants to meet U asap."

"Thanks. Bah sa naik pi office dulu k. Cover me here please."



"Hai, Audrey."

"Oh hai Giana. What can I help U?"

"I'm here for mr Lexter."  Saya tunjuk dia tu memo.

"So ko lah si Dolly?"

"Hehe...nick name ja tu."

"I see. Bah, ko masuk ja. He is waiting for U."



Saya tarik nafas dalam2, then saya ketuk pintu office dia.

"Come in."

Baru dengar suara dia pun saya begagar sudah oo.


Saya kasih bagus2 rambut saya, then double check uniform baru saya buka pintu office.

"Mr Lexter."

Saya sengaja buka tu pintu luas2, then saya berdiri depan dia. Mata dia masih sibuk tingu sana skrin handphone dia.

"Close the door."


Lepas tutup pintu, dia masih sibuk sama handphone dia.

"Mr Lexter, I have work to do, if U have---"

"Wait a for a moment. Ko nda nampak kah sa busy?"


He done with his phone after 5 minutes, then di tingu saya. Kenapa bah sunyi betul office dia ni? Sampai saya bulih dengar nafas dia.

"Ko tau napa sa panggil ko?" Bilang dia.


"Let me get this straight to U, doll. Macam mana ko bulih dapat kerja di sini?"

"Erica offer sa keja. Why?"

"Did U go through with a proper interview with the HR or any other staff?"

"No. If U ask if it was in a proper way, I am not sure about that sebab Erica yang sendiri interview sa."

"Oh really? Hmmm...then explain me why I can't find ur resume or any other certificates in ur files?"


"That's bcause---bcause er, Erica never ask for it."

"Okay. I know U girls are bestfriend, but to get a work U know kan U should at least send ur resume."

Kenapa bah juga dia kisah pasal semua ni? Saya tau dia GM, dia bulih cek file pekerja bila2 masa, ikut sukati dia tapi...why me?? Ketara betul dia sengaja cari gaduh sama saya.

I like U, mister stranger...don't make me hate U.

"And one more thing, napa Erica send U at the front desk? Bukan kamu sama kolej kah? I assume U had the same qualification like her. Kan?"

Oh great!

Just great.

Macam mana lah tu kalau si Lexter tau yang saya kana buang kolej? Ya, saya dapat masuk kerja sini pun sebab Erica. But now, Lexter ni lagi satu hal pi kurik2 pasal ni.


Someone just burst into the office after the knock.

"Lex, are U---eh--Gee? What are U doing here?"

Just in time, si Erica datang! If Lexter needs explanation, maybe he can get it from his sister. Jan ja Erica spill out the truth. Tiba2 saya rasa menyesal pula terima offer kerja di sini. Oh gad.

"Erica, it's rude to just burst into my office."

"Hey, this is my office."

"Correction. Used to be ur office. Now, napa ko masih ada di sini? Bukan ko fly pagi tadi kah?"

Fly? Is she leaving?

"Sa tukar flight sudah. Malam ni baru sa fly. Anyway, am I interupting something?"

"No. Bagus lah ko ada di sini. I have something to ask U. Napa ko hantar si Dol--hmm--this ur friend here di front desk?"

Saya sama Erica bertingu ja ni.

"And...why fail pekerja dia kosong? No resume, no certificates?"

Again, Erica tingu saya. Oh kemon, Erica say something nice.

"It doesn't matter bah, Lex. Dady sudah juga approve dia keja sini. Semua tu nda penting."

"No. I am the new GM. So, I have the right to know."

Saya diam.

Erica pun diam.

"Sokay. I'm gonna transfer her to a higher position."

"Lex!!! U can't do that!"

"Why? She has the same qualification as U are. She's not belong down there. We need her expertise, her knowledge."

"Lex---I mean mr Lexter...sa okay ja kalau sa di front desk. No need to transfer me."

"See. She okay with it. Gee, can U leave us? I need to talk with my brother."

Saya tingu Lexter, dia angguk2 ja then without any further words, saya keluar dari sana. Tapi saya nda turun balik pi front desk. Saya tunggu sana luar bilik office.

I need to talk with Erica.

Almost 20 minutes, baru Erica keluar.

"Rica, we need to talk."

"Apa lagi?"

"Did U tell ur brother? About---"

"Why U didn't have ur dip certies? No. I didn't tell him."

"T-thanks. This is bad idea afterall, Rica. Sa nda patut kerja sini."

"Look, Gee. Sa tau ko marah sa pasal Simon. I told U, let's just forget about the past. Sa sanggup back up ko depan Lexter, Gee sebab sa nda mo dia tau pasal kes ko. If he knows, he will tell my dad."

