Set Me Free

By withaflowerpen

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Kacie Green doesn't like syrup, has panic attacks, and is afraid of people. She is afraid to let anyone see t... More

Set Me Free
Chapter 1


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By withaflowerpen

Life is scary. It’s full of risks. Hell, life is one big risk that a lot of people—myself included—are afraid to take.

Life is challenging. There’s no way to know what’s coming next. It’s nerve-wracking.

Life is ambivalent. One minute it’s a bucket of sunshine, and the next it’s pouring rain. It’s tempestuous.

Life is all of these things, but something about it makes people want it. It took me a while to figure it out, but I did.

People want t olive because when you live, you can love.

It’s not hard to start, either. All it took was one word for me. It took one word to change me forever, for me to start to live.


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