One Step Ahead

By Starelf555

4.8K 317 228

How far will someone go to keep their secrets hidden? That is the question confronting Ashley Purdy whe... More

Uninvited Guest
Payback's A Bitch
Another Random Hooker ...
After The Show
Connecting The Dots
Tipped Off
Late-Night Visitor
Worst I've Ever Seen
Sucker Punch
That Weird Lookin' Car
Special Delivery
It's Gone!
Tell Me You Didn't
Anything's Possible
That's Not Good
Fire In The Sky
Everyone Else's Misery
Collateral Damage
Click, Click, BOOM!
Walking Wounded
To Hell And Gone
Change My Number
I Think I Like It
Quiet On The Set!
Everybody Out !
Radio Silence
Out Of Options
Cold Storage
Getting To Know You ( implied smut )
Our Little Secret
One Of Ours
Taking Out The Trash
We're On Our Own
Wal-Mart Run
Here's The Plan
Not Much I Wouldn't Do
Quiet Isolation
Sigh Of Relief
Hello, Dolly
Wanna Shake Your Tree (smut)
Unexpected Developments
Ice-Skating Lessons In Hell
No Time To Play
We've Got A Live One!
Such A Good Guy
Down The Rabbit Hole
Behind The Eight Ball
Sitting Ducks
Righteous Indignation
Over The Edge
Just A Few More Seconds
Breaking News
More Than Meets The Eye
Promise Me
New Normal
Grade-A, Gold-Plated Trouble
Family Matters
The Real Story
Light At The End
She Gets It Now

We've Got Another One

71 6 3
By Starelf555

      Sanger glanced at his watch, and noted that it was 8:07 PM, which meant that he should have been home for at least two hours. But since Nora was covering for a co-worker, and Adam had a date, he sat at his desk, carefully reading the photocopied sheets left for him by Marlena Whitman, and jotting notes on the notepad under his hand. He was less than one-third of the way through the pile of paper, and had already become more concerned than he already was. He had currently found mention of no less than eight violent crimes, four of which he was able to identify simply from the description, and had no doubt that he would find several more when he read further. As he moved to the next page, his desk phone rang, and he picked it up. "Yeah, Sanger here."

      The voice of the desk clerk came through the receiver. "Yeah, Lieutenant, there's a lady on the phone who says that Detective Whitman was looking into something for her, I thought you might want to talk to her."

      "Good call. Put her through."

      A few seconds later, a Southern-accented female voice said "Hello, is someone there?"

      "This is Lieutenant Garrett Sanger, to whom am I speaking?"

      "My name is Briar Malveaux, I spoke to Detective Whitman about my cousin's murder several days ago, and she asked me to come in to identify Sylvia's necklace. I had a visit at work this morning from that slug Elton Keel, and he said that she was dead, and that y'all think it had something to do with that."

      Sanger shook his head and exhaled heavily. "Mr. Keel certainly gets around, doesn't he? You're the second person today who's complained about him. Did he happen to mention what gave him that impression?" 

      "No, sir, he didn't, he just threw it out there, probably hoping he'd get some kind of juicy quote. Then he started being his usual obnoxious self, and pissed me off, so I gut-punched him, and ran him off with a taser. I'm honestly kinda surprised that he didn't call y'all on me."

      This caused Sanger to let out a small, but genuine, laugh, for the first time since he'd gotten the news about Marlena. "Keel might be, as you said, a slug, but I'm pretty sure he knows that any officer he called would be more likely to recommend you for a medal than give you a citation, because he's basically made a habit of pissing off most of the department.  Hell, I'd probably ask the mayor to give you the key to the city myself. You say that he showed up at your job? Where might that be, if you don't mind my asking?"

      "Paramount Studios. He was apparently waiting for me, cause he popped up almost the second I got out of my car. But honestly, Lieutenant, do you think there's anything to what he said? About Detective Whitman, I mean? Did looking into these murders get somebody after her?"

      "I can't say for sure right now, but that is one possibility we're considering, yes. And while I have you on the phone, I'd like to set up a time for us to meet, if you don't mind. I'll be in charge of the investigation now, and I'd like to review some things with you."

      Her voice firm and decisive, Briar replied, "I don't mind at all, Lieutenant, I'll do anything I can to help. But now I'd like to ask you something. When I was there looking at the jewelry, she said something about a person who had found the new evidence she was checking on, and turned it in. I was wondering if you might be able to put me in contact with that person, so I can maybe find out if they saw something that might help me understand exactly what happened to Sylvia."