"I'm sorry, Rica."

"Sokay. That's what a friend for, backing up each other."

"Ya. That's what a friend for. And a friend won't tell lies to each other. We are bestfriend, right?"

"Y-yaa..what are U trying to say?"

"Admit it..ko yang kasih tau Simon pasal Oscar kan? U made up the story between me and Oscar?"

Dia diam.

Almost there.

Just tell me what I want to hear, Erica!

"Ya. But I didn't mean to ruin ur guys punya friendship or whatever. He asked me sama ada ko ada affair with Oscar or not sebab dia nampak kamu sama2 masa di parking lot hostel."

"And U said yes?"

"I'm sorry, Gee."

"Kemon lah, Rica. Masa tu sa baru balik dari hospital, Rica. Oscar yang tulung sa. Ko tau kan sa nda pernah ada affair sama mana2 lelaki."

"Ya!!! But when I asked U whether U like Simon, apa ko jawab? U lied. U did like him."

"Ok. That part sa tipu...cause U liked him too, so I lied. Omaigad Erica, this is insane."

"I am so sory, Gee. Ya, sa suka Simon. Sa tau dia suka ko, and I got jelous. I'm sorry. Let's just forget about it, okay."

"And that video?"

"Whoaa..whoaa...itu bukan sa yang buat."

"I know. I didn't say it was ur doing. It was Melinda. I know it was her."

"Oh..ya2...it was her. U know what, Gee. I got to go. I have flight to catch."

"Are U leaving?"

"Ya. Dady transfer sa pi Langkawi branch. Lexter is here, instead of him, dady kasih pindah sa sebab he wants Lexter right under his nose."

"Ooo..I see..."

"Oklah...I'll see U when I get back. Take care. Kalau bulih stay away from Lexter. He is a real pain in the ass."

"I will. Bye."

Erica tergesa2 masuk lift, dan saya masih berdiri2 di sana. So, apa yang saya fikir selama ni memang betul. Erica was the reason napa Simon tiba2 bulih berubah. Sakit hati? Ya. Saya memang sakit hati. But it was in the past now.

"Why are U still here?"


Lexter berdiri2 sana pintu office dia aa. Berapa lama sudah dia di sana? Napa saya nda perasan tadi? Gad. 

"U done talking with Erica?"


Jan cakap dia dengar kami punya conversation? Ow shit!

"Sorry mr Lexter. Sa turun dulu. Have a nice day."


Shift saya habis jam 11pm, dekat2 midnight baru saya sampai rumah. I am so damn sleepy. Nasib baik bisuk saya off day. Saya sudah plan bisuk saya mo pi jumpa Sairah. I need someone to talk with.


"Nate. Apa ko buat sini?" Sana dia di tangga hostel tunggu2 saya.

"Sa try call ko tapi nda dapat."

"Oh...handphone sa habis battery."

"Come with me."

"Kita pi mana? It's a middle of the night, Nate. And I am super tired now."

"Ikut saja bah. Come."

Dia tarik saya masuk kereta dia. Dia start drive keluar dari hostel area. Sepanjang perjalanan kami diam. Saya perasan dia drive ikut jalan balik pigi hotel. Nda lama tu dia masuk satu simpang, after like 10 minutes then kami sampai di satu apartment.

Is this where he lives?

"Come, let's go."

Saya ikut dia dari belakang. Sunyi ja tu tempat, apa tidak tengah malam sudah. Semua urang tidur sudah. Kalau saya nampak katil sekarang, komfom saya tertidur.

Kami masuk lift, sampai di tingkat tiga, lift berhenti. Baru si Nate pegang tangan saya. Kami keluar dari lift, dan dia bawa saya masuk satu rumah.

Cantik tu rumah, not too big, not too small. Kemas, fully-furnished, cat dia pun nampak masih baru.

"U have a nice house."

"Not mine. But urs."


My house????

Are you kidding me???

"Nate...what do U mean?"

"Lama sudah sa beli ni rumah. Now, I give it to U."

"No, U can't just simply give away ur house."

"Don't worry. Sa ada rumah lain juga. It's hard to see U, bah. I can't meet U at the hotel or ur house. So..kalau ko pindah sini, sa bulih jumpa ko bila2 masa ja."

"Nate..I can't---"

Slowly dia pi dekat saya, dan peluk di pinggang saya. He looks me on the eyes.

"I love U, G."

Oh Nate.

And that moment, saya sedar saya nda patut terus kan hubungan saya sama dia. Ya, memang mula2 saya plan mo take revenge on Erica. Saya mau Erica rasa macam mana saya rasa. And I used Nate for that.

