By NoOneToCare

5.1K 254 51

I am Forth, reincarnated for one purpose; to find the man who destroyed my pack. Yes, the powerful pack was s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ( Part 1)
Chapter 2 (part 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Update
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

473 25 2
By NoOneToCare

Hello.. everyone! I'm sorry for not updating the story again. Please excuse any grammatical error ahead. I am finally back. Have a nice day everyone!


(Tee's wolf) P.O.V

I growled loudly. People are staring straight to me. I can feel fear. I can see how some of them trembled wanting to escape the place.

But there are two of them whom I can't sense fear there's only pity in their eyes. I don't need their pity if they're the fucking reason why I am messed right now. Who the fuck are these pests doing to my human?

My anger fueled as I look around. All the machines surrounding me, I really don't have any idea what they'd done to him. I will kill of them. My sclera turns to bloody red ready to kill everyone in this room. I saw them stepping back wanting to flee.

Is this the reason why moon goddess wanted me go back on human world? I just have witness how cruel human pests really are. I should have not agreed to moon goddess request even if she will put me to solitary confinement for not obeying her. What the fuck is wrong with this rotten creatures.

"Flee humans!"

"Run rats!"

I said loudly on my head. I roared loudly. I flipped the table beside me and destroy all the machine in the room. They caged my human inside of this room. I will let them pay. I will double/triple the pain. My poor human let's give them some revenge for hurting you. Let's have some fun. I smirked internally.

"Hey human" I tried to communicate to him but he didn't respond. I need to escape. I must save him this time. They forced his body too much. If the moon goddess didn't intervene he might be dead now.

"Run rats!" I screamed again in my head stirring the sleeping human inside my head. I heard him groaning but not waking up yet. Then, I growled louder than before. They began to panic as the fear peaks to the highest level. I can see the horror written on their faces. The way their body shakes attempting to escape. Just like I want.

I walked towards the heavy metals and thwack it towards the glass separating us. They run for their lives but hell, no one could escape me. They didn't know what I am capable of doing. I laughed internally.

'Bamm!' the shattering sound of glasses breaking into pieces and the sudden alarm filled the room. Those rats clothed in white robes shrieked.

My eyes squinted as the lights changes to red from blue. It will be bloody here as soon as my claws will rip their throats one by one. I will let them suffer for what they had done to him. I will never forgive these human rats.

I jumped over hovering on human digging my claws on his left arm as he cried in pain. I howled in satisfaction as I kill them. I won't allow anyone to leave this place. I bit their neck, broke and tore their body into pieces.

As I throw the lifeless body that I thought the last person I killed, my eyes found the two young men who are standing still watching me. They are not humans. They're like me. I smirked to them extending my canines and claws wanting to pierce both of them. Those eyes that's watching me in a bloody fight are full of sympathy and longings.

So, does this mean that not only humans are torturing our kind but even our own kind? This is so bad that's why moon goddess is so mad.

The short man staring at me never leaving while the taller man that is emitting a different aura higher than an alpha. Who the fuck are they? The boss? Maybe they're the leader of these rats. I heard my human groaned again awaking from his sleep this time.

I walked to them slowly until I fully know that my human is really awake so he will see what will I gonna do to the boss of those pests. No one will come out alive here. I motioned to them extending my claws for more. The short guy starting to feel fear as I getting nearer to them but the tall guy didn't budge.

When he is now fully awake I jumped to them but thrown out immediately. My back hit the table hardly.

"Aakkk---" I groaned in pain. I looked at the tall man standing in front of the smaller one with his protective stance.

'Shit! those eyes!' He has purple eyes while the smaller man has all black. I miscalculated them.

"Shield..." I muttered. So, this boss can make shield? I gawked in disbelief. I can hardly move my body. My back hit the sharp part of the broken table.

"Shit! I can't heal my self. I am too weak." My human is too weak if I use my energy to heal my self. We cannot make it and I will pass out. Yet, my human can take over. In order to do that I must flee from here. If I can't kill them now I will haunt them both for what they did to him.

I glanced to those two who are still standing there waiting for my attack. 'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I cursed many times in my head.

"Beam..." my human say.




He keeps on repeating like a mantra in my head. His voice is so sweet like an angel. But I still didn't answer. I wait for the two bosses to make an attack but they never did. They just stand there waiting for me to I don't know. Yet, I stay alert.

'Beam... you are back beam' the human in my head exclaimed happily. I still kept silent not responding anything.

'Why aren't you saying anything beam?'

