By nxthernlightsjpg

5.7K 130 15

"Just, don't fall in love with me, ok?" DISCLAIMER - strong language and mentions of sex I promise it's not t... More

House Party
Just kinda thought you'd wanna see this


414 12 2
By nxthernlightsjpg

Look at me! Finally updating my story? High five Mya!

• • •

"Wait, are you seriously telling me you've never ruined someone's house before?" Atlas said to Lucas, with an unbelievable look on her face. Lucas simply nodded.

"Like, not even TP'd or anything?" Atlas spoke once again, she had found it quite ridiculous to think that anybody hadn't trashed a house before. It's the one thing that everybody has or at least desperately wants to experience!

"Nope." Lucas said whilst smirking. The shocked and horribly confused look on Atlas' face satisfied him. He had surprised the one who tended to find everybody 'predictable', as she said earlier in their conversation.

They had been driving for a few minutes now, no one was really counting. Lucas still had no clue where they were going, he was too invested in the conversation that had sparked between the two.

"That's unacceptable!" Atlas said, with a mock angry tone in her voice. She looked away from him and out to the road with a smile on her face. She knew where they would be going now at least. Up until that moment she was just going where the road took her. She doesn't even know where they are.

They appeared to be on a road that literally stretched to nothingness, it had been abandoned. Atlas hadn't even noticed. She made a quick U-Turn and headed towards the city once again. The sudden change in motion shocked Lucas, he had been lost in thought.

As he felt the sudden change in motion, he turned towards Atlas with a quizzical look on his face. He was confused to say the least, but he didn't bother asking why. He knew at this point he wouldn't get an answer from her. He settled back in his seat and looked outside of his window.

"Have you ever loved someone before?" Atlas asked him, head slightly tilted to the side, looking at the road ahead, but even then you could still see the glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. That part of her never seemed to go away.

Lucas took a deep breath before answering her. He had never thought of this before. And come to think of it, he hasn't. At least not romantically. "Uh-no, no I don't think that I have, you?"

"Nope, guess I just never found the right person, huh?" Atlas replied, she wasn't hesitant in the slightest with her answer. She knew right away that she had never loved anyone quite that much, but then again; she never found anyone who was worth the risk of it all.

In that moment, Lucas looked at Atlas.

And then, her voice rang in his ears. Thoughts of what she had said before coming out as echoes of her beautiful voice. Don't fall in love with me.

Before Lucas could reply, they had stopped in front of a 24 hour Walmart. Why they were there? He had no clue.

"We need to get a few things." Atlas said, replying to his unasked, but obvious question.

Lucas had silently complied and began walking with her inside. No one was really there, only the occasional homeless man trying to take some shoes, or the random person trying to charge their phone. Atlas immediately went towards the food area.

"What, you hungry?" Lucas said with a low chuckle. She rolled her eyes at him, and just continued to sort through the list of everything she needed. Mentally, of course.

Lucas, on the other hand, had his gaze set upon this beautiful ring in the jewelry section. How it's lilac stones shimmered in the glow of the artificial light. How the subtle diamonds around the purple rock still begged for an ounce of his attention. And how the golden band, beautifully crafted with intricate designs, seemed to be the perfect size for a lover.

He saw himself getting down on one knee in front of an unknown beauty. Her hair dark as night, but her smile lighting her entire being up all together. He heard the faint rings of wedding bells in his ears. He saw the lovely, white, velvety and lace dress that'd be worn by his bride. He heard himself saying 'I do'.

And then he saw her running away from him. I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared! Her voice tainting his ears and quickly turning his dream into a never ending nightmare. 

Lucas was abruptly awoken from his thoughts as he felt Atlas shake him by his shoulders.

"Lucas." she said, drawing it out longer than it was meant to be. She let go of his shoulders. "Are you ok man? Don't go leaving me now." She said with concern, but still with that slight, ever so present smile on her face and humor in her tone.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just dozed off for a bit." He said, laughing at how concerned she really was. There was nothing to be worried about really.

A smile lit up her face once again as she was looking at him. He eased her worrying at least. But what about his own.

Lucas didn't necessarily have time to consider what just grazed his mind. Atlas pulled him by his arm to the checkout.

"C'mon, we gotta pay and get out of here." She said as she began to scan the items and putting them in bags.

"And she doesn't steal for once." Lucas replied, mock surprise in his voice. He put his hand on his heart and widened his eyes for dramatic effect. His mouth dropped in artificial shock.

She shoved him with her side, "Just shut up and get a bag." She replied.