But, it's not worth it. Erica admitted that it was her fault, then why should I continue my plan?

Nate is a nice guy. Kalau saya nda goda2 dia dulu, he wouldn't be fall in love with me now.

"Nate..I can't----" Dia kiss di bibir saya.

"U said U were sleepy and tired kan? Pi mandi, then kita tidur k." And he kisses on my forehead.

That night, again we had sex then baru kami tidur.

Saya mula rasa bersalah sudah. Bersalah sama Erica. Sama Nate. What is happening to me? I have to stop this before it's too late.


"Wow...besar ofis ko, beb. Untung lah jadi boss."

Satu2 perhiasan sana kabinet si Sairah saya cek. Even file2 dia pun saya pi belek2.

"Mana ada boss oo. Sa pun kuli makan gaji bah. Lain lah kalau macam Rica, anak boss..itu baru bulih panggil boss. Oh ya, dia kana transfer pi Langkawi branch sudah kan?"

"Ya. U knew?"

"Ala...boss2 sa pun tau bah, diurang ada internal connection, jan la ko heran bos2 hotel ni. And I heard, Rica's brother yang take over sana hotel kamu."

"Ya. Mr Lexter."

"Is he handsome? I didn't get the chance to meet him masa e-day Rica."

"Ow yeah. Handsome...but not the attitude."

"Who cares about the attitude, maybe he's good on bed?"

Ya, he is super good on bed too, beb.

Macam saya mo cakap ja macam tu sama Sairah tapi kedapatan lah saya pernah make sex sama Lexter.

"Beb, sa datang ni 'cuz I need someone to talk with."

"Hey...what's up? Ko ada masalah?"

"I am not happy with my job now. Sa rasa macam mo resign ja oo."

"What's wrong?"

Saya kasih tau Sairah pasal Lexter tanya2 qualification saya. I can be true to Sairah about this bcause dia pun tau saya mana pernah ada dip.

"Now, dia mo transfer sa to a higher position, which I think I don't deserve it."

"Beb...the dip is only a piece of paper. What matter is what U have learn during our study. For my personal opinion, memang sayang kalau ko just sit on the front desk when U actually deserve better."

"I know. What if one day, Lexter tau pasal hal sebenar? That I actually never graduate."

"Hmmm....so what's ur plan?"

"Bulih kah sa kerja sama ko?"

"Here? Hahaha...like I said, if I am the boss, sa straight away rampas ko dari Erica. But too bad, sa just kuli2 ja sini. Lagi pun kami teda vacancy sekarang."

"Sa faham. I'm just trying my luck mana tau ko betul2 ambil sa keja sini. Hehe."

"If U really not happy with ur job, then why not ko balik KK?"

Balik KK?

Maybe it's the best solution. Saya bulih mula hidup baru. Cari apa2 kerja. Away from Nate. And Lexter.

"U are right. Maybe I should consider going back to KK. Thanks, beb. I'll think about it."

"Okay. Just don't overthink about it k. Let me know if U need help."


Saya nda stay lama di office Sairah sebab saya tau dia busy. Dari office dia, saya jalan kaki ja pi seberang, ada beberapa blok kedai makan di sana. Saya decide mo pi cari makan sebelum balik hostel.

Saya main2 kunci rumah yang si Nate bagi saya semalam. Dia suruh saya pindah masuk secepat mungkin. Saya actually belum bah bagi kata putus tapi sudah awal2 dia suruh saya pigang tu kunci rumah.

"It's ur house now."

Tu yang dia cakap sama saya tadi pagi sebelum dia hantar saya balik. Saya rasa saya macam si Kate sudah, having affair with someone's else fiance terus kena bagi rumah. Lepas ni nda tau apa lagi si Nate bagi saya.

(incoming text from Nate)

📩 Nate : Hai G. Ko sudah makan kah? Ko off day kan, mari kita pi lunch.


📨 Me : Hai. Sa baru mo pi makan ni, sama Sairah. Maybe next time?

Terpaksa saya tipu dia.

📩 Nate : Sokay. Sa nda sabar tunggu ko pindah rumah, so that I can cuddle U all night long. Aah..I miss U. Take care okay.

Terus teda sudah saya reply. Nda jadi saya makan, saya tapau ja terus saya naik bas balik hostel.

Saya sampai rumah, ada diurang si Hazel sedang bersiap mo pi kerja shift petang. Kami cerita2 sikijap sana living room terus saya masuk bilik.

Saya start packing barang saya. Buduh kan. Saya bilang saya belum decide lagi whether mo pindah atau tidak but...look what am I doing now. Saya kasih keluar semua baju saya, satu2 saya lipat kasih masuk dalam luggage.


