cuddle buddy. (sequel)

By agustoad

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i hate you.. More



1.7K 86 36
By agustoad

"where are my pills?" i ask.

"huh? why?" hoseok says.

"i don't know.." i say and i sip on my pink drink.

".. what's wrong?" hoseok says.

"nothing, it's just i have to get a hold of myself before anything bad happens.." i say.

"you're weird." hoseok says.

"goddamnit, i just need my pills again." i say, "you know about my anger issues."

"oh, yeah." hoseok says.

i take a bite of my whole grain bagel with cream cheese smeared on the inside.

"aren't you going to eat anything?" i say.

"nope." hoseok says.

i suddenly stand up and slam my hands on the table.

"y–y/n." hoseok says.

"eat." i say.

"what? no, i'm fine." hoseok says.

"i know you have a eating disorder, you can't hide it from me. you told me you stopped taking your pills too, so please eat." i say, "for me."

"you were acting all badass and then now you want me to eat." hoseok says.

i walk away from our table, annoyed. but someone grabs my wrist.


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