• • •

"So, where to?" He questioned as they finally sat down in the car.

"Haven't you figured out that that is something I'm simply never gonna tell you?" She replied sassily, but you could still hear the hint of humor in her otherwise rude sentence. She turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.

She took a deep breath, then loudly exhaled from her nose. "I feel like fucking something up." She said as she pressed down harder on the gas pedal. The car began going at an alarming rate.

Lucas' eyes widened and he began shouting, "Ok! Ok! Ok! You can stop now before we both fucking die!" His breathing was quickening, he was panicked. Whereas the girl next to him was laughing. She was enjoying this thoroughly, until she registered his worried expression. She immediately slammed the breaks, fearing that he was about to have a panic attack. They both jerked forward as the expensive vehicle stopped, Lucas was still attempting to slow his breathing. Atlas immediately reached out and wrapped her arms around him in attempts to comfort.

"Ok, ok, it's ok," she said, "God I'm such a fucking idiot." She whispered to herself as she closed her eyes. Quite truthfully, she just wanted to get to their destination faster, and the road appeared empty, so why not? She could see it up ahead anyways, the house.

Lucas moved away from her touch, although he did not want to. "It's fine. I'm fine. Keep driving." He said, he noticed the worried and concerned expression on her face and offered her a small smile.

Atlas looked back towards the front. "We're basically here anyways." She said, and pressed lightly on the pedal. They were parked in front of the house now.

Lucas was confused as he watched Atlas eye the home suspiciously, that familiar mischievous glint in her periwinkle irises. Her mouth turned into a slight smirk, and she opened the her door and went to the back, taking things out of their bags.

Once he realized what was going on, his eyes widened. "Who's house is this?" He asked, turning around to look at her. How had he not noticed her buying all of this?

Atlas looked up at him, but only for a mere second, she turned back toward the task at hand. "A bitch's" she simply replied, not really feeling like explaining the situation to him. It wasn't her story to tell, quite frankly.

Atlas looked up at him after getting everything. "Well? Are you just gonna sit on you ass? Or are you gonna help?" She asked Lucas, she was going to make him have fun with this, it's just one of those things that everyone has to experience at one point or another.

Lucas immediately exited the car at this. Bringing a smile to Atlas face as he showed up by her side. They both turned to look at each other, Lucas smirked, "Where do we start?" He said, his smile growing.
Atlas smiled and handed him spray paint, tons of spray paint. She points toward the house, "Go wild." She directs him, widening her eyes and doing weird jazz hands to put emphasis on wild. Lucas hand her two cans.

"Only if you'll do it with me." He said, he really knew how to put a smile on that damn girl's face.

From then on it's all one, big, beautiful, blur. It's a blur of laughs and smiles as they spray all four sides of the house. It's a blur of jumps and leaps and the make the front yard into a wonderland of toilet paper as it hangs on the trees. It's a blur of screams and shining eyes as the throw all the eggs at the windows. And it all happens so quickly, that they don't notice the angry man opening his front door.

"What the fuck!" They hear from the distance. In an instant the both turn to each other and their smiles drop. Their eyes, once glimmering, were now filled shock and fear. And almost as if they could communicate telepathically, they both bolt it back towards the car at exactly the same time. The old man attempts to run towards them to no avail. Although as their driving away, a younger, more handsome boy walks out and begins to run after them. But at that point it's too late. They've gotten away.

"Fuck you Atty!" They hear the younger man shouting in the distance, "Fuck you!"

At this point both Lucas and Atlas are out of breath, their chests heaving as Atlas drives quickly trying to get back to the highway.

By the time the car reaches a red light, they've already passed it. They both turn to each other as she stops the car. Smiles break out on both their faces and they laugh.

"What the fuck just happened?" Lucas rhetorically asks as they're laughing.

"I don't fucking know man!" Atlas replied, that was the most fun she'd had in a long time.

As they continue driving down the road, Lucas checks the time on the clock in the car. As he sees it he grows quite alarmed.

"It's only 2:00am?" He asked, looking at Atlas, who still had her eyes on the road ahead.

"Yup, so buckle up buddy. Cause we've only just begun." She replies, turning to throw him a flirtatious, but still friendly wink. She was one to flirt after all, even if it was just a joke.

As she turns back around, he keeps his eyes on her, as a smile slowly graces his pale face. And as he turns back towards his window, he laughs to himself as he thinks of what he's gotten in to in the span of only two hours.

• • •
Word count? Who's she? I don't know her!

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