Alone Together

By Alex_Donovan

460 5 0

Six friends go for a trip and are stranded on an Island after their ship is sunk in the Bermuda Triangle and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

42 1 0
By Alex_Donovan

Constant ringing, drenched hair, soaked clothes, cold bodies. This is most likely how Damien Spears, April Galton, Daisy Simmons, Kate Morrison, and Louis Truss would describe how the felt if they were awake. They have been drifting at sea for hours after the sinking of their ship and being knocked out by a wave big enough to tip a freighter.  Only five of the six made it to the shore, only one of the six had life vests during the accident, only one of the six is missing; Oliver Striker, or Ollie. He couldn't find a life vests before the ship went under and they were washed away. He spent time saving April who had been put in shock after being partially struck by lightning and has not been seen since they all left the cabin of the yacht. 

"Oh God...Where are we?" Louis asked as he sat up and looked around. He and the others were all pulled up just enough from the shore where the water wouldn't touch them. "Louis...what's goin' on?" Kate asked as she sat up and examined their surroundings. "Where on some island, maybe one of the Caribbean islands?" He suggested as stood up and helped her up. "I don't know....there's the others." She said as she turned around. "Kate...Louis?" Damien said as they helped him up. "Did you pull us this far off the shore?" "No...we just came to." Kate explained as Daisy got up and walked to them. "Where are we?" She asked as she held her arms since she was still cold. "I dunno...where's April?!" Kate said as she looked around instantly. "There!" Damien said as he pointed as the part of the beach where dirt and sand met. The island they were on was outlined 90% by beaches and the other 10% was either water or cliffs. They were on a beach that slowly blended in with the tropical forest and mountainous part of the island. "Is she ok?" Dais asked as they all surrounded her. "What happened?....Why are we not on the yacht?!" April asked as she came to. "The yacht went down, you were knocked out by a lightning bolt before it sunk though." Louis explained as they helped her up. "That explains why I feel an abnormal tingly feeling in my hair and feet." She said as she looked at the open sea ahead of them. "Who pulled me out?" "OLLIE!" The others yelled as they realized they were missing someone. "What happened to him?" She asked as the others scanned the beach for him. "He pulled you out but didn't have a life vests." Damien explained as the looked down both sides of the beach. "Look, what's that against the tree?" Kate asked as she pointed ahead of where April had been laying. "That's him!" Louis yelled as they all ran over to him.

"Ollie?" "Ollie!" "Wake the hell up Oliver!" They all yelled as they moved him from leaning against the tree to laying flat on the ground. "Yuh...I hear you, calm the fuck down." He replied, but continued to lay there. "Are you ok?" Damien asked as he examined Ollie's body for injuries. "I'm fine, but tired as hell from carrying you all to shore and performing CPR on each of you." Ollie explained as he stayed the same as before. "You brought us away from the shore?" April asked. "The best that I could, I took you the  furthest though, April, since you had been hurt before the others passed out. "No offence to you guys, but you're heavy as fuck. Hahahaha...I know I'm weak but still, I barely had any strength for Kate and Louis after carrying the rest of you to a decent distance. "Can you stand?" Kate asked as she reached out to help pull me up. "Yeah...just too tired to." He said jokingly as he took her hand and stood up. "So...any ideas where we're at?" "We assume we drifted off to one of the smaller islands in the Caribbean. "So we should expect help when? A few days, maybe a week?" Oliver asked. "If we're lucky, then yeah that sounds accurate." Damien replied as he and Ollie looked at the ocean. "So we should get settled here and get ready to wait a little while I'm guessing?" Kate asked us as she looked at the thick forest behind us. "That would be a good idea, and this beach is big enough for us to set up some sort of camp." Louis added as they all examined the beach more. "What about food?" Daisy asked. "Oh my God....while that is an important detail Daisy, right now  we need to focus on getting a shelter up because we don't know what's out there and how long we'll be here." Kate said in a very serious manner that shocked Ollie completely. "Uhhh...exactly, now I know this won't be some Bear Grylls shit but any ideas on how we can start getting decent wood to make a structure for a shelter?" Ollie asked Damien as they all looked at the forest. "We could use what's already on the ground, make our way up." April suggested. "It's a start." Damien replied. "Ok, so all of us need to grab as many decently long branches that we can find and put them here." Ollie said while pointing at a rock. "Got it." Louis said as they all entered the forest together and began to do such.

