
By Darkest_Rose

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Standing on the path, my life flashed before my eyes. The gun directed at me, went off. I could see the flash... More

So it begins
No Humanity
Black abyss
The Night Club
Capture or Kill
Getting into his head
My Accomplish
Final Fight
Becoming Whole
The End


20K 1K 44
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 9

Riding home, my heart thumped wildly as adrenalin coursed through my body. My power still humming steadily inside of me, wanting to break free. Fully feeding, I never expected to feel so powerful after it, like I have only been running on half power. The freedom of not having to stop, was a rush. Something I know I could get easily addicted to. But with the amount I took, I won't have to feed for awhile.

Driving around, I waited before I went straight home just incase one of the security managed to follow me. But I didn't see any tails, so I finally pulled outside my house. Getting off my bike I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Maximus' s number. After a few ring, he answered,

"Ivy, what's wrong?" he whispered.

"Nothing wrong, I just want to tell you before you see the news, Nico and Lex are dead" I told him.

"So this means I won't be seeing you again" he asked sadly.

"No, not unless I survive the hunter's, but Maximus, thank you for giving me life to do this and a home. I will always be forever grateful" I said honestly.

"No need for thanks Ivy, I made the choice to give you life and I will always stand by that decision. Keep you're phone, I will let you know if I hear news from the council" he said sincerely.

"Thank you Maximus" I said before I hung up.

Letting go of the one person that actually makes me feel something is a lot harder than I could have anticipated. Like really giving up the last shred of humanity that I have clung onto so tightly. I can feel the monster in me itching to break out, to really let go, to give into my blood lust and swim in til it completely devours me.

But doing that, everything Maximus has done for me might as well not happened, I was reborn for vengeance and that's exactly what I'm going to do, I plan to deliver it in the most violent way possible.

Two are crossed off my list, but I have a long list. One's that will take time and other so quick they won't even see me coming, exactly like death itself. Only my hand won't be a gentle one.

Walking into my room, I striped off and got into the shower. The hot water stung my skin momentarily before my muscle's relaxed. I washed away any trace of Nico and Lex' s blood and watched the blood stained water swirl down the drain. I thought I might feel some remorse after killing them but I feel nothing but satisfaction, by killing those two, I have prevented number's of more innocent death's, girl's who fell in love with the wrong men and pay with their lives, just like I did. But they didn't have Maximus to save them like I had, to take a risk like he did.

Getting dressed, I crawled into bed feeling more tired than I have in a long time but then again I have never used my power's to such an extent before. Closing my eyes, I let my body relax til sleep took me.

At first I was wrapped in darkness like every other time I sleep but tonight, I dreamed for the first time. I dreamed of my soul, slowly getting closer to me, so close I could reach out and touch it but I didn't, I didn't want to disrupt my dream and float in the darkness alone. She whispered one word before I woke "Soon".

Waking up, that word echoed in my thought's, soon, the only thing I can think it means is that we will be reunited with each other soon after I finish what I started, when the hunter's finally catch up with me. That thought gave me an odd sense of comfort, knowing that in death we will be joined, I will become whole again.

Getting out of bed, I walked into my lounge and turned the TV on, just like I had expected, Nico and Lex' s death is splashed across every screen. The reporter talks about how strange event's had happened at their home before leading to their death's. They have no suspects or evidence yet on who killed them or why. But she does talk about them being known criminals and how their murders could be gang related. Each station I flicked to had pretty much the same report. They won't be the one's to find me it will be the hunter's that will catch me.

Looking at my phone on the table, I can see flashing, a message from Maximus,

The council has you're description from the vampire security, the hunter's are being briefed, they will be looking for you tonight. There going to kept an eye on all Nico and Lex' s employee. Their best hunter is coming for you along with five other's. Stay safe Ivy, get it done and get as far away from here as possible. Contact me when you can.

Maximus X

Well shit, they work quick. Only six of them, they can't watch everyone and they won't know who exactly I'm targeting til I have already taken them out. Poor Maximus is probably in a state, he knew to expect this but it becoming reality is something completely different. They have no choice but to kill me, I pose too much of a threat and the possibility that I will accidently expose the vampire race.

