The Lovers of Life

By Luzayr

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In this tale that brings together humans, angels and vampires, a young woman fights for those she loves, unaw... More



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By Luzayr

  "I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted"

Time is Running Out – Absolution - Muse

I received a letter from my sister, announcing that her father had passed away in the night. I sighed as I rolled back the parchment and scribbled a polite answer of my deep sorrow and sympathy, promising Myrrha and I would come for her grandfather's funeral.

Monsieur Antoine deRhones was to be buried between his late wife and his daughter Anastasia – for there had been a burial with an empty coffin — in an old cemetery. Poor Elsie was now on her own. She told me in her letter she go live with Victor and Lydia.

I dressed in black as the mourning rules dictated and made my way to my daughter's room. I knocked at her door.

"Who is it?" she called.

"Your father, may I enter?"

"I am not dressed. Go away!"

"Hide behind a shade, I have grave news," I said.

"You may enter," said Myrrha and I walked in.

Myrrha was being helped into a frock by her maid behind a fancy wooden shade. I smiled at the maid as I entered.

"There will be no need for that dress today," I told her. "Please call the dresser; tell him I need him here at his earliest convenience. Miss of W. and I will be leaving today and I need dresses for her. Tell him to bring his mourning attire; it might fit Myrrha or require slight adjustments."

The maid bowed and went out of the room. There was a silence. I could see Myrrha's face from over the shade. She was tying her curly hair back with a ribbon. She pulled her nightgown over her undergarments and walked out from behind her shade. I kissed her cheeks.

"Black, Father? You are dressed in black and you send for black clothes for me. Tell me Father, who has died?" she asked while she rummaged distractedly in her jewel box.

"Your grandfather, Sir Antoine deRhones passed away yesterday. We are expected at your Uncle's sometime in the night."

"Oh, well then, I must contact my friends to tell them I cannot attend their little party tonight," said Myrrha calmly as she put on earrings.

"A party?" I asked.

Myrrha hadn't told me about any parties and a party was the right place for Kayeh to turn up. I was about to reproach Myrrha not mentioning she was to attend a party when she said:

"Aye, a party, Father. Today happens to be my birthday," she said reproachfully.

"I am sorry child that we must leave. But, tell your friends I will be giving a ball in your honour – all at my expense – and that they are all cordially invited to join us with their families and relations."

Myrrha stared at me wide-eyed before throwing herself in my arms. She kissed my cheek.

"You would give a ball, Father?" she said disbelievingly. "Oh, thank you!"

"Once your mourning is over, you may invite all your acquaintance here for a whole week of parties, feasts and balls. I am sure your cousins will be eager to come too," I said hoping that the thought of such pleasures would make Myrrha overlook that I had forgotten today was her sixteeth birthday.

The Grand Church was a magnificent building. Elsie told me it was here that most events in the family had happened, funerals, weddings, baptisms. It was a beautiful place, with broad windows through which the sun shone red, blue and green – according to the colour of the glass.

After the service, I was curious to see Anastasia's grave. There it was. A pink marble plaque with Duchess Anastasia Julien of W. deRhones carved in the stone with the dates of her birth and supposed death. I stared at the words and at the earth at the tomb's foot. No one rested there. It was odd to see Anastasia's name like that, to see that all believed she had died in her early twenties – and no one really knew why and how.

I sighed. I felt odd suddenly, as if I really were a widower after all. It wasn't too late now for me to go on and marry again. It was a possibility. But even as I stood there considering the possibility, I knew it wouldn't happen. I was in love with Anastasia and not even death had managed to part us. My wife was a vampire. I'll tell Myrrha. I thought as I walked away from my wife's grave.

A figure appeared in front of me. It was a tall man, well dressed and good looking. He had dark hair and extremely pale skin and his clothes were full of colour. He wore gloves and there was something familiar about the glow of his skin. Could this be? The man smiled and I saw his pointed teeth. In daylight? Impossible! The man stretched out his hand to shake mine.

"Matthew," he said introducing himself, "I know who you are, of course, Julien of W., you don't mind if I don't call you Duke or Sir, do you?"

"No," I said. As if I would contradict a vampire. But I somehow felt as if I had known him for a long time and I could trust him.

"Well, Julien," said Matthew – I felt this might be a pseudonym, because Anastasia had told me her vampire friends fancied not telling their true name to mortals, but as I didn't know who he was, I'll call him Matthew for now. "I've something important to discuss with you this afternoon."

"Aye, what is it?" I asked him.

