Ellis X Reader

By teajunky

40.5K 1.2K 315

Just some things I've scribbled up in the past so enjoy I guess ♥ More

Story Time
Nick X Reader
Good Enough
Can We Keep Him?
I Can Save You
Smokers and Smiles
Hey Guys!
Nick X Reader: It's Okay To Pretend
Christmas Isn't All Bad
Something To Live For
Zombie Magnet

Couldn't Sleep

1.3K 52 22
By teajunky

oof is this story still a thing anymore???

well it is now so here's another thing that's super short aha :')

love and appreciate you guys <3

An exasperated sigh left your lips in a huff as you rolled onto your back, your empty gaze finding the musty ceiling. The stacked blankets and half-stuffed pillow that were your pathetic excuse for a bed wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but you had to admit it was better than misty grass and insects brushing your face. Your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to push away your racing thoughts. Just go to sleep, (y/n). It's not that hard. Just fall asleep. You continued to mentally chastise yourself as you rolled onto your side. After what felt like centuries, a frustrated groan vibrated in your throat. Just as you were about to find a weapon and go for a walk to tire yourself out, the door to the room you resided in creaked open and made your blood turn to an icy slush. Your hand immediately found the pistol beneath your pillow as you turned to see a figure in the doorway. It took a mere moment for you to identify the messy curls and loose overalls. Ellis. You let out a sigh of relief as you sat up to get a better look at him. His expression was one of exhausted...nervousness?

"Hey El..."

Your voice was small and sounded much more tired than you truly were. You shot the mechanic a faint smile as he slowly stepped in and shut the door. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he awkwardly lingered at the foot of your "bed."

"Hey (n/n). Sorry to bother you. Couldn't sleep, I guess."

You simply grinned, your concern washing away. You moved so your back was resting against the rather cold concrete of the wall. Crossing your legs, you motioned for him to lie down. Ellis obeyed without hesitation, for he trusted you completely. It was a strange concept in such a hellish world, but you didn't complain. He lied down and let his head fall to your lap, staring up at you from behind his ragged hat. You took the object from his head before placing it on your own, receiving a smile from the man in return. You carefully started to run your fingers through his messy locks as you marveled at his features. How you found someone like him in this mess, you had no clue. You quietly hummed a familiar tune, trying to keep from being too loud, considering the others were most likely asleep as well. Ellis's eyes fluttered shut, both your voice and the sensation of your fingers brushing his scalp making him teeter on the edge of conscious. His shallow breaths and quiet snores replaced your hushed humming, and you simply smiled as you leaned down to press a lingering kiss to his temple.

"Goodnight, El..."

With that, you leaned back against the wall and let your own eyes fall shut. The warmth he put off alone was enough to lull you to sleep with a small smile. Finally.

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i wrote this when i was 13 so i'm sorry for how bad it is but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so i'm leaving it up, just know i am self aware x
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