'Are you mad at me? '

'Im sorry'

'It's my fault. If only I'm that strong beam."

He continuously says without noticing that we are in the middle of the fight. Who is beam? I'm not beam. Moon goddess what in the world is happening.

'Listen human' I responded to him in my head. We can talk later about his beam. We need to get out of this place. I don't have strength anymore. I'm bleeding. If I used my energy to heal you will take over and do your job to leave us in this hell.

When I turned my eyes to the bosses they are now slowly walking towards me. I forcefully moved my body. I hastily jump backward glancing at the hallway. I need to run there.

They keep on following me but thanks to moon goddess I can run faster than anyone. But not as fast as when I just have energy. Did the moon goddess choose me for the mission because I am the only one who can surpass any wolves in terms of escaping? Was that even a criteria?

"Go to that room" he shouted when we pass through a room next to the exit. Holy molly! Why should I go to that room when the exit is here? I am hesitant.


He commanded me. I just followed. I ran towards the room. But nothing is in the room; it's just four fucking walls.

"Touch the floor with your hand at the center" he said. Instead of touching I stand there.

"BAAaaam" I fell down.

"I said touch the floor not stand there and put your weight on it." He got mad.

"Sorry" I shamelessly muttered. I'm bleeding too much now. I am groaning in pain.

"Why don't you heal the wound?"

"Can you manage to get the hell out of us here?" I demanded.

"I can." He confidently says.

"Okay." I agreed.

Tee P.O.V

I waited for him to heal the wound slowly. Then, shifted to my human form. It's too painful. It feels like I'm shifting for my first time. The wound is already healed and I can move now.

"I'm so thirsty' I muttered as continually gulped while my stomach growled loudly.

'They starved me to death. My stomach will gonna eat me alive.' I complained.


'Beam?" I tried to reach him but he keeps on ignoring me whenever I called up his name. I really miss him so much.

I walked into the room I used to stay for years. They trained me to combat and use of guns since I can't transform to my wolf. It's a real odd why they keep me and trained me. They promised to bring back beam in exchange of my blood. But they erase some parts of my happy memories. Only the pain, loss and hatred remains that keeps on haunting me every night.

I became a hunter and kill whatever they want me to kill. It's always a blood shed.

Now that Beam is back, I don't need them at all. Beam kills them anyway. Did he really kill them? But who are those two men standing there? I could hardly remember every people conducting experiment on my body since every time I pulled out of the machine my memories had been erased.

I need to get us out of here before it's too late. I get my bag which the guns that I collected. I pulled some clothes to cover my naked body.

'Smart ass. Am I?" I smirked. I know that this day will come. The day where I will kill all those hunters.

'Will you fucking go already?' Beam complains.


I crawled to passage that will leads me outside. It's too dark but I can manage. I used my wolf eyes to be able see since its sharper than human eyes. Why am I so lucky? It's dark outside. The wall is fucking high which I cannot climb.

"Just climb already" beam ordered.

"I can't" I retorted back.

"I'll help you. Just fucking climb!" I prepare my feet and tried to leap over the gate.

"WOaaaw" I turned my head back, amazed by what just happened.


'Quit dilly- dallying'

'Beam is grumpy. I better rename him to grumpy than beam' I was thinking internally. I started running in my human form.

'shut up!' he got mad.

'I'm faster than before now. I can also jumped high'


I run fast without looking back. I hope they didn't follow me anymore. I've been running for almost half an hour now. I am tired, hungry and too thirsty.

I slow down a little when I saw a food house across. Just when I passed across the street when a car appeared out of nowhere. I gasped in surprise.

I stand in the middle of the street sending him the deadliest glare I could give. He gets out of the car then slowly walks towards me. He is so handsome.

My eyes met his. He looks so familiar. Those eyes that filled with love that so genuine. The intoxicating smell that's coming from him. My heart missed him so much but my mind can't process who he is well.

Maybe if he could be closer to me I would recognize him. Yes, he slowly walks towards me until I can see his handsome face. The moonlight lighten up his face for me to be recognize him.

"MINE' he exclaimed. Then it hits me, memories of yesterday flashed back. The pain, hurt and betrayal that my heart only remembers from this man. The only memory that I have had.

But.. I look straight to his eyes.

I swiftly come closer to him.

I pointed my gun to his head.

My eyes are fixated on him watching his eyes full of love and pain. I waited for this day to come. The perfect time to kill my "MATE".

" Long time no see Tae'

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