"You don't mind if we take a stroll around the graveyard?" he asked and I shook my head. "I've always liked graveyard, they're so peaceful, aren't they? Peaceful and it is unlikely that we might meet anyone who will bother to find out what you are up to," said Matthew as he indicated that we should start walking down the path.

"How can you be in the sun?" I asked him unable to contain my curiosity anymore after a few minutes.

"Oh, I'm one created by Will and Wail, a sort of agreement between them. I work for them in the three Worlds. I am sure you know all about the three Worlds, seeing as you are married with one of us – very odd that the alliance should outlive what happened," he said thoughtfully, "but I'm not here to discuss your love life, I am—"

"—the three Worlds, heh?" I asked cutting him, "you're Azym then."

He winced.

"Please, tell me why you came." I asked thoughtfully. Then a horrible thought struck me. What if Anastasia was unwell? Maybe Kayeh had managed to get her! Oh, Anastasia!

"She is all right. Kayeh did meet her, but he didn't want her dead then. Now, I am here to ask you about your daughter – is she well?"


"Well, beware. She has a new acquaintance which we would rather she had not," said Azym. "She has made friends with Kayeh."

I stared at Azym disbelievingly. Myrrha knew Kayeh? How could she! Oh, my, I had failed Anastasia! She had warned me Kayeh would find a way in and I hadn't listened to her!

"Listen! Myrrha's a tricky one. She's powerful already and even though I've been following her around lately, I haven't found out what name Kayeh uses with her and how he comes to her. But we do know he's met her, and she's talked to him," explained Azym seriously.

"Couldn't Kayeh have lied when he told you he met Myrrha?" I asked.

"He could, but he isn't lying. I've had a good look at Myrrha – I've met her too – and there's something in her eyes – an enchantment of some kind, but I can't interpret it – it's very powerful. I can't get anything out of her that might concern Kayeh."

"What must I do? What is there left to do now?" I asked feeling nervous.

"Well, I've discussed it with Gabriel – oh, all right, Lusaka it is then – and we think the safest place for Myrrha to be now is in the White Tower where Delphi's oracle lives. She will be safer there than anywhere else and – who knows – maybe the oracle will see something of what is to come now."

"Oh, right," said Julien. "So, I must bring Myrrha to this tower?"

"Aye," said Azym, "do not be alarmed if you find two oracles when you demand an appointment. Myrrha must go to the tower, for it has been foretold. When Myrrha leaves the tower, it will be the end of the tower and the old oracle will be free once again and the heir will be the first vagabond oracle – free and theoretically heirless."

"I don't understand."

"No matter! Just take Myrrha to the tower," said Azym, "leave now."

And he vanished, leaving me quite alone in the graveyard. I sighed and made my way quietly back towards Victor's house, wondering what would come next and why things were so complicated.

We left that night, biding farewell to all the deRhones family. Myrrha was sad to leave her dear cousins, but eager at the idea that I had decided she must travel. She gaped as different cultures, weathers and colours flashed by the windows of the carriage or the side of the sailboat. I did not really know what I ought to tell her. I kept a constant watch on her, but Kayeh was probably able to sneak in to see her in the dead of night when I slept.

We were staying at the White Inn near the tower. Tomorrow we were to go to the tower to see the oracle. The company was merry and Myrrha – even though she was still in her black attire – attracted a lot of attention. I was reading a book by the fire, occasionally looking up to see what she was up to. I saw her chatting merely with a charming young gentleman. Seconds later, I realized it was Azym. I was surprised, and then I remembered how he had said he had managed to become an acquaintance of Myrrha. For a moment, I feared that maybe this was Kayeh, pretending to be Azym – maybe going to the tower was a trap.

Oh, Anastasia, come. I thought before looking away from Myrrha and Azym. I didn't know if she could hear me, but I wished I hadn't made a dreadful mistake by travelling all the way out here.

"Father," said Myrrha and I looked up, "I would like to introduce to you Monsieur Matthieu de B. He's a friend of mine who happens to be visiting the region too."

I shook Azym's hand and he winked. I was about to start a polite conversation with Azym and Myrrha when a sudden hush fell on the crowd in the inn. All three of us turned around to see what had caused the sudden silence. There were whispers in the assembly.

Two extremely beautiful women had entered the inn. Both were wearing similar stunningly white gowns with golden embroideries on it and supple little shoes. One was standing in front of the other. She was beautiful and so heavenly looking that I wouldn't be very surprised if she wasn't a human. She had soft looking skin and her hair was wild and silver looking in the gloom of the inn. She appeared quite young though. The second woman who took a step forward as I turned around, had long wavy black hair and flashy eyes – my Anastasia. Both women looked around the room, chins slightly raised. Anastasia's gaze fell on me and she smiled as she starred straight into my eyes.

