Love Beyond Time (True Blood)

By queen-hallie

6.5K 179 18

Delaney Sawyer is a regular human girl to her knowledge, but she's always been an old soul. In truth, she is... More

1. The Past
2. Present

3. Happiness

1.7K 64 11
By queen-hallie

I stashed the letter deep inside my bag as I parked the car in the garage. All the lights were out except the living room, which was dimly lit by the television and a singular lamp. Adam was sitting on the couch, watching a game, by himself. I tiredly walked over, placed my bag on the ground and went in his direction. He moved towards the middle of the couch giving me my favorite spot, the corner, and placed his arm around me and we both watched whatever was on.

"Everything okay?" He asked casually.

"Yeah, just a lot of traffic and work." I replied as I snuggled next to him, laying my head in his chest.

"Have you eaten?" He asked, this he looked away from the TV and looked at me. His sweet topaz eyes sparkled in dim light, and my heart smiled at the reminder that I am lucky to have him.

"No, I haven't." I responded.

"I'll heat some food up for you. Go change and comeback." He suggested as he began move.

"Where are my parents?" I said as I sensed how quiet the house was.

Adam chuckled, "Asleep."

My room was just down the hall at the end and has been since I was born. I was the miracle child in my family since I was conceived a year after mother was told she couldn't have children of her own. When she fell pregnant, she was over the moon, followed a strict 'pregnancy diet', and convinced my father to give me the biggest room aside from theirs. The  light pink nursery was transformed completely except for two things; the floral mural and the chandelier. Those two things were my favorite parts of my room, a room that was always clean but not by my hand.

I hid the letter inside a journal and quickly threw on a Rice University sweatshirt that belonged to my mother, and some lululemon shorts that were also once my mother's but I doubt she misses them. After all, she can afford more- I can't and I'll take what I find.

Afterwards, I went to the kitchen and sat on the countertop as Adam heated up food for me.

He talked about his day, which was the usual. Football practice, college prep, AP test studying, working at the Museum of Art, a job which he got because he was extremely lucky and not because he is a patron of the arts.

I, in turn, couldn't tell him about everything that happened today, so I told him the lie I made up on the way home. To me it wasn't convincing, but Adam believed it.

"What time are you going home?" I asked him as he handed me a bowl of left over chicken casserole.

"Well now that you're here, I can go home peacefully. I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow night, there is an opening at the DMA that I think you'll like." He offered.

Surprised, I said, "Look at you, student athlete becomes patron of the arts. About time. What is the exhibition of?"

"It is so cool. It is half Nordic history and Ancient Rome."

"You know I love historical artifacts. What time are you picking me up?"

"Six sharp. I want us to grab a bite before it opens. Will I see you at church tomorrow?" He asked as he grabbed his keys.

"How are we going to go to school, go eat, go to the museum and go to church all in one day?"

"I guess you are right, as always." Adam said as he kissed me sweetly before grabbing his keys.

"See you tomorrow." I said as a goodbye as I walked him out the door.


School today was exactly the same. The only class I looked forward to was my art history class, in which we are finally getting to the classics. Adam has this class with me because this class counts as an arts elective- which he needed to graduate. He, to my surprise, was doing just fine. He is really good with dates and is quick to memorize things and that has been enough to get him to pass.

"The influence Greece has over art history is truly remarkable. The techniques used in their art has in transcended to many masterpieces of their contemporaries, especially the Renaissance. The Greeks were and still are, the masters." Mrs. Flemming said to the class as she powered her PowerPoint.

"Wait, isn't that the Romans?" Adam questioned.

"The Romans loved Greek culture and they literally just copied everything." Mrs. Flemming smiled.

"So they are the same?" Another added.

"Not exactly. Does anyone know why?"

Out of instinct, I raised my hand.

"When the Romans conquered Greece, they admired their work. Most of Greek sculptures were made of bronze, the Romans copied the sculptures but used marble instead. There was a time when Romans melted the bronze for weapons and so most of what we know of the sculptures are through the Roman copies." I asserted.

"That is right. Thank you, Delaney. Now, this specific time period is divided into more than one era. We have Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic."

She went on to talk, show the slide show, and I took notes religiously until a certain piece caught my attention.

"This iconic sculpture is a portrait, in marble with powdered diamonds and pearls, is called the Katharos. That means purity. It is said to have been the portrait of a young noblewoman of Roman society who died extremely young and this beautiful portrait was commissioned by her betrothed to remember her by."

It looked extremely familiar and it irked a feeling that made my heart race. If it wasn't for the curled hair, the coronet, or the fact that it was made hundreds of years ago- I would have thought it was me. The way the nose curled, the lashes, the bone structure...

And in that moment, a pang of hurt hit me.

I excused myself from the room and went to the bathroom where I locked myself in a stall.

My breathing became heavy and my mind was lost but my heart was beating fast. Tears developed and a knot ached in my throat. It was like there was some compression happening in my chest and my throat. I didn't feel like myself.