"Giana..." Suara si Hazel dari luar bilik.

"Yes? Napa Haze?"

"Someone is looking for U."


Please lah Nate. Jan cakap dia datang sini. Diurang Hazel bukan nda kenal dia, everybody knows dia tunang Erica. Saya buka pintu bilik, Hazel signal2 guna mata dia pi arah pintu rumah.

"Siapa datang?" Bilang sa.

"Anak boss."


Oh gad.


"Kami pi keja dulu aa. Bye Giana." Cepat2 diurang Hazel keluar dari rumah. Tinggal saya sama Lexter ja sana.

"Apa ko buat sini? Ko tau kah ini rumah perempuan, it's not nice to show ur face here."

"Like I care." Tanpa dijemput, dia masuk pi dalam rumah, pandai2 lagi pi tutup pintu.

"Apa ko mau?" Saya kasih silang tangan saya di dada, sambil mata saya tingu dia. Time tu dia scan satu rumah, berani lah saya tingu dia, tapi bila dia tingu saya, saya lagi pura2 tingu tempat lain.

I don't know, every time mata kami ter-lock, jantung saya berdegup laju, macam mo pecah.

"Napa ko nda masuk kerja?"

"Helooo...even a staff like me need an off-day."

Dia kan boss, nda kan dia nda cek roster kalau dia cari staff. Lagi pun nda kan pasal tu ja dia cari saya sampai di rumah.

Dia pi masuk dapur, cek2 aisbox, tingu sana almari tempat simpan makanan kering..semua lah dia cek. Dia buat macam ni rumah dia pula aa.

Saya ignore dia terus saya masuk bilik, sambung packing barang2 saya.

"Ko packing2 ni, ko mo pi mana?" Sana dia berdiri menyandar di frame door.

"Pindah rumah."

"Where to?"

"I am so not gonna tell U."

"Okay. I won't ask, then."

Dia masuk dalam bilik, then duduk atas katil saya. Saya hairan napa dia diam, saya pusing tingu dia, tu mata dia tingu2 tu santut2 sama bra2 saya ampai2 atas katil.

"Apa bah ko buat sini?" Cepat2 saya kasih tapuk tu santut sama bra saya.

"Spotcek. Now Erica di Langkawi, so...mesti ko senang2 dapat jumpa si Nate kan?"

Ah gad.

Saya ingat si Nate lelaki paling bikin rimas. Tau2 Lexter ni pun dua kali lima juga. Spotcek? Seriously?

Just in time, phone saya ringing. Ngam2 lagi dia yang paling dekat sama tu phone. Punya cepat tu tangan dia pi ambil tu phone. Dia tersenyum miring ja tingu tu caller id. Dia tunjuk saya.

"Nate is calling. So U guys masih contact each other?"

"Lex...please. It's not like what U think."

"I don't care, Dolly. I warned U, leave him."

And again, si Nate call. Saya tau tu selagi saya nda angkat call, dia akan keep on trying.

"What if..I pick his call up...hmmm...let's see...apa sa mo cakap? Hello, Nate..ur dolly is still in the bathroom, cause we just made sex. Ko rasa macam mana reaksi dia?"

"Lexter. Don't do it!"

Third ringing. Makin lebar senyuman si Lexter. Benci saya.

"Oh no..no..I should say, U are busy doing BJ and U can't talk now."

Fxck! He really makes me mad!

"I don't think U have the gut to do it, Lex."

"Really? Try me."

Fourth ringing. Lexter ready2 sudah pick up the call. Saya yang gagaran sekarang. Shit.

"Okay2...apa bah ko mau ni?" Saya surrender.

"Tell me. Why ko tidak habis study? Why ko tidak grad? Why are U and Erica so secretive?"


So, dia memang terdengar pasal conversation saya dan Erica the other day!

Apa saya mo jawab ni?

Fifth ringing.

"Fine, kalau ko nda mo jawab, I pick up this phone call. Maybe I just tell Nate that we are busy fxcking."

"Okay..okay...okay mr Lexter. Give me the phone first, and I give U the answer."

"Good girl."

Dia bagi saya tu phone, sebelum si Nate call saya balik, saya terus turn off phone saya.

"Now, speak!"

"I didn't get to grad bcause I was dismissed by the college, and therefore, I never had a diploma to begin with."

Muka dia nampak terkejut..and yeah, he's speechless.

But the worst part is about to happen. Saya tau dia akan tanya, napa saya kana buang kolej.


G, are U ready telling him about ur past?

*to be continued **

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