      He considered the request for a moment. "I can't actually do that, Ms. Malveaux, but I am meeting with this individual tomorrow, and I can ask if they would be all right with you joining us, if you'd like."

      "Yes, please, I'd like that very much. And if they don't want to meet in person, you're welcome to give them my information, if they'd rather do it that way."

      "All right, if you'll give me your number, I'll contact you once I have a definite answer."

      He wrote down the number she recited, and just as he was ready to end the call, his cell phone began blaring Thin Lizzy throughout the crowded space. He said goodbye, then clicked on the other phone. "Sanger. Who's this?"

      "It's Tate, I'm at a scene, and you're gonna want to get out here ASA-fuckin'-P, Lieutenant. We've got another one, and it's even worse this time. And there's another one of those creepy messages."

      Resisting the urge to bang his head against the top of the desk, he responded. "Shit! Please tell me it's not another one of ours, Quint."

      "No, not even close, but one of the uniforms did call it in. You're not gonna believe this, boss, but it's Elton Keel."

      Sanger catapulted himself from the chair and nearly sprinted from his office, saying, "Text me the address, I'm on my way."


8:52 PM :

      He pulled up in front of the shabby apartment building and got out of the car, taking note of the faces of those standing outside the building. Most of the tenants seemed to range between confused and annoyed, while his people appeared drained, and slightly rattled. He moved toward the door, and was immediately recognized by the uniformed officer stationed there, who lifted the crime scene tape to allow him inside.

      He made his way to the crowd of people outside the door of Apartment Seventeen, and spotted Tate and Clavell immediately. They saw him at the same moment, and moved to meet him. "What have we got here?" he queried .

      Tate gestured toward the open doorway, which allowed a glimpse of a pretty Hispanic woman being tended by an EMT, but nothing else from their vantage point. "Turns out that one of the rookies has, or had, some sort of relationship with Keel, and came over to visit with him. He wasn't responsive when she arrived, so she called it in, apparently thinking he might be ill. The dispatcher notified EMS, then asked her to check on him, and called for a unit when she started screaming. Not that I blame her, this isn't something you wanna have burned onto the surface of your brain."

      Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Sanger stepped into the apartment, glancing at the young woman as he passed her, recognizing her as the niece of one of the detectives in the Vice department, who was currently working in the evidence storage area. Looking past her, he saw the distinctive figure of Keel, seated in front of a computer monitor, surrounded by photographers and technicians.

      Edging his way through the throng, he moved to where he was able to actually get a good look at the dead man, and instantly understood the rookie's response. "Holy shit! What kind of sick bastard does something like this?" he thought , as he took in the scene .

      Keel sat in the computer chair, with his hands on either side of the keyboard, appearing to stare at the blank screen, but in actuality, he would have been unable to either type or see the screen, since his eyeballs were staring sightlessly up from their position on the keyboard, along with his tongue, and his fingers had been severed and stuffed into his mouth, which had been slit on both sides to widen it into a Joker-like appearance. Sanger surmised that this had probably been done to better accomodate the fan-like arrangement into which the killer had carefully placed the fingers.

      The other detectives joined him, and Clavell gestured toward the wall opposite the body. "Have a look at that. No way this isn't the same person."

      Sanger turned his attention to the words which had been scrawled, in Keel's blood: "MY WORK WILL NOT BE STOPPED. ALL WHO CONTINUE TO INTERFERE WILL MEET THE SAME END."

      "Jesus, what the hell is going on with this nut?" he muttered. "And how the hell did he get on this so fast?" Turning to the medical personnel , he inquired, "Do we have a time of death yet?"

      "Nothing definite as yet, but we know he was making calls between 2:30 and 3:00 PM , and he was discovered around 8:00, so we at least have a window."

      "Let me know as soon as you come up with anything, please?"

      "Sure thing, Lieutenant. Oh, one more thing; I did find a small puncture wound on his neck , so we'll be doing a full tox screen on him, as well, just like we're doing on detective Whitman."

      A nagging worry began to surface in his mind, and he excused himself and stepped into the hallway. Taking out his phone, he called Ashley and discussed the idea of Briar being present at their meeting. He was amenable to the idea, so he sent her a text with the time and location, along with another sentence, which he also verbalized to Ashley before ending their conversation.

      "Until we can talk tomorrow, please be cautious. Things have gotten more serious, so lock your doors, and watch your backs."

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