Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson

By NaomiTheWriterr

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NOT EDITED This is a girlxgirl story. If your not cool with that then leave.... please (I realize that seeme... More



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By NaomiTheWriterr

Mania's Pov

"It's finished. All you need now is to drain me of my blood, on a lunar eclipse which happens in about a week." I said. They nodded as the small bowl that carried Elena's cure bubbled.

"Thank you for doing this Mania." Stefan said. I nodded at him.

"Thanks for letting me help instead of leaving me to rot in this cell while you guys attempted to make this." I replied. Damon chuckled and Bonnie took the bowl back upstairs. My face got serious and I looked at the two of them.

"Can you guys promise me something?" I asked them. They looked at me confused.

"Promise me you won't lay a hand on Rebekah. The others, they can take care of themselves. But please don't hurt her. I did this for you and I hope you will honor my request." I said. Both of them nodded.

"Trust me we won't touch her." Damon said. I nodded thankfully at them.

"Also, before I die, maybe today. I want to see her for one last time. Even if it's from far away." I said. Damon glanced at Stefan. Thought the six months of devoted loyalty they still didn't trust me. That's alright, I wouldn't trust them either.

"Stefan will go with you." Damon said. I smiled and thanked him. He opened the cell door wider and I left with Stefan. I couldn't believe they actually agreed to it. I went up the stairs quickly and waited for Stefan.


Rebekah's Pov

I walked in my house and sighed. Another day of boring loneliness. Whatever. I sat on the couch next to Klaus. He was watching tv.

"What's on your agenda today? Anything evil planned?" I asked him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Are you that bored?" He asked me. I nodded and watched the show with him.

"Well, if you wanted you could go visit-"

"Stop trying to get me to go see her Klaus. I won't do it." My bored demeanor changing quickly. I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes and got up.

"If you're so over her take the rings off." He said to me. My look to him softened. Take off my rings? I looked down at the wedding rings. She left hers the day she left and I haven't taken mine off. Every time I tried it seemed as if I couldn't.

"I don't have to take off a stupid ring Klaus. I happen to like jewelry." I came up with a stupid lie. He raised his eye brow at me and shook his head.

"What?" I asked him. He shook his head and left the room. I got up and followed him to his painting room. He started gathering supplies for a new painting.

"I'm not going to listen to you bad mouth her because she did nothing wrong-"

"Nothing wrong?! She beat me Klaus! She called my names and hurt me-"

"No she didn't!" He yelled even louder. It made me stop talking and look at him as if he was crazy. I know it was her. She was hurting me, how could he say it wasn't her.

"I know what I saw Klaus." I told him.

"No, you saw Phobetor as Mania in disguise. Trust me, Mania was with us the whole time looking for you and killing demons left and right trying to get to you. Hell, she probably killed half of the underworld trying to save you. The man who left you the threatening notes kidnapped you and tricked you into believing Mania was hurting you. As soon as she found you she killed that bastard. You just don't remember." He explained to me. I looked at him very confused and shocked. I watched him start painting and not acknowledge my surprise.

"You mean. That man pretended to be her and now she's gone?" I asked him. I felt my voice crack. He nodded.

"She left because she saw the way you reacted when you woke up the next day. When I asked you if you wanted to see her she saw how scared you were. The look on her face was broken. I can't imagine what she was feeling." Klaus said. I shook my head. This was too much. The woman that I've pushed out to the back of my mind was pulled back in and now I'm being told she never laid a hand on me.

I didn't know what to feel. I felt angry at myself for not letting her explain but I still felt a slight scare at the thought of her. I needed to clear my mind. I needed a drink.


Mania's Pov

You think she'd be at the grill?" I asked Stefan. He shrugged as we walked down the side of the road. I didn't want to teleport I wanted to breathe in the fresh air.

"Maybe. I haven't really seen her around much. I haven't really seen anyone since we got the book from her." He said. I pursed my lips.

"I hope she's there. I just want to look at her one last time." I told him. He nodded and we walked in silence for the rest of the way. We passed some busy streets and eventually we crossed the street to the grill. I followed behind Stefan and went to an empty booth that allowed me to scope out the place. I sat down and looked around. I didn't see her. That sucks.

I did see Matt though. He was serving people quickly and looked tired. I'm glad I got to see him. I looked back at Stefan who sat across from me.

"She's not here. Maybe it's better that I don't see her. I know I'm going to fucking break down." I said. He rolled his eyes and gave me a slight smile.

"Just wait. I promised you that you'd get to see her. I'm sure she'll be here soon." He said. I nodded and just waited. We waited for 10, 20, almost 30 minutes before I caught a sight of the tall blonde girl I was so desperately in love with.

"Oh my god." I said and covered my mouth. She sat at the bar and Matt came over to talk to her.

"They're talking about you." Stefan said. He glanced at me. I uncovered my mouth and looked at him, breaking my gaze away from her.

"What are they saying?" I asked. He listened for a bit. Trying to get the most of their conversation before telling me.

"Klaus told her what really happened the night she was saved. She's confused, relieved, and angry. But she keeps tapping rings on her fingers it seems." He told me. I looked over at her and focused on her hand.

"She's wearing my ring. That must mean she still has some damper of feelings for me, right?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"She didn't take them off so, I guess that is pretty good." He said. I just stared at her and watched her slightly smile and chuckled every one and a while.

"God, shes so beautiful. If I had been sooner, If I hadn't of been mad at her she wouldn't be afraid of me." I told Stefan. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't do it. I grabbed a few napkins and tried to wipe of the ocean of tears that seemed to form.

"L-let's go. I can't handle this." I told him. He nodded and we got up. He and I were able to make it out of the grill with no questions or glances. When we got out I tried breathing calmly but all I could do was cry. The love of my life hates me and I'm about to die.

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