I longed for someone. I wanted to be embraced by someone that wasn't Adam or my family. Someone I don't know but so familiar that I can even put a scent to the person- cinnamon and frankincense. And the more prominent the scent became, the more I ached for it.


Adam's last minute practice session went over the usual time so we are no longer grabbing dinner and we are meeting up at the museum. I didn't mind because my mind was still on what happened earlier today. After my crying session in the stall, I went to the nurse and said that I had a really had headache. It was enough to let me skip the class. My favorite class.

Now I am walking around seeing similar portraits to the one that triggered me.

Until I found it.

The Kathoros.

It was right in front of me. Looking at me.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" A man who was standing next to me said softly. His smooth voice was warmth to my ears and the scent I smelled earlier returned. I looked at him and my face dropped.

He looked like the man I saw at the hotel last night.

"Yes." I said awkwardly as I was doing the math in my head.

"Do you come here often?" He asked with a slight smile.

Seeing him smile made the aching hurt in my chest return. I could feel my entire body tense and I felt like I couldn't move. His smile was beautiful and childlike. The sparkle in his eyes, the way he looked at me and then turned to the portrait, where he looked at it with such sadness.

"I try to." I almost whispered. He still stared at the portrait and I couldn't get my eyes off him. I wanted to look away but never have I felt like I lost control of my body- I felt frozen. I literally could not look away. I could feel my eyes then begin to feel heavy and I felt fatigue.

"Art is the grandest collection of human beauty and history. They are memories of worlds of long ago..."

I could barely keep myself together, and that was when I noticed I wasn't breathing properly, "I'm sorry but do I know you?" I managed to utter out as I placed my cold hand on my pounding head.

"You look familiar too." He turned his body towards me and extended his hand to me, "My name is Godric."

Bringing up some courage, I smiled at the vampire and breathed in, "I'm Delaney Sawyer." Taking his hand was probably what tipped me over the edge.

His kind eyes and smile remained as they were, and again everything around us changed. It was just the two of us, God knows where, and we were laying down on the grass. Everything was different- and I'm not exaggerating. I lived in the city my entire life. I'm used the life here and I deem it normal and good. But here, where we were, the air was unlike anything I've ever breathed before. It was like drinking Voss for the first time after settling for Nestle's Pure Life. And the sky, was the most glorious thing I've ever seen. I could see everything, I could see things I've never seen before. I was so taken aback by the beauty of nature that what brought me back was the touch of someone else.

It was him.

He laid next me, with his long hair, and he grabbed my hand, holding it dearly. We stared into each other's eyes, smiling, and he said, "Omnes enim aeternum, te amo."

"It is greatest pleasure meeting you Miss Sawyer." Godric said, bringing me back to reality. I pulled my hand away from him and smile politely.

"Same to you." I said as my phone vibrated. It was from Adam.

Something came up with my mother. I'll call you later. I'm sorry but I won't make it tonight. I will make it up to you. I love you.

"May I look around with you? I hardly know anyone here and you look like you know something about art."

A vampire I just met officially today, wanting to spend the evening with me, and whom I've given too much information already.

"Oh I'm less than qualified, you'd be better off alone." I said shyly.

"Miss Sawyer, I understand. I'm a vampire and we'd only just met. Fear is understandable, but should you ever feel afraid of a vampire, please know that I will never be that vampire. I would never harm you. If my presence makes you feel uncomfortable, I will gladly leave. Have a good night, Miss Sawyer." He said so smoothly and charmingly.

Oh Jesus, lord help me. I can't be this scared with a vampire at an art museum. This is what I expect in my future and I should start being okay with that. And I will be.

"Sir, I'm sorry if I made you feel anything but welcomed. Truthfully, I'm not used to talking to strangers, especially vampires. But I would love your presence and your knowledge with this exhibit." I managed to say. I was proud of that one, it made me feel as smooth as him.

He smiled again, and came closer to me. He stood by me and we both looked at the new art work in front of us, Augustus of Prima Porta.

"You're right. Art is the grandest collection of human beauty and history." I said.

"It's all in perspective of the time." He added.

"Well that makes sense. Imagine if sculptor made the Emperor not look glorious, they would have had him-"

"Fired. Whipped. Humiliated." He finished for me with an austere tone, "The Romans pride themselves in being an advanced civilization, but to the core, they were as primal and as savage as they come."

His words made me wonder if he was talking of experience or just as a matter of fact.

"Any time period can attest to the that, I suppose. But..." I stopped myself with a chuckle before I could finish.

"What?" He said intrigued.

"I was going to make a reference but usually no one gets it."

"Try me." He said confidently.

"The horrors of human kind and it's history are awful. So awful that it can make anyone loose faith for the future. But I try to be an optimist, and in such low moments of life, I think, 'We imagine that as soon as we are torn out of our habitual path all is over, but it is only the beginning of something new and good. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There is a great deal-"

"A great deal before us. War and Peace." He said ever so peacefully.

I smiled brightly. He got it.

"I'm starting to believe that now."

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