You called, my love, and come I did, she said. Follow me.

Anastasia gave a brief nod of acknowledgment to the people gathered in the room and both women left the room. An immediate buzzing filled the cramped inn.

"The oracles!" whispered one in awe.

"Aye and they came down here, to us!" said another excitedly.

"Why though?" asked a third.

I looked back at Myrrha who was staring at me with an odd smile. I had been staring at the place where Anastasia had appeared briefly.

"Do you know her?" asked Myrrha.

"She – erh," I shook my head, "Myrrha, there are things you must know and – I'll tell them to you later."

I got up and I took no notice of my book as it fell to the floor. I walked out of the White Inn. A little way down the road stood Anastasia with the beautiful woman. In the moonlight, I noticed that the other woman's hair was in fact like a rainbow.

"Hi," I said awkwardly to the beautiful pair.

"Myrrha is safe enough with Azym," said Anastasia.

"Aye!" agreed the second cheerfully. "Dalila," she said introducing herself.

I kissed her cheeks and she smiled broadly at me. Then, with a small nod to Anastasia, she vanished. Anastasia glanced around the windows of the houses, took my hand and led me out of sight of the curious eyes of the people of the small town. She led me into the deserted cemetery.

"I don't understand – what are you doing here?" I asked Anastasia.

"You won't believe this when I tell you," she said sitting down on a rock bench – which wasn't really a bench but a tombstone. "I was on the old path near the Styx when she turned up. She said she had foreseen my coming long ago and that I am her heir. And you know, I don't understand, and then Lusaka turns up and simply gapes at her. So, I learn that Dalila is Lusaka's sister and she had never been to Hell before. She said she knew Kayeh had found me and that's why she'd come. So, anyways, she brought me up here – that's why I haven't been to see you – and she explained to me that when I become the oracle, the White Tower will fall. And there was this beautiful ceremony. I was brought up in Heaven, I'm sure it was Heaven. My mother was there, I saw my mother, Julien! And, there was my father too. And he smiled and beamed at me as I was brought up where angels stood. I remember that there was a vampire standing with the angels. She was a beauty, but I didn't get to talk to her. I was with Lusaka and Maryann and Lusaka didn't seem eager about going to greet this other vampire when I suggested it, so I didn't go. But Maryann was thrilled, you know, Lusaka had sworn he'd take her to Heaven. And I stood there – I stood in Heaven! – and the archangel Dalila blessed me – or something like that – and I was given this frock and I was told to go to the White Tower. It's odd, how things turn out. But there, the tower will fall when I become the official oracle and I know this won't take long. It will become legend and I shall wander free. But, oh, Heaven, Julien!" said Anastasia in a rush.

Her eyes were shinning excitedly as she held both my hands in hers. She was enlightened by joy.

"How is it?" I asked curiously.

"Unbelievable. Flowers everywhere, a bit like in here," said Anastasia.

"We're in a graveyard, dear," I said uncertainly.

"Aye, but on Earth, graveyards are the places that most resemble Heaven if you want to know my opinion. Well, most vampires think along those lines. And I do too, I think it's true – I know it's true, now that I've been to Heaven!"

"But there are no tombstones there," I said.

"Nay! There is light – I stood in the light, light, Julien! And Lusaka talked to Will and it made Dalila cry. There was this other angel, a male, who tried to pin Lusaka down, but Lusaka didn't allow it. But it's a ceilingless place, all white and bright with flowers growing in odd places and joy everywhere. There were dryads singing and dancing and the birds talked. I needed nothing! I had everything! Oh, bliss! And they made me a small black tattoo on the nape, proof that I am the oracle's heir they say."

Anastasia bent forward and kissed me. Then she pulled me into a tight hug. I held her against me. I couldn't understand why she liked me, but I knew I loved her and I was glad to have her.

"I've been worried sick ever since I've found out that Myrrha knows Kayeh. You haven't found out anything about him now, have you?"

"Nay – but Myrrha will be safe here, won't she?" I asked.

"Yes, a child cannot be safer than with its mother," she smiled.

"I've been intending to tell her what you are for a while," I told Anastasia. "Maybe we could arrange a kind of meeting – I think she should know."

"Aye. And Helena told me Myrrha asked her oddquestions about my lullaby and she told me she told Myrrha that I was murdered.Well it is sort of true – anyways – bring her to the White Tower in the morrow.She should be safe there. Although I've got a terrible feeling about all this," sighed Anastasia.    

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