« reflection »

By lalaesthetic

281 10 26

"I wish I could love myself..." - Kim Namjoon "I wish I could love you..." -Kim Seokjin • • • "I can't even l... More

<Love Myself>


13 0 0
By lalaesthetic

I sat next to yoongi in that damn car as a sigh escaped my lips. He's done nothing wrong to deserve this yet I chose my own happiness over our friendship just to be popular...

I shouldn't haven't even let him leave me at that stupid party...

This has lasted for over a month ever since our last encounter at the bus stop.

Anyways, as the car drove to the school, the city bus had arrived before us since we were fooling around earlier.

They pulled up to the school parking lot and parked it. My eyes immediately went over to the side of the school where I saw him standing there.

He had all dark clothings on and seemed to be talking to a few other people. Something in between his lips and fingers.

I rolled my eyes, I've told him to stop his smoking habits. He did... until I left him.

I can't even yell at him, I was the one who started everything. Leaving him and not even sparing him a glance when we pass in the halls.

We all got out of the car and my eyes had caught that they threw it away, walking their separate ways.

He was the only one who went to this school... the others seemed way older than our ages.

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