I'm going to have be extremely fast with the next few kills. So no break like planned, I'm going to hit their warehouse tonight. I know the next two target's shifts start this evening.

The hours flew by quickly and I waited til it's dark outside. Getting as close to the warehouse as I can without drawing attention, I parked up my bike and hid it among the tree's. I travelled the rest of the way on foot til I got to the surrounding gates. Looking around I can see a sign warning of electrical currents running through the gates at a high voltage. Standing close to the gates, I picture pulling the power from the gates and sending my own waves towards the electrical box. After a couple of minute's, the hum of electricity died. Carefully I put my hand on the gates and sighed with relief when I didn't get sent flying on my ass. Gripping onto the gate, I looked around and when I'm positive no one is around I started to climb and jumped down to the other side once I got to the top.

Running at full speed, I got to the back of the warehouse in seconds. Even with what happened to Nico and Lex, they haven't added more security. Slowing walking around the corner, I stopped moving when I heard a familiar voice, Keith' s voice. Now the monster inside me is thrashing to get out, trying to claw it's way to the surface and tear that bastard apart strip by strip. Looks like he just got a promotion. Breathing in slowly, I tried to calm the monster, remind it that we have a plan, a better way to kill him and enjoy it.

That seemed to satisfy the monster for now. That voice that use to send my heart racing now sounds like vile poison dripping from his mouth. I can't look in his direction, if I see his face there will be no holding the monster back. It's his blood it craves he was the start and I will be the end.

After twenty minute's of hearing his gloat about how much power he has now the moron finally left but only after I had to stop myself from vomiting a couple of times at the size of his ego. He finally got into his car and drove off. Looking around, I spotted a couple of open windows on the first floor. Holding onto the drain pipe at the side, I climbed my way up as quickly as possible, the last thing I need is for this to come away from the wall and land me on my back.

Reaching over, I grabbed onto the opening of the window and pulled myself up and got inside, landing as quite as possible. Looking around the room, I spotted a door. Walking over to it, I opened it slowly, looking in each direction after finding them empty I left the room. Walking over to the railing, I looked down. My two target's are standing side by side having a chat. So unaware that they are being watched.

This will only take seconds, moving faster than their eyes can catch, I stopped right behind them, breathing on their necks. Their bodies went rigid, letting me know they now sense me but their too scared to actually turn around. Wrapping an arm around both of their necks, I tug my nails deeply into their throats and with one swift move, I ripped both of their throats out and let their bodies drop to the ground with a thud.

Stepping over their bodies, I started to walk out the main entrance but I could hear something move at the side and before I could even look, bullets were coming racing towards me. Moving swiftly, I dodged the bullets but soon more were coming in my direction. That's when I saw her, like Maximus said I knew instantly that she is a hunter and those bullets coming for me aren't normal bullets I can heal from, these bullets are something more, designed to kill a vampire instantly.

She isn't shown any sign of stopping so all I can do is use my power again her. With a small scream, I sent shock waves in her direction, lifting her off the ground and sending her into a wall. She is out for the count and he gun is now a mangled piece of metal. I can tell from here she is still alive. Walking towards her, I spotted an ear piece in her ear, the sound waves I sent at her would have stopped it working but that doesn't mean she didn't notify the rest of her team that she found me before started to fire at me.

Right now, I need to get out of here as quickly as possible, there is another warehouse close so another hunter could be here in minute's. Running at full speed toward the gates, I jumped this time completely clearing it and started to run toward my bike. Just as I got around the corner a black suv crashed through the gates. Without wasting more time, I got on my bike and drove without any lights on til I got near the main road. That was close, too close for the first time meeting them. I was too engrossed in trying to calm myself around Keith that I didn't even finish checking out the area before I went inside. How stupid can I be, it's the first thing Maximus told me to check before I went in for a kill. Next time, I won't be so reckless, I can't afford to be, not when I still have Keith to get. Next time I will be prepared.

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