Ollie was right when saying that survival isn't how Bear Grylls or any form of television makes it out to be. It took the group 10 times to figure out how they were going to make decently built and small huts for each of them. After being on the island for 6 days they finally finished each hut but some were already beginning to lose hope that help would ever arrive for them. "We're gonna die here!" Daisy cried as she ran into her hut and slammed it's flimsy door. "CAREFUL!" Yelled Damien and Ollie who had just finished that exact hut. "I swear she won't make it out here if she doesn't change. I dunno how long we'll be out here but I don't think she has the patience to wait a few more days." Ollie said while walking towards his hut. "What makes you so sure it'll be only a few more day?" April asked as she came out of her hut. "I dunno...hope?" "Hope....let's see how far that takes us. We need to get in their and find better food than these damn berries." Damien said as he squished one and threw it in the sand. "We were lucky to have found those berries!" Louis replied. "Luck is just like hope, we only have so much, and it'll only take us so far. We need to go in their and get better sticks, fix them up for whatever animals we can find and eat those. The berries can be our source of hydration until we find a stream or something, but we will need actual protein if we wanna last longer...and shut her up." Damien explained as he got up and walked towards the edge of the forests. "Fine, you and I will go in there right now and do just that. I asked Kate and April to sharpen these bad boys up for us a few days ago while we built their huts. We'll go in and find food and the others can find a way to warm the food by the time we get back." Ollie said as he walked with Damien. " mean like fire? You want us to make a fire?" Louis asked only because he doubted his ability to do that without a match or lighter. "Yeah, it'll be hard without any matches or lighters." Kate added, basically reading Louis' mind. "Maybe some magically washed ashore, I'm confident you'll come up with something." Ollie replied as he and Damien entered the forest with nothing but two sticks. This was not like any normal island forrest. The first few rows of trees where palm trees, as to be expected on an island in the Caribbean, but out of nowhere their appeared to be oak and birch trees. And once past the palm trees, no more than 5 feet from the beach, you could see nothing. It was as if the trees blocked the forests' view of the beach and ocean. "Are these...birch trees?" Damien asked as he and Ollie continued forward. "I guess so....why the hell are they on an island though?" He asked before they came to a stop. As if the sight of birch and oak trees on a tropical island hadn't shocked them enough, small stream and open grassland they discovered certainly did the job. "Look at that!" Ollie said before Damien told him to "Shut the hell up...look." Damien whispered to Ollie to look at the deers and rabbits? Why would there be deer and rabbits on a tropical island? So far the only animals they have seen, the deer and rabbits, are ones that they could easily find back home. "What should we do?" ollie asked while he and Damien crouched. "We'll start with the rabbits, each try and get five. Once we know we can skin and cook them, we'll come back for the bigger game." He replied while locking onto the buck in the center of the field.

While Oliver and Damien were out attempting to gather as much food as possible; Kate, April, and Louis tried to figure out a way to cook their food. "I guess we could try and rub two sticks together?" Louis suggested to the other two. "It's worth a shot." April agreed as Louis picked up two fairly long sticks and put them over a pile of grass. Louis and April tried their hardest to get as much friction going between the two sticks, but to no prevail. "Welp, that didn't work. Let's try these rocks." Kate said as she took two rocks and began to scrape them against each other. This also didn't work. After Kate finished trying her idea, the sound of water coming into contact with something that wasn't sand or rock caught the attention of April. "What is that sound?" She asked the others since it grew louder and louder. "I dunno..." Louis replied as he looked around. "Wait...there, down the beach a little ways." Louis pointed to a wooden crate that was being pushed and pulled by the water, it was banging into another wooden crate that was already stuck in the sand. "Let's see if there's anything in 'em." Kate said as she ran towards the boxes, followed by the others. "What's in it?" April asked since Kate blocked the top of the box while looking in it. "Eight water bottles...eight lighters....eight pocket knives...There is a lot in this box alone, guys." Kate said as she showed them the interior. "This couldn't have been from the yacht...right?" April asked while looking at the other two. "I dunno, it would make sense that the yacht would have some survival stuff in preparation for this kind of situation." Louis said before opening the other crate. This crate was filled with a quart of gas, bandages and other medical supplies, shampoos and body washes for men and women, and a map of what they assumed was the island they were currently on. "Guys, all this stuff seems too..." April said as she stepped away from the crates. "Too convenient?" Louis added as he and Kate stepped away from them as well. "I mean, what are the chances of all of this supplies being on one yacht?" She continued. "I think the maps seal the deal. Clearly the yacht was planned to sink...or something. There's no way that Damien's yacht had the map of, what must be, this island." Kate added to support the suspicion of the crate's presence. "Should we use the stuff that's in there? It could be helpful while we wait for help." April asked as they all glanced over at the supplies in the boxes. "This is some Maze Runner shit that I'm in no mood for, but we need supplies and any logical person would take anything that could save them." Said Kate as she put the lids back on the crates. 

They brought the crates back over and used the lighters to start a decent sized fire. They laid down extra wood that had been leftover from building the huts and set out the remaining supplies. By this time, Daisy had come out of her hut and didn't really realize that the supplies wasn't there before. "We're back!" Oliver said as he and Damien came out of the forest while both carried four rabbits by the feet in each hand. "Jesus, are there any left on the island?" Louis asked as he and the others where shocked at how many they had caught. "Wait, are those rabbits?" April asked as they set the rabbits on a patch of grass. "Yep. There's also deer in there, and a large field of grass with a small stream leading further into the forest." "Don't you mean deers?" Daisy asked. Everybody ignored her. "Wow, nice job guys. This fire should be perfect for cooking the rabbits." Ollie said as he came over and rubbed his hands in the fire's warmth. "How'd you do it?" The three who found the crates looked at each other then pointed at the supplies they took out from the two crates. "What the hell?" Damien said as he ran over to see what they found. "These crates where just washed ashore and had very convenient supplies. We know it's suspicious but we also know that we needed the stuff in them." April explained as they continued to look as the supplies. "Could this stuff be from the yacht?" Ollie asked Damien. "No, I've never seen an island that looks like this on any of my uncle's maps." He replied as he looked at the maps from the crates. "Well....I don't think it matters where this stuff came from. If we distribute and use it wisely, we'll be able to last as long as we need to until help comes." Ollie said as he walked back to the fire. "He's right, all that matters is that we survive." The group then began to skin the rabbits, cooked them, and had their first good night since the had woken up on the